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54706694 No.54706694 [Reply] [Original]

What's the financial status fellow sirs

>> No.54706720

Not bad, I've got some good picks and not expecting anything until the halving.
Hoping for good returns I need to get out this country

>> No.54706732

Same bro. Think ima do a cheeky masters at a US university and get a green card. Wife is expecting twins in the summer and no way am I raising them here

>> No.54706737

>not white/european country
thread ignored

>> No.54706743

Sounds good to me bro, what you thinking? & Congratulations, best thing is not raise them here, this ship is sinking.
The only solace I have is that the normies have no idea

>> No.54706769

Well I already have 3 years experience in Cyber Security and jts a really lucrative field, I'd recommend it to anyone who's got the slightest technical ability, so I'll take a Cyber Security masters of some sort. I took my wife out today around Town, Weston super mare, for her birthday and it made me unbelievably miserable. You can watch the decay of our population in real time. Mohammad's everywhere, bmwf couples with young children, polluted streets etc

How about you deeno, what you thinking?

>> No.54706786
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>> No.54706792

Sitting on 30k not sure what to do with myself.
Still living with parents, earning 35kpa remote.

Could do a masters? It's that or buy a house...

>> No.54706804

As I mentioned above, only reason to do a master's would be to get out of this sinkhole. Buying a house isn't a bad idea so long as you only view it as an asset. I bought a £330k new build in October, only planning on living in it for 12 more months before leasing it out

>> No.54706823

Interesting you say that, I've been looking into cyber security for a bachelor's, definitely pursing that now.
I haven't been down Weston in ages, sad to hear it's like that now, it's almost everywhere nowadays isn't it
Not sure what you mean by what about me ? Like where do I want to move to or what do I do ?

>> No.54706876

Yeah most Towns are like this now unless you live in a really remote area. Weston is still like 90% white but it's still unbelievabley depressing

So I'm 24 and landed a £70k salary with Cyber as a soc analyst with 3 years experience outside uni. It's decent, look at job ads for say SOC analysts and security engineers, the pay is great and often the roles are remote if that's what you want

> Like where do I want to move to or what do I do ?
Everything I guess bro, how you holding up buddy?

>> No.54706886

no way is £30k gonna cut it for a deposit, is it? im in a similar boat, and had a look at the mortgage offers, and even in the best case scenario id be looking at £1500/month for like a 2bed apt.

>> No.54706932

I can imagine.
You're doing great anon fair play to you.
I'm definitely gonna look into it, I'd prefer something I can do remote/hybrid.
Not too good ngl man, got made redundant from my CNC job, turns out the bosses refinanced everything and ran with the money lmao.
Other than that not too bad thanks for asking, just plodding on and making plans for my eventual departure from once great Britain

>> No.54706953

I'm also quite saddened at my recent realisation that the /biz/ I came here for is long dead.
No knowledge hardly any even half way decent discussion just bullshit and scammers.
Wasted two years of my life checking this place daily looking for gems lmao

>> No.54706964

Well no but if you're worried about deposit then look at help2buy? At the end of the day you can only borrow 4.5x your salary so work with that

Sorry to hear about your redundancy bro, that's fortunately never happened to me, but if you work in Cyber it wouldn't matter as you can find a new job in a week, I shit you not. I get a recruiter in my DMs every day on LinkedIn. Where are you looking to depart to? Be careful of Canada lmao the country is more of a mess than here.

>> No.54707014

Thats amazing, the only thing I've been pondering is if AI is a fear for cyber security Jobs going forward?
I'm definitely not going to Canada lmao, Trudeau has made Canada into one big London.
I think I'm either going to one of the Isles Man, White, Scilly etc. Or I'll go the USA but i find their political landscape bothersome as well all the other problems they have, the way their going Mexico might be a better choice atleast I cam bang some sexy chicas before getting executed on a liveleak video lmao

>> No.54707031

the only job ai will take is that of data entry, and even then not all of them.

>> No.54707073

I hope you're right there.
Thinking about it by the time any ai or robot could take my job I shouldn't need to work anymore anyway and if I do I've been BTFO in life anyway hahaha

>> No.54707088

Idk I feel like AI threatens everything else the same way as cyber. My wife is actually mexican btw so spent a lot of time there. The country is ofc a downgrade to the UK, going home I really appreciated our infrastructure more than theirs (traffic, cleaner streets etc)
Crime is easily avoidable imo just won't go wondering around shady places by yourself as a gringo or you're asking for trouble. People are generally really humble and man it'd be so easy to get Latina pussy if you're white. Only issue is only the middle classes actually learn English, it'd be difficult to find a female who you can actually communicate with. I met mine in the US doing a summer job never had that problem. However the country has a tonne of potential, and it's super cheap compared to the UK. I love paying for everyone's food when I go, a restaurant bill for 5 is like £40

>> No.54707093

what does 'jts' mean?
is security really boring? I imagine a big fucking checklist of stuff.
how lucrative? I'm in tech already in finance.

