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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54622819 No.54622819 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Caroline Ellison's wiki page read like some puff piece?

>> No.54622826
File: 39 KB, 680x396, caroline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is our girl looking at bros

>> No.54622853

No time...her plea deal specifies that.

>> No.54622854

She got less interesting when her nudes showed how uninteresting her body was

>> No.54622879

she's a fat, inbred jew
what did you expect lol

>> No.54623077

>Why does Caroline Ellison's wiki page read like some puff piece?
same reason the articles about her made her out to just be a Harry Potter fan who was addicted to risks

>> No.54623249

What the fuck I though she was about 10 years older. You're telling me she was grippin billions in leverage at like 25

>> No.54623314

Caroline used to shitpost on /biz/ with a tripcode in 2021. Someone should be able to find those posts on warosu/webarchive/etc

>> No.54623329


Too much ties to the DNC and Ukraine with the FTX saga so the government is doing everything in their power to burry the case, and that makes making as little noise as possible about these ex-executives.

They don't want to throw them under the bus because they can start talking as well so the media is painting her as an intelligent woman who did a tiny little mistake and SBF as a young entrepreneur schizo who totally didn't mean to run a ponzi scheme.

>> No.54623398
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Wasn't she made CEO mere weeks before the whole Alameda/FTX implosion? Also Gary Gensler was visiting her office pretty often.

>You, thankfully, will never have to know the thrill of pinning the weasel

>> No.54623894

where is it, i thought something like that would be plastered all over here

>> No.54623931

>Wasn't she made CEO mere weeks before the whole Alameda/FTX implosion?
Hello mossad, sorry but you can't rewrite history.

>> No.54624006

she was co-CEO with Trabucco, but he left a few months before the implosion

>> No.54624013


>> No.54624045
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if you're a millenial and you watched arthur growing up you probably saw caroline on tv when you were a kid.


>> No.54624195

She never trimmed her Jerusalem Swamp down there AT ALL.

>> No.54624262


>> No.54625726

She'll be working at Wendy's in no time.
>No one will hire her.
>No one will work with her
>No one will invest in her
I wonder what she's been up to and why no one has beat her up yet for losing all of their money.

>> No.54625885

so fucking weird watching this

>> No.54625957

When you’re rolling with the tiny hat crew, you can do this at any age

>> No.54625964

iq mogs the other minority children

>> No.54626009

And drugs

>> No.54626043


>> No.54626096


kek, even back then PBS was doing a number on the minds

>here's your American Kids goy: chinks, jeets, nigs, and a jew

>> No.54626141

wait is this bitch larrys daughter? or unrelated ellison

>> No.54627281

His niece, supposedly

>> No.54627349

why do good people who are down on their luck kill themselves, like my cousin, but objectively bad people, like Caroline and Sam, do everything possible to stay alive? My cousin only killed himself because he couldn't get out of debt, no matter what he did. But these people are massively hated and they will probably live into their 90's. It's not right. Miss you Matt.

>> No.54627755
File: 365 KB, 908x986, 019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter the circumstances, suicide leaves everyone around you behind. Would a "good" person abandon those around them?

Please do not take what I am saying as an insult to you or your cousin, I am simply trying to get you to re-examine your premise and what it means to be "good".

I am sorry for your loss.

>> No.54628159

I'm probably gonna take my own life, I can't win, these fucking pieces of shit took all I had left around 30k, ruined my life, ruined my mental health, they got away with it.
I've tried working 4 jobs since then failing at everyone because I can't get my mind right, I'm so bitter and angry.
Then a family member of mine died and work denied my bereavement.
I'm so fed up with this sick and evil twisted world, I just wish I could reverse time and never got into crypto.
Don't let these faggots here fool you, once you hit rock bottom enough you never recover, you just suicide.
I can't take the headaches anymore.

>> No.54628189

It's obvious her parents hired a crisis management firm to clean everything up. Notice how any threads about her YHWH posts are immediately nuked.

>> No.54628237

I'll likely see your cousin soon, I'll tell him you all miss him and this evil can't continue forever, it just can't.
It only takes the good ones.
I spent my entire life helping others and I'm going to die sick sad and alone.
I can only hope my negative energy flows into these bastards lives and they get to experience the hell we walked for the rest of their miserable lives.

>> No.54628264

Go suck a dick faggot, you have no idea what pain is clearly if you have to ask these kinds of questions you rabid sack of shit, you're the very evil that forcefully twists its ill will onto others.

>> No.54628343

And the Jew clearly is positioned as the leader of the minority kids ironically enough

>> No.54628658

You're in a scary story, just think about something happy.

>> No.54628672

Also, post the nudes. I'm in the mood for a scary story.

>> No.54628708

Go to the gym. Get a hobbie. Debtmaxxx 30k and declare bankruptcy to make the jews seethe.

>> No.54629311

I work harder than going to the gym at my job, I have a hobby gardening, I have no credit.
Jews always win regardless.

>> No.54629330

You sound like an angry, weak person who constantly makes excuses for their station in life. The entire point of my post flew right over your head.

>> No.54629466

Okay there Rabbi
>Sorry not sorry your cousin was a piece of shit
And I'm the angry one.

>> No.54629721

My post was intended for >>54627349, to have him understand that suicide is a decision made in weakness, and that the "good" path is often one of extreme difficulty. You think goodness is just an outlook on life? A perspective? It is a path walked with extreme effort, to not give into hatred when tempted at every turn to. The world can be a brutal place, full of pain. So what are you going to do about it, huh? Throw your hands up in the air and kill yourself? Or, despite all of life's tortures, accept that pain and try with everything you have to lessen it for those around you?

You can blame any number of things for your circumstances in life; God, the actions of another, cruel fate, a sense that the universe is unfair/apathetic/absurd- but all of those are losing options. The only thing you can effectively control is your response to your pain, to master it, to overcome it, and if you're GOOD enough, triumph over it and be a hero to those around you.

>> No.54629770

>goy ID
Fuck off.

>> No.54629810

Here you see another one of these small hatted faggots responding in another thread.

>> No.54629905

Your self hatred is palpable.

>> No.54630429

amazing trolls 9/10

>> No.54630677

Their slaves will kill them in the end