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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 392 KB, 600x501, 163H-body-1__69635.1513973573.1280.1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5464967 No.5464967 [Reply] [Original]

You're rich!
You repaid all debts and own money to live on passive income for the rest of your life
What's the first thing you buy?

pic related: im gonna buy one of those high-end $2,000 sex dolls and become a hermit

>> No.5464991
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gimme milky

>> No.5465006
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fucking kek

Dude....i would literally do the exact same thing

>> No.5465019

this is the perfect body. give me please.

>> No.5465027

shes not a loli

>> No.5465032

do the fat dolls cost extra or something?

>> No.5465054

Are you from fit?

>> No.5465118

I'd study for a PHD for fun but only for 1 year

Investigate on my own for fun while I live a comfy life with lots of food to eat and a nice garden

I'd teach what i've learned in my country almost for free to faggots I come to like

I stay with the friends that have helped me in this life and help them back (which are 2)

I'd buy me lots of books and a stand mixer to make my own bread

And look for a nice cutie bf

>> No.5465136

Damn her face is ugly. As expected of anything not coming from Japan.

>> No.5465139

Nah they almost all cost between 1500 and 2100 EUR, and that's just the body, the heads cost around 200-400 and any extra features will cost money too, but it's worth in my eyes

>> No.5465169

I would travel the world for awhile then probably study mechanical engineering for fun.

>> No.5465221

>What's the first thing you buy?
the dip

>> No.5465251

>buy 10 luxury properties

invest all the money on more houses

>> No.5465272

finally go outside.

>> No.5465273
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i aint buying no sex doll until they can clean themselves up after a fuck, hate cleaning up my onaholes

bonus points if they can cook and clean

>> No.5465275
File: 198 KB, 1590x406, 140-2-2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have to come with that face, notice the skin color is completely different. You can customize however you want

<< these the faces I want for instance

>> No.5465290

Do these work as full body suits? Asking for a friend...

>> No.5465292

For a second, I thought that was an actual person. I guess no human could have those kinds of proportions

>> No.5465323

Audible kek

>> No.5465344

>buying a fat sex doll

>> No.5465345

>obligatory post tits
But you seem like a nice high class lady so I'll amend it to
>post cleavage

>> No.5465348

Too expensive. They should cost no more than 2k

>> No.5465353

Anyone else find cleaning their fleshlights a soothing experience?

>> No.5465359
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buy a nice house for my parents in florida for their retirement

>> No.5465360


Don't need to get one with a head anon.

>> No.5465369

what can they do to make it look more realistic, it just looks so...siliconey

>> No.5465377

extra features? Can she have a benis and a bagina? And back boobs?

>> No.5465410

Buy a nice house in a big city, go back and get my PhD in physics or math, put the rest of my money in a split of ETFs/crypto/startup equity

>> No.5465424

>>5464967 stop renting
Real estate

>> No.5465440

Whatever you want bro, they will add it, purple skin, elf ears, anything

>> No.5465469

still looks fake, thought by now we be able to simulate real skin textures on silicon

>> No.5465471

That's good of you anon. I would buy my brother and his family somewhere to live.

>> No.5465474 [DELETED] 

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

>> No.5465480

Your parents sound like boomers, they don't deserve a house in Florida

>> No.5465485

hows their footgame?

>> No.5465493


Buy some nice things for my parents as they get older. Pay off any debts they have, get a home, new cars buy them lawn care and such. I can worry about myself after.

>> No.5465519


>> No.5465545

No that's still too expensive process I think
Best we can do today is TPE that feels like real skin and doesn't look as plasticy as regular silicone

>> No.5465609
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Anything you say?

>> No.5465687

Me too mate....me too

>> No.5465737

>In florida
Why do you hate your parents anon?

>> No.5465746

I bought one already, but after the initial hype it kind of sucks too touch cold skin. And because of the weight they are extremely difficult to actually do anything with.

>> No.5465752


You deserve nothing.

>> No.5465759

What about, uh, non-human characters?

>> No.5465782

that looks pretty good actually wtf

>> No.5465786
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Google really needs some work here.

>> No.5465829

What, is this supposed to be NEETs only or something?

>> No.5465884

Oh sorry
Here is the link for it


>> No.5466249

do they sell anime versions of this quality? i will pay upwards of 5k in my ADA gains this very instant

>> No.5466283

I gave website 1 post up, you can look through heads or other body types they have

>> No.5466303

I had no fucking idea dolls were this advanced already
>mfw normie
>mfw gf
>no trouble getting laid since i was 16
>would still buy one of those if I lived alone and were single, looks like it beats masturbating by a thousand miles
how do i invest in this?

>> No.5466322

They're beautiful, but the thrill doesn't last long until you realized you just spent thousands of dollars on a cold, lifeless, fuckable corpse. Damn things way over 100#. Dragging an icy body over to the tub to blow your spunk out of the fuckhole is far less romantic than you think. They're beautiful to pose and photograph, but not worth it for sex.

