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54757305 No.54757305 [Reply] [Original]

friendly reminder that JUMP TRADING is behind both the blatantly scammy BTC dumps to suppress price and the 24/7 FUD campaign on both biz and Twitter. this is how they choose to spend their vast resources. these are the parasitic organizations that we will inevitably be purging from the world.

also congrats to SNX for having abysmal foresight and getting suckered into a wolf in sheep's clothing attack. extremely bearish.

picrelated is the head of crypto at JUMP TRADING who is dumping on you kek

>> No.54757368

also why do pictures of Bill Disomma and Paul Gurinas, the CEOs of Jump, seemingly not exist anywhere on the internet. you would think the heads of such a large firm would have some kind of internet presence. no linkedin, no pics, just some articles. i was lazy in my search so if any other anons find something i'd love to see what these parasites look like.

>> No.54757652
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How did you know they spam here of all places?
Where can I read more into this?

>> No.54757828

Look at those beady little eyes. Inherently untrustworthy.

>> No.54757864

>they spam here of all places?
lol...they dont? i love retards who think this childrens cartoon forum and its collective $200k matter

>> No.54757875

that guys name pops up everywhere but no pictures exist, at least none that I could find.

who else would be doing it? we know for a fact now that they're doing the dumping so it only makes sense that they would be running the 24/7 fud campugn as well.

>> No.54757884
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Chris Blec, your favorite defi mallcop here. I agree parasitic and corrupt oracle providers should be denounced. Pyth and Chainlink both vicious wolves in sheep clothing and should be denounced equally. Chainlink is actually controlled by only 4 people and they work under the control of the government, Pfizer and Klaus Schwab. I care about fairness and decentralization for the little people which is why I only endorse truly fair oracles such as tellor and witnet because they make the best t-shirts that fit my xxxl frame. Please subscribe to my blog and don't forget to leave me a generous tip if you enjoyed your uber eats delivery.

>> No.54757911

also if you look in this thread

the fudders will shit it up amd reply to absolutely everything except the fact that JUMP TRADING is behind both the blatantly scammy btc dumps to suppress price and the 24/7 FUD campaign on both biz and twitter. this is how they choose to spend their vast resources. these are the parasitic organizations that we will inevitably be purging from the world.

also congrats to SNX for having abysmal foresight and getting suckered into a wolf in sheep's clothing attack. extremely bearish.

>> No.54758010

Quick run down?

>> No.54758275

The neets here likely own at least 10% of the circulating supply of link. There’s anons with literal 7 figure stacks who were planning to run nodes.

>> No.54758316

no shit
every time you see some brown ceo, its because they needed a good obedient little boy to be the figurehead and cause no fuss for the real masters.

>> No.54758589
File: 229 KB, 1170x605, 3A8C187A-A738-4FAF-8F1C-189AE88D1312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's even better. he was promoted from intern to head of crypto kek

>> No.54758647
File: 1.45 MB, 1418x2598, Jennifer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54758651

out of the blue SNX announced they would be using Pyth for their low latency oracle solution after being close partners with Chainlink for years. SNX was probably bribed to do it, Jump thought it would be some sweet fud narrative against link, but it backfired and now SNX look like idiots while people are excited to use the GMX low latency oracle solution powered by Chainlink. epic blunder

>> No.54758834

Oh yeah, I remember now. They even sent some of their goons here to try and rile up LINK holders into tweeting against the GMX thing. I think Jump also made FringeFinance, a literal WHO project to announce they're using BANS instead. DYDX too at the same time posted that they're making their own oracle solution (lol). It's all so tiresome, but they will never get one single LINK token from me.