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54631227 No.54631227 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think your actions have no consequences?

Do you think that you can freely insult and slander pythagoras incarnate with no repercussions?
Do you think that the hateful and psychotic fud posts you spew here every hour are going unrecorded?
Do you really believe that a certain "someone" is not running oracle algorithms that feed hungry assassination contracts with your information?
Do you truly believe that once linkies become Kings, once they have the funding of nations, that they won't use their wealth to hunt down every single fudder?

Repent now, the oracle still has room for forgiveness. Aplogoize in this thread and save yourself.

>> No.54631254

I'm sorry for my sins. I should never have fudded chainlink. Please forgive me anons.

The whole time i was accumulating.

>> No.54631281

i have to confess, i have been fudding link for 2 years now, and slowly accumulating link.

wanna know the reason?
it's because i'm never selling link.

yes i know, i can foresee my other fellow fudders coming here and telling me how i missed out on selling at 50$.



now imagine for a second, that you enter my sick mind and fully understand my line of thought, If i'm never selling, to me, the price doesn't matter at all. I literally take joy into seeing weak minded linkies who plan to sell at some point suffer; i know deep down i will never sell, so i will be here holding link in 3, 7, 12 years, the vcs missed out badly on chainlink, so to them they claim that they avoid it, but they cannot afford to missout any longer especially with sergey turning the payup switch.

now i see it this way:

>fud link to make those who plan to sell mad so they dump it earlier (more link for my dca)

> i know that in the long run, the passive kmincome from chainlink is basically passive income from all of defi on all chains. me never selling basically ensures me and all my descendants unlimited wealth

>there is no bad marketing, fud just spreads the word and keeps link threads up every day all day all year, didn't you notice when we stop fudding, the number of link threads dwindles to 0?

> fudding comforts the faggots who have no idea of what chainlink is, or those who hate link into believing that chainlink is shit so we keep out all l the tards that doesn't dyor it's a win for us

>fud puts pressure on the team to go faster and to please its investors, us fudding link embrasses chainlink employees who will work harder and also they will bring critiques from the community into their meeting rooms

i will never sell, vcs will keep fomoing into each link low, creating each time a minecraft tier bedrock that prevents link to go any lower and that bedrock is getting thicker and thicker over time

stay based linkies, and be happy we are doing all this for you

>> No.54631335

>duuuuuuuuuuuuude we r elite heckin autist hackerrrrsthhhh

Massive cringe. Stfu loser.

>> No.54631348

why can't you be normal. you're making your mother very sad.

>> No.54631366
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Why are you so angry all the time haha

>> No.54631384
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extremely based and pay up pilled

>> No.54632418
File: 426 KB, 1074x950, 1681774275182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudder here rate my fresh fud meme. Cobson dressed as BTC smoking a chainlink cube as it smolders in his pipe. Meant to highlight the fact that link is btcs little bitch and is nothing more then an afterthought. The smoke emitting from the pipe burning the chainlink cube symbolizes the bagholders hopes and dreams being carelessly incinerated by BTC cobson

>> No.54634123


>> No.54635124

Dude poster is probably one of the first ones to get minecrafted when link moons. Then michael and all those mentally ill porn addicts who spams cuck in every post. Ari jeuls smart contract is coming.

>> No.54635598 [DELETED] 

cultist shit, all linkies deserve to be mutilated and let to rot just like the cartel does

>> No.54635645


>> No.54636680

I apologize, I was just bored