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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54670346 No.54670346 [Reply] [Original]

>A new rule from the Biden administration will force homebuyers with good credit scores to pay higher mortgage rates in order to subsidize loans to those with riskier borrowing profiles, the Washington Times reports.
>The fee, which will apply to those buying or refinancing houses after May 1, will affect homebuyers with credit scores of 680 or higher, will amount to roughly $40 per month on a home loan of $400,000, or nearly $500 per year. Homebuyers who make down payments of 15% - 20% will be hit with the largest fees.

better start racking up that credit card debt to tank your credit score, wagie

>> No.54670390
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>white old man raises more taxes on white people to pay for niggers

>> No.54670415

so /biz/ what are some good ways to improve my credit from 800 to something like 665?

take out a bunch of loans and default or is there a less messy way

>> No.54670417

we hispanics are the only ones with actual balls in this country.

>> No.54670684

So my original choice of just buying a home outright was the correct one? Seems they're are really trying to divide people nowadays. The responsible against the massively irresponsible/poors that the bank knew shouldn't havd gotten that mortgage. It's pretty much two things for those responsible like myself
>outright buy the house so they can't do a thing
>go as minimum as possible and be late with all of it
There is no inbetween without getting screwed to an extent. Problem being most don't want to do that when theyve been responsible this long. Country has been going down hill for a long time but at least an option for a visa elsewhere is still an option and becoming much more likely for me.

>> No.54670692

It isn't your country. Whites don't have a favela to fall back on like you manlets.

>> No.54670720

most of us have heavy native american admixture so this land is more ours than yours. go back to overcrowded europe you cuck

>> No.54670748
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You're a plage of locusts sent to destroy the US. Cuckolds too because we smash your women.
>t. goblina fucker

>> No.54670758

actually youre spanish rape babies so why dont you go back to europe thanks for cutting my lawn btw

>> No.54670775

we are european/native mix. latino man/white woman is extremely common so the way i look at it is that you are the ones getting beaned lmao. cope and seethe

>> No.54670801

>letting another man mow your lawn
hahahaha cuck

>> No.54670833

>latino man/white woman is extremely common
Lol no literally never seen it. American women don't like 5'5" beanlets.

>> No.54670853

Cancer. Just cancer

>> No.54670905


fuck everything. you vill own nozzing

>> No.54670919
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Pay up

>> No.54670956
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Nah i'll just keep renting and living cheaply until I can buy something outright.

They're priming the market for another 2008 subprime mortgage crash only far worse. Get a good 200-300k stashed away and buy it outright when it inevitably happens in 2028. Fuck your extra welfare tax, blow me Bidet.

>> No.54670988

Meme graph. Mexicans are the backbone of thr american working clasd

>> No.54671091

And they are all on government aid. This means they consume more tax dollars then they generate. They are a net negative. This is well known and established by anyone with a brain. It's why the tribe keeps flooding them in. They will breed like rats and colapse the system as a biological weapon. Our future if we do not remove them is elysium without the elysium space station. A modern bronze age colapse.

>> No.54671884

Don't forget to tip your local nigger.

>> No.54672120
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This shit is so fucking disgusting I am not ever going to take a loan. I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY PARENTS HOUSE. FUCK YOU. I WILL NEVER PAY $500 for negroids FUCK YOU. I AM GOING TO SAVE MY MONEY and buy a plot of land in the boonies. FUCK YOU. THE TOP IS FUCKING IN.


>> No.54672979

Be a landlord and increase rent by 500 dollars. Simple as

>> No.54673012

What's the difference? I got rejected for a mortgage regardless of high interest rates and etc (6% rate) who gets mortgages, people who are already fucking rich? What a fucking scam.

>> No.54673027

maybe native south american jungle monkey admixture with 0 claim to north america. north american natives were based and are long extinct. hardly related to south american squatamalan native monkeys

>> No.54673055

Lol gen y and zoomertards will still vote for Biden even if he makes it impossible for them to ever buy a hosue

>> No.54673104


That's not much unless you're poor.

>> No.54673109
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>401k and Roth are mandatory

>> No.54673117

Nah nigger I was actually born in America. The definition of "Native" is someone who was born in the area. It's synonymous with "local". If you were BORN in America we're equals when it comes to our status of occupation, but if you weren't then you're a disgusting cockroach invading places you don't belong in. BELIEVE IT OR NOT it applies to people from shitty states moving to great states too. LOCALS only please, and thank you.

>> No.54673137
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Based. Fuck homefags. Sick of the real estate chads talking shit about our internet money.

>> No.54673167

whatever helps you cope, you seething brown wage slave

>> No.54673190

I have VINU especially to avoid the fees, I'm being dragged into this kind of options just because the fucking government loves to suck me down to the smallest dollar in stupid rules

>> No.54673192

This is retarded. They just need to build more commie blocks.

>> No.54673202


Then show me your necklace of Nigears, Jefe.

>> No.54673205
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Seemingly every day on this site I see a nonwhite of x race claiming white women love men of x race and its never true
Just being white is the ultimate flex on every non white. Their eternal butthurt is hilarious

>> No.54673269

You don't need to get checked for hemorrhoids numbnuts, just eat psyllium husks, sit on a cushion and lose weight. That's all a doctor would tell you anyway.

