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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54612526 No.54612526 [Reply] [Original]

There is a chainlink fud pattern occurring, does anyone notice it as well?

>chainlink thread posted with replies rolling in, general talks about the project and news sharing
>20 posts in fud trannies start shitting up the thread
>some of them just post cuck, others use pil pul and other jewish tricks to try and drain energy from legit posters
>they gaslight any kind of explanation or discussion occurring
>at the same time the board is spammed with 10 fud threads bumped by the same group of fud trannies
>they keep bumping these threads in an attempt to drown out the 1-2 real chainlink threads, usually reach 100+ replies although 40% of those replies are the same trannies shitting up the thread
>once the good threads are archived, the other fud threads start to die
>rinse and repeat

Are they that butt hurt by the normal chainlink threads that they seethe and shit their dicks so hard and enter a ambien fueled shit-posting rage? These people have a serious mental health issue and should probably see some doctor. I'm sorry but this is not normal behaviour. Seek help.