>> No.54707129

Typo for it's*
Well there's a load of different fields within Cyber, there's technical roles which is what I do. As a SOC analyst I spend most of my time responding to incident alerts and resolving them using Microsoft tools, Powersell, KQL etc

Then there's the less technical focuses fields but require a load of your typical corporate beurocracy such as auditing, like risk and compliance and third party management

>> No.54707146

Ayy very nice anon, Latina women are God's greatest gift to man.
That makes sense, they speak Spanish in Mexico too yeah? Or is their Spanish the equivalent of a yardy man's English?
That's awesome sounds like it's definitely one for consideration thanks anon.

>> No.54707167

Completely unrelated to the conversation but incredibly to pertinent to all of us.

Some anons just posted, about the EU passing MICA or whatever crypto regulations, gonna go take a look to see how much we're getting reamed.

>> No.54707193

They're incredibly loyal I'd highly recommend them, especially over bongs. Yes they speak Spanish, it's actually easier to learn than European Spanish so take a crack at it, I've been doing Duolingo for a few years and I can have conversations and get by easily, but our relationship is only possible as she speaks English fluently

Oh btw the food is nice for like 3 days but then I get sick of it. Everything just looks and tastes the same: bean slime in dough with bits of meat and cheese. Some tourists love it but it's just not for me. There are a few parts in Mexico I haven't explored which are wealthier and full of expats, I'd check them out if you're serious about relocating. If we ever moved to Mexico permanently, which I'd consider, that's where I'd look at relocating to. Check out Luke Smith Canada in YouTube, he's a bong who's relocated to Mexico and lives of stock trading I think, he's made a few videos on his life there after he moved to Canada and fucking hated it haha

>> No.54707257

Oh mate, I'd take a pocket pussy over a bong bird hahaha, don't get me wrong their are some good ones but the majority (from what I can see) are just annoying bimbos with nothing interesting to say.
I'll check it out I've been meaning to learn a language anyway.

You know I always thought it was just me having an unrefined palette or just our "Mexican" restaurants. I'd be okay though aslong as they have decent markets.
I'll check him out thanks for suggestion.

Btw if you were wondering, that MICA stuff is pretty boring and normal stuff the only caveat is that a wallet sending more than €1000 to an exchange has to be reported by the exchange.
I bet the bong version will be like £100 lol

>> No.54707318
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> Wife's expecting twins. No way I raise them here. Mohammad's everywhere, bmwf couples with young children

> My wife is actually mexican btw

You bongs are finished

>> No.54707342

I would swap every immigrant in this country for a Mexican in a pico-second

>> No.54707396
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What's up bros. Got £90k stocks in an ISA and around £25k in cash, no crypto.
I've considered buying a house but don't really want to tie myself down here.

>> No.54707409

thanks captain obvious

>> No.54707477

Don't tie yourself to this country keep on keeping on and plan an exit

>> No.54707861

theres nowhere to exit to lol. it's the same in all these threads. crybabies but no answers. every answer i've heard is garbage and the reality of moving there is worse

>> No.54708012
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Things are dire.

>> No.54708079

Pull all money from bank
Pull all money from LSE
Buy physical Royal Mint bullion
Buy preparations for coming state collapse
simple as

>> No.54708129

Me on the right desu.

>> No.54709506

>Pull all money from LSE
You mean sell the stocks listed on it? Why? Many already are down, so what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.54710258

You realise there's whites it Mexico right?

>> No.54710297

Has that “i make 70k-80k in cyber security in my 20s and feel poor” faggot showed up yet?
Didnt read thread

>> No.54710318

>dystopia 't fuck.jpeng.exe.jpeng.zip

>> No.54710354

>Sitting on 30k not sure what to do with myself
That's 30k - 10% less than it was 12 lunar cycles ago.

>> No.54710393

>Some anons just posted, about the EU passing MICA or whatever crypto regulations
Yeah the US has just started reviewing a draft stable coin bill also. Which would require exchanges to basically be backed by US T bonds, USD etc. Zimbabwe is releasing a gold backed digital currency of it's own.

>> No.54710416

>(from what I can see)
Something tells me you may not originally be from the UK.

>> No.54710417

Not but that's basically me irl so pretend he's me

>> No.54710469

?? He's 100% correct, have you ever spoken to a working class female over here

>> No.54710502

>going after working class females
>not going after an Amelia from the home counties

>> No.54710585

lads what's the best share

>> No.54710588

>Not getting the point that Amelias make up for 1% if the population

>> No.54710591

Check out Arqit quantum, on fire sale rn

>> No.54710608

>not being in the 1%

>> No.54710655

yeah to be honest it's all fucked. only way out is to get rich and live in a gated community or island. channel isles, isle of man or even overseas territories like Cayman could be good for brits

>> No.54710673
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Its over for me

>> No.54710725

CHEQ. CEO is a Tech consultant bong. You’re welcome.

