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File: 24 KB, 250x250, frugalpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54528876 No.54528876 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, uni student
>only went to college because they offered me full ride
>only moved because my parents gave me a little bit of money to cover rent
>refuse to take out student loans, would rather drop out entirely
>refuse to waste money on designer shit like sneakers, jewelry, videogames
>feel bad whenever i buy objects for my hobbies like vinyls and pc parts even if i know i will use them
>half my wardrobe is chinese garbage and i still get compliments on my outfits
>steal groceries that i could very easily afford from poorfag stores like walmart
>when buying online i always search on used sites like ebay, or chinese sites like aliexpress
>will often opt to eat ramen cup noodles and canned soups for dinner instead of going to mcdonalds in order to save money

i feel like i'm frugalmaxxing too much...should i spend money? after all, what's the point of earning it if you never spend it. or am i just based?
note that i'm not poor...i have money, i just don't spend it. i have an obsession with saving money as much as possible even if it means going hungry. most of my friends have $0 in their bank account and can't afford basic shit like groceries and i have thousands in my bank account simply because i live a modest yet bare minimum lifestyle.

>> No.54528895

the next step is to start spending money on things that have a good chance at making you more money

training, crazy business ideas, freelancers

>> No.54529121

There comes a point where living frugally becomes unhealthy. One major way to tell, and this requires a strong level of personal understanding and honesty, is to ask yourself if your fear of being broke is hijacking your decision making, or if you are forgoing a purchase for a fair reason. Don't forget to smell the roses on the way to made it status or you'll find the end result is wholly unfulfilling.

>> No.54529166

Don't steal groceries only niggers do that, and eat quality food instead of instant ramen

>> No.54529191

you continue doing that until you have fuck you money

>> No.54529208

I make $10k per month and I’m still incredibly frugal. Half of my meals are brown rice with butter and I combine that with ground beef and garlic salt. I do all my shopping at Ross Discount. Got a nice new pair of nike sneakers the other day for $35.

>> No.54529220 [DELETED] 

>Don't steal groceries
give me one GOOD reason why. walmart and target are globohomo megacorps with billion dollar profit margins, they know people steal and they do not care, instead they slightly raise their prices to account for it.
>eat quality food
i don't have a kitchen yet, as i live in a dorm. so i have no option other than instant made stuff, or if im really determined i can waste extra time to make shitty meals with small appliances such as toaster ovens and microwaves, but it takes much longer than normal and usually isn't worth it.
>the next step is to start spending money on things that have a good chance at making you more money
i have so little money that i'm concerned about investing. i only have a few thousand dollars to my name, investing even a quarter of it would reduce my ability to respond to a financial emergency or something like that. i plan to wait until i have more money.

with my current career path, i expect to be making six figures (software dev). also, i have no debt, and i don't expect any major debt until i buy a house or something, so i should be able to invest in retirement immediately rather than in my 30s.

>> No.54529297

Training in what? Like paying for certs?

>> No.54529321

This, you have to spend money to make money. Whether it's investing in a new business, stocks or crypto.
OP is being too cautious and needs to diversify + throw a few grand on speculative assets. Life is too short not to.

>> No.54529322

You're acting like a nigger. If that's not reason enough to stop doing something then you're already hopeless. A person's true nature isn't the actions they do when they people are judging them, it's the actions they do when they only have themselves to hold themselves accountable. Your true nature so far proves that you are a degenerate nigger

>> No.54529329

Why would you ever even consider going to McDonald's? If you are going to spend money on food buy good food not slop. What is designer shit? Never bought any. Don't steal groceries, could fuck up your life over stupid shit. I have been frugal for all of my life, that doesn't mean don't spend anything. Buy a house and a reliable car. Spend money on things you can always use or make money with like tools. Learn how to make things and fix things if you can't already. Take up hobbies that produce things or fix things. Frugality will get you the things you want in life just don't sacrifice those things in the name of frugality.

>> No.54529330
File: 205 KB, 1600x901, 1679087379721752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't understand, officer, I'm just frugalmaxxing!
>hands up, Jamal, you're coming with me

>> No.54529342


Get a girlfriend.

>> No.54529391

Nothing compares to the security of having money.

Knowing that the next rego or rent increase can be paid for is infinitely more valuable than having a ps5.

The only reason this is true is because wages don't go up with inflation. You will run out of time to make more money because you make less every year.

Get enough to invest so that the interest covers your expenses and then spend your income on useless crap. You won't have to worry about losing it that way.

