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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 450x413, cryptocurrency-market-capitalization2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
546896 No.546896 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not buying a dime of PND. Now while I appreciate the enthusiasm of the PND devs and supporters. Your coin and all other altcoins are fatally flawed.

First of all, you're an altcoin. Meaning not bitcoin. Meaning bitcoin is the dominant coin and nothing is gonna change anytime soon. Our very language has already made you secondary. That's bad. Really bad. Go on the street and ask how many people know what "cryptocurrency" is. Then ask them how many people have heard of "bitcoin". Guess which one is gonna be more familiar?

The fact of the matter is that you're a copy of bitcoin. Bitcoin was a very original and new idea. Attempting to modify it and improve it does not mean that everyone starts using your coin. You are not the facebook to bitcoin's myspace. You are the the google+ to bitcoin's facebook. Why any company, or consumer, would want to use this coin is beyond me. Bitcoin is getting infrastructure all over the world. It has real cash behind it. It has big players talking about it. It is being written about everyday in the media. You can't even find a trace of pandacoin in the media.

Even my little quiet backyard of this earth is getting introduced to bitcoin.


You wrote a primer for noobs? That's not very hard. That means nothing. I bought BTC on coinbase the other day for market price. You get 65% of PND's market price on buypnd.com. They claim it's because of fees. I don't think so. I didn't pay that many fees going through exchanges. YOU even have to buy BTC to get PND. You are completely dependent on BTC. The fact that you have someone doing it manually is preposterous. That's not innovative at all.

I've asked about marketing and strategy for how to get the coin out there. No one has answers. No one. It's always "we have connections" or "the devs will announce it soon". Then i get berated on your IRC for asking legit questions that any business would ask you about your coin.

>> No.546901

>implying BTC isn't kill
One of the worst performing assets of 2014. People have heard about it by now, they just don't care.

>> No.546906


it's irrelevant I'm not a BTC shill. I'm only proving PND has 0 chance of blowing up.

It makes sense to me that investors got skittish about pump and dumps, so someone tried to make a coin look as non-pump and dump as possible.

>> No.546913

but we made a pretty website and the devs are very active

>> No.546933
File: 64 KB, 1114x464, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shilling

>> No.546934

unlike bitcoin our new wallet will download the entire blockchain in 5-15 min while bitcoin has to wait for hours

>> No.546942


>> No.546961

actually the electrum wallet is instant

>> No.546972

They're called shitcoins for a reason. They are all meant to be pump and dumps.

Every dollar you make off of an altcoin represents a dollar someone else lost as the result of being a bagholder. You also can't buy directly buy anything with them either. All crypto purchases are converted to USD before finalizing any purchase made with them.

Between the pump and dumps and what is essentially tokens representing USD, calling them a currency is a misnomer.

The developers have even admitted to shilling the fuck out of it on this very board.

Cryptocurrency is completely fucking dead. Bitcoin is only still around because it got lucky during that Cyprus banking fiasco and got a huge short term surge.

TLDR Hide crypto shills sage crypto shills

>> No.546974
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>> No.547001
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>they're ignoring the thread

>> No.547038

bump for responses

>> No.547043

You didn't ask any questions, you just put forth a rant. No one cares.

>> No.547048


>bans me from IRC channel as I'm debating you

>> No.547050

so why are you making threads about it or even caring?

if you don't want to invest, don't do so. No one cares about your opinion on the matter just keep it to yourself instead of causing needless arguments

>> No.547056

>Shills coin
>Someone says they don't like it

You in a nutshell.

>> No.547057


>just keep it to yourself
>bumping PND threads and spamming it all over /biz/

>> No.547059

>the people posting about PND are all of its users
>not just ignoring and hiding things you don't like(there is like 2 or 3 pnd related threads)

Are you this much of a neet to get a sore anus from meaningless things?

>> No.547060
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10/10 got you to reply

>mfw apparent marketing dev bans me from IRC after I ask about marketing

>> No.547067


the fact that you say this either means it's a scam or you don't have the answers. either way your coin is not what you say it is. You have no plan to make it big.

>> No.547071

oh shit nigga

>> No.547073

Are you? Is the coin so weak that you have to defend it valiantly from every random fuck on the internet lest their harsh words collapse your house of cards?

>> No.547177
File: 93 KB, 171x278, 1360086892542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 PND = 1 USD

>> No.547180

that would be the day

>> No.547183
File: 193 KB, 845x627, Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 10.13.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 PND = 1 PND

What I've bought, for shits and giggles.

>> No.547187
File: 17 KB, 655x97, pandas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine. I have 1,422,655.95 more PND coming on the way.

>> No.547191
File: 1 KB, 119x58, a dumber idea than doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I will be able to do something useful with this.

>> No.547192

If it ever gets to cents on the dollar you are rich. Or at the very least you have a few hundred thousand. I doubt it will reach that though.

>> No.547204
File: 42 KB, 630x410, thisisnowapandacointhread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now a Post Your Pandabank Wallet Thread

>> No.547211

I've bought 1.5 M PND. This better be the real deal.

>> No.547226


>> No.547231

i got 69k panda for 4 dollars op. the devs respond almost instantaneously to any email concern you have. so fuck you

>> No.547234

how come amounts of pnd mined dropped drastically for me, like 50-fold between saturday and yesterday?

I refuse to spend any money on crypto, but I'll mine anything because free electricity

>> No.547237

After you buy PND how do you go about selling it? Do you first have to transfer it to BTC and then sell it? I want to know how to go about getting my money out before I put any in, even if it is just $20.

>> No.547239

so what you're basically saying is that BTC is 1.0 version that's opening doors and makes it easier for PND to get accepted later since people can already work with btc so it's easy to convert that crowd
+ with PND being 100 times more userfriendly and fast even people who are not using btc yet can get pulled in.
Thanks! buying 100 USD of PND right now.

>> No.547244
File: 87 KB, 600x401, 1954 Mercedes 300SL GW 4500065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that OP was able to convince you to hop on the train!

