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54555585 No.54555585 [Reply] [Original]

And just 4M MC instead of 100M

Unruggable coin

>> No.54555833

i'll be buying more

>> No.54555865

Dead coin on esl chain where all the core devs left

>> No.54555873

Biz's one shot at glory and they biffed it so hard

>> No.54555946

Safemoon rugged a long time ago.

>> No.54556006

Still alive fuckers

Behold the power of meme magic

>> No.54556105

>core devs
you mean glorified tg mods who handed over 100k to the poojeet run north west equities?
yeah, coin is better off without them and their influence on this shit
>check pm

>> No.54556337

>*sirs check pm sirs

>> No.54556408

I will be buying more for the People's Republic of Albania fuck Serbia

>> No.54556622

Fuck off Ghostbro, you were never core dev. You were just a clown, and you still are.

>> No.54558219

isnt it better to have low liquidity for a shitcoin because it means it can pump more? im confused

>> No.54558510

>isnt it better to have low liquidity for a shitcoin because it means it can pump more? im confused

Now we get into interesting world of d0b0;

Liq pool is BNB, which means when BNB goes up, d0g with da bat goes up too because liq pool value goes up. But thats not all. During bull market first people go crazy about BTC and ETH, then follows rest of "serious" coins and right after that comes meme coins. This means d0b0 gets double swing, from BNB and from FOMO.

You dont want to miss that.

D0gg0 with da bat mechanics means also it cant die, and we are basicly at the bottom right now. So whatever anyone says, this is pretty safe target now.

>> No.54558652

>esl chain
its on BNB you fucking retard

>> No.54558690

This fat fuck is in all your minds rent free while he bangs his ugly gf in berlin or whatever european city he's escaped to now

>> No.54558741

IF people buy. Emphasis on the IF.
No one is buying this dead shit.

>> No.54558800

>IF people buy. Emphasis on the IF.
>No one is buying this dead shit.

Believe me, no one cares if some angry retard on internet says "no one buys". You can wish what you want, but you cant change reality.

Its so funny how much you are afraid of d0b0 :D

>> No.54558846
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>coin so dead that you have to track down every single thread and post FUD
ok nigga

>> No.54559542
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Uh oh d0bobaggies

>> No.54559577

This seller seems to care kek >>54559542

>> No.54559773
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delicious reflections
you are obsessed, why?

>> No.54559788

Can you please tell me what ESL means
I see it posted here daily and I can't fucking figure it out
Seems to always be used when making a derogatory comment about someone from like an Asian or pajeet country
Pls explain

>> No.54560201
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That's the guy who bought 65 bnb worth after Elon's tweet about based ai.

>> No.54560226
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English second language

>> No.54560282
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*62 bnb

>> No.54560523

ty for explaining that
yeah i thought this coin was going to get a bit of a bump after that whole based ai thing but we gonna have to wait until a general bull to see how well this thing does i guess. ive seen this meme posted around outside of 4chan but, to be honest its hard to see how well it can do when there is 1million other dogecoin knockoffs. all are trying to make memes, make nfts, make little crap games in order to lure investors into buying said coin. Also this coin gets posted on this board literally all the time so in terms of it being a 'hidden gem' its not really that hidden anymore. like i said we will have to wait for a general bull though before we can see how much meme potential its got

>> No.54560651

With so much meme potential, it's criminal that the dev passed up on getting dogbat listed on any real exchanges at the end of 2021 when we had the money to do it, even if the bull market was already topping out. Normie liquidity is the only way dogbat will ever realize it's true potential next time around.

>> No.54560710

Worthless token full of holders stuck in the BSC casino past because they didn’t sell when they up by literal millions and rode it all the way down instead. Any actual pumps will be killed by people finally hitting an exit point again

>> No.54560835
File: 57 KB, 512x512, get a life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao actual ghostbro here. I don't post in these threads, I've moved on - first time in a while on biz. None of this fud is from me, take your meds.

>> No.54560853
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This coin must pump so hard in the next bullrun.

>> No.54560942
File: 941 KB, 1200x1098, dogbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these bullish posts, I'm not articulate enough to make them myself, so I just keep posting dog with bat pics

>> No.54561707

this is DEAD. move to arbitrum coins if ur reading this anon, t. me / redpillfinance is the next play

>> No.54561731

>you cant change reality
reality is that almost nobody buys though

>> No.54561894

>this is DEAD.

No ded here, sers.

>> No.54562338

Binance offered to list this back in December 2021 for $100,000, the devs refused to pay & said "they'll list us for free soon. 3 months after this one of the drained the "marketing" wallet and vanished. Now we're @ $4.5m market cap, down 1125% from ATH.

>> No.54562370

Not now they don't. Is there a massive market frenzy right now? Do you see everyone excited with unrealised profits soaring left and right? The atmosphere of the current market clouds your analysis. When the crypto market is ablaze with glory again, everything will move, and we'll see at that time who takes the biggest slices of the cake.

>> No.54562663

Past is place where things have happened, future is one where anything can and will happen.

>> No.54562800

It's because the Dev is (still) a greedy faggot and the old management team were retarded niggers that brought the entire community down with their backroom clique infighting and poor judgment of effective marketing.
Also, that other "core dev" retard got grifted out of 6 a figure sum by literally pajeet scammers then turned around and became an even bigger grifter himself. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, it's a miracle this project still survived.

>> No.54562922
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and comparing yourself with a literal scam is a good thing to do because _____
d0b0bros are mentally ill beyond repair it seems. thank fuck i solded this garbo for marlin protocol instead.

>> No.54562974
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>down 1125%

>> No.54563348

That wasn't Binance though you fucking liar.

>> No.54564995

>sold at a loss
>no concept of long term gratification
Let this be a lesson: don't get into crypto if you have ADHD, kids.

>> No.54565086

haha, nice

>> No.54566086
File: 41 KB, 1078x479, d0b0_chart_1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't show you how much it moved the candle though. Even paper handers can be comfortable holding d0b0.

>> No.54566126


This is the next shib, don't be stupid and sell!