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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54702311 No.54702311 [Reply] [Original]

I miss when it dicked around at 7.69...

6 dollars? Come the fuck on...

>> No.54702349

What part of buy at $6.66 and sell at $7.77 you didn't understand??

>> No.54702401

This cube ruined my life. I could have been a multi millionaire several times over.

>> No.54702636

I'm starting to hate holding this piece of shit

>> No.54702671

what's the problem? long 6.66, short 7.77. ez money

>> No.54702687

someone should really post the sergey sex tape while he's holding a same slides presentation, that'll teach him not to fuck around

>> No.54702942

>-34% since staking was released 5 months ago
lmfao what a fucking shitcoin

>> No.54702962

Staking released at $7.30, it's now $7

>> No.54702975

Wasn’t it supposed to pump after staking?

Oh yeah marines moved the goalposts (again) for the 563738th time like the cucks they are

>> No.54702995

What we got wasn't the staking we have been waiting for since the 1st whitepaper. 0.1 was just a placeholder to placate holders for a little while longer

>> No.54703005

link marines are the biggest cucks known to man

>> No.54703013

link marines are low iq trash that ruined this board

>> No.54703046
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>> No.54703337

I've been lurking for a long time. I've had it. This last dump was it for me. I want to kill myself now. My mid 20s just slipped by and I've no skills no bitches and a shit job. It's over. And I can't even sell because of staking. Ha. It's over. I had 80k at 26 when it peaked. Now I have about 20k to my name and I turn 29 in a few days.

>> No.54703669

yeah, they rushed it out to save face. the contract even has a warning on it

>> No.54703720

just know, iktfb and you have someone to commiserate with.

>> No.54704350
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>> No.54704369
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Bruh link? definately ngmi

>> No.54704373
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>> No.54704381
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>> No.54705303

Why don’t you just swap to ATOM and start earn passive income? I make my living for ATOM staking and quit my job. You get massive 20% yearly commission via staking. I swapped 30k chainlink for atom and I cant understand why I was holding that for so long. Atom price change seems to be so comfy, like holding some big company shares for fucking gigantic compound

>> No.54707079

It's above $7 right now, what are you on about?

>> No.54708253

It's fine.
You should unironically be happy you are even able to be rational enough to admit this to yourself.
Most are not.
I wouldn't sell now myself, unless it's for BTC or ETH.
But just based off that single post you probably have a decent chance of making it one day.
And all I'm basing assertion off of is you being smart enough to discover and buy link at the right time, and also capable of realizing the mistakes afterwards. Very powerful combo of traits imo.
Most people here did not buy but can shout sell all day without understanding the uncertainty and pressure, or did buy and will never admit their own failings.

>> No.54708415

Talk to me on Wednesday, Chummy!