>> No.54711024
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>The 1%
An Amelia I went to private school with, nothing special

>> No.54711033

>financial status
£1400 to last me 6 weeks.
no rent to pay though.
I have a job lined up but it starts at the end of fucking september. so I need to get in on some warehouse work before then. fuck my life. I used to have a net worth of 45k thanks to shitcoins, now I have about a tenner in crypto.

>> No.54711117

Came here to post this. Anon should keep his obese beaner kids in the UK, they'll fit right in

>> No.54711130

>33 Yrs Old
>75k WFH Job
>180k House
>90k Mortgage
>100k Pension
>20k Savings
>Car paid off

Not bad - but I'm sick of being taxed out the anus for nothing in return. I think it's too late for me to abandon ship though. Maybe I'll live in Ireland for a bit to get an Irish passport.

>> No.54711145

Yes Canada is Jeet / Bugman central, and the costs are insane. Not to mention your "non-Canadian" work experience won't count, so you'll have to climb the greasy pole again.

>> No.54711161

You need to be rich as fuck to live on any of the Channel Islands. Guernsey "open market" properties are like 700k minimum. They do give you the right to live / work there if you own property though.

>> No.54711192

>100k pension
Shit nice going dude, what % did you pay each month?

>> No.54711211
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I make £70k-80k (probably a bit above 80 this year) in my 20s, but not from cyber security. But I wouldn't say I feel poor, just not actually well off.

>> No.54711221

Do all you guys that make 70k work in London or something? I make 50k WFH in the sticks and that's pretty good money for this area.
70 seems so high.

>> No.54711235

I'm not in London but another pretty expensive area in the Souf

>> No.54711242


where do you live

>> No.54711265

Nope completely remote. Some London companies will offer WFH on a hybrid model but when you join you realise everyone is remote 95% of the time anyway

I'm not entirely sure why I get paid 70k for a remote role, I think it's because my company is mostly based in the US and Switzerland so the British are actually seen as cheap labour to them lmao

>> No.54711270
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I'm not in cyber security but would also highly recommend it. Couple of close friends in the field seem to get promoted every 18 months. A lot of the jobs going are in FS and I can confidently say AI isn't going to be taking any FS ITsec jobs for >10 years.

>> No.54711327

Before uprooting your family and taking them to an alien land, have you tried not living in one of the shittiest, drug infested towns in the UK? Where exactly in the US do you think would be good for your British family?

>> No.54711380

15% Employer puts 5%.

Near Manchester

>> No.54711425

>Weston super mare
you demoralizing glowies always fail to mention the north (north east and up) is majority of whites. they're trying to bring more non-whites up here but I think it's too cold and the culture is not for them.

>> No.54711436

Glow harder. How much do they pay you fucking amateurs anyway? About as subtle as a brick.

>> No.54711440

kek they never know. grass is not greener on the other side. they can try out west. I heard they are giving land away for free in some states but the catch is nearest cities are hours away and I don't think most Europeans can deal with this unless they already have lived in rural setting. Most British people I met can't even imagine living 20 minutes from a city center or large town. Culture shock if they left their NYC zone or tour bus in the US and wandered into a small town.

>> No.54711497

I'm looking into Massachusetts. Boston has more commercial/professional opportunities than any UK city - except London - and you could commute in from a town like Concord and have a higher quality of life than in any UK equivalent. I've travelled a lot for work in the last decade and I think the only way you could get close to the financial/lifestyle rewards on offer in MA would be working for a top-tier tech/finance job in Edinburgh or Cambridge and living nearby somewhere rural.

>> No.54711518

Not read the thread but I bet there is some cunt above or on his way soon to tell us he earns 80k, lives in a 1 bed outside London, lives frugally and he is still way too poor.

>> No.54711529

fuck off we're full

>> No.54711536

What do the bongs even do nowadays? Do Jobs even exist outside London?

>> No.54711571

The mass of yuppies fleeing London, moving into the home counties and buying holiday homes at the fringes of these isles, makes the Home Counties a lot more expensive. They say they had to leave London because they couldn't "find their kids a school" or "afford it", but they likely left due to the increasing absence of their people. London is now for the BAMEs, and all the English London money is pushing the Home Counties up to London prices.

>> No.54711580

work for the council, admin for the NHS, amazon warehouse packer. the opportunities here are endless

>> No.54711622

Is that hannah Hotel?

>> No.54711647

>average house price in Concord, MA is £1.1mil
This is DOUBLE the average price in Surrey...