You'll be able to buy one of these within the next year.

>> No.547246

but electrum doesnt download the blockchain which means it's useless for PoS coins and doesn't help secure the network at all. In fact that would be bad and useless, so totally invalid point. Also electrum is not the standard wallet for bitcoin.

>> No.547247

I really dont care what you guys do with your money or PND but honestly, what the fuck could it hurt to ship 5-100 bucks into PND. Even in a 1/1000 chance that something good happens, its like a lottery ticket. We will probably fail but seriously the money is nothing.

>> No.547249

>Within the next year
Highly doubtful within the next decade.

>> No.547251

Got myself a 2mil PND

>> No.547258


You deserve everything that's coming to you.

>> No.547260

thank you :D I'm really looking forward to a nice beachhouse.

>> No.547265

I don't really understand coins, but from the little observations I've made of threads on /biz/, this is my problem.

The only thing that can make PND big is exposure, it needs to be realised to the world as 'Look at this crazy coin, buy this you'll be rich!', but I see no effort from PND investors making this coin popular. 4chan and Reddit doesn't count as exposure, if you want it to go big you need the BBC and every other media outlet jumping on board.

>> No.547266

this. hope the devs will up their marketing game, bought 1 mil.

>> No.547269

Damn you guys ruined it. PND was left totally alone when it was one thread and an occasional "buy PND, short PRAN" comment on other threads. Once you started to spam multiple threads and invade other threads that had nothing to do with PND, you totally alienated the rest of /biz/. Now there is people shitting all over PND threads and even starting new threads like these to shit on PND. You should have left well enough alone.

My advice to you? Lay off the shilling for a bit. Come back in a couple days and then contain it to one thread again. Otherwise you run the risk of people wrecking every PND thread and it becoming a hated thing on /biz/ like Bitcoin became. There is a reason that Bitcoin threads are rare now.

>> No.547279
File: 48 KB, 344x517, all_business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 out of 10 how buttmad are you that you didn't buy early?

>> No.547282

probably about "anal annihilation" mad

>> No.547284

I'm sure you think this will "show him!" but it really doesn't put you in a good light. I really am trying to help you here. Stuff like this will destroy any chance people have of taking this remotely seriously.

>> No.547285

See, this guy has advice for you all, but I don't have any cause I don't relate in any way to you. I'm here just to shit on your thread, and shit on your head. Know why? Because I can, cause I have the high ground and you have the slimy weasel sleaseball spammer ground. Hey, it's just the truth. And it feels good too. How about this for some advice: don't come back at all, cause no one wants you here, or anywhere if all your bringing is the same stale shit. Hope I got through this time.

>> No.547286


I think >>547282 is right.

>> No.547288

>don't come back at all, cause no one wants you here

nope. wrong

>Know why? Because I can

me too!

>> No.547289

>actually wasting your time shitting on an investment opportunity on an anonymous anime image board on the internet instead of just not investing and moving on

you're the type of guy that will never make it in business

>> No.547290

People that didn't buy PND 3 months ago are retarded as fuck. They are just mad that PND is the future of money and they don't have any. Nocoiners are a bunch of stupid faggots.

>> No.547291

Sigh. Well at least I gave you a heads up. Some people need to learn the hard way I guess. Good luck gentlemen.

>> No.547294

>Future of money
How indoctrinated are you. You can't possibly that emotionally invested in a coin doing well unless you have nothing else that gives you hope.

It will probably double in value but holy shit you guys are crazy.

>> No.547298

See, I don't even need to say anything cause you all will stand up proud and shoot yourselves right in the face without any help from me at all. You come with nothing, which makes it fun and therapeutic to unload on you, because you're such big targets and so easy to hit that it doesn't require much thinking. I don't like thinking all that much so it works out good. Do you think all these people having millions upon millions of pandercoins is a good sign? To me that says one thing: worthless.

>> No.547313

how much you all make spamming this shit 24/7 on 4chan? I seriously hope it remains worthwhile, factoring in, *some* self-realisation of how fucking annoying it is for everyone else, constantly seeing this shit.

Peeps, from 35% 'fees', to purchases which must be manually cleared (as soon as the receivers finished laughing, that is) to endless spamming to a track record and adoption rate that leaves dogecoin looking like the federal fucking reserve..

..y'all want to piss your hard earned away, fine - but do it on something else, otherwise, you are just encouraging further spamming here.

>> No.547315

I think a large part of PND marketing is done here on /biz/ for some reason.

>> No.547316

I'll have to admit I lol'd. It's funny cause it's so goddamn true. It can't be denied, but rest assured it will be in right about 3.. 2.. 1..

>> No.547323

You're right. You should probably take our advice and invest.

>> No.547324

>which means it's useless for PoS coins
no one cares about PoS coins

>doesn't help secure the network at all
bitcoin network is secure enough as is, unlike PND

>bad and useless, so totally invalid point
so if the electrum folks offered their service for PND you'd turn them away right? lol

>> No.547329

>>which means it's useless for PoS coins
>no one cares about PoS coins
Mining is outdated with all the ASICs, normal people can't mine anymore. PoS is the only viable way to go, also to avoid 51% attacks which a lot of coins are facing.
>>doesn't help secure the network at all
>bitcoin network is secure enough as is, unlike PND
PND network is a lot more secure than bitcoin, I can even say it's probably the safest. Impossible to do 51% attacks, unlike bitcoin, litecoin,...
>>bad and useless, so totally invalid point
>so if the electrum folks offered their service for PND you'd turn them away right? lol
Yes, no point for PND. The devs are doing a great job with this.

You should really do some more research, PoW vs PoS, the advantages and disadvantages etc. Bitcoin is not secure at all, did you consider what would happen if everyone would turn off their miners since it's not profitable to mine anymore?

>> No.547332

>so it's easy to convert that crowd
lol keep telling yourself that.

I've been using bitcoin for three years, and I wouldn't touch pandacoin with a ninety foot poll.

