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54720684 No.54720684 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the financial impact 20+ years later if a government committed a false flag attack against itself and actually convinced the majority of its population that Islamic terrorists did it? How would they continue to profit off such a massive deception till this day?

>> No.54720934

>a propeller plane did this
lol, lmao
>WTC 7 just crashed because
ha, haha
>the twin towers fell at freefall speed due to a fire near the top 2/3rds of the building
kek, kekaut

>> No.54721040

Are burger bros really this retarded?

>> No.54721705
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unfortunately yes

>> No.54721813

Over half of the US fell for the coof psyop and injected an experimental gene therapy drug that politicians bribeb by giving free Krispy Kreme donuts, free French fries, and free guns(seriously) for getting.

>> No.54722253

Seems really fucked up. Maybe the BRICS boys were working and waiting to overtake the monetary system since 9/11. I mean obviously they knew it was fake, right? You guys think they can really maintain the empire after brutally ass raping the world several times over like that?

>> No.54722288

Didn't Donald Rumsfeld mention that there was over a trillion dollars unaccounted for in the defense budget? And then the next day the Pentagon was hit?

>> No.54722373

Only thing that matters is technology. The US can print up as much money as it wants so as long as they retain the upper hand in military/tech. It’s that simple.

>> No.54722384

I don’t know the exact figure, but yes I remember there was an accounting issue with missing money the day before. Would you say the 9/11 psyop was more elaborate and intense than the covid op?

>> No.54722511

No, it was not as elaborate. Far smaller # of groups involved. they had wanted 9/11 to happen in the late 80s. It took them a while to make it happen.
go watch brendon O’Connell iii on YouTube zoomer

>> No.54722713
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>> No.54722739

Idk, ask putin. Bombed his own citizens and blamed it on Islamic Chechnya. 20 years later and is still untouchable

>> No.54722822

Imagining loving muslims this much. i can't

>> No.54722914

weird image. No sane person thought covid was ever anything other than a nothingburger flu, which it was

>> No.54722967

I knew the glowbros were coming. Was genuinely interested in their response until I realized they’re retarded burger boys projecting their own bullshit

>> No.54723072

>a propeller plane did this
the official story is a Boeing 757-223, not a propeller plane
he talked about how he was in pain from surgery or something and he refused pain meds just so he could be of sound mind to sign the insurance policy that he was rushing to get done. such a lucky guy

the whole dancing israelis thing is so crazy too, such shitty spies that some random woman sees 4 guys cheering and taking pictures, so she calls the police and they get arrested. then they get released and the fake company they claimed to worked for fled the country to israel soon after, really shows there were some nefarious involvement on behalf of the government at a bare minimum and our intelligence offices were complicit to some degree in covering their asses
i remember that as well

>> No.54723116

>WTC 7 just crashed because
of the damage the foundation suffered. if you were to drop something really heavy not just the impact spot would take damage, it would also crack the floor around it, etc.

>> No.54723168
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, wtc7 collapse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Official story of WTC7 was that it collapsed due to structure fire. First time in history that happened. Does Webm related look like a structure fire to you?

>> No.54723228

>see structure
>it's on fire

>> No.54724773

By lying so much and so well that they convince the very people who could uncover and end the activity that the lies are necessary and that without them society would collapse
,T - CS UBS SNB related.

>> No.54724780

>How would they continue to profit off such a massive deception till this day?
>More t,

>> No.54724804

The most critical part was propagating the most retarded discussion around it possible, like the planes being holograms and jet fuel can't melt steel beams XD

The result is that serious discussion about inconsistencies in the official narrative get lumped in with complete nonsense and normoids are able to discard it all from their brains in one neat package

>> No.54724831

>jet fuel can't melt steel beams
It can't

>> No.54725863

i watched a 5-hour documentary called The new pearl harbor yesterday. Those buildings were built to withstand just about anything that came their way. Each building was 2 skyscrapers built into one (an inner and outer) The weight from the top of the tower wasn't nearly enough kinetic energy to collapse the buildings. This was high school level physics and just like the medical community cucked for covid, the majority of the science community cucked for 9/11. The fucked up part is people barely even talk about it anymore. like it never happened or like it has no impact on whats happening today.