>> No.54711662

> min wage slave labour
> muh "opportunities"

>> No.54711754

Well my twins aren't even born yet so wouldn't be alien to them, I'm trying to find a new home. And he's Weston sucks ass and it's not where I was raised. I am fully aware there are far nicer parts in the UK, such as Wiltshire and the Cotswolds. However I still cannot see myself living there

I've worked in the US for a total of 6 months on 2 J1 visasand didn't get culture shock, I loved it

Glow? Nigger look at SOC analyst jobs asking for 2/3 years experience - there are contractions roles paying £625 a day

>> No.54711757

>have you tried not living in one of the shittiest, drug infested towns in the UK?
Sunderland sounds bang on.

>heard they are giving land away for free in some states
That's usually very limited and aimed at restarting highsteets etc.

>A lot of the jobs going are in FS and I can confidently say AI isn't going to be taking any FS ITsec jobs for >10 years.
One of my relatives works in transaction monitoring, I'm pretty sure I could automate a fair amount of that with some none ai code. Whether or not the company knows or the hiring managers want that would be a different thing.

>The mass of yuppies fleeing London,
Absolutely absurd poppycock conspiracy. And yes. It is funny listening to them come up with reasons like
>awwww just fan,she'd a change of scene

>> No.54711766

lmao to be fair I don't really live frugally.

>> No.54711774

>look at SOC analyst jobs
Did u do Cs at uni or one of themz unskilled security courses online?

>> No.54711779


redditman needs his sarcasm indicator

>> No.54711786


>> No.54711808

>Has that “i make 70k-80k in cyber security in my 20s and feel poor” faggot showed up yet?
are you trying to imply that its not a miserable amount of money or something?
you do realise that after tax youre taking home like £30k a year, right? and you do realise even the shittiest 1bd apt goes for £250+, right?

>> No.54711818

Uni - waste of time as experience is 10x valuable but unfortunately employers still ask for degrees

>> No.54711879

Are you a troll or just a neet?
Nobody is taxes 60% in the UK nigger. 80k take home would be closer to 65k. Fucking plonker.
Most people in London are taking home 33k. If you cant make it well with literally double that you are a massive retard or some dumb roasties paypig.

>> No.54711910

£75k salary with a plan 2 student loan gets you a take-home of £48265.40 assuming no SIPP contributions or taxable benefits, I don't know why you're both pulling numbers out of your ass when you can easily look this up.

>> No.54711926
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>> No.54711936

good to see britains completely demoralized. left years ago, everyone i know who still lives there suffers from chronic depression now thanks to the feminised society and poisonous anti-goyim media

>> No.54711951
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75 even

>> No.54711982

the only solution to the british problem is to continue to demoralize the country leading to a brain drain. eventually the dysgenic no hopers left there and the paki invaders will combine to create a society so foul even the faggot tranny elites will have a tough time surviving. then some country like russia will deliver the atomic coup de gras and fry up those rich arrogant jews and their client faggot media eunuchs with a 4000° neutron powered city sized airfryer and the clown country of formerly "great" (lol) britain can finally cease its embarassing display

>> No.54712037

I would absolutely hate it if London were to get nuked.

>first day of Ukraine activities
>using phone to check dimensions
>begin typing, what
>autosuggests, what would happen if a nuclear bomb hit London

>> No.54712078
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You're not accounting for student loans. I paid >£21k in tax 2 months ago, just over 55% of what I got in equity from the company I work for.
Funny thing is, I was going to use the money to buy a house here. After they stole that much from me - I have never in my life spent 21 grand on anything - I am set up to move to Dubai first thing next year. Fuck this country, I am done.

>> No.54712081

England would instantly get a whole lot better though.

>> No.54712092

why would you hate it? a big nuke that wipes out all the politicians, 90% of the media and jews, and about half the illegal immigrants would go a long way to solving all of britains problems.

>> No.54712155

Depends where you want to buy...
Lincoln is cheap, for example.

>> No.54712173

neutrons. high energy neutrons, slow neutrons. neutrons creating more neutrons. penetrating, burning, disrupting neutrons. I wish neutrons on britain. I will them in to existance every waking minute. I say that as a white british citizen born of a long line of white british citizens. torrents of neutrons washing over britain. please god make it happen.

>> No.54712191

I remember your story from a previous bong thread, are you moving there with your current employer or independently?
I've looked at Dubai but I don't think I could handle the temperature outside of winter.

>> No.54712224

how about the temperature of 1,000,000 degree X-rays from a detonating russian hydrogen bomb? if dubai is too hot the temperature in the UK should be hotter for the span of 10 seconds. enough to melt your fucking face off.

>> No.54712306

Not me m8..... live 23 miles away from nearest sea port / air port / ciddy / power plant / millitary installation.

Just be a flash off over the hills for me lar....

>t. I'm taking a dump literally right now. Second of the day too! Already.

>> No.54712307
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Remember gents, should Mohammed come along to rape your bum hole. Do make sure to spray your pink gel at him, oh but make sure not to get it into his eyes. That could be assault! Heaven forbid.