>> No.547334

I only spent $20 on PND for like a million of them. When they become worth a dollar each which is super realistic, I am going to be a millionairre. Even at the worst case scenario it becomes worth .50 cents and I make half a million. How many of you can say that you made half a million by doing nothing? If you even wanted to you could invest a couple thousand and be a billionaire. Makes it easy to buy now doesn't it? Stop shilling against PND and buy.

>> No.547335

some people prefer playing with commodore 64, I prefer to play on a PS4. It's basically the same.

Good luck with your technically inferior coin.

>> No.547336

>When they become worth a dollar each which is super realistic
>super realistic
>super real
It's just not gonna happen, this coming from a guy with over a million of them.

>> No.547340

Does any other coin have the devs that PND does or the features? PND is light years ahead of any other coin out there. Once Asia buys them they are for sure going to be the #1 crytpo. We have like 10 devs working on PND day and night. I don't see Bitcoin standing a chance. If you don't think PND is going to be worth a dollar each thats your opinion but you are wrong. I just don't think you understand asian markets.

>> No.547352

I love PND, the devs, been following it before launch, and mined upon its launch until it went PoS. I have seventy times as many PND as you, but 1 PND = 1 USD I feel is very unlikely.

>> No.547359

>its super easy to get bitcoin users to convert
>get told
>some people just like using inferior technology
you don't get it, which is fine. But for real, its depressing seeing people so deeply in denial.

Just cash into BTC while you still have any money left.

>> No.547363

hey pnd tycoon, gibe 1M plox
all I have is roughly 10K and the mining isn't helping much

>> No.547369

so Obvious, you're just trying to lower the price, why else would you encourage people to dump.

>> No.547383
File: 80 KB, 1279x885, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should some poor sap who got ripped off report this shit. I was not so desperate to become rich, that I bought PND. How is the Chinese government not suing PND devs for ripping off the real physical panda coin issued by the Chinese government,

>> No.547415

Wow, you take the general stupidity of this board and then decide to take it to another level don't you?

>> No.547431

>First Place Winner in the `Spot the Panicking Pandas, whenever SEC is mentioned..' Game.

>> No.547441

yes, I'm panicking.. what would SEC have to do with it? people invest in what they want. also I'm not living in that 3th world country.

>> No.547468

>you're wrong therefore you must be trying to get people to dump
>people to dump
>implying that a couple people from /biz/ dumping would affect the price

Nice marketing strategy

>> No.547471

>b-but we built a webpage to educate people about crypto


>b-b-but the panda makes it more friendly

>> No.547473
File: 6 KB, 223x226, 1347296339618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could say that about every junk bond, penny stock and crypto (not named bitcoin) out there right now.

Do you realize people have been using this technique to scam people for centuries?

>> No.547490


I could buy a fucking house

>> No.547492


Considering there will be 100 billion of them asking for $1 == 1 PND is a really tall order. I'll be glad with $0.001 to $0.1 per PND.

>> No.547495

0.001$ per PND is actually fairly reasonable. $0.1 a lot less so and 1$ is out of the fucking question.

>> No.547496
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>100 times more user friendly
>you have to buy BTC to get PND
>buy pnd with buypnd.com
>get 65% of market value

>I have concerns about how PND will work
>omg look at dis faggot, he ain't gonna be rich like us


>> No.547504

Yes I think $0.1 is the high point of this pipe dream but I'd be happy with $0.0001 let alone $0.001.

>> No.547511

Is nobody going to point out that Bitcoin has been around for years now and PND has only been around for a few months? Why are some people trying so hard to put down PND? i'm sure when the idea of bitcoin was first thought up there were many people doubting it and saying it would never work, now look at it and imagine how those negative people must feel for not investing.

Anyone who hates PND should wait at least 5 years, if it is still as it is now then fair enough you can laugh and shit all over it, but if it has grown, expanded and is actually worth something then you can shut the fuck up.

I hope PND does very well just to show up the non believers

>> No.547515

I'm judt curious where can i buy PND??
According to this
for 30 bucks i should be able to buy about 1 000 000 PND but here
but according to this site i have spend 50 bucks to get 1 000 000 PND.

>> No.547518


>he thinks PND will have the same growth and interest as BTC over a five year period

>he forgot PND is a copy of bitcoin and the innovation has already been done

Stop acting like PND is as innovative as BTC. It's not. It is "apparently" an improved copy. Just like the other hundred "apparently" improved copies.

>implying we're gonna stop calling out your shilling and shitting up the /biz/ for the next five years when you can't even explain away the basic problems with your coin

>> No.547522


paypal and exchange fees gobble up 35% of your money

so innovative, so user friendly

>> No.547524

- speaking entirely personally, PandaShit could become the new Gold Standard, for all I GAF.

..but when every second or third thread is shillers scamming this nonsense, then, they can GTFO, and now.


Its really not difficult. Is it now?

>> No.547533
File: 90 KB, 550x1090, 4234586+_2e1e6ec88a8c341cce48fbc05b61a8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the majority of a securities investors' mentality is
>pssh, I can afford to piss away 30 dollars, for the chance of becoming a millionaire.

It is not an investment but a gamble.

This seems like a scam that relies on a common logical fallacy. That losing small amounts of money is not consequential. you get 1000 people to piss away 30 dollars, they all lose. then you made 30,000 dollars. And the individual who only lost 30 dollars does not give enough fucks to complain.

Buying PND for cash is extremely easy. Selling PND for cash is extremely hard.

Here is a question if you had a 250 thousand dollar salary, and a 5 million dollar investment portfolio would you invest 10 percent of your portfolio into PND.?

>> No.547546

They really should have worked on that if they want ppl to buy PND. I'm lame when comes to this things but i think that the real problem is that there is lack of actual use for cryptocurrencies right now, the only reason why bitcoin became so popular were internet black markets like SilkRoad.

>> No.547547

If you have payeer account it looks like you can trade them with usd at bleutrade.com which would be cheaper as they're at $40 usd per million or maybe less.

