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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54539134 No.54539134 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your low mcap moonshots /biz/real

>> No.54539298

100xgems dev is face doxxed, after getting rugged and losing $2k in 3 seconds I only buy tokens that have face doxxed devs. Is it perfect? No. Do I miss out on a lot of moonshots? Yes. Have I gotten rugged again since I started this? No.

>> No.54539319
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Verification not required.

>> No.54539565



>> No.54539610

t . me / ArbPyre ... first great Pyrenees token on arbitrum and the dev is super legit. He's building customized gpt bots that are like the future of Rose. Can answer any questions about the token or anything really and have customized personalities,,,says he's going to eventually build up a shill army of gpt bots...interesting stuff

>> No.54539963

When I am aping into shitcoins I usually don't research too much into the token itself but rather I judge the team behind the token. That's why I have a bag of tethies. The creators of Tethies are a group of seasoned degens and blockchain experts, backed by strategic advisors with additional expertise in finance, marketing, and business development, all committed to delivering a high-quality product and growing the Tethies ecosystem.

>> No.54540292

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Toshi.tools. The finance is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of cryptocurrency tools most of the tools will go over a typical degens's head. There's also Toshis's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The degens understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tools, to realize that they're not just profitable- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Toshi.tools truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pure hype in Toshis's existencial catchphrase LETS FUCKING GO which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toshi Believer's's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Toshi.tools tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.54540347
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Find it yourself. Pic related. Going parabolic in a month when the casino drops with twitch streamers. These are your breadcrumbs wagies. Whoever finds it gets free of their cage.

>> No.54540407

What wallet can I put it on?

>> No.54540528
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poolparty just because I can bet money in a pool and if I win I can make fun of the others lmao

>> No.54540623

biz is just a mirage of our greediest desires, a fantasy that can only be real while we sleep, nobody here makes it

>> No.54540633

OpenBetAI is going to start distributing casino profits soon, I'm gonna grab a big as bag as possible and ride the pump up to the profit sharing date and then dump right before...high iq move

>> No.54540638

I make it with your mom

>> No.54540677

Shorting the Chinese Yuan like an insane amount.

>> No.54540682

Basically a casino, only without the consequences of laughing, or a broken nose

>> No.54540701
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nice, I always liked pool parties, I liked to pee when everyone was distracted drinking

>> No.54540716

I’m all in VRA

>> No.54540792

im just using a chrome browser extension lmao i hope its safe enough for my moon bag

>> No.54540929


>> No.54541223


>> No.54541283


>> No.54541301

ezo flying squirrel

>> No.54541306


>> No.54541486


EndlessWebWorlds (EWW) - 180k market cap. Multichain. AI generated metaverse & highly customizable. If you hold SAND & don't invest an amount into this at the current valuation, you're dumbass. Too much upside potential to fade

Tau (AGRS) - 3M market cap. Other than TAO this is one of the few legit AI coins out there. Fully doxxed team & been working on this long before AI was a trend.

Funicular - 240k market cap. Fully autonomous protocol (self driven) & developed by ever-building BrewLabs. On average the protocol has been buying back around ~$1k weekly & then burning it. And that's with not much volume, the more volume, the more it feeds the protocol. Higher prices is literally programmed with this one, it's just a matter of patience. Only been around since December but the protocol has already burned around 10% of total supply. The longer it stays at low valuation the more bullish for hodlers

Bigcap - 280k market cap. Doxxed team & maker of Signata (SATA). A decentralized trading ladder with focus on growing treasury. The first ladder is about to begin & DAO community marketing efforts have just begun.

Dark Tavern Token (DTT) - 220k market cap. Innovator in ReflectFi which will be a hot narrative & a daily buyback protocol that will farm on as many chains as possible. Only recently launched and have started with BSC, will soon expand to ETH as well. Protcol associated with BrewLabs. Recently released their NFT collection with a ReflectFi concept so not your average worthless jpeg nfts.

SOWL - 280k market cap. First learn2earn game & platform. Focusing on capturing the untouched educational sector of blockchain. Fully doxxed team. Easy play if you have patience

Shibcraft (SHFT) - 280k market cap. First Shiba Inu themed ordinal collection. Ordinals will be a super hot narrative. Also developing a shib themed game.

Pooshib - 80k market cap. Shibarium meme play with real utility & legit team.

