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54562025 No.54562025 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine working in the service industry

>> No.54562057

Get fucked Helen (manager)

>> No.54562083
File: 20 KB, 474x474, th-116156992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked Helen (manager)

>> No.54562087

>1 (one) day off
>Books a flight to go to bumfuck nowhere
Fake, I barely have time to take a shit on my "day off".

>> No.54562095

No need to be rude, just tell them you can't come in.

>> No.54562116

I have. It's so shitty I don't even want to go out to eat.

>> No.54562117

Just say no.
Over explaining shit is a sign of weakness.
Or just don't respond at all.

>> No.54562118

Manager might be the worst job in low end service/retail industry. The owner is basically delegating all of the hell/annoyance of running the ship to a nonsuspecting 95 IQ wagie who thinks they've "made it" with their new $50k salary without realizing they're effectively always on call and always dealing with their nonsensical minimum wage employees

It's the same thing in real estate, the job gets infinitely easier the moment you outsource the management portion of it over to someone else and just reap your own cut of the revenue

>> No.54562119

It isn’t that bad. A job is a job that’s why it’s called a job. I hate mine it is really bad I work in a factory with rough schedules and rotating shifts but I am in the 90th percentile of income because of this.
I can save about 800 a month after taxes, bills and expenses no sweat at all.
I am considering throwing it all away and moving to a higher col and doing literally anything else that has more normal hours the result will be a more sane existence, an actual state pension that is higher than one I would eventually have in my home country and saving maybe 300 after all expenses and living in a share house with other weird people like me. Is it worth it bros?

>> No.54562123

>no need to be rude
Yes, there is. Somebody has to remind these power tripping fucks of the rules

>> No.54562155

youve got braindamage

>> No.54562604

Managers give out orders but everyone knows they have no power so nobody respects them

>> No.54562635

Rachel, get your ass to work

>> No.54562658

fake image + poor quality thread = it goes in all fields.

>> No.54562704

I used to manage and own 3 restaurants over the course of 6 years. AMA

>> No.54562749
File: 52 KB, 405x549, cwc you are already raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meta play here is to tell the manager, "ok i'll come in" and then just never respond to them and still go on your trip

>hey anon your shift starts in 5 minutes, are you still coming?
>yes i'm almost there
>airplane mode on, plane departs

>> No.54562782

Are you the CEO of based?

>> No.54562795

being a waiter is fucking ez as shit if you are good looking. just memorize a script and go through the motions. learn to profile people and allocate your time and attention appropriately.

>> No.54562841

This is how my brother gets treated as a postal worker.

>> No.54562951

who cares about your life ping pong laow