>> No.54712325

you live in britain. your life is already over without the aid of a nuclear strike.

>> No.54712406

It has gotten a bit shit desu

It'd be mint if we could attach some props or something to the UK and Japan, and just motor off into the middle of the Pacific. Make techatopia with some nice bridges between the two. And a giant sea wall obviously.

>> No.54712554

The browns work low paid gig economy jobs Amazon, Uber, Deliveroo, security guards, etc. Most people work bullshit jobs for R NHS, Council, call centre, etc. Then there are a few good jobs, mostly in Finance industry - that's about the only thing we still got left.

>> No.54712580

>80k take home would be closer to 65k
80k = 50k per year, after tax, NI, and Plan 1 student loan, this also assumes no pension contribution. Then you have all the hidden taxes like council tax and the like....

>> No.54712583

Should I take out a student maintenance loan and just put it into the stocks/indexes like the S&P?

>> No.54712618


So what? Far cry from 33k.

Plus, thatss till plenty to try make it. You can rent something satisfactory for a single man for £800-1200 a month even in London. Thats £12k a year on average, plus another 2-4k on utilities as most. Feed yourself for about £5 a day at MOST. So yearly expenses around 17k. Your telling me you cant make it saving 30k a year? Too retarded to make it.
Obviously if you are some roasties Simp paypig and spending way more to satisfy here thats your own problem.
Not saying UK/London is great or even good. I Live in Tokyo these days. But if you cant make it on 70k-80k even with student loan payments you must be a fucking idiot. Even Deano gets on with half that.

>> No.54712623

No, the interest rate on Plan2 is 6.9%, even if you could get a good return of 10%, not worth it imo.

>> No.54712628
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>I'm pretty sure I could automate a fair amount of that with some none ai code
So could the guys in the bank, anon. In FS, the thing that slows IT transformation projects is rarely the capabilities of the tech team, it's regulatory constipation, corporate paranoia, and cumbersome change processes.

But Surrey is a county, anon, so the average is bound to be lower. Concord doesn't have a very dynamic property market either, as it's demos skew rich + old, and while the property values are high most of the properties are large and well constructed. This is what half of £1.1M gets you in Surrey. It's fine but not exactly a dream home.

>> No.54712633


>> No.54712635

>You can rent something satisfactory for a single man for £800-1200 a month even in London

If you want to house share with five jeets in Hackney maybe.

>> No.54712654

>The browns work low paid gig economy jobs Amazon, Uber, Deliveroo, security guards, etc.
That's the problem, they don't. On anywhere near the scale needed. Their main use jamming the housing up to inflate the big portfolios. They run convenience stores because they can use em as visa chop shops, work and claim bennies simultaneously, not pay tax and rent from family members, so the dole pays the mortgages off.

>> No.54712665

The jeets are onto they trick already. And Kent.

>> No.54712675

Every nation would benefit if their capitol would be nuked unironically

Berlin is a net negative on GDP for germany fucking cestpool

>> No.54712700

You only start paying the interest a year after you graduate so if you made a decent return then paid it back as soon as you graduated it wouldn't be a bad move IMO. Question is whether you can get a decent return over the next 3-4y. Crypto might, stocks might, but it's very risky. If this was 2016 I'd say go for it.

>> No.54712729

about to recieve 20k of inheritance monies soon and have zero clue what to do with it

>> No.54712786


Perpetual rat race, no hope for 99% for the next few decades, country is rapidly declining and the people here know it.

Enjoying the 4% risk free interest at banks though, mainly living off the interest from crypto gains last bull run, need few hundred k more this cycle then im gone.

>> No.54712821

>Enjoying the 4% risk free interest
are you retarded?

>> No.54712897

Kek, meanwhile I see a fair few lightskinned blacks and pakis walking with young white girls. Why do British guys always settle? Every other race either dates their own or gets and upgrade, including white women.

>> No.54712920

GTFO to eastern europe if you can still keep WFH job and live in comfort

>> No.54713010

>brown fingers typed this
okay abdul

>> No.54713127

Not brown, but nice try. White men are losing, it's just a fact. At my school an asian guy was dating a white girl and an indian guy was too. It seems only deanos can still get white girls. Alot of them are emigrating to Korea or Europe too.

>> No.54713198
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I plan on pivoting into a contractor role at the same company. That being said, I don't know if I can deal with the temperature either. Even if I don't, as long as I am a tax resident in Dubai, I can go live around Asia for most of the year. I don't think there's an issue there.
I just can't be here anymore. I don't know how to articulate it other than I am just disgusted.

>> No.54713207

>Brown id

>> No.54713229

£45-50k in liquid savings (depending how i move things about
Trying to buy the cheapest house possible in the town i grew up in but im priced out of the market. 1bd1bth 200k min. Feels bad

>> No.54713278

>I don't know how to articulate it other than I am just disgusted.

yes. its a disgust.