>> No.54541494

ArbPyre on telegram...hasn't launced yet get in here now

>> No.54541568


>> No.54541763


>> No.54542029


>> No.54542058

why does every fucking thread have 100xgems followed by arbpyre then tethies and finally toshi tools holy fuck it reeks of stinky curry

>> No.54542069

We're giga bull btc and you low iqs are asking for low mcaps

>> No.54542234

You're welcome

>> No.54542251

My shit memecoin longshots are

QON/ Shibpreditor
DBI / Don’t Buy Inu
Doge GF

>> No.54542256


>> No.54542283


>> No.54542572


>> No.54542937


>> No.54543212

OpenBetAI, toshi.tools, ArbPyre...hmmm fuck it I'll throw $20 in each one and test it. I always see shit shilled on here and then it moons and I'm fucking tired of missing out.

>> No.54543242

bs thread just buy radiant

>> No.54543252
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>> No.54543261

SPARKS is 2m MC and has a growing following

>> No.54543267

The gold watch and necklace (female) you’re wearing is fake.

>> No.54543469


>> No.54543596

muthafuckin TRIAS

>> No.54543727


>> No.54543748

You guys keep buying the wrong tokens, so here they actually are:

Wrongtoken dot com

You are welcome ser

>> No.54543806

I've been keeping an eye on new coins and WRONG is the only one recently that looks worth holding.

>> No.54543819
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No verification required. Boom.

>> No.54543896

Wallahi brother it's so Wrong it has to be the one

>> No.54543974

just buy VRA

>> No.54544002

ArbPyre: you gotta find actual good tokens before they launch so you don't get dumped on, trust me this is 1 million times better than most of the trash shilled on this board

>> No.54544059



>> No.54544181


>> No.54544370

Damn toshi.tools is fucking badass, lets fucking go

>> No.54544569


>> No.54544634

I wish these threads would get actual discussion instead of a bunch of shills shilling their useless shitcoins

>> No.54544749


>> No.54544839
File: 7 KB, 273x115, 2023-04-13 19_22_19-Swap _ Kei Finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OHM killer

>> No.54544872


>> No.54544975

t me/ArbPyre you have to get in before launch to make any money off these biz pnds

>> No.54545105

Polar (graph competitor)
Leox (first quant token, rwa tokenization platform)

>> No.54545170


>> No.54545331


>> No.54545342
File: 97 KB, 1400x787, FonEBwkXwAMzXVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scala (XLA).
It's already starting to move in the LTC market, soon it will trade again in the BTC pair.

>> No.54545480


>> No.54545651

ArbPyre...it acts like a memecoin but it has A LOT of bleeding edge tech under the hood...hasn't launched yet you gotta get in here anons

>> No.54545800


>> No.54545829

I'm balls deep and currently x6

Literally backed by Google and Binance but still in top 170ish. It is criminally undervalued

>> No.54545834

This is the way -> Q Blockchain isn't for sale yet, you can only get it by performing bounty tasks on Zealy io. What makes it stand out compared to other L1s? I'm not going to spoon feed you so read the white paper.

>> No.54545839


>> No.54545911


>> No.54545966
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Fuck nothing to shill the current financial system is already broken. But yeah, Polygon DeFi projects kept building lately. AAVE, BitSki, PWN, Balancer, Curve, and MNI.
Theyre the things that will actually boom the cycle after the next cycle

>> No.54546043

100xGEMS, think shark tank mixed with binance incubator

>> No.54546071
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Verification not required.

>> No.54546078

Expecting a rally for Polkadot projects with Azero network majorly on my watchlist.

>> No.54546117

Yo due to its parachain design. Projects that invest in real-life projects like MnI has strong financial model ensuring liquidity, income flow, and profit.

>> No.54546207


>> No.54546246

shimask. it will be the shibarium wallet. collect fees. ezpz

>> No.54546361

100xgems dev is face doxxed if that's important to you, zero change of rug

>> No.54546523


>> No.54546528


>> No.54546659


>> No.54546813

>OpenbetAI token offers a range of exciting features that make it a unique investment opportunity. Firstly, the token can be used on the platform to place bets on a variety of sports, including FIFA, NFL, and MLB. This means that investors can use their tokens to potentially earn profits through sports betting. Additionally, the platform offers a revenue sharing model, which means that investors can earn a share of the profits generated by the platform. This can provide a passive income stream for investors, allowing them to earn money without actively participating in sports betting.

