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54632615 No.54632615 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a developer with 2 years of experience in Visual Basic.

I value this at $100/GRT with a fully diluted marketcap. Yes, A FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS worth of market cap. This isn't even a Top 10 coin, it's a top 3.

It won't be the backbone of DeFi: it will be the backbone of the new Web.

Think about it.

If anyone wants to develop a dApp, they will need to setup and retrieve the entire Ethereum chain, manually scan it and then actually produce the output they need to use. It's a MASSIVE time/money sink to setup and to maintain (!!!), and it's always prone to errors. With The Graph, none of that is necessary. You just pay a fee in GRT for a query and just get the data you need, already indexed by GRT stakers. Done. You are already working on your product. You would have to be insane if you want to develop a dApp without using The Graph (genius name, btw). AFAIK, there is nothing in the Ethereum ecosystem even close to it, much less with a working and battle tested product.

But wait, it doesn't end here:
* GRT earns you GRT.
* A lot of GRT is being staked and can not be sold. The circulating supply is a LOT lower than estimated.
* GraphQL is the normie web developer's tool of choice because it's an amazing standard. You can bet your ass that when any SV hipster hears of this, they will throw their money at it, no questions asked.

>> No.54632621

* There is no centralized equivalent of what is happening here. For example, right now if you want to retrieve data from Binance, you have to use their API, so setup their SDK/Client and then use that, then if you want to use any other API you have to setup their SDK/Client, etc... With The Graph EVERYTHING IS IN ONE PLACE, and everything can be retrieved using the one standard: GraphQL. This isn't even the Google of crypto: it's something that up until now wasn't even possible because of the centralized nature of the current Internet. I'm not getting LINK vibes, I'm getting BTC vibes.
* By actually being used, GRT will finally prove that decentralized applications are feasible, while also providing a way to easily develop them. The whole Ethereum ecosystem will benefit from it and price will skyrocket across the board, not just GRT.
* A whole market of data sellers will be born. For now it's just prices, but as more data gets on-chain, more and more data will be available to be retrieved/indexed (read: sold) on The Graph. This isn't even the beginning. This will open up doors not even thought before.

You have to be absolutely fucking moronic to not buy it at this price. I'm actually fairly sure that price is being suppressed artificially right now, because it's an absolute steal. $1 is more than guaranteed.

There is a lot of FUD about this project, same as what happened with LINK when it was <$1, and you can see how that turned out.

Remember, during the gold rush, the best thing to do is sell gold mining equipment.
You have no idea what's coming.

>> No.54632666

GeneRaTional copypasta yields GeneRaTional wealth.

>> No.54632736

gpt-4 queries are cheaper than grt queries

do with this information what you will

>> No.54632745

Will it go down to 10-15c again so I can buy in or do you think it's too late?

>> No.54632852

Maybe 15 cents but not 10, I'd try and get in asap. Best of luck nigger

>> No.54632870

Timing this will be tricky. I hope it doesn't just crab at 17c before taking off right away.

>> No.54632898

>2 years of experience
>in Visual Basic
Top kek.

>> No.54632973

Idk man, what's causing the pump today anyway?

>> No.54633479

IDK man.

>> No.54635520

it's over

>> No.54635801

All I care about is what is the suicide stack and the make it stack?
I'm guessing about 100k suicide?

>> No.54635814
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Tick tock graphies

>> No.54636384
File: 89 KB, 567x292, 1680333364937195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 suicide stack, 100,000 make-it stack. But of course some niggas will make it out like it was always 100,000 suicide, 1,000,000 make-it.

>> No.54636453

>I'm a developer with 2 years of experience in Visual Basic.
this is satire, roght?

>> No.54636485

where are the big brain anons who have the esoteric and mysterious skill of math who can give us the real hopium based on current numbers?

>> No.54636533
File: 237 KB, 784x849, 1681802615639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hopiumpasta from days long gone.

>> No.54636813

Yeh but that was back before the supply x10. So surely now that means that a suicide stack is 100,000.
There is no way this goes to $10 surely. 100bil MC! Really?!

>> No.54636852

Been accumulating this token for 1,5 years now.. bought a shitload when it was at 6-8 cents after the FTX crash, currently sitting at 130k tokens that are being staked at an ≈7% APR. Really got a good feeling on this one bros

>> No.54636904

A sui is 1mil. It was 100k before the unlocks, don't let anons gaslight you.

>> No.54637221

i am 14k GRT off a make it stack. do i buy now or should i wait for it to dip

>> No.54637377

How the fuck did you buy 986,000 GRT.
I can only dream. I barely got a 100,000 suicide stack!