>> No.547550


>being this naive to think there wont be more ways to buy and sell PND in the future

PND is only a few months old, is has a long road to go, but it has the ideas and the community behind it to go a long way

It's a young coin. What are you expecting? Please take your stupidity off this board it's ruining /biz/

>> No.547552


>Here is a question if you had a 250 thousand dollar salary, and a 5 million dollar investment portfolio would you invest 10 percent of your portfolio into PND.?

god no

>> No.547553


>> No.547560


>muh ideas
copying bitcoin and then shitting all over it

>muh community
an IRC channel full of teenagers

>young coin
that's the problem. Too late faget

>> No.547572


your argument is the same as this:

'oh look a 1 day old husky puppy! Oh it can't pull a sled in minus 30 degrees yet?, must be a shit dog, better kick it in the face'

You're naive and ignorant. Your points are invalid and stupid. It is not coping bitcoin directly, it is taking bitcoins idea and improving it. There is large community that you seem to be mostly unaware of other than IRC. Please research before commenting

>> No.547613


>naive and ignorant
Falling for penny stock/junk bond scams

>invalid and stupid
You can't refute them

>It's not copying bitcoin directly
But it is. You are doing exactly that. If you think PND is some new thing not built of BTC then you're confused

>it's taking BTCs idea and improving
looks like BTC didn't need your help with how it's growing

>large community
shilling on /biz/, 600 hundred subscribers on reddit, and IRC channel full of shillers that makes doge look like a serious financial instrument

>do research
I did. I was very into the idea until the house of cards that is PND started falling down. It really starts with solving the real problem of getting a competitor for BTC. You have no answer for that. You have no way to get cash, no way to get backing, no way to get the coin to consumers and no way to convince retailers to use it.

>> No.547622

ignorance is bliss.
Lets talk again here in 4-5 months, lets see who was right then. I'm 100% sure it's me but yeah. Good luck.

>> No.547631


okay i'm done arguing now you're too stupid to argue with, talk agin in a year when pnd has grown, bye

>> No.547646

An ever popular strategy for scams is to scare the target into thinking they are going to miss out on something big if they don't act right now. It's all about pressuring the target into making a rash decision by creating arbitrarily close deadlines. Along with acting like it's their loss if they don't buy into the scam.

This is textbook.

>> No.547660


Rustled the fuck outta your jimmies

>> No.547673

PND Shills are just shilling PND because they own a bunch of it and are hoping the price can get up so they can make bank selling it.

There is no value whatsoever in PND; Why would I invest in a shitcoin rather than buying some gold?

>but it's only 4 dollars and you could make GORILLIONZ

I might as well speculate on shitty penny stocks.

>> No.547690

noone says anything about scam except for some biz-tards that didn't invest. Very credible.

>> No.547694


>no one is saying anything about scam
>no one

I think the price of PND begs to differ

>> No.547699

Ok good! don't come back. In fact, the internet would be a better place without you all together. Wait a sec though, before you leave, send me $20. I might get rich and if that happens, I will reward you. It's just twenty dollars man, like it's nothing. Everyone has 20 bucks, so what is there to lose? Send me your money, or if I make you feel uncomfortable then just head to your nearest casino roulette wheel and put it on red. It's the same fucking logic as saying anyone can afford $20 for pandercoin.

>> No.547703

Thought " Well i will invest 25€, i will simply i 2 times less to mcdickies"

>bought on buypnd
>this was on the 9.11
>pnd are still not there


>> No.547707

go to this website


>mfw every coin has the same behavior
>mfw every coin has a tiny fraction of market cap compared to BTC
>mfw PND has already peaked and is now going down

>> No.547709

i will simply go 2 times less*

>> No.547710

contact the owner. support@buypnd.com
normally you should already have an emai from him, make sure you didnt miss that

>> No.547719

Yes, your best option is transfering to btc, then try to sell the btc for cash, Im still trying to buy btc to get pnd, thats the annoying thing about getting in and out of cryptocurrencies

>> No.547724
File: 56 KB, 1240x377, PNDtrend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly this coin is going to defy what every other coin has done and it's going to continue to move upwards at this point

>> No.547729

You never know it might defy all logic and reason and shoot up to 5 USD per coin because some anons shilled real hard for it. It couldn't possibly be on the downward slant towards oblivion.

>> No.547734
File: 21 KB, 276x280, oeorheorhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's so fun looking at the 365 graphs for these coins. They all exhibit pump and dump behavior, even if they didn't intend that. They all peak, then fall into oblivion.

>mfw Panda peaked a month ago

>> No.547739


Duh, it's a fucking pump and dump like every other shitcoin

>> No.547744

>almost 2015

fucking toppest kek

>> No.547779

Seriously, jesus. I sold all my PND a gorillion years ago.

>> No.547933

>he didn't bother to check his email to verify
nice job, trying to ruin PND because you're an idiot?

>> No.547959

>Trying to ruin PND
Like it's not already doing a great job of ruining itself

>> No.548075

do people here actually think a + (voiced) besides user ID on IRC is a dev?

>> No.548287


> PoW vs PoS, the advantages and disadvantages etc.

Yes the disadvantage of PoW is it's expensive. The disadvantage of PoS is it's completely insecure. As sunny king why checkpoints are still around after literally *years*. Someone might invent a working PoS algorithm, it doesn't exist yet.

>> No.548289


> makes doge look like a serious financial instrument

I snorted

>> No.548861

i never knew buypnd.com ripped you off that badly

i bought all mine from there

>> No.548928

tfw dogecoin is better somehow

>> No.548933

fuck idk what to do. buy PND and hope i dont get scammed or skip it and watch people get rich?

>> No.548938

PND is fucking dead. See you guys when it hits 1 satoshi.

>> No.548964

Every coin that isn't bitcoin is doomed.

>> No.549381

How many trains are you going to miss out on before you get a clue?

>> No.550085


PND's dump train has already left the station, only the PND bagholder train has yet to depart.

>> No.550095

what does this mean

>> No.550098


>> No.550212

I couldn't read that when I googled it.

