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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54627290
File: 389 KB, 2160x2160, IMG_3803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is better suck my dock roach

>> No.54627365
File: 852 KB, 896x1344, 240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally AVAX is back above $20

>> No.54627834
File: 181 KB, 859x703, 1681510988382263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another sponsored VAX thread

>> No.54627988

Explain why there is never a general or any aVAX thread in the weekend ?

>> No.54628083
File: 1.39 MB, 896x1344, 1679079123232202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot no one gives a shit about your 99% dumped scam.
Last time AVAX decoupled from general market sentiment we had the last run. $30 is just around the corner.
>ICP jeets insta-raiding AVAX thread
never gets old, get back to work Kumar! Those rupees won't get by themselves.
Probably most AVAX /biz/bros are too busy having a normal human life unlike you jeets lurking this shithole all day in exchange for a couple rupees kek

>> No.54628091
File: 110 KB, 424x263, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck it pissfag

>> No.54628158
File: 17 KB, 567x396, feelsgoodmant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX should be $300+ already.

>> No.54628246
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>> No.54628306
File: 26 KB, 284x427, IMG_20230417_141209_601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$40 next week

>> No.54628454
File: 1.50 MB, 3379x4096, 1680823561085007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass reply to the entire thread projecting and calling everyone else a jeet and further non-responding
Was a simple question, and you chose to be hostile over nothing which is very telling.
Wonder what it must be like typing words but never really saying anything ever.
There are never aVAX generals on the weekend, been as such for the past 2 years.

>> No.54628760

>ICP Squad
This is so cringe man, stop embarrassing yourself please

>> No.54629057

no he's calling *you* a jeet because you're posting the same shit in every thread. You're either massively autistic or you're being paid. This board is dead on the weekends and there's frequently an existing general that sticks around over the course of Saturday into Sunday.

>> No.54629091
File: 511 KB, 604x710, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I've ever posted it, again asking a simple question.
The board has been dead for a year and a half, and generals do not stick around into the weekend, unsure why you feel the need to lie

>> No.54629314

quoting vitalik for approval, damn this is pathetic

>> No.54629741

The fact that you are so on top of every little detail and posting time of AVAX generals is really creepy, kek. Do you earn some commission for that?

>> No.54629952

I happen to not be a newfaggot and browse /biz/ frequently
What's creepy is you having to either use VPNs to make the thread seem organic, or you had to call your jeet squad for reinforcements

>> No.54630433


>> No.54630486 [DELETED] 
File: 944 KB, 896x1344, 1681235923650377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"explain to me why there wasn't an avax general last weekend"
>"OOOO you didn't respond !!!!!!!!!1111"
faggot how on earth would I know, you're asking retarded & irrelevant questions that no one can answer.

>> No.54630490

$1000 Avax is FUD

>> No.54630536

Check the catalog you lying faggot, literally the most recent general had posts on Saturday >>54601610
This same phrase was posted by your or one of your fellow paid FUDers in most, if not all of the several non general AVAX threads this past weekend

>> No.54630567
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>> No.54630708
File: 22 KB, 720x684, 271645329_4664857733591107_4460826527140477176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be so sure avax chan?

>> No.54630765
File: 128 KB, 617x758, 1676317716119536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all AVAX threads get insta-raided by ICP faggots
>"rent free"
ICP jeets really couldn't be any more retarded.

>> No.54631322

>l-look at this outlier that somehow invalidates every thread made in the past 2 years
3 posts bumped into the night desperately trying to save the thread and then it gets archived does not constitute a thread.
Check previous weeks and make the comparison
Why are you so terrified of being exposed as a street shitter?
Avax generals have been extremely inorganic throughout the entire bear market

>> No.54631346

>no one can answer
You are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger on this board. Well done.

>> No.54631374

Where are the jannies? I'm really starting to get annoyed by all these bot-tier brown shitskin jeets spamming the same low IQ shit in every AVAX thread.