>> No.54546970


>> No.54547015


>> No.54547102
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cumrocket will melt faces and in hindsight will be very very very obvious. a lot of /biz/ is new and doesn't understand

>> No.54547165


>> No.54547172

To be fair I did 3x on 100xGEMS, would have been 4 if I didn't sell
No shot I trust it to keep going but was already wrong about the top once. Still have like $15 in it now so maybe I'll get enough to buy a nice dinner

>> No.54547174
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Get in now on the dip
This thing is about to fly
Only 2.3mil marketcap too

>> No.54547181

ORE. my only lowcap. wagmi.

>> No.54547345

SadArbPyre...it acts like a memecoin but it has A LOT of bleeding edge tech under the hood...hasn't launched yet you gotta get in here anons

>> No.54547529


>> No.54547564


>> No.54547574


If you know, you know.

>> No.54547592

DiD and AI seems to be another big narrative.

>> No.54547618

Based. A very good niche to invest in outside AI currently.

>> No.54547745


>> No.54547771
File: 276 KB, 920x1193, GRELF_$50_EOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedera memecoin. $50 EOY

>> No.54547978

tethies, it's like the tendies version of tether...basically a free monery printer

>> No.54548232


>> No.54548375

Nobody is here to feed your ghost brain anon. Can't you research Arbitrum, Chainlink, SpoolFi or Avalanche? Search fundamentals, not mcap.

>> No.54548508

>inb4 reddit spacing

Investing in OpenbetAI tokens can offer a range of benefits for investors. Firstly, the tokens can be used on the platform to place bets on a variety of sports, including FIFA, NFL, and MLB. This means that investors can use their tokens to potentially earn profits through sports betting. Additionally, the platform offers a revenue sharing model, which means that investors can earn a share of the profits generated by the platform. This can provide a passive income stream for investors, allowing them to earn money without actively participating in sports betting.

Another benefit of investing in OpenbetAI tokens is the potential for token appreciation. As the platform grows and gains more users, the demand for tokens may increase, which could drive up the value of the tokens. This means that investors could potentially earn a profit by holding onto their tokens and selling them at a later date. Additionally, the platform allows investors to list their own tokens on the sportsbook, which can provide exposure for their own projects and potentially increase the value of their tokens. Overall, investing in OpenbetAI tokens can offer a range of benefits for investors, including potential profits through sports betting, revenue sharing, and token appreciation.

>> No.54548598

Now this is a real scam. This coin is about financing an astronaut to street shit in space or whatever. Total fucking scam, legitimately from India

>> No.54548631

Making the list without mentioning DiD, privacy or AI is biased

>> No.54548654
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Pic related
GambleFi on Arbitrum = guaranteed win

>> No.54548723

Well, howdy there, partner! Let me tell you about the Toshi Tools ecosystem. It's like having a whole herd of cattle at your fingertips. With Toshi Tools, you can track your investments like a rancher tracks their cattle. You can see where your money is going and how it's growing. And let me tell you, it's growing faster than a bull in a china shop. Plus, with the Toshi ecosystem, you get access to all kinds of tools and resources that'll help you make smart investment decisions. It's like having a whole team of cowboys working for you. So, if you want to be a savvy investor and ride off into the sunset with a fat wallet, head on over to https://toshi.tools and check it out for yourself. Yeehaw!

>> No.54548737
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>> No.54548757
File: 121 KB, 798x702, D6166155-6DB0-4D16-9162-9558AB3A6B05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see some of you found it. Congratulations on your rewards. Hold for two months now. We’re at 7.5 cents already. It will easily cross a dollar when the product goes live and it’s being streamed on twitch. The streamers are paid for and lined up ready to go.

>> No.54548760


>> No.54548925


>> No.54549159

Yo, listen up, senpai! Toshi Tools is the real deal when it comes to investing. It's like having a whole squad of homies watching your back and making sure you're making bank. With Toshi Tools, you can track your investments like a boss and see how your money is stacking up. And let me tell you, it's stacking up faster than a beat drop. Plus, with the Toshi ecosystem, you get access to all kinds of dope tools and resources that'll help you make smart investment moves. It's like having a whole studio full of producers working on your tracks. So, if you want to be a baller and make it rain, head on over to https://toshi.tools and check it out for yourself.
Trust me anon, you won't regret it.