>> No.550232

It means PND is kill. The time to buy PND was months ago when the market cap was 25K. If you bought back then you ended up with at least ten times more than you started with. Now it's on a downward spiral and you only stand to lose money.

>> No.550265

so.... that's it

>> No.550270

m-muh 50 satoshis ;_;

>> No.550309

>Implying this suddent drop isn't due to BTC's unfunded rise and wont return to normal as soon as it crashes again.

>> No.550537


>> No.550947


I bought into PND not expecting profit for at least a few years

It has already increased in value due to speculation but the whole point is that it will eventually be used as a currency which could still happen

Some kind of altcoin will take bitcoins place because bitcoin is worse than lots of them - if it isnt PND it will be something very similar because PND is the easiest coin to use

>> No.550950


Im in no way involved in PND (except having some) but I agree with this guy

If you dont like something stop crying and just dont use it

Just like, click a different webpage or turn off your monitor or something enstead of shitting up everyones day with your opinions

>> No.550955


It was at this point I realised I was trolled

10/10 you got me bad I was mad as fuck

>> No.550958


As more people mine it the amounts you get get smaller- when less mine it you get more

>> No.551253


You bought a shitcoin as a long term investment?!?!?! HAHAHAHAH

>> No.551309
File: 639 KB, 1079x774, Screenshot - 11142014 - 12:40:44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone send me like some minuscule percentage of a panda?
like .0000000000001 or whatever the smallest possible?
I just want to learn how to use this/test
I think I have become a computer stupid lately
maybe I contracted Chlorovirus ATCV-1 from sushi


>> No.551443

wait why?
you can get more from faucets
or from the IRC, there's an active giveaway on the reddit sub

>> No.551499

eww reddit
but thank you for the reply

>> No.551501

try the irc
or "http://pandacoin.altcoinfaucet.net/"

>> No.551510

I've started reporting PND shills as commercial/spamming.

I recommend you all to do the same.

>> No.551513

this entire thread was hating on pnd
it wasn't created by a shill
but go ahead :)

>> No.551514

This. Abusing the report system gets you banned, so if you wankers all start doing this, we will finally be able to have our PND threads in peace.

>> No.551518

actually isn't it time for another PND General?

>> No.551537


you realize the total volume for PND trade on that exchange is $0.081...

I mean, i guess if you wanted 8 cents.

>> No.551545

I said shills, I haven't reported anyone itt.

Shills are easy to spot.

>> No.551549

>Passively mine PND with spare rigs.
>Sit on a decent hashrate for 3 years
>Lol when retards put $ into the market
>profit when people are dumb enough to trade for BTC after PND appreciates a bit.

>> No.552117

we need dumpers like you, otherwise we couldnt get any pnd with multipool

>> No.552132

It's interesting how poor people will trick themselves into using 'hope' as a method to relieve them of their woes.

Even the folks people scratch tickets understand the unlikelyhood of winning nothing.

You people are dumber than weekly scratch ticket buyers.

>> No.552176
File: 123 KB, 374x500, ripanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai guise!

>> No.552180
File: 255 KB, 2000x1340, train-wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a problem with the train, sir.

>> No.552186
File: 104 KB, 1171x588, Pawnda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.552189

just dump your pnd im waiting
oh thats right you dont have anything

>> No.552193
File: 177 KB, 1131x1031, charts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is a retard and it aint me.

>> No.552195

They call me the panda killer. Know why? cause I hate spamming pieces of shit like you. There's still time to admit defeat and change your ways though. There's some real hope for you.

>> No.552198

This. People say "PND is dead" and say how it's lost so much value in the past couple of weeks. But look how far it's come in such a short time.
>ITT: faggots

>> No.552202

Au contraire. Your pic betrays you.

You all make my job too easy. Sometimes I wish it was a little more of a challenge, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.552206

but youre just a thread bumping retard ;)

>> No.552216

yes because a normal stuck or currency goes up in a straigth line. You're making my job very easy

>> No.552228
File: 87 KB, 720x514, sdsgofd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't take what I just said and just say it back and call that a response. Try saying your own thing. Coming with "faggot' and "retard" isn't helping your cause either btw. I don't care about bumping the thread, I'm just here to shit on your head.

>> No.552239

damn your life must be sad and empty
or youre trying to get people to dump
either way good luck

>> No.552259

Here's what I don't understand because I'm an economics noob. Let's say that I buy $1,000 worth of PND from BuyPnd.com which comes out to be about 18,573,551.26 PND and it some how raises to $0.0001 USD. At that point you sell it and make about $1857.35, less your $1k initial investment you've made just $857.35.

Is that right? As nice as having an extra $800+ in my pocket it sounds, it seems pretty meager to me. Did I do my math right or did I miss something?

Also wouldn't a huge sell off ruin the market and make PND worthless? Boom and bust over and over again who would want it at that point. I make not claims I know anything about how economics works but that's what I can observe from a topical leve.

>> No.552273


Yes their efforts to save people from a scam are pretty sad...


Don't confuse the last price with the ability to dump that much of a commodity. You can neither buy nor sell a significant amount of a commodity without moving the market, and I imagine PND's trading depth is low. That means you'd get less for your $1000 unless there was a huge sell order at your desired price, and you'd sell for a lower price unless there was a huge buy order at your desired price.

You're right you can make money speculating on shitcoins, but you're unlikely to succeed, and even if you did, shitcoin speculation is zero-sum, your fortune is another person's failure.

>> No.552283

>Even the folks people scratch tickets

>unlikelyhood of winning nothing

>> No.552284

It's like you were born a fuckup. Did you do any research at all? buypnd.com is the absolute worst place to buy this shitcoin because of its unbelievable markup

>> No.552289


shit my nigga you just found out how to get rich!

>> No.552290

>some how raises to $0.0001 USD..

>tfw, praying for a raise to reach even 1% of a cent.

>> No.552292

I heard that their prices aren't the best, but I'm new to cryptos so before I spend a dime into the market I wanted to understand how it functions then I'll look for the best deal.

>> No.552294

where is better?