>> No.54713305

>£23k/year dead end delivery job
>26 years old
>£11k in pension
>live at home with no rent
>6k LINK
I make it through LINK or I rope

>> No.54713311

Also contemplating holding onto savings before ai takes my job (technical CAD)

>> No.54713361

try to get a tech job, any tech job, while youre still in your 20s. it might not make you a better salary now but atleast you'll be able to pivot into a wfh gig and chill at home.

>> No.54713399

Do jobs like that require a bachelors? I dropped out of uni and never finished my degree

>> No.54713777

Having a BSc makes things a lot easier imo. Uni is a useless scan but given most employers expect one it's unfortunately a necessity to get into entry roles

>> No.54713809

if you are personable you can try to do one of those coding bootcamps and get contracted to a nice company
but even then, yes degrees make it all easier

>> No.54713827
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Where do you live now?
picrel - two properties under $1mil - one is a plot of land... The other seems nice, but that's just shy of £900k; which you can definitely get a nice, large country home in Surrey for comparison sake.

>> No.54713840

More about not participating in the system. Most stocks on LSE aren't actually even UK based, typically international resource extraction companies or finance.
I prefer small cap commodities for what little I invest in stocks and most are on other exchanges anyway.
>I just can't be here anymore. I don't know how to articulate it other than I am just disgusted.
My thoughts in words exactly, except I have accepted there's nowhere to go.
I invest in bullion & preps with the assumption of collapse because it's the only way out of this rut for this country. If the financial collapse doesn't happen it's over for this country anyway, so playing the rat race, the property ladder, the FTSE... is pointless.

>> No.54713871

100k in net worth mostly in stocks
50k a year income
Still can’t afford a house

>> No.54713932

>I don't know how to articulate it other than I am just disgusted.
You're disgusted by brown people being everywhere (I'm guessing London, or close to) and yet want to move to dubai thinking there will be fewer brown pepl in the middle east?

>> No.54713942

I've bagged a junior dev role without a degree, so it can be done. Though I'm not sure if not having a BSc will harm me long term.

>> No.54713954

>holding onto savings
Holding onto savings in a high inflation period is not a good plan. You're basically losing 10% every 12 months reet

>> No.54714001

Imagine telling people a few years ago we’d have 10% inflation, they wouldn’t believe you

>> No.54714246

It's not like the risk adjusted return is better anywhere else

>> No.54714298

>31 year old boomer
>Management job with 23 reports
>£325k TC
>£180k pension
>£270k investments and cash
>1 BTC
Really want to buy a house but London and this whole country is cucked. It's become such a hostile environment for successful people. Even my family keeps bringing up that I should be paying more tax to help those on benefits. Seriously thinking of moving to another country but hard to find somewhere that isn't equally as shit. If I can get to about £1m I'll probably do a move to Gibraltar.

>> No.54714393

>It's not like the risk adjusted return is better anywhere else
True. I went with a fixer upper myself. 47k, two bedrooms, just working through the biatch. House next door went for 85k a few months before I bought this.

If the housing market does a mini crash, it'll be the most overspeculated on that suffer the worst.

At one point I was looking at buying a field around Devon / Exeter to build eco neetship House on. I would highly, highly recommend you avoid anything involving the words plot / field etc.

The speculation is ridiculous. An acre of farm land would normally be 8-12k. The guy had bought one 2 acre plot 18 months before for 23k. It sold for 67.5k. And another miles away with a site of significant scientific interest stamp on it; I.e. it'll be next to impossible to build on. Won't get planning permission for either of them. You need planning permission literally just to park a caravan on them for more than 3 months.

There are going to be a lot of field holders over the next few years.

>> No.54714400

>but hard to find somewhere that isn't equally as shit
Yes, that's the problem.

>Even my family keeps bringing up that I should be paying more tax to help those on benefits.
Yep, if you save and do the right thing, you are punished. Save money and lose your job? Sorry guv, you can't get benefits. Spent on your money on fags and booze? Here you go mate, no problem. People seem to think that the money "from the government" comes from thin air.

>> No.54714435

Gold has done well lately and will continue to do so. You are also insulated from the inevitable currency crisis.

>> No.54714459

This is literally the last decade of US being a *White* Country.
Whites are already a minority in the two most populated states - California (35% white) and Texas (39% white)
US went from being 75% White (1990) to 57% White (2020)
Over 5M illegal Immigrants largely from south and central america have arrived since Biden took over, there is a soros ngo that is literally airlifting shitskins and negros from afghanistan, haiti and nicaragua.
The public schools have become filthy jungles, the cities are all violent shanty towns, institutions have collapsed and infrastructure is deteriorating rapidly, with boomers and genXrs retiring, productivity will tank massively across sectors.
By 2030, that is the next census year, US will officially become Brazil tier.

