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54649194 No.54649194 [Reply] [Original]

>token not needed
>oracles not needed
project not needed

>> No.54649204

ICP will reach $10 before LINK. Screen cap this.

>> No.54649212
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>> No.54649277

Not possible. LINK reached $10 before your piss coin even existed

>> No.54649282
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without oracles you say?

>> No.54649442


Checked and fuck you.

>> No.54649456

Didn't ICP used to be like $700? Epic fail lmao

>> No.54649474

That's 100x+ to ATH. So bullish. Enjoy your measly 10x (not gonna happen) lol.

>> No.54649977


>> No.54650177

It's very strange for ICP users to try to attack link. I think the aim is to try to inform developers that there is an alternative and try to attact them?

Renaming oracles to canisters and bundling it under the platform isn't an innovation. ICP also uses a payment utility token called cycles. It doesn't take a genius to recognize this and draw parallels.

Alongside the rename of the function (oracles to canisters) comes the same issues paramount to the oracle problem.
How do ICP canisters form consensus? I can see there are three mechanisms which try to exclude outlying responses. What happens if multiple nodes collude and provide false responses?

>> No.54650214

They have to try to remake LINK basically on the piss chain

>> No.54650270

>How do ICP canisters form consensus? I can see there are three mechanisms which try to exclude outlying responses. What happens if multiple nodes collude and provide false responses?

this is what doesnt make sense to me too

>> No.54650279

That's basically it, they're trying to develop the same solution with a much smaller team and far less research.
They're ultimately doing a disservice to the developers and users by decreasing their security and pulling the wool over their eyes by pretending a canister isn't the same as an oracle.

It's like trying to sail in a bath tub and refusing to call it a boat. Of course it may not be a boat but it performs the same function but at much higher risk of sinking.

>> No.54650292

>canisters can fetch external data!!
>without oracles!!!!

Anon, the canisters ARE the oracles.
Shitty centralized ones.

>> No.54650306
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> Tell me you're technically illiterate without saying it outright

You fucking ICP faggots don't understand a single fucking thing. You're that gullible idiot who is easy to convince with buzzwords and technical jargon to think that something is better than it really is. This is not a "threat" to LINK in any way, shape, or form.

HTTPS outcalls depend on the availability of web 2.0 services they call upon. They're also a security nightmare and you risk exposing sensitive data to external parties. They can't be accurately relied upon to verify the authenticity or accuracy of the data they do receive, and while I haven't looked into it too deeply (Because why would I waste my time on something that it is immediately apparent is retarded) but they likely wont be compatible with a wide range of web services that require encryption or complex protocols.

At best, ICP will be used as a complementary service to Chainlink but will be reliant on Chainlink oracles to verify the data quality and reliability. I could go on and explain why Chainlink is fucking awesome, but why bother? You fucking retards are too stupid to understand after ALL THIS TIME.

I'll keep holdiing LINK, thanks. Faggot.

>> No.54650342

>You're that gullible idiot who is easy to convince with buzzwords and technical jargon to think that something is better than it really is
the irony kek

>> No.54650343
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I could go on and explain why Chainlink is fucking awesome, but why bother? You fucking retards are too stupid to understand after ALL THIS TIME.

go on

>> No.54650539

>How do ICP canisters form consensus?
kek, what is this 2017? consensus is a such a trivial problem compared to putting the entire internet on the blockchain.

canisters are basically super-oracles. can chainlink oracles host websites? yeah I thought not KEK

>> No.54650557

yeah I'm not reading all that.

keep seething stinkie

>> No.54650570

Fuck you chainshitter scumbag. Fucking fuck you.

>> No.54650598

>can chainlink oracles host websites?
That's like saying "can your car mow the lawn??"

>> No.54650642

linkies can't stop taking Ls

>> No.54650647

So how do they prevent collusion among nodes?

We're talking about oracle capability here, chainlink hasn't been built to host websites. Why would they? They are building in off-chain processing via DON's.
The reason you have a web3 protocol stack is to use multiple well-developed components instead of half baked oracles or half baked hosting services. There are specialized platforms which can do it much better.
This is also why ethereum and other large chains don't try to provide every single function.

Here is some light reading:

>> No.54650652

kek, linkies BTFO

>> No.54650682

I'm like 95% sure you're being unironic too.

>> No.54650718

Icp niggers have negative IQ

>> No.54650733

Can chainlink oracles toast bread?

>> No.54650782

Absolutely fucking based. Check the seething replies, they have nothing. When you said
>You're that gullible idiot who is easy to convince with buzzwords and technical jargon to think that something is better than it really is.
You hit the nail on the fucking head. Not one of them understand what they're investing in, they're just desperately clinging on to anything that makes that less nervous about their SHOCKING investment.
Has there EVER been a chart that looked as awful as ICP's? The answer must be a resounding no.