>> No.552297

I'm expecting a big rise next week. I know you shitposters don't believe me, but please do take a screenshot of the current price/marketcap. for keks

>> No.552299

buypnd might have a margin but at least you don't have to wait 3 wokingdays for fiat => btc => bittrex => pnd
Reason why thei prices are quite steep is because some shittards tried to ruin the website for others.
Dev said they would look into making it more competitve in the future though.

>> No.552300

If you really HAVE to buy this shitcoin any exchange will do. Bittrex is the main one. buypnd.com marks up the price by like 35% and in order to buy a decent amount you have to go through the same amount of authentication as an exchange anyways. That means PND has to go up at least that for you to even make your money back when you go to sell it.

>> No.552304

>dev said, "maybe, I'll stop ripping peeps a 35% wider asshole, maybe.."

Tell him, to maybe go fuck himself - even Pandas going to run out of assholes shortly at a 35% burn rate. That is borderline criminality, no joke. And fuck off with"b-but p-Paypal, etc." as well.

>> No.552305

What the hell is the fucking rush? lmao
If you buy anything more than $20 on buypnd you have to give your ID, name and identifying information which is the same thing an exchange will ask for. buypnd.com spams these threads trying to give you a sense of urgency that this coin is going to explode. Protip: it's not going anywhere. If you really feel an overwhelming urge to buy, at least go through an exchange, wait the couple days and don't get raped on the price.

>> No.552311

buypnd is not run by devs at all for the record.
if you did some research you would know that

>> No.552319

>shitcoin speculation is zero-sum

This is no more true than in any other speculative market.

>> No.552366

- Yeah, there has always been *at least* 6 degrees of seperation between John Moore and the Panda devs..

>http://pandacoinpnd.org/about/buy-pandacoins/ oh look, a squirrel

..& buypnd is in no way officially or otherwise endorsed ( roll-fucking-eyes.jpg ) -



>> No.552506


PUMP! PUMP!!!!!!!!!

> you shitposters don't believe me

no john, you are the shitposter

>> No.552579

My fucking sides
This is gold anon

>> No.552597
File: 1.23 MB, 437x246, 1414521621984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truest thing to be spoken in /biz/.

>> No.552723

strange - there were, up until recently, regular around 3 PND spam shill threads on the /biz/ first page alone.. Then, came this thread.. and the PND shill(s) vanished, disappeared, overnight?

Strange, that is, strange indeed. Well in, OP, & thanks - I raise you a glass, to the Sound of Silent Pandas.

>> No.552740

Of course the PND blockchain is minute, no-one uses the shitty coin.

>> No.552903

this whole thing was made up and now PND will die.

like a pyramid scheme remix

>> No.552908


u u
m m
p p

Whake up sheeple.

>> No.553093

that is like finding the arrow in Fedex
amazing it was always there
also.. isn't p'ing and d'ing not allowed?
I recall it was a storyline for later Soprano's episodes

>> No.553095
File: 83 KB, 708x453, right_forward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if pnd was created by /g...
I bet it is full of botnet backdoor wtvr haX0rs
and now your computer is probably used as a resource for BTC mining

>> No.553309
File: 9 KB, 542x132, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is then it's a pretty light miner.
CGminer used to weigh more than Firefox.

>> No.553313

why are people still talking about this shitcoin?

>> No.553321
File: 78 KB, 2072x701, fed-ex-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuckin shit

I see it

Mind blown

>> No.553331

someone tell me how to exchange pandadick for bitcoin.

cause this is annoying

>> No.553368

I used bleutrade.com to exchange pnd.

>> No.554126

oh look, theyre back again. dont seem to want to post in this, the offishial /biz/ Pump-N-Dump thread tho.

>> No.554176

Verison 3.00 hybrid client is out.


>> No.554183
File: 2.17 MB, 388x218, 1414612813676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP
>mfw made people see the truth about a Pump and Dump

>> No.554198
File: 63 KB, 828x460, kekniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100,000 retailers

>> No.554204
File: 268 KB, 361x691, 1411775082534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>coming soon
>100k retailers with one guy working marketing

Stop lying faget

>> No.554207
File: 120 KB, 440x626, hahahaplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm laughing at it too.

>> No.554231

www.1000001places2spendyurPNDS.cx is COMING SOON, u cynical faggots. This pardigm shit requires BIGGER INTERNETS & an ORACLE MEGACLUSTER, merely to list them all alphabetically.

Hows the buyers biting, then boys -wealth off the radar yet?

>tfw 10 satoshis ASK
- maybe want to try a strategic decimal shift manoeuvre, or two, here.. Y'all gonna need a bigger fractional wealth measurement scenario shortly.

>> No.554516

not bought any , but if this was true what would happen to the price?

>> No.554519

Nobody could tell you that because it would be pure speculation. Don't worry though its not even a tiny bit true.

>> No.554566

Devs have delivered every time again and again. Haters going to hate.

There's so many ways that obtaining 100k+ retailers is possible. It's so easy to FUD when so many have declared "I'm waiting to rebuy around 5-6 sat". Chance is gone chumps.

>> No.554590

>"There's so many ways that obtaining 100k+ retailers is possible.."

- srsly? - care to, eh, actually *detail* this roadmap to 100,000 retailers any further for us, or does this all-noo PND World Retail Domination Masterplan actually involve John (Mistah 35% to yoo, bro!) Moore registering another 99,998 'stupidshitspendPND.com' domains, as per?

srsly - ok, I am a retailer. Why, in the name of sweet jesus almighty, would I touch this toxically irredemable crap in exchange for goods with a fucking bargepole; WHY? - on what fucking planet do you guys live at all?

Go on, convince me. No? - I thought not.

Now GTFO already.

>> No.554600

He does it for nary a shilling!

>> No.554630
File: 36 KB, 1328x498, pnd prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>PND is kil

You could have made a killer profit buying at 7-8 sat and selling at the current price of 12 sat.

>> No.554640
File: 115 KB, 1258x528, SCHILLING_WILLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and where, exactly, are there BIDS @ 12 SAT on that fine document, you lying fucking retard?