>> No.54637425

Why do you care about 14k if you already have 9.9mil GRT?

>> No.54637471

There is no need to retrieve entire chains, just pay node providers for simple API. Why would anybody pay for every database query?

>> No.54637472

Must feel good finally having your suicide stack ser. What ya gonna do with your $130,000 in 2025?

>> No.54637569

everyone knew the supply from the beginning. it didn't change at any point so it doesn't affect it in any way

>> No.54637913

GRT is an inflationary token with no burn mechanism and no supply cap
>t. dropped out of high school

>> No.54638554

funnily enough I'm a poorfag with only 14k GRT

>> No.54638588

The fundamental problem is that no one wants to develop a "dApp" except VCs looking to make pay piggies out of you retarded goyim selling you fake bullshit

>> No.54639231

Dumbass. It has a supply cap and burn mechanism. It's almost fully diluted too so it's up from here.

>> No.54639414


>> No.54639423

>visual basic
Lol. Lmao bad larp

>> No.54639527
File: 91 KB, 2288x504, Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 17.55.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, baggie.

>> No.54640055

First GRT thread?
That pasta has been circulating for 2 years now

>> No.54640061

You are a terrible fudder. How many ya got? A Milly?

>> No.54640063

what retard calculated this

>> No.54640110

I'll let you figure this out if you are so smart. All I see is infinite supply token with 3% yearly inflation

>> No.54640931

fartshit u dumbshit

>> No.54641101

What target price is realistic? 1$? 3$? 10$? Idc about timeframe

>> No.54641210

>heat death of the universe

>> No.54641978

>I'll let you figure this out if you are so smart.


>> No.54642143

Alright now from someone who isn’t 16 years old

>> No.54642544

Realistically $1+ in the bullrun.
Maybe $3+ very top.

>> No.54642556

are you talking about the burden of your bags, loaded with inflationary shitcoin? Judging buy your reaction, those hags are indeed burdensome

>> No.54642565

Many much cool info in today's office hour of indexer!

>> No.54642583

Parsiq does it better

>> No.54642656
File: 21 KB, 530x530, lag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to FUD, do proper research and diligence rather than making shit up. You're doing a mix of posting patently false information and making claims that were refuted years ago. Amateurish.

Unless you're...

>> No.54642821
File: 30 KB, 808x352, Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 22.24.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no concrete counter evidence from you. You could easily post the actual data about burn rate and issuance rate of new tokens, to prove that this shitcoin is deflationary or whatever you are claiming. Yet you didn't do this instead deflecting my criticism as FUD because you are married to your bags and aren't rational investor who is confident in this project. I see a 3% yearly inflation

>> No.54642856

>make a claim about 3% inflation while intentionally skipping the rest of tokenomics
>i see no counter evidence

>> No.54642902

Why should anyone waste my time providing counter-evidence to retarded claims that you provided no evidence or basis for in the first place?

>> No.54643417

I feel your pain brother. It's the blind leading the blind out here, it's really off-putting.

>> No.54644799
File: 149 KB, 850x525, 1671603252703590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add some middleware piece of shit to make things slightly more convenient for your operation
kill yourself, dapps and defi are both derelict (grt would have been huge back in 2018 or so). buy $GPT and capitalize on AI. You are a """developer""" after all so I'm guessing it's obvious why you should be doing that instead.

>> No.54645342

They might have fooled some well-resourced dumb money, much smart money VCs are laughing at your buzzword-ridden cashgrab token behind closed doors.

They raised 10/250 from hype alone. No PMF, no partners, no revenue, no strategy, no internal innovation. Just a wrapper protocol for a centralized third-party API. The website has no specification, and the whitepaper is just a shallow pitch deck comparable to what you saw at the height of the 2021 clown market. Good luck pulling off a subsequent round, or retaining whatever talent they bought with that money when their equity bleeds to zero.

This is a BNB shitcoin on steroids.

>> No.54645995

>heat death of the universe
More like collapse of the false vacuum in 10*10^1383 years brainlet.

>> No.54646547

I just posted screenshot from CMC of a current GRT supply. How is any of it false? 10kkk tokens at launch, 10.6kkk tokens now. What percent inflation is that, retard? Where is the fucking burn if the supply has increased? I read tokenomics section on website - it says that 1% gets burned, 3% rewards.

>> No.54646609

>I read tokenomics section on website - it says that 1% gets burned, 3% rewards.

Sounds like you skimmed it.