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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54733246 No.54733246 [Reply] [Original]

Actual programmer here with two years experience in Visual Basic.

GRT brings nothing new to the table. I hear the comparisons to LINK and laugh my ass off. It's basically a more advanced backend indexer for ETH, sort of like an Etherscan for nerds looking to derive more accessible data to build DeFi apps. It's nothing like LINK, which is an equally useless first-party Oracle that centralizes transaction data and can't be verified because it comes from them. Link is basically an ETH token without it's own blockchain and a meme that went too far.

What does this mean? Nothing, you're seeing an artificial vaporwave pump. Both GRT and LINK are useless to the developer community because they're decentralized and rely on the Etherium blockchain network, which in itself is a piece of spaghetti code written by a zoomer Russian programmer. No major trillion-dollar company is ever going to use blockchain data to store data, ditching their safe and centralized data servers for easily hackable decentralized ETH-backed clognests.

The GRT token itself is not related to the GRT service used by Uniswap and other DeFi token exchanges. It's just used to make the devs rich and you're pumping their bags on a worthless token. PRQ is more advanced than the Graph and will index all blockchains at once while GRT is limited to ETH.

You're buying vaporwave, don't be idealistic about any of these tokens and enjoy the free money. Get out at the top and never become a bagholder.

>> No.54733288

The Graph has cutting edge blockchain tech and good partnerships, easy hold until at least flips bitcoin

>> No.54733309

>two years experience Visual Basic

>> No.54733320

how are those breadcrumbs, shill

>> No.54733377

>Actual programmer
>2 yrs
>Visual Basic
I don’t necessarily think anyone should be buying GRT, but I am being trolled here, right? I mean…

>> No.54734414


Everything done on the blockchain can be written in a VB program.

Blockchain programing isn't nearly as complex as writing a game engine or game hacks.

In fact if any of you knew what crypto currency actually was, you would be horrified at just what the program consists of.

> hint, it's something I could have done in 1999 when I was 15 years old.

In fact, the solidity compiler is more complex than the ETH blockchain itself.

>> No.54734662

It's happening

>> No.54736017

If you screw up video game programming, you just ship a patch.

If you screw up blockchain programming, it's over.

Remarkably, GRT is well-programmed but it's still over.