>> No.54725935

if anyone is interested

>> No.54726090

>being American
>being surprised the country eventually gets terrorist attacked
Brah..... come on.... we've had so many around Europe they don't even bother with them on the news

Wait til they managed to find their way there and get hold of guns and explosives. They've weaponised trucks and kitchen utensils so far in euro land. And they like euros more than they like American pig dog bastard man.



>> No.54726101

2.3 trillion or something

>> No.54726103

The main wrench in the conspiratard argument imo is that the government didn't need to destroy so fucking much for some cheap cassus belli on a Middle Eastern backwater. Al-Qaeda never denied anything either.

>> No.54726119


Also no, the twin towers were not built to handle and withstand getting hit by full size Boeing planes lmao who bakes that into their blueprint?

>> No.54726126
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>who bakes that into their blueprint?
Someone who's not a terrorist enabler?

>> No.54726167

If it was the gooberment destroying something they'd go for football stadiums, schools and hospitals. There are numerous people in America that don't like wallstreet, the white house or pentagon to begin with, so trying to use them as a false flag is a bit pointless.

Al'KEED'DA hit them because they all represent US overseas meddling and centres of power; e.g. finance, the gooberment, the military complex.

It also worked.

I mean in terms of total US security and war dominance... if they had nukes on those planes they could have just sailed them into down town ny / washington no problems.

>> No.54726446

>the twin towers were not built to handle and withstand getting hit by full size Boeing planes lmao who bakes that into their blueprint?
the architect bakes it in when hes trying to conjure up every possible way the structure could fail.

>> No.54726471

>the bluepilled responses ITT
And this is on a relatively free speech forum! We have a lot of work to do brothers.

>> No.54726565

>Official story of WTC7 was that it collapsed due to structure fire. First time in history that happened. Does Webm related look like a structure fire to you?

You're a fool and an ignorant. Fire can make a room heat up to thousand degrees. At that temperature iron and steel melt like butter.

>> No.54726833

So what your saying is, fires collapsed WTC 7, a commercial jet hit the pentagon with zero remnants of the jet left behind, the passengers bodies couldn’t be recovered, but the terrorists passports were found on the ground, the black boxes weren’t able to be recovered and the ones that were provided minimal data, cell phones can make calls above 10,000 ft in 2001, Boeing 757’s can fly over 300mph at altitudes under 1000ft without completely being destroyed in the air, and these massive overbuilt steel structures collapsed into ashes in 10 seconds flat. If you believe that bullshit I got a booster to give you.

>> No.54727001

>convinced the majority of its population that Islamic terrorists did it
The terrorists literally claimed responsibility

>> No.54727037

Still doesn't mean the government did it retard, what's more likely is that they knew what the terrorists planned in advance and let it happen.

>> No.54727043


Doesn't mean it's been tested. In any engineering field it isn't real until it's been stress tested.

>> No.54727104


>> No.54727112

>and these massive overbuilt steel structures collapsed into ashes in 10 seconds flat

The steel structures were burning for more than 1 hour. Enough to get temperatures of several thousand degrees. For context, the temperature on the surface of the sun is 6000ºC. Inside of those steel structures there was a literal sun melting literally everything. For god sake, BUY A FUCKING BOOK AND EDUCATE YOURSELF.

>> No.54727141
File: 92 KB, 790x527, russia-arsons-increase-mobilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOOOO you can't just show WTC7 falling in the exact same way a demolition falls, and not at all like a building on fire 'falls'.

Glowfags disgust me.

>> No.54727187

>Treated an uncertain threat as potentially a big deal when information was scarce
>Pivoted to thinking that making big sacrifices to stop it was stupid once it became clear that it was a nothingburger with an average death age literally higher than the genpop's life expectancy
That's called "being prudent," anon. It just seems like a bizarre pivot to you because you're so used to idiots being in charge of everything that you've forgotten what good decision-making even looks like.

>> No.54727313

The cement was pulverized into powder and the structure was built to hold 9x its weight from the top and not collapse you stupid glownigger. Show me one other building that collapsed from fires, let alone in seconds. This is high school level physics. You got nothing but gaslights and insults.

>> No.54727322

The government did every step from building the gun finding and funding the terrorists but let them pull the trigger so to speak. They probably stopped anyone from stopping them too. The whole airforce was out doing anti terrorism training on the same day pure (((coincidence))) I like how retards argue some points about prop shaft or jet aircraft twenty years later as if it matters now.

>> No.54727795

Stronger buildings in bahkmut