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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54592926 No.54592926 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning kings and queens of New England
Yadda yadda yadda
Stinkers are still in a hole and the economy is still in the shitter, might as well make do what we can
One line of business leeching of the common man are the restaurants enabling their subhuman workers for a tip for simply delivering food
Oh, I baited them again with a fat tip :) $10 to be exact and my food got here ten minutes early
Reminder to never tip, etc etc
>inb4 wagie seethe
Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.54592974
File: 729 KB, 1576x2100, 29011F9A-6356-4197-AFBC-DBAA313CD8C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it be
The greatest of breakfasts
For me to enjoy :)

>> No.54592996

You make this thread almost every day. Why are you spending $60 on a meal that costs $0.80 to make?

>> No.54593024
File: 170 KB, 828x1309, 58B92BEC-1130-46FB-83D9-6F699DA70D77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time a made a thread was last week
Cope and seethe wagie scum
And no tip and bad review for you:)

>> No.54593190
File: 1.70 MB, 2137x3383, B694B10E-B975-4558-872A-6B5D048152B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well another day another set of bagels
Godbless /biz/
Never tip
I’ll be lurking
Have a nice day

>> No.54593223

What a pathetic excuse of a human being. You think you're being so coy denying your fellow human his right? If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't be ordering delivery.

>> No.54593248

Based and no tips pilled
Seething wagies ITT

>> No.54593254

Bong here I have never seen a 40 year old man sulk till I went to Florida and forgot to tip i could never forget the look on that Mexicans face I had to go to a different restaurant the rest of the holiday as I thought they would do something to my food literal 3rd world tier having to tip people to do there job lol lmao

>> No.54593269

Unfathomably based, but how do I cancel my tip on Uber Eats?

>> No.54593291

Eat my ass wagie
It’s simple really
As soon as you get an order, you can rate your order, when that window pops up >>54593024 you can change it from there
That is how I always bait the driver to get here asap, though it don’t work on Grubhub and door dash

>> No.54593304

Regardless of how often you make the threads, why spend $60 on a 'meal' that costs $0.80 to make?

>> No.54593325

>.80 to make a bagel
>dozen eggs-$8
>bagels- $8
>package of cheese- $5
Yeah no I’ll buy a shitton and have a nigger wagie to deliver my food scumbag

>> No.54593402

Based. I used a different app to have groceries delivered, and left a tip, and the app harrassed me for not leaving a bigger tip. UNINSTALLED.

>> No.54593673

Oooh so that's how you trick your driver. Just sent a complaint and hopefully this will be fixed :)

>> No.54593732

Thank you for your service bagel lord

>> No.54594047

the same drivers work in your location
they’ll start fucking and pissing on your food after the first no tip

>> No.54594064

I will remember your address and violate your food next time

>> No.54594082

Wagies seething itt lmao

>> No.54594102

Imagine paying $50 bucks for bagels and thinking this is a win because you didn't spend $5 on tip. Sounds like the shop was the jew the entire time

>> No.54594120

Unironically they'll mix rat poison with the cream cheese.

>> No.54594138

>the wagie cries in pain

>> No.54594205

next time enjoy your bagel garnished with my pubic hair

>> No.54594654

Think of the children op…

>> No.54594687

>mom! I posted the bagel thing again

>> No.54594704

I wish there was an option to click “didn’t disclose vaccination status before getting close to me.”

>> No.54594719

Imagine literally shoving four bagels in your fat fuck face
I need you to understand I don't approve of your life decisions. Very sloppy
Avert your course and be the king you were meant to be

>> No.54594809

Why do you care how op lives? Let the man live

>> No.54594883

Complacency is the dying cry of civiliation

>> No.54595004

>bragging about spending 50 bucks for bagels with wagie spit in them

>> No.54596052


>> No.54596119

You spend 54$ on 7 bagels?

u what>

>Bagels - 2-4$
>Egg They are not using Vital Farms pasture raises organic.. so probably 0.5c-1$ for 6 eggs?
> 2 sausage and half a pack of bacon 2-5$
>Cheese/CreamCheese 0.5-1$
>Labor 1-3$

Nice man you paid 54$ for 10-13$ worth of bagels and cheese

Also how the fuck do you eat 7 bagels a day

>> No.54596463

That’s a good question
You know what, op, are you actually rich or are you just larping neet maxing on gibs?

>> No.54596514

Because my time is precious and sometimes I just enjoy a nice restaurant meal that doesn't involve getting my hands dirty. Fuck off poorfag, you will never understand what it means to live. Sometimes I wonder if you poorfags are even human.

>> No.54596536

>Restaurant meal
Excellent bait, actually angry now

>> No.54596611
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>> No.54597613

Not telling

>> No.54597632


>nice restaurant meal
>7 bagels with processed meats

You heat up the pan, toss the bagel in the toaster, cook the sausage and eggs. 5minutes. Im sure I make more money than you, and Im also sure you waste tons of time on this board where you can afford to cook a fucking bagel

actually prefer to spend some time making my own food than paying some sweaty rat infested cockroach to rub his greasy hands all over the 10% bagel from his unwashed crusty teflon pan he scraps with his metal spatula

>> No.54597773

That’s a lot of work anon
Like the say, time is money

>> No.54597776

Fat shits always price cooking at home by the cost to make 1 item and tossing out all the other ingredients in the pack.
E.g. buy a pack of 6 hotdog buns, toss out 5 of them, use they to justify overpriced food that's been handled by brown mutants.

>> No.54597795

i only eat meals cooked from grocery store food. im not paying those prices for fast food. and i also dont trust fast food employees to follow rules/etc

>> No.54597812

I'm black, I should be telling you this.

>> No.54597952

Bump and based thread. Fuck wagies, just look at doordash or uber eats reddits and you'll see how much care they put into their "work". Die die die ungrateful faggots die

>> No.54597991

what? What happens to the rest of the food? You eat it again tomorrow right? Like how OP orders another set of bagels the next day? You just.... eat it ... tomorrow??

why you mad tho

i guess it's a lot if you don't cook. didn't know 5 minutes to make a bagel is that much. i have more trouble getting the fucking captcha to align than making a bagel

>> No.54598010

definitely the guy cooking at home is the fat shit.

not the one ordering grease kitchen's cheese bagel

>> No.54598041

Lmao based
I know how to cook, I just rather get my food from someone and fuck ip their day

>> No.54598996

> i have more trouble getting the fucking captcha to align
That's because you're a poorfag and can't spare $20/year to not see any captchas and keep this site up. Kinda proving my point lmao
It doesn't matter how much money you end up making, the poorfaggotry is spiritual.

>> No.54599097

>get help
Earlier I DROVE IN MY CAR and WALKED TO THE COUNTER to order a smoothie, TO GO and a prompt appeared asking me for a tip. How ridiculous, well anyway don't leave tip for me.

>> No.54599275

The audacity of these wagies I swear

>> No.54599919

>4chan pass
Maybe if they link a PayPal like before I’d get one too