>> No.54631464

>attack ICP
>ICP holders fight back
>"rent free!!! you can't stop thinking about us!!! i'm not mentally ill!!!"

>> No.54631746

>attack ICP
nigger, this entire board has been shitting on ICP for years. you retards came up with another scapegoat rather than admit your coin is a fucking disaster and down 99%

>> No.54631771

moves coins from a to b
and b back to a
that's it

>> No.54631882

>doesnt even know what a Smart Contract or DeFi is
why is there so many brainlets on /biz/ these days?

>> No.54631912

Wtf do you think smart contracts are? Moving coins from a to b with extra steps. There's only so much you can do with moving coins around which is the tip of the iceberg for blockchain technology.
It's fucking sad there's retards that think cryptocurrency and blockchain should be limited to moving coins from a to b.

>> No.54631937

those both.. move coins around
from a to b
then b to a again to get all your fake volume too

>> No.54632053

I currently have 547 avax, at what price do I start DCA'ing out during the bull run?

>> No.54632068

>the entire $200 trillion combined global financial sector, stock markets, and physical currency
>hurr durr moving currency from point a to point b with extra steps
you niggers are so unbelievably dumb. it's practically a comedy if it wasn't so devastating to your portfolios.

>> No.54632071

You should send those coins to your 2nd wallet and back just to increase the volume on your ghost chain.

>> No.54632104

Kek you faggots are fucking delusional. Hope Emin is paying you well.

>> No.54632134

a to b
you have no other argument because it's true
boil it all down and that's what your chain is limited to
70% of your 10T volume is back and forth between 2 wallets as well

>> No.54632213
File: 29 KB, 777x126, ICP_regret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job completely missing the point, retard. I'll explain it so even a dumb nigger like you can understand: moving currency around is not just 'hurr durr point a to point b'. it's a $200T dollar industry. capturing even a small part of this market is what the entire speculative price of BTC is based on. I guess it's not surprising that none of you faggots know this since you ICP nigs are clearly newfags. obviously, holding your -99% shitcoin for more than 2 years would have killed themselves or just stopped posting out of shame.

>muh volume transfered
no one uses 'volume transferred' as a metric to shill or fud any coin for obvious reasons. it's a completely useless on-chain metric. not even /biz/ is retarded enough to use it.

>> No.54632315

lol still just moving coins from a to b

>> No.54632323

Kek and you think $200T dollar industry is limited to just moving money from a to b. There's so much more to it.
I'm claiming you roaches are delusional due thought process that reached you to the conclusion that anybody would pick your shitty ethereum fork that had to get advertised on subways just to get attention last run.
Still again you completely missed my original point that moving coins from a to b is such small fraction of the potential of blockchain technology and think that is the only thing that matters is how you move coins from a to b rather than figuring out implementing the other capabilities of blockchain technology within the same chains ecosystems where its a given it can move coins from a to b.

>> No.54632348

What this anon said >>54632213 but also subnets on Avalanche can run any VM on any hardware to do basically anything in a distributed way. This isn't ETH or SOL where it's one single blockchain running the same VM on every single machine uniformly throughout the entire network. Permissionless value transfer is the most valuable and clearest application of blockchain technology though, hence why that is Avalanche's main focus. There's already at least one team openly working on games that run completely on a subnet(s) https://chorus.one/articles/unstoppable-games-in-avalanche
I know your bags are heavy and you're paid by Dom to further his sperg rage against superior technology, but you can at least try to find better FUD that isn't so obviously wrong.

>> No.54632354

>Avalanche can run any VM on any hardware t
Stopping reading here because it's a lie
Coins from a to b.

>> No.54632381

You just have 3 chains that move money from a to b with each other. That's a fucking joke to the capabilities of blockchain technology. Your chain is basically stating we move money in a special way from A to B. What else can it do

>> No.54632390

Retarded and wrong

>> No.54632414

>Doesn't even understand what they're fucking shilling

>> No.54632478

>the mouthbreathing 40IQ ICP nigger keeps repeating himself and doesnt understand shit about anything
what type of brain damage is this?