Found you some @ 8 tho - I'd take that, quit before your really behind.

>> No.554756

>post site with good traffic
>o-oh no, the goy knows!
>post site with 0 traffic instead

>> No.554808

wow what a fail, looking at the exchange with no volume, look at bittrex fag

>> No.554809
File: 76 KB, 1013x515, ALL_HANDS_2_THE_PUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..this weks promised rally running well then..? Can't even organise a mini-pump without fucking each other over. Y'all organise a new hymn sheet, can maybe still hold in double figures, till Friday.

Maybe even make it to Monday before the whales flouder in face of the bleeding obvious, and sell you down the river for whtever fractions of a 1000 of a fucking cent they can still squeeze.

So, farewell then, Pump-N-Dump FakeCoin Inc. - thanks for playing, now, hurry up and die, please.

>> No.554813

why dont you try answering the point thereby made instead?

But you wont, and you fucking know well why you won't - because you cant. Fucking shills, full of mouthy shit, till they get called on the simplest of facts that they are blatantly lying through their fucking teeth over, then, they vanish. Go crawl back under your rock.

>> No.554816

You know I think PND is a shitcoin and is doomed to fail too. But I think you may have schizophrenia. Your style of posting is very typical of paranoid schizophrenics. You may want to see a psychiatrist and I am being absolutely serious here.

>> No.554822

I did. Look at bittrex. lots of 12 sat buys.

>> No.554824
File: 28 KB, 460x276, ROBERT-DE-NIRO-001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I go all over. I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks. Don't make no difference to me..

>> No.554825
File: 47 KB, 600x400, Robert-De-Niro-robert-de-niro-122532_600_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.554903

>Payment gateway similar to shopify? Bam 100k+ merchants
> PND to BTC payment gateway similar to veribit/blackbit? Bam 100k+ merchants
> Partnership with global chain? Bam 100k+ merchants

You faggots are just too stupid to see the possibilities. Keep hating and regret not buying. Will be doing the I TOLD YA SO dance when we can use PND to actually buy shit.


>1 litoshi price: Haters - "Who's going to make money on this shit"
> 30 litoshi price: Haters - "Pump and Dump Scam, only idiots will invest"
> 5 satoshi price: Haters - "Listen to these PND shills and loose money"
> 10 satoshi price: Haters - "FUck ya'll stupid faggots, it's scam bro"
> 100 satoshi price: Haters - "It's just lucking out, get out before you loose everything"
> 1000 satoshi price: Haters - "Fuck why won't it fucking crash and burn "
> 10000+ satoshi price: Haters - "Fuck I dun goofed"

>> No.555179

So guys.. I'm new to this whole scene. Should I buy bitcoins or has that ship sailed? PNC going to supersede it or do sweet fuck all?

>> No.555180

I bought £12 worth of PND last week which is just over half a million, the way I see it is if it rises then great I'll be rich, if it doesn't then I've lost less than I'd spend on a pizza.

>> No.555185

Good point. I guess you'd have to be checking regularly for them gains huh?

I think I'll abstain from material purchases for a week and put it into some crypto.

>> No.555213

why not just buy a lottery ticket?

>> No.555230

maybe he wants to invest and not throw fiat away
better chances at casino than lottery

>> No.555274
File: 193 KB, 1326x327, screens45f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like an infomercial.

Unsure buyer: Hey guys! I'm new to /biz/ and/or this whole crypto thing. What should I do lol?

Reassuring presenter: Well anon, I just bought 10 gazillion coins and it was only (insert $$). It's super easy and if by some remote chance i don't become a millionaire then I only lost (insert $$), so no biggie! Devs, lol!

Convinced buyer: well gosh darnit I think I'll just skip (pizza, mcds, premium gas) for a week and get me a chance for milllions! Thanks anon!

I mean it's insulting, really. How stupid do you think people are? Fuck you, and fuck your worthless crap. This is why we hate you. Get it yet?

>> No.555294
File: 900 KB, 799x599, 1376767490680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report them to the Securities and Exchange Commission for the lulz


You won't be charged for filing a false report, or anything, you are free to ask questions even if they don't lead to charges. just read the site.

Also, do any PND developers want to blow the whistle so you can get immunity from prosecution?

>> No.555316
File: 63 KB, 375x500, umadm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mum is like an infomercial.

>> No.555441

BTC isn't dead, it went through a bubble, but it's still a useful payment method. It's being used all over the world, it has value, it was just over valued in 2013. Mainly because of all the speculators jumping on the band wagon to make a quick buck.

>> No.555585

BTC is so kill people got exited when it went to $400, it was $600 a couple of months ago, and $800 before that. That's how sad you've all become.

>> No.555809


Damn you shill hard!

(But none of those things will happen, they aren't even likely to happen, are you high?!)

>> No.555812


>1 litoshi price: Haters - "Who's going to make money on this shit"
> 30 litoshi price: Haters - "Pump and Dump Scam, only idiots will invest"
> 5 satoshi price: Haters - "Listen to these PND shills and loose money"
> 10 satoshi price: Haters - "FUck ya'll stupid faggots, it's scam bro"
>on our way to 100 sat - "But none of those things will happen, they aren't even likely to happen, are you high?!"
> 100 satoshi price: Haters - "It's just lucking out, get out before you loose everything"
> 1000 satoshi price: Haters - "Fuck why won't it fucking crash and burn "
> 10000+ satoshi price: Haters - "Fuck I dun goofed"

>> No.555814

Stop spamming this, dickhead. Even most PND shills dont spew this much bullshit.

>> No.555816

>one repost
not even repost, its an edit

>> No.555818

Try like 5 reposts in multiple threads. I getting sick of seeing this dumb shit.

>> No.556202


Thank you for incorporating my comment. Please screenshot this thread for posterity, you can put it in your bag next to your worthless shitcoins.

>> No.556224

Dude, do us all favor, and come back only (and only) when you actually are at 10000+ SAT, and you have 100,000,00 retailers, and you all fucking living happily up on Panda Mountain, feeding each other hand-reared golden unicorn droppings.

