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File: 319 KB, 406x720, some friendly hr advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54622171 No.54622171 [Reply] [Original]

how soon is too soon to leave a company? every boomer fag and HR Karen i worked with say I need to stay with a company for at least two years so that i don't look bad. why do i get the feeling that it's just a trap? once you stay 2 years you'll feel like you've become too invested in the company because of all the accumulated benefits so you might as well stay for 5 years.

>> No.54622179

You've never worked at the same job for more than two years? By the end of two years you hate everyone you work with and they hate you. That is the real reason its "ok" to leave

>> No.54622188

It's true. I've almost been at my current job for 2 years and I'm sick of my coworkers

>> No.54622201

no i'm an early generation zoomer just starting my career.

a few months ago i was offered a promotion to a different department with an increased pay. The department manager approached and encouraged me to apply to his team. Unfortunately that got shut down by HR and my boss's boss real fast. They cited it was against the rules to switch to a new position when i worked there for less than a year.

>> No.54622212

That's your sign to quit lmao

>> No.54622257

It's just bullshit that benefits the company and not you. Never take job advice from boomers, they cling to idiotic, antiquated ideas born out of a world that died a long time ago.

>> No.54622270

sounds like a really shitty place where your boss is cock blocking u for their own personal benefit.

A good boss wants you to grow and lets you decide (unless you are urgently needed for next 6 months for a project ) and will openly communicate these things

>> No.54622272

the eyes really are the windows to the soul and this bitch has a dark one

>> No.54622286

i couldnt leave for 2 years anyways cause of 401k match and rsus plus they bait u along with more yearly rsu renewals

Ended up collecting checks for a while longer since it was so comfy but like


said you end up fucking hating certain parts of the company / people / certain managers or teams

For me I loved my immediate team workers, boss was meh, but other shit really pissed me off

>> No.54622312
File: 464 KB, 623x409, orc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those eyes make me think she's going to be laying siege to minas tirith any day now.

>> No.54622345

I worked at a very big company and we'll if it's a good company then your boss will definitely want you working for him for X amount of time but it depends on the position. For example let's say you get hired as help desk in IT (please do not ever work this position). Anyways you go through with that just to get your foot in the door. Your boss(the person who hires you) wants you to work for him for probably 6 months max. Before those 6 months he will be like, hey you thought about any other departments? You've been doing well so far and I would write you a letter of recommendation if you want.

Again that's if the company is good. What you described sounds more like another department went behind your boss's back without asking and tried to poach you. Naturally your boss was like WTF is this hell no, no one asked me! Stealing employees is not okay. But if someone from outside the company offered you a better job with more pay and benefits then that's just normal

>> No.54622375

how other people view you should not factor into a life decision
if you want to leave then go ahead and leave

>> No.54622480

my boss was decent about. he was sad but gave me good reviews, ultimately left it up to me. The other department got my manager's approval before he approached me.

It was his boss the next level up above him that cockblocked me. the official reason was that "it's too soon" but really it's because our department only has two people, me and my boss. If I leave I'm going to fuck up his quarterly metric big time for our specific functional group.

>> No.54622497
File: 245 KB, 1600x1203, 1659898067882686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was his boss the next level up above him
my boss's boss, the guy one level above my boss

>> No.54622603

And how exactly did you find out it was that guy's boss that prevented you from getting hired by that other department?

>> No.54622903

I left my last job after 13 months. Told them honestly that it wasn’t what I wanted and I went back to my previous job for an overall $30,000 pay rise. Fuck HR roasties.