>> No.54632543

>.. we can also store a tiny bit of metadata
LOL holy shit

>> No.54632731

>Thinks moving coins from A to B means anything in this day an age when every coin can do this.

Come on actually build something cool on your shitty ethereum fork.

>> No.54632814

>a to b you have no other argument because it's true. Stopping reading here because it's a lie Coins from a to b. THAT IS IT
>.. we can also store a tiny bit of metadata
Which is it FUDfag? kek
This is just a basic demo avalabs threw together as an example. From the chorus one link:
>a new type of VM we dub SQLVM
>It allows for specific types of transactions that query/write to a globally replicated ACID relational database.
hmmm does this sound familiar at all?

>> No.54632858

>We move money from a to b in a special way
Please buy my token

>> No.54632863

kek coins from A to B and that's ALL IT CAN DO

>> No.54632869
File: 26 KB, 639x344, 1681766403083391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come on actually build something cool
check out this app I built on ICP kek

>> No.54632890

Cope. Can you host a site on chain? Oh wait you can only move money from a to b.

>> No.54632910

now build it on avax

>> No.54632948

kek, if I wanted a centralized web server than I'd just use my own computer. ICP is useless. actual cryptos can have dapps, that means decentralized apps. come back when ICP can host something decentralized and not on Dom's server farm.

>> No.54632972

a to b

>> No.54632996

Now this is a high quality argument

>> No.54633000

>Doesn't understand the sercuirty risks with relying on web2 and centralized cloud services just to exist
No your chain has had $30 million stollen form defi hacks.
The fucking mental gymnastics with these roaches. We need to put you guys in a circus

>> No.54633027

>I NEED 7-13x replication of giant ass $20K server racks to host my shitty laggy website that meets Dom's approval but can't handle actual traffic volumes without gagging
There's a reason nobody really is chomping at the bit to do this and why your shitcoin has permadumped since launch with no actual adoption kek. Avalanche subnets are faster, more flexible, more decentralized, actually permissionless, and as such are seeing the mainstream adoption you can only wish for. Cope, seethe, and dilate pisstrannies. Now fuck off back to your own thread while we continue to occupy your every thought rent free.

>> No.54633039

It's not an argument cocksucker, it's the only capability of avax.

>> No.54633047

>Smart contracts get hacked
>My chain has no defi therefore can't get money in smart contracts hacked
I'll admit you have us beat there topkek

>> No.54633055

>Avalanche subnets are faster, more flexible, more decentralized, actually permissionless,
and move coins from a to b only

>> No.54633059

nice trips, ICP going to 000.
>hacked DeFi
oh no! better give the Feds and/or Shlomo Wallstreetberg total control of our ledger so they can stop thieves. kek, of course an ICP tard doesn't understand the pros and cons of decentralization. fact: for every $1 million hacked on DeFi by some 13 year old slav, $1 billion is looted from tradfi retirement accounts by filthy kikes.

also I'd like to note that 50% of this AVAX general are two or three ICP brainlets seething, saying the same cope phrase 'a to b' while getting BTFO by avaxchads. please sers, you must go back to your containment thread

>> No.54633061

Everything you just stated there was a lie.
70% of your chains volume is moving coins literally between two wallets. What great tech that is. Its a fucking mockery to blockchain technology as a whole

>> No.54633086

Haven't been hacked
Haven't been down
Haven't had chain malfunction where users could double spend
This is all from just only being able to move coins from a to b
What a fucking mockery

>> No.54633106

take your meds samefag. AVAX lives so rent free in your little head that you developed multiple personality disorder kek.