Save your money and buy a nice japanese Onahole. At least that way you can spend another $50 and easy replace the fuckhole once you've worn it out.

>> No.5466374

The funny thing is google reverse image search used to be so accurate, they intentionally dumbed it down to hide their power level.

t. conspiracyfag

>> No.5466395

But you can order dolls to have removable onaholes...

>> No.5466434
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just wait .. https://realbotix.com

>> No.5466444
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They had to kill the algorithm when it got out of control. Computers aren't influenced by jewish propaganda the way goyim are. They just work strictly with data.

>rip Tay

>> No.5466454
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>> No.5466479
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>> No.5466489

>What's the first thing you buy?
a forest a nice big forest where i can live as a social recluse only keeping contact with the outside world via sat internet.

>> No.5466614

I really wish they wont focus so much on the speech. I really don't think anyone cares if their mouths move when they speak
Even if you had to wear some AR goggles to see their speech bubbles and they had no voice at all would be good
I can picture a cute girl who uses a text-to-speech to speak and I literally would not like her any less
Just feel like they waste money to make their mouths moves

They should be focusing on making their skin and joints more lifelike and making the internal skeleton more realistic and making their faces expressive, or
spending money on research to come up with the perfect face proportion that is still looking good but not in the uncanny valley

Oh well

>> No.5466937
File: 32 KB, 401x450, 41Z1HlfAMeL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a company that makes cloth ones. They dont look as realistic as the silicone, but the are one of the best with an anime look. The bodies have evolved quite a bit too, they made them much more realistic an shapely. They just have an insert for an onahole, so you can put whatever you like in there and just take it out of the doll to clean. They are probably pretty decent to sleep and cuddle with too. They also weight a lot less.
they only cost like $700 last time I checked. I've been wanting one for years but im waiting until I move out of my parents house.

>> No.5467036

The absolute state

>> No.5467292

Fuck man that's exactly what I've been looking for, you know a realdoll feels like sealing my fate, it's incredibly hard to hide and too expensive to just throw away. This however is something that you could throw away after years of use in case you fall in love with someone. I'm also waiting until I move out btw until I would purchase something so sad.

What is the company's name? Do they also make non-anime versions?

>> No.5467479
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>What's the first thing you buy?

1. Pay off the debts of everyone in my family
2. Tell them to fuck off and cut ties
3. Buy a farm or ranch somewhere in the Midwest (that has decent internet) where I can be alone and have a few heads of livestock
4. Hippy hoppity get off my property

>> No.5467497

You can get them all over the internet from 3rd party sellers but im pretty sure this is the comapy they are all comming from.
Just look in the fabric dolls section.
And they do have a version with a more realistic head

>> No.5467715
File: 1.06 MB, 783x617, 1512876141228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Pay off all student loans, and parent loans
-Invest in traditional markets with a nice fat purse to make up for lost time
-Buy land
-Reinvest continously
-By a modest house nothing extravagant
-Move some of my money into diamond
-Buy stocks that pay off dividends
-Start a trust
-Donate to charity, specifically children's hospitals
-Buy more land for private farming, weed, whatever
-Higher lobbyists for crypto community
-Buy more land
-Open up a school in the US to teach the younger generation how to invest, save, how to look for deals, teach them financial discipline, home economics, how to do taxes, how the government works, how to build a business from the ground up, the costs for starting a family and saving for one, tuition will include a saving plan.
-Research innovative companies to invest in and seed projects
-Travel and explore opportunities for economic charity work which would be good business and make a profit while helping people out.
-Die happy and content I made an impact.

>> No.5467734

this desu

maybe buy a realdoll or two, also i'd buy a lot of chickens

>> No.5467757


>> No.5467908

People already did this and left nothing but idiots and thieves, you should try being a bit more self centered.

>> No.5467970

I think you guys are underestimating how hard it is to run a farm and tend farmland, especially alone. You will have to hire someone eventually

There are a lot of high-acreage places in the midwest/northwest that don't require you to be using it as a farm

>> No.5468072

I would buy a lil apartment near where i work and just work, trade, and try to find gf. That's all I care about right now

>> No.5468121

>dat body

>> No.5468211

it can't be that hard with only a few animals

>> No.5468572
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>Move some of my money into diamond

>> No.5468623

If you own farmland there is a quota you need to meet for tax purposes I'm 99% sure when I was looking at farmland years ago. There are zones for acreage where you have to be able to prove for instance you are planting on some land or using it to store your livestock, which the more acres you own, the more you'll need, and of course you can't just own them for tax purposes, you actually need to take care of them for other laws

Just like there are zones where you have to be using that land to build property or they rape you

>> No.5468658

You're almost as dumb as the retard on here the other day who wanted to open a chicken wing restaurant with himself being the only employee, and he didn't even know how to make chicken wings.

>> No.5468992

bro how hard can having 3 chickens be