>> No.54673293

>He isn't debt maxxxing immediately on this news

>> No.54673298

Are you forgetting about Texas and California?

>> No.54673338

>Black females off in their own universe
What explains this?

>> No.54673359

>Seemingly every day
Anon.....it's 2023

>> No.54673380
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>$500?! This is going to RUIN me
Nope kill yourself. If you have a home now and you’re credit score is high time to help others get on their feet. do you really need hbo max, Disney plus, Netflix, AND Hulu? Cut any of them out and you’ve basically made up the difference How much media can one person consume
>inb4 muh no one helped me and something something bootstraps

>> No.54673432

what a coincidence, I'm going to sell my home after this lands and leave the country.

>> No.54673444

drink more water
eat oatmeal and dates
walk once a day
t. fixed my hemmeroids

>> No.54673448

Kill yourself

>> No.54673472
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I don't know but as an attractive black male I have my pick of the litter with them. Feels good man.

>> No.54673541

bootlicker faggot.

>> No.54673548

Same, but it still feels weird. Like, you have white guys complaining that the black and latino hordes are storming in to take white women by force, Asian guys losing their minds over their women all drooling over white dick, then our women, who repel all other races of men and prefer black guys anyway.
It's a nice freebie.

>> No.54673567

Agree, never seen a mestizo with a white women. You will see white women with white latinos (Spaniard blood) occasionally or sometimes castizos, but usually white latinos and castizos are high enough up in their own societies where it is frowned upon for them to date outside of their cultural group, so it is quite rare.

>> No.54673609

Crab in the bucket mentality. Sets a bad precedent that you have to pay for niggers and other swarthoids.

>> No.54673618

And outside of Miami where you have the white Cuban diaspora, white latinos in the US are exceptionally rare (again because they are the ruling class in their home countries). You will see them as tourists in places like New York, Orlanda, and Miami, but if you live Ohio or Minnesota or Alabama and don't travel to Latin America, you could conceivably go your entire life without seeing a bonafide white latino.

>> No.54673639

are you forgetting that I was actually born in one of those states, and your banana eating monkey tier relatives were born in mexico?

>> No.54673660

>So my original choice of just buying a home outright was the correct one?
Always has been.
I bought a house after making my first million off of the last bull run.
I found the house I wanted, bypassed the real estate agent and cut a check for $500k for the boomer homeowner and told him to take it.
The roastie real estate agent so was so fucking mad that she didn't get her commission lmao.

>> No.54673789

Empathy is lost to people you don’t interact with daily it’s easy to see this as damaging. Fact is though, likely most people could afford this (even if they don’t want to) and it’ll help others. The quickest way for the States to become truly good again is to lift everyone out of poverty ASAP. Lots of work to be done to adjust modern zeitgeists values towards education though. Edu. reform at university and highschool/middle school should be done in tandem with this.

>> No.54673873

fuck off. there's already a critical shortage of SFR properties in this country. Unless you make a top 20% wage, your chances of owning a SFR home in the next 20 years is minimal.

>> No.54673951

And yet no newer data exists
If white women wanted brown men you just know (((they))) would be publishing that data out the ass. We dont see it because the truth is likely the same as the image I posted.

>> No.54673953

What happens if if they apply this fee to auto loans, or even regular credit card debt?

>> No.54674045

Yeah and the shortage of residential homes in America has nothing to do with institutions buying en masse and “aiming to own 40% of all SFRs by the end of the decade.” It’s also definitely the bad minority’s problem he can’t afford a house, don’t pay attention to commercial real estate and who’s buying/what they’re being valued at either.

>> No.54674048

house prices will crash 20% after increasing by 200% by 2028, good job

>> No.54674092
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Yep, nothing to see here! It’ll just keep going up forever and you’ll be able to sell your double wide trailer for 250k in 10 years, definitely. Real estate only goes up and there’s actually never been any sort of bubble in recent history which adds to the credibility of the real estate markets resiliency.

>> No.54674094

>500 dollars a month for nothing
wtf I thought it was the land of the free and home of entrepreneurs - why isn't there some local backroom doctor who will do that check-up for like a couple hundred cash?

>> No.54674160

Well yeah if nothing happens to increase supply or reduce demand then it will keep going up... it's only two variables to remember anon it's not that hard.

>> No.54674196

>it's just $500 goyim
>real white men have that kind of money

>> No.54674234

I want this entire country to be nuked and I dont care.

>> No.54674236

you'll learn about leveraged markets next semester

>> No.54674358

Leverage helps it go up faster. US government is not going to allow a credit crisis so it will just keep going up.

>> No.54674637

He doesn’t realize the chart has looked like that at every point since inception.

Tell me you’re a seething rentoid cuck without telling me. Top fucking kek.

>> No.54674731

Cancel all credit cards and credit lines and pay off all debt. That should yank your score.

>> No.54675631

Well, your gaybama care, your work paying for healthcare and lot of other retarded shit ruined healthcare. In our cunt we have a clinic per street.

>> No.54675812
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Pic related is you, unironically then.. right?

>> No.54675908

>It’ll just keep going up forever

Well, yes, as long as they keep printing fiat forever, it will go up exponentially. You have to use log scale or it will always look like that.