>> No.54633122
File: 1.70 MB, 2504x1924, AVAXFUDsterUngloved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it handfag lmao

>> No.54633128

You faggots are literally in every fucking thread pulling this shit. It's just fun to get you guys to have a taste of your own medicine since it's annoying as fuck. You guys are the worst baggies in the whole space.
I will never come into an avax thread again if you faggots stop.
I swear to God on my mom if you guys just stay within your threads I will never mention this coin again.
If not well then A to B

>> No.54633139

Holy kek you faggots are delusional

>> No.54633156
File: 233 KB, 859x960, 1648504844341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A to B is weak FUD though, not sure I'd call that equivalent. Thanks for the bumps though.

>> No.54633182

You saved a picture of some icp faggots hand. Says a lot about the people that hold avax

>> No.54633186
File: 114 KB, 1024x1136, emins (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just stay within your threads
no, ICP and all the other ghostchains will be crushed.
All shitcoin investors like you will be driven further into poverty by Avalanche.
we have nothing to negotiate. prepare for the Storm maggot.

>> No.54633196

No FUD. It's literally the ONLY capability of your piece of shit chain roach.

>> No.54633208

You mean your hand? You shit up our threads with so much dogshit salty piss enthusiast FUD it's a meme kek

>> No.54633214

70% of avaxs volume is moving coins between two wallets and you're calling other chains ghost chains.
You faggots are coping fucking baggies that claim your chain is innovative when the only thing it can do is move coins from a to b.

>> No.54633242

Kek so you claim anybody that comes into the avax thread is the same icp baggie. Holy shit you faggots are delusional

>> No.54633253
File: 119 KB, 1170x1562, FtHxUNHXwAQuv35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seethe is strong tonight, post your hand

>> No.54633258

Wait so you saved a photo from 10 days before and downloaded it and then the same guy came in the thread with a deleted file and you claim it's the same faggot. That's just fucking strange

>> No.54633290

Literally all you have to do to fun the coin is say double spend and then the roaches come out.
Do you have any more hand pictures? It's says avax pet 3 so what are pet 1 and 2. At least post the collection I'm honestly curious now.

>> No.54633291

>buy one avax coin
>send it to a wallet
>it's gone from a to b
>the journey is over

>> No.54633309

>dumb poor ICP nigger retard doesnt know about Subnets or DeFi or Smart Contracts

>> No.54633329

That's not how your chain fucking works retard. At least understand how your chain works.
70% of your volume should not be going between two wallets baggie

>> No.54633343

>ICP nigger retard claiming he understands anything

>> No.54633354
File: 81 KB, 982x187, returnofhandfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always give yourself away by using the same FUD lines kek
I'm just asking for some creativity, your material is stale and isn't convincing anyone.

>> No.54633358

Alright see you later roaches. Shift is up tonight. Gotta get those frozen pees from Dom for my hard work
A to B

>> No.54633364

>70% of avaxs volume
token volume which no one cares about since any whale on any chain can move coins back and forth between two wallets and generate massive amounts of volume for cheap. you are seething over a metric that no one has ever cared about.

now actual transaction volume, aka TPS, is a metric that people actually care about (although not a perfect metric since it's also somewhat gameable on low gas chains). AVAX's tps has gone up even during a bear market while gas fees have gone down. AVAX tps is a lot higher than ETH's, so it's hardly a ghost chain. TVL metrics, which is more reliable, also show this.

tl;dr learn the difference between token volume and transaction volume

>> No.54633367

post your hand before you go fren!

>> No.54633381

And you saved another photo of a hand. I'm genuinely curious why
Also where's web pet 1 and 2
If this threads still up later I'll be back. But there's your bumps faggots

>> No.54633393

kek, I guess you've had enough humiliation for one day.

lol, so you are handfag. thanks for the bump mate

>> No.54633422
File: 1.92 MB, 1019x1312, StJohntheAvaxist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still won't post his hand

>> No.54633638

But can you MAKE A WEBSITE like on ICP's data centers? DIDNT THINK SO A-VAXIES

>> No.54634259
File: 1.25 MB, 896x1344, 1678824648265967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54634299

w-why is avaxchan looking at me like that...