>> No.54549196

t . me Redpillfinance, easy arbitrum pick. Thank me later when your port hits ATH this alt season

>> No.54549384
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Lotsa jeets shilling they dead shitcoins. How about you fags enter a coin before launch huh. Someone i know is launchin amogus shitcoin tomorrow. @NotSusApeIt on tg.

>> No.54549386


>> No.54549495

what the fuck is this? can't find it. it looks like i am badly retarded

>> No.54549510

King Arthur

>> No.54549526

Fucking line up your niggereum to ape Not Sus, Ape it my nigger, it's launching soon on eth
tg: @notsusapeit

>> No.54549569

Lmao a sussy baka is here already

>> No.54549628


>> No.54549875

Let me tell you about the Toshi Tools ecosystem. It's like having a whole team of experts working for you to help you make smart investment decisions. With Toshi Tools, you can track your investments like a pro and see how your money is performing. And let me tell you, it's performing better than the Red Sox in the World Series. Plus, with the Toshi ecosystem, you get access to all kinds of resources and tools that'll help you stay ahead of the game. It's like having a whole department of financial analysts working for you. So, if you want to be a savvy investor and secure your financial future, head on over to https://toshi.tools and check it out for yourself. Trust me, it's the real deal. And the best part?
It's currently less than 1m MC.

>> No.54549918

OHM already died a year ago

>> No.54550010


around 600k MC (sites incorrectly reporting 3million MC as the non-circulating supply was recently moved and locked behind a multisig)

multichain amm and bridge
receiving 500,000 ARB allocation from arbitrum foundation
created by DXDAO. a dao that is shutting down. currently fully retraced the arbitrum pump because investors are afraid but this is literally a case of a project gaining more control by having funds transferred from a dissolving dao directly into a multisig under the SWPR team. this means they can finally add significant liquidity to their own project along with the 500k ARB that they can use as liquidity mining incentives or to attract other projects to pool LP on swapr. this is an actual retard play.

>> No.54550041
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in early for once,Then get in ArbiFroge while it's still early The first meme frog on arbitrum is about to come! Launching in 1 hour! your next 10000! TG : @arbifroge

>> No.54550053
File: 601 KB, 1400x787, xla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why should I keep shilling you Scala (XLA) if you never fucking listen!?

>> No.54550145


>> No.54550437

Let me red pill you on the most important shitcoin on biz right now: Toshi.Tools
>Toshi Tools dApp: Toshi token holders who own 0.4% (4000000000 tokens) of $Toshi supply in their wallet can become a Tier 1 holder and have full access to the Toshi Tools dApp. This tool provides advanced analytics on trader performance visualized on interchangeable graphs, combining wallet data with trading data for accurate price predictions.
The Toshi Tools dApp can be used for various purposes, including:
>Analyzing and tracking wallets on the Ethereum Blockchain: The dApp provides advanced analytics on trader performance visualized on interchangeable graphs, allowing users to track and view their personalized wallet performance based on the assets held within the connected wallet.
>Accurate price predictions: Toshi Tools combines wallet data with trading data for accurate price predictions, enabling users to make informed investment decisions.
>Notification feature: In future development updates, Toshi Tools will release a notification feature, allowing users to receive notifications of desired wallets trading behaviors and trades made by the wallets they follow.

>> No.54550756

100xGems bro...fully legit

>> No.54551059


>> No.54551347

tethies lmfao i love it

>> No.54551602

Bagged some when it listed on MEXC and it has done almost 2x already.

>> No.54551632

So you might be wondering, what can the Toshi Tools dapp do?
>Advanced Analytics: Toshi Tools provides advanced analytics on trader performance visualized on interchangeable graphs, allowing users to track and view their personalized wallet performance based on the assets held within the connected wallet.
>Native Wallet Data Extraction Protocol: Toshi Tools' native wallet data extraction protocol integrates with GPT-3 Open AI learning models, providing valuable trading insights based on top wallet's trading behaviors.
>Personalized Filters: Toshi Tools allows users to filter out irrelevant information from transactions and confine the filters to their own needs, providing a personalized experience for tracking wallets.
and the best part?
It's less than 1m MC

>> No.54551639


>> No.54551869


>> No.54551952
File: 17 KB, 400x400, oUoGqeHR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in early for once, get in ArbiFroge while it's still early The first meme frog on arbitrum is about to come! your next x10000! TG : @ arbifroge
>Contract Address




> Ownership Renounced


