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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54738351 No.54738351 [Reply] [Original]

You will pay up whether you like it or not.
>Use a bridge?
>Pay up.
>Use a DEX?
>Pay up.
>Use a Perp DEX?
>Pay up.
>Send money from your bank to anywhere in the world?
>Pay up.
>Pay for anything on your debit or credit card?
>Pay up.
>Get any type of insurance?
>Pay up.
>Put gas in your car?
>Pay up.
>Use public transport?
>Pay up.
>Do anything at all?
>Pay up.
None of you idiots have any idea what's coming. The world is changed. Chainlink is the new locus for EVERY SINGLE TRANSACTION OF ANY SORT AND IN ANY SYSTEM.
You are going to deeply, deeply regret choosing this token to become deranged and bitter towards. Imagine rejecting the God protocol. To put it into perspective take your mind back to 1998 and picture yourself in a meeting with your investment advisor. He writes down 4 words: Google, Amazon, Apple, Paypal. He hands the piece of paper to you and knowingly taps his temple. You take the paper and stare at it briefly before tearing it pieces and calling him a 'cuck'.
This is you. This is the path you're on.
Soon you will be left alone here, and /biz/ will be turned into a ghost board, haunted by the distraught spirits that knew more about the greatest investment of all time than 99.99% of the planet and still turned it down. The only other people will be the normie tourists who shuffle in and out simply to see the fabled /biz/, the board that 'made it'. They will be greeted by the shrieks of the damned. 'Cuck, chainshit, bagholder!'. The tourists will take no more note of them than the Link Marines ever did.

>> No.54738382

token not needed

>> No.54738390
File: 572 KB, 2368x1330, 1681853357760595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>token not needed
quite the contrary

>> No.54738400

i need it

>> No.54738440

WHEEEEEN FOR FUCKS SAKE. i'm so fucking tired of struggling. when will this bullshit go to 1K per token and allow me to enjoy my fucking life. i just want a fucking house and no debts for fucking fucks sake. i can't take it much longer. i can't.

>> No.54738495

Web3 will all bend the knee and pay the piper; sergey is flipping the switch.

>> No.54738829
File: 180 KB, 458x726, 1675437575376887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna make an Ethereum transaction?
>pay up

>> No.54738885

when does this shit come out

>> No.54738891

whatever in the world for?

>> No.54738898

Literally every single thing Chainlink nodes have done since May 2019

>> No.54738904

I need it to wagmi anon. You don’t even understand. I NEED link to be the next big thing.

>> No.54738947

mainnet will be out soon bro have faith trust the team

>> No.54739132

soon. mid may.

>> No.54739922

soon I'll be free from the insanity of the world and I don't know if I feel anything anymore