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54623822 No.54623822 [Reply] [Original]

>got sacked a year ago
>first job interview tomorrow

What do i say when they inevitably ask what i did for the past year?

Help a bro out

>> No.54623833

Career break. Travelling. Looking after sick relatives.
Just make up something and make it sound like you had to

>> No.54623836

Company downsized, got let go. Did food delivery and Uber while learning new skills (you did, right?) interviewing and trying to find a good match.

>> No.54623842

google sabbatical

>> No.54623849

>what did you do the past year?
>fucked your mom lol
Why do they care about your free time?

>> No.54623901

they pretend to so they can make up some reason you're not a perfectly obedient golem drone for the job which is you paying your most precious asset, time, to receive an infinitely inflating token with no burn that ZOG has declared is worth # amount. This only sounds like a good deal to a retard but if you don't necessarily accept this enslavement up front the golems will have their program short circuit because they're upset some people found out that their job and lifestyle is a useless and a trap.

this system is very cleverly set up so that you'll always just be paid enough to make ends meet but not paid enough to be free and never to get your life back.

this is what normies also refer to as "working" while paying taxes to fund their own replacement with some brown niggers because some jews decided that. Busywork for the sake of busywork stashed behind this paid paper mill that just shows an indication but has little to nothing to do with what a person is capable of. The jealous normie golem worship and lick the feet of their bosses but hate every entrepreneur they know.

>> No.54623920

If you're okay with lying, do this >>54623833
If not, just say you were reflecting on your career path because you felt you weren't 100% invested in what do were doing.
>HR consultant about to take a 1-2 years leave which I'll have to justify somehow when I'll get back to work

>> No.54623921

Great advices, thanks anons

>> No.54623951

they don't own you

>> No.54623969

Say you took time out to care for an unwell family member who has now recovered.

t. am a technical recruiter, whenever someone says this the hiring manager thinks nothing else of it.

>> No.54623984

Don't say this - you want to sound confident and sure of yourself.

How would the hiring manager know you are now sure of this? What if the same thing happens, they invest a year of trainings in you then you leave because you are 'unsure'

Huge red flag for the hiring manager.

>> No.54624002

Just lie. Lmao why is this a thread

>> No.54624132

Because you want someone who's got good experience to do the job and is motivated. It's out of the norm to take a years gap so they will be curious what you've been up to so they can asses your motivations.

>> No.54624172

just tell the truth but with no shame
if you act guilty they'll treat you as guilty but act confident like you did nothing wrong and they'll likely go along with that. which means no excuses offered just tell it like it is no apologies as if the idea you'd even have to offer an apology or excuse never occurred to you.

>> No.54624203

the reason i think this works is normies are lazy, they're not as adversarial as the typical 4channer at least not irl. so the laziest way to judge another person is to just go by what they present themselves as and not give it any thought beyond that. so don't present yourself as a man that did something wrong he needs to explain

>> No.54624232

works with women too probably. if you act like you're hot shit women will treat you like you are hot shit. if you act like women aren't interested in you then they won't be interested in you, they pick up on your vibe that you expect them not to be interested. vast oversimplification and so many other factors involved but i think thats part of chads success is his expectation of success is coming across to the women. he gets early success in life from his jawline and then just continues to expect success and coasts on from there. its more then confidence its expectation and people going along with your expectations because its easier for them then thinking about it.

>> No.54624254

>Why do they care about your free time?
because you lose skill when you don't do something

t. just took a week off and basically forgot my whole job

>> No.54624263

of course putting off a vibe that you expect to get laid when you havent had sex in years, i wouldn't know how to do that. maybe take an acting class

>> No.54624305

"I prefer not disclose my private life and my decision to not discuss it with someone I've not me before before should not diminish the probability of my acquiring this occupational position."

>> No.54624328

being confrontational from the get go in an interview will surely work out well

>> No.54624440

"How dare you imply I was being confrontational by my mere declaration of right to privacy, your higher management will hear about this!"

>Receive $10m compensation for employer unprofessional conduct, unfair discrimination, attempts to coerce private information, and for psychological damages, and other BS
>Never have to work again

>> No.54624958

The real world doesn't work this way

>> No.54625023

his first post was pretty good subtle bait.

>> No.54625051
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>I signed an NDA, sorry

>> No.54625085

Would this work lol?

>> No.54625100


>> No.54625125

personally i wouldn't hire any of you lying cucks. i don't care you took a year off but the pitiful attempt at deception that's weak.

>> No.54625132

Tell them you worked for a start up that went belly up or some shit. Fucking lie to these cunts they deserve it and more

>> No.54625179

>He thinks he'd be able to tell
You're unironically the easiest kind of employer to lie to.

>> No.54625188

Tell em straight up shit's fuckd m8 and I was out here survivin.

>> No.54625204

tell them you spent the year fucking Thai ladyboys. The truth will set you free.

>> No.54626938

Bros... I have an interview at a Big4 accounting firm tomorrow. It's only for contract data entry though. Do I tell them I'm planning to take night courses in accounting and want to do my CPA? It's not a lie, I really plan to do that and want to start a career in accounting, but it seems to be a red flag to employers whenever I tell them I plan to do this.

>> No.54626966

Real answer: They’re screening to make sure you aren’t omitting a job bad experience that you don’t want to report.

>> No.54626971

I'm not trying to sound confident, I am. For two reasons:
- I work in HR consultancy and I know what recruiters and head hunters look for and how they think
- I have done the same thing in the past (took a sabbatical year cause I hate jobs) and came back and had to make up a story like that

I'm not saying it will work 100% of the times, with every recruiter you speak to. But it gives you chances if you're convincing and if you believe it.

>> No.54627358

Don't say you're "Planning to" do anything. Say that it's happening. Have dates when your courses start handy. Nobody wants to hear that "planning to" speak, not even you, that's loserspeak. Stop talking to yourself and other people that way.

>> No.54627476
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How do I respond to getting fired? I also got an interview on wed and I'm actually interested in this new wage cage but the idea of answering these mundane HR questions is stressing me out bad.

Realistically it was office politics that got me axed but I can't really say that as much as I want to. God I hate interviewing but the bills won't stop stacking

>> No.54627492

Tell them you were transitioning

>> No.54627501

no lol