>> No.54714522

North West Kansas. Just lots of sunshine and wheat. And a rather nice renewables policy.

>> No.54714595

>I'm looking into Massachusetts. Boston has more commercial/professional opportunities than any UK city - except London - and you could commute in from a town like Concord

There's nothing special about this area, the weather is shit. I've actually stayed in Concord MH. It almost looks like an English market town. If you're moving to the USA why on earth wouldn't you go for North Carolina down to Texas, why go somewhere cold.

>> No.54714679

doesn't this guy live in germany now?
lmao'ing @ britain

>> No.54714683
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>> No.54714705

Why are there so many chinks here all sudden

>> No.54714722

We clearly have different criteria for what makes a hometown desirable. I'm not leaving the UK just to top up my tan.

>> No.54714734
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I actually live close to Newcastle, but that is besides the point. There's nowhere to run inside the borders of this shithole.
Trust me, I hate browns, but some whites are real fucking contenders for "the most pathetic waste of skin in the UK". Visit Byker in Newcastle and you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

>> No.54714769

>Newcastle's fucking shit and cultureless white dregs run down a place just as quickly as any other ethnicity
Confirmed. Same goes for a lot of cities in Scotland. It might be 99% white but it's still a depressing, joyless, economically stagnant shithole.

>> No.54714796

Brah, I used to live in Sunderland.

It's literally the manifestation of purgatory on Earth. Worked at the big tesco there, which you may have even visited.

Live there about 8 years. Hated it.

In Wales now, miles outside town. Perfect timing for ww3, the nukeageddon

>> No.54714870

how much doe sone need to comfortably escape brintbong land and where would you go? colorado? idaho?

>> No.54714939

You'll seriously struggle to move to the US from the UK if there isn't a direct need for a company to have you there and it'll need to be a big wokey one like a uni or tech place. They even have visas available to everyone who's basically _not_ European and quite specifically, British.

Eastern Europe, you'll have a serious language barrier. North Italy or Austria actually looks quite nice weather wise plus Germans speak English better than the rest of Europe most of the time.

The other options are things like South America; you'll get murdered.

Or obviously ladyboy land so long as you don't mind living in ladyboy land and not being able to speak a word of the local. And standing out as a sex tourist from 3 miles away, even if you're not.

>> No.54714953


real interest rates in the uk are probably at least -15% right now

>> No.54715019

>We clearly have different criteria for what makes a hometown desirable. I'm not leaving the UK just to top up my tan.

The fact you are considering Massachusetts to escape brown people / high taxes / urban degradation shows that you have some research to do. A few years of that and you'll be wishing you'd simply relocated to Devon or Cornwall and worked remotely from there.

>> No.54715038

Yes, big tech = H1B visas, and they only give them to jeets and jeet companies like Infosys, etc. They can pay them nothing, and if they complain they get deported back to India.

>> No.54715203

piss easy to get a visa. even CCp chingchongs with £500 can apply to live here permanently

>> No.54715235

Your best hope is that US breaks up in coming years and they just leave you alone.

>> No.54715251

They're loaded as well, 22/23 plate BMW's

>> No.54715269

Texas is minority white (39%), overflowing with spics.

>> No.54715281

Didn't UK govt announce they will provide asylum for Hongkongers?

>> No.54715396

no they just have normal amounts of money. compared to poverty britshits they are kings

>> No.54715567

>gov going to make capital gains tax at just £3,000
this place is cursed

>> No.54715597
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Hey island niggers, quick question. Is it worth it to move to Dublin? I keep getting offers for big money and managerial positions.
I don't drink, like sun, hiking and water related hobbies (diving, snorkeling, surfing, kite surfing, sailing).
Or will I be miserable?

>> No.54715641

Yes. All of Hong Kong. Although there's been total radio blackout on that

Americans hate the h1bs but if they weren't getting raped so hard by "tech" companies they're actually a good idea. They'll quite likely just bin your application if the name doesn't sound right. They openly discus visa chop shops and how to get into the bay area on other sites. They also spam the shit out of stack exchange with their homework and work related code problems, then complain when they don't have a worked example within 14 minutes. Then change the example mid solution. All very tiring and predictable stuff. One was on here even mentioning how the first two years are basically just copying code from stack exchange.

>gov going to make capital gains tax at just £3,000
Our man rishi is trying it both ways. He's going for the boats (conservative) and this (not conservative) to scrape some extra change in. The martin Lewis guy from the money saving expert mentioned rishi had actually called him as chancellor of the exchequer to ask him
>what do they (the plebs) want
He's also been under investigation for tax evasion more than once. And is now running the whole thing. Lel. The scrape is definitely on. It's also kind of pointless since they'll waste all that on some other useless shite anyway.