Then, we shall take our meek acceptance of our refusal to buy into your Bullshit, and regret. Meantime tho, fuck off, you be the most boring fucking bunch of self-obsessed, single-issue wankers on the internet at present, and that really is saying something. Go spam reddit, or somewhere else, but basically, just fucking GO, you shower of good-for-nout, drivelling cunts.

>> No.556261

You know I actually want PND to get huge. Just so I can hear the stories of how they went from poor to millionaires to being poor again because they are cunts who don't know how to manage money.

>> No.556415

it won't go anywhere

>> No.556447

Im fully aware of that.

>> No.556776

>they just don't care

Except the World Bank is meeting to discuss how to fucking deal with the threat of Bitcoin, and Time is calling it the best form of money in human history. And more businesses are accepting it every day. Educate yourself.

>> No.556847


but naw *this* shitcoin is definitely gonna take off! For real guise!

>> No.557355

And Canada had a senate hearing on what to do with bitcoin (they decided to watch it go and to have a new session 5 years or so from now).

>> No.557389

they said "pnd is kill" when it was not worth 2 satoshis for a loong time. and now its 10 sat.
it's a rollercoaster, sure. but it is not kill.

>> No.557430
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


..go try shifting *any* significant QTY of this shit, see how long you still get 10 SAT then.. Some PnD whales with the same problem, which is why this place constantly drones with PnD shilling.

Fuck it, you so stupid, deserved to get shafted, go right on ahead, fill your boots.

>> No.557469

Speak human, please.

>> No.557475

..go get raped, Shill.

>> No.557545

Beep boop bippity bop? Beep beep bop motherfucker.

>> No.557770
File: 11 KB, 349x37, shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how stupid /biz/ is.

>> No.559447


The market is shallow as fuck and cannot tolerate any significant sell orders of PND because it's a garbage shitcoin

>> No.559608


Altcoins are crap!!!!

Mark my words:

Ripples, Bitcoin and Guldencoin!!!

>> No.559610

you are a credit to /biz/ and a gentleman

pndshill status: *tumbleweed rolls by*

>> No.559676

You do know the Guldencoin is an Alt-coin, right?

>> No.559691

LOL, idiots pissing their money away on "magic internet gold"

>> No.559722

>he does it for free
>he thinks we don't get it for free

>> No.559823


> Ripple

My sides!

>> No.559836

Ripple went up 50% and made me a cool $1400 bucks this last week. That was pretty funny too.

>> No.559839


Hey I never said you couldn't make money with it, but if you're invested long term you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.559848

Maybe. I still have some XRP just in case they get Citibank or another major bank on board. I dont think its the worst crypto you could be holding by any means.

>> No.559907


Isn't ripple federated rather than P2P though? Requiring trust between nodes? Imho that's basically negating the core innovation of cryptocurrencies.

>> No.559948

People have different ideas of what cryptos are supposed to accomplish. If you push ideology aside, Ripple is just a fast, inexpensive payment platform.

>> No.559961


It's not so much about ideology, trustlessness is what cryptos offer over other solutions. Once you add trust to the equation, everything is much easier. The only thing is there are tons of existing trust-based payment processors, I'm not certain ripple is competitive against them.

>> No.559976

Most of the crypto world is centralized and trust based although they may deny it. The bulk of all Bitcoin exchanges, services, marketplaces, merchants, etc. are all centralized. There wouldn't be much of a market for Bitcoin if this wasnt the case. The thing that differentiates Ripple isn't so much the technology as it is the aim. Their main goal is to unite banks and payment rails on to one protocol to make money transfer and exchange cheap and instant.

>> No.560115

Just because you're legit retarded doesn't mean realities just stop being true because your twisted little mind can't conceive them.

>> No.560130


>> No.560299


> Most of the crypto world is centralized and trust based

That misses the point that the core technology is not trust based, unlike ripple.

> Their main goal is to unite banks and payment rails on to one protocol to make money transfer and exchange cheap and instant.

My point here is: is ripple actually competitive in this fashion?

Furthermore, why would banks participate in ripple when they currently have a oligopoly on centralized money transfer? That's basically them throwing a way a significant amount of their power for no reason I can discern.

>> No.560305

Because they can exert some control over Ripple. They can do fuckall about your average coin.

>> No.560308


Certainly banks are more likely to support ripple than say Bitcoin (unless Bitcoin becomes ubiquitous or something crazy like that). But imho that doesn't mean they want ripple either. Unless you're saying they'd support ripple to avoid having to support a decentralized cryptocurrency, which I suppose is plausible.

>> No.560316 [DELETED] 

>That misses the point that the core technology is not trust based, unlike ripple
I didn't miss your point, I just don't think it makes a difference if the core technology is centralized or the services that sit on top of it are, and those are all trust based.

>My point here is: is ripple actually competitive in this fashion?
There really are no other competitors in this space.

>Furthermore, why would banks participate in ripple when they currently have a oligopoly on centralized money transfer?
You would have to ask them. There are a few banks already utilizing the Ripple protocol.

>currently have a oligopoly on centralized money transfer?
Intra-bank money transfers. There is a distinction there. Inter-bank money transfers are costly and slow.

>> No.560334

>That misses the point that the core technology is not trust based, unlike ripple
I didn't miss your point, I just don't think it makes a difference if the core technology is centralized or the services that sit on top of it are, and those are all trust based.

>My point here is: is ripple actually competitive in this fashion?
There really are no other competitors in this space.

>Furthermore, why would banks participate in ripple when they currently have a oligopoly on centralized money transfer?
You would have to ask them. There are a few banks already utilizing the Ripple protocol.

>currently have a oligopoly on centralized money transfer?
Intra-bank money transfers. There is a distinction there. Inter-bank money transfers are costly and slow.

>> No.560346

Where do you get conversations like this?

>> No.560391

what do you think a realistic value is for PnD? why do you love it?
im not being a gronk, im just genuinely interested.