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54620237 No.54620237 [Reply] [Original]

>holds 1 bitcoin.

>> No.54620274

I hate that this street shitter is associated with BTC. Just go away mother fucker and let BTC appreciate in peace.

>> No.54620452
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>> No.54620640

I hate that he's also associated with LINK. He is bad for crypto

>> No.54620670

Hmm well he nailed his COVID prediction very early. He's not dumb. He likely understands this stuff more than we do

>> No.54620676

What was the real reasom behind this "bet"? He's not stupid, so why do it? Free publicity? It will have a worse effect when the price of BTC isn't even close to its past ATH let alone $1M.

>> No.54620709

When he wins the bet he can use the $1 million to buy a loaf of bread

>> No.54620748

I agree. He did it for the publicity. I think he will at least need btc to be up substantially to save face.

>> No.54620795

> Bitcoin is going to 1million dollars...IT JUST IT OKAY!!!!

Im a precious metals guy (home board is /pol/), but lets be honest nothing NOTHING gives bitcoin its value. Its literally a computer thats solving math problems in the background. "BuT fiAt LiKe ThEy CaN JuSt PrInT iT!1!1!1!" thats not how it works (and you know that), our economy literally backs USD. Theres a reason the euro isnt the reserve currency and its more so due to the europeans taking a break for 6 hours out of the work day for their 3day work week.

>> No.54620831

Please go back

>> No.54620916

globohomo is testing narratives for the next wave inflation. "putin's price hike" (kek) was the slogan they fed NPCs for the first wave, they'll come up with something equally as dumb that blames crypto for the next wave.

>> No.54620933


>> No.54620949

Wrong, bitcoin's value is it's network and characteristics. Gold is fine, but it's not going to be the money of the digital age. It's ok, most people can't see what's coming.

>> No.54620972
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BTC is probably an energy sink to keep the proles from buying PM and Real Assets.

>> No.54620995

Gold isn't suitable for the modern age. It failed in 1971.

>> No.54621042

He is a hyperautist but it doesn't mean he's always right. I think he's right with this though, or at least very close. Maybe he was a bit ambitious with the timescale though.

>> No.54621176

>he could be right, or he could be wrong
brilliant stuff anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.54621421

>100x long BTC
>hype it up as much as you can
>even if it doesn't go to million you'll make 100x of the appreciation that did happen

It's possible but of course I don't know for sure if he actually did something like this maybe he's actually delusional enough to believe it lmao

>> No.54621441

It seems like he picked 1 million to try the get more attention.

>> No.54621591

Stupid bitfucks don’t understand smart contracts can’t make its “use case” obsolete. Smart contracts can make CBDCs more relevant by making them technologically superior than bitshit while being more appealing from a fiscal policy perspective.
>inb4 muh globohomo
Stupid bitfucks all of crypto and finance is inherently globohomo.

>> No.54621630

1. This cunt is retarded and having some kind of mental health episode

2. Bitcoin is not going to 1 million anytime in 2023, it will be lucky to be 1 million by 2033

3. He is a stinky Indian and shits in the street

4. Bitcoin will crash again and all of you retards who believe this shit will pretend like you never believed it

I known all you too well

>> No.54621674

>NOTHING gives bitcoin its value
The fact people accept it makes it valuable. That's why you like precious metals. If no one cared about precious metals, they'd be valued only for their industrial uses rather than their monetary premium. You value gold because of history, acceptance, which manifests the spot price and acceptance, not because of its atomic structure, but the network around gold couldn't exist without all gold atoms following the same rules.

>> No.54621675

Explain what "technologically superior" is supposed to mean. Bitcoin is a balance that focuses on decentralization and security. Besides, what's important are the properties of good money, which bitcoin possess. A cbdc is a poor form of money and this is why it won't be adopted.

>> No.54621926

I thought the 40:1 odds meant he was gonna 40x if he won?

>> No.54622010

>currently costs $2 to buy something
>$1m/BTC could theoretically cost over $50 per transaction
I think Visa is safe if BTC is the only thing gunning for "money of the digital age". There's a reason that scalability has been the focus of every single cryptocurrency project since ETH broke into 4 digits.

>> No.54622681
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bitcoin is the easiest asset to make a global settlement with, while you sit in your chair, and it's decentralized, you know your money won't be intercepted going out or coming in. Today's ignorant people create tomorrow's bull runs when it eventually clicks for them.

>> No.54622754

>lose 1M on bad "bet"
>claim it as tax loss
>counterpart was just his second account
Maybe this?

>> No.54622816

Are you not paying attention? I'll give you an example. Strike leverages the LN to enable remittances, base layer Bitcoin. So a user can send currency such as dollars, which travel through the LN network and arrive on the other side in whatever native currency. The user is totally unaware of this. Now compare this to the old traditional way of accomplishing the same thing. Layers will be built on Bitcoin when the incentives are there, much of it is unimaginable right now. Bitcoin is the superior base layer because it's secure and decentralized. On the other hand, something like Ethereum is inferior because there's a human on the other side that can freeze your funds and there's no appeals process. Unironically worse than traditional finance.

>> No.54622924

>our economy literally backs USD. Theres a reason the euro isnt the reserve currency and its more so due to the europeans taking a break for 6 hours out of the work day for their 3day work week.
this is one of the funniest things ive read in a while

>> No.54623683

This 'bet' is so retarded. If you think btc is going up, you don't have to waive it in public for attention, just buy btc and quietly become a billionaire.

>> No.54623909

You will die poor, you got to add lowcaps for the real gain, AI, DIDs or anything worth it.

>> No.54624219

Based, ORE.

>> No.54624227

Self custody is the biggest weapon of crypto.

>> No.54625862

No doubts anon, I see more adoption of Crypto and Decentralized platforms especially with the recent state of banks. I moved my assets and NFTs to non-custodial wallets like Exodus and Sylo a long time ago where I have full control.