>> No.54715649

ireland is suicide tier just like the UK. if you're planning to move to anywhere in western europe you're fucked.

>> No.54715659

Based Boris let one million Cantonese in

>> No.54715735

Rip, I'll keep looking for completely remote job then and fuck off somewhere warm but still will be able to raise kids. Married but we are thinking kids, just trying to find a place to raise them. Western Europe does not look that great desu..

>> No.54715765

As a paddy who worked in both Ireland and the UK I'd chose the UK, also rent in Dublin is likely to go up again.

>> No.54715771

Is Denmark any good? Heard they were tight on immigration.
What about Switzerland?

>> No.54715784
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>> No.54715833

im a dropout but it was luck really, i just knew some stuff in a hyperniche industry and was at the right place at the right time for a particular opporunity to show its face, just got lucky.

in tech, once you have work history it becomes 100x easier to land jobs. when i was interviewing for my next job literally nobody even asked me where i graudated. also ppl will start coming to you instead of the other way around once u have work experience.

what that means is you need to get ur foot in the door of some run of the mill tech shop asap as apprentice/junior, and then jobhop into an actual comfy tech position after 6/12/18 monhs. make sure to set yourself up from the beginning. don't accept jobs like tech support with the promise of dev position later - its bullshit, they will pidgeonhole you. make sure its a job where you are actually unironically writing code. make sure youre around other software devs/tech types, you wil learn a lot by osmosis (infact vast majority of it will be learnt this way.)

its ok if the job is trash, youre doing this for a single line in your CV. dw about making minimum wage in the beginning either, tech has huge ceiling. think long game. ignore ai doomsayers, but dont ignore it, and dont have hangups about using it like some autists do ("waah its cheating").

as everyone says degree will help in lots of small ways but its just a boost. dont think in terms of ceritifcates, think in terms of outcomes, and how to get that outcome. 3yrs of "studying" before your first tech job is honestly a hard sell esp. if youre 26. i would highly recommend to at the very least work in parallel with a degree, or work and do degree part time. most likely your work experience will count for far more than the degree, especially long game. dont ignore bootcamps, it is what you make of it. lots of ppl get their "in" via a bootcamp. but dont get scammed either.

also dont wfh in the early days, get to know ppl first, then pivot into wfh if u want.

>> No.54715869

>ignore ai doomsayers, but dont ignore it
i meant to say
>ignore ai doomsayers, but dont ignore ai

>> No.54715870

earning £11 an hour and feeling like a 3rd worlder

>> No.54715872

>It's also kind of pointless since they'll waste all that on some other useless shite anyway.
yeah it's just more money for them to throw at niggers or some stupid shit that benefits not a single person

>> No.54715930

>school dropout
>no qualifications
>code boot camp
>how to tech
This is seems a little.... unrealistic.

>> No.54715994

Have you considered moving to a non-tax jurisdiction?

>> No.54716006

the less money you have the harder it is to make money.
jobs are like that aswell. nobody wants to hire the guy with 0 work history. so its hardest in the beginning. once you have like a year or two you're a solid junior candidate, maybe even could go into main dev role if it was at a brand-name tech shop. after that its not a problem anymore.

>> No.54716219

>nobody wants to hire the guy with 0 work history
No one, usually, want to hire someone who not only doesn't have any higher qualifications but also dropped out of school.

I have published medical code based statistics work. The one statistic I find very odd is how many times I can send my cv out to places both on entry salaries and for more advanced positions and receive precisely zero response despite them apparently being desperate for anyone that can write code.

I've seen all that needs seeing via stack exchange, this site and a few others.

>> No.54716275

Have also worked for the largest pharmaceutical company on the planet on placement in r&d. Still nothing.

>> No.54716453

im pretty sure he said he dropped out of uni, not school. and "didn't finish his degree", aka presumably he's got a year or two of uni on the clock (which by the way you can shoehorn into sounding just like you got a degree without lying)

well anyway who knows, im just posting my experience. not saying its as easy as 1-2-3 but its doable.

>receive precisely zero response
maybe youre overqualified. try over-selling yourself maybe? medical stuff is usually highly regulated and a bit of a racket, i.e. in order to get next years budget they need to spend the current one, aka better to ask for too much than too little kind of thing going on?

>> No.54716511

Oh look, another of our faggot politicians who work against our interests.

I don't mean that in the basedboy libtard way. I love my conservabros and tradsis'es and well as commiemaxxers. Our ENTIRE political class is a hive of scum who work their hardest only to make their friends as much money as possible before leaving politics for comfy exitops.

We're the Saudi of finance because of the mismanagement of these mutts and bastards. Once finance goes we'll be regulated to North Korea status of relying on a big fading superpower (the US) while having no exports except threats and military voyeurism.

>> No.54716513

oh nevermind you already mentioned you went for high end stuff, i just parsed "entry level jobs" and missed the rest of the sentence