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54672880 No.54672880 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men so insecure they cant handle a girl with a past?

>> No.54672894

mentally ill discord tranny shill thread. remember, it goes in all fields.

>> No.54672912

this bitch is crazy. i can only imagine the chaos she would bring into my life. nice natural booty though

>> No.54672925

>just take the std’s bro

Lmao, try harder, bitches.

>> No.54672933

Men who sleep around are also mentally ill. Any one who doesn't see how pointless it is after a few people has some issues to work.

We are meant to pair bond and build families.

>> No.54672951

You discord trannies need to stop projecting inceldom everyone. Get help, or rope.

>> No.54672970

If her past is all red flags, she’s not worth the trouble. Simple as that.

>> No.54672976


former manwhore here

200+ bodycount. i recently settled down at 34 years old. got a 2 year old son with my wife. She thinks i have low bodycount but i have genital herpes and i cheat on her all the time
but if she dont know its not bad

>> No.54672977

How do you guys detect woman with massive body counts? I don’t trust a word out their mouths

>> No.54672983

Their dead eyes

>> No.54672995
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>> No.54673021

even if a woman says she has only had 1 boyfriend that doesn't count all of her hookups since middle school. Girls were literally giving blowjobs and making out since the 6th grade in many cases. So one longterm boyfriend means she has given hundreds of blow jobs and been fucked hundreds of times, and that does not include all the guys who were not her boyfriend that she had sexual contact with. You fucking chuds don't get how the world works. Women fuck at least 3-6 men before they settle and thats on the low end. Your job is to fuck her, and get a son out of her, and thats it. ALL women are whores every one of them.

>> No.54673023

I want to believe her but I don't because I'm bitter and have trust issues

>> No.54673035

ive never wanted to curbstomp a whore so badly in my life. She looks used up and hitting the wall hard.

>> No.54673054
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>> No.54673062

you ever felt so dirty that you thought if *that* girl had VD it was somehow hotter?
It's some next level horny shit but its real

>> No.54673065

>hehe look at me I'm a man that slept with 147 women I'm the apex alpha and the most desirable male amongst the females
moid logic

>> No.54673071

Because women don't have a past or future. Women as beings are always in current moment and in accordance to current things. They have no abstract sense of proportion other than quantity and size. This means her personality is in a 3d reality only and can't evolve, only paint itself, break apart or dissolve.

A girl with a past is a girl gone fast

>> No.54673083

I went from a fat loser who slept with a few girls to a semi chad at late 20s. I did the whole /fit/ thing where I was gonna slay all that young puss I missed out on. It actually worked but after about 4 girls I realized how empty it is. I’m 31 and married now. Women will cheat, be better than most men and have your girl know you could fuck others. Don’t hold it over their head but just be the best version of yourself.

>> No.54673085

Men and women aren't equal nor are, by nature and essence, occupying the same hierarchical structures, that's why

>> No.54673090

imagine wanting your son or daughter to be raised by a woman with no self respect

just wait for certified virginity on the blockchain

>> No.54673091
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>> No.54673103

>women don't have a past
>a girl with a past is a girl gone fast
wew lad
desu I gave up on working out wth the rest of your post means too

>> No.54673107

its so funny to read this incel cope. Women do not have agency they are herd followers. Most women are mentally ill to some degree and addicted to social media attention. You pretend that girls with no past are not constantly lusting to fuck other men. kek. You live in a Disney fairy tale seeking for a princess that doesn't exist. All women will have baggage by the time they want to settle with you

>> No.54673122

Don't have a perception of past, I meant. Also the last one was meant as spatial reference. Learn not to be so literal.

>> No.54673123
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>> No.54673129

Women all end up being like tumors on your existence even in the best of circumstances. One that has slept with 170 guys is just another layer of bullshit I'll probably have to deal with in addition to the default mountain of bullshit that comes with dating a girl in general. What is she bringing to the table in exchange for sleeping with 170 guys? Can she cure cancer? Is she a 5 star chef? Is she a hedge fund manager? Is she an oil fortune heiress?

>> No.54673132

>All women will have baggage by the time they want to settle with you
fine with me I don't find 30 year old women attractive in the slightest

>> No.54673151

i wouldnt date them i would pump and dump them though

>> No.54673160

I didn't develop upon that, I'm completely in agreement with you anon. What I said isto conflicting with what yore saying. They're sluts in potence and essence, not all are in act.

All (wo)men are equal (sluts) , but some are more equal (slutty) than others.

>> No.54673161
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>> No.54673164

You know the saying OP. A key that opens many locks is a master key but a lock that's opened by many keys is a shitty lock.

>> No.54673185

Do you know how I know that this vapid attention craving whore does not read the Bible or know what is in the Bible? Because the Bible says
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in public places and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward."
-Matthew 6:5

also she dresses like a whore.

"Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control"
-Timothy 2:9

>> No.54673214
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>not giving your wife attention she deserves
>she cheats


men are fucking stupd

>> No.54673222
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guarantee nobody breaking into anything is going to try to see if any of their own keys is doing the trick
One of the most retarded metaphors of all time.