>> No.54529413
File: 223 KB, 1079x703, 1668984008014882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a good moral person
>I willingly give money (a resource) to an abusive, subsidized corporation in bed with the government
yes, good goyim... pay for your walmart groceries like a little bitch...

>> No.54529414

start meal prepping right now, beans rice and quinoa, you need cheap nutrients and the only way to have cheap AND nutrients is to plan ahead, so PLAN ahead and meal prep

>> No.54529431 [DELETED] 

>it's the actions they do when they only have themselves to hold themselves accountable
i would still steal even if it was just me. if piracy is morally justifiable then why isn't stealing morally justifiable. you are more than welcome to pay $7 for eggs if you really want to though anon!
>Why would you ever even consider going to McDonald's?
cheap and i'll already know what i want...i guess you could insert any fast food instead of mcdonalds such as taco bell or chickfila. as i said i rarely eat goyslop though.
>What is designer shit?
for young people it can include sneakers such as jordans, nice clothes like gucci, for old people it might be shit like nice watches and custom tailored suits (all my suits are tailored but i have them imported from china for like 25% the price it's great)
>Don't steal groceries, could fuck up your life over stupid shit
this isn't true as most companies in the us won't even prosecute you until they catch you stealing over $500 worth of stuff so they can get the felony charge, even most employees are wageslaves who don't give a fuck and are physically incapable of overpowering me.
>OP is being too cautious and needs to diversify + throw a few grand on speculative assets.
no offense but i would feel more comfortable throwing my net worth into a paper shredder than i would taking /biz/ financial advice. i almost invested in crypto back in 2018 but the technology has become so shit and convoluted that i would never consider "investing" in it today, especially after FTX and current crypto winter. if i do invest it'll be in normie stock, better yet index funds. i'm waiting for the economy to crash so i can get in super cheap though.
>start meal prepping right now
no kitchen + no time to prep meals but i plan on it next school year when i have an actual apartment
i've had multiple. money brings me more happiness than sex. i'm very grateful that my brain is wired this way.

>> No.54529441 [DELETED] 

i laughed.

>> No.54529799

First, stop stealing. Second, learn to cook instead of eating ramen. All the other practices are good though. I would normally say to buy land but right now isn't a good time for that. As other anons are saying, invest a little and diversify (some into index funds and blue chip stocks, maybe some into precious metals if you're worried about the USD) and besides that have a hobby or two. There's a difference between being able to enjoy a couple things and spending way too much.

>> No.54529867

the seething ITT is glorious. Did you even steal something in your life? i bet it has a lot more value than what OP took. e.g. Stop seething and start playing, bitch

>> No.54530135

I'm exactly like you keep being based OP

>> No.54531428

>i'm not poor...
yes, you're poor.
that's what the fed wants. lower demand, lower inflation. hold on to that fiat that gives you whatever little security and strengthen the dollar. playing right into their hands, it's the sign that you're poor.
rich people are on the aggressive, mad spending right now in whatever opportunities and assets they see because rich people can afford it. poor people can't. they defend.

>> No.54531613

Man, even tho I'm still a poorfag i became so addicted to watching my monthly SR stay above 60% and watching the net worth slowly grow piece by piece.

>> No.54531720

>not trying to slam as much prime slip and slide whilst there
You need to up your game.

>> No.54531727

>buys vinyls
>steals food
You're not frugal you're black

>> No.54531729

you're good, if you want to spend money use it on better food so you get all your nutrients and vitamins or your body will kick the bucket in your mid 60s

>> No.54531810

Frugality is very based, but dont neglect your health, make sure you eat healthy for example get a cheap rice cooker and you can have rice much cheaper and just as easy as instant ramen, you can also steam veggies or dumplings and cook soup in it.

>> No.54531817

You must smell crazy

>> No.54531908

>eating ramen vs eating mcdonalds
Retard. Eating that garbage is the opposite of frugal. Youll pay for it 1000x in the long run with bad health and medical bills. Health is a long term investment

>> No.54532237

nigger detected
have fun getting inevitably caught and dealing with that hell

>> No.54533628

Why stop?
>t. Lived without running water, gas heating, or electricity for almost four years

>> No.54534375 [DELETED] 

i've considered buying silver or gold but then my family would probably consider me schizo. does silver hold it's value better than fiat?
metals also aren't very liquid so it would be long term, plus it's easier for me to lose silver or have it stolen.
index funds seem like a good bet but as i said earlier i want the market to shit it's pants a little more before i enter.
i steal groceries because megacorps like walmart are evil and globohomo. i don't steal from local small businesses because they actually need the revenue to survive. why would I cuck my neighborhood record store and diminish my community?

>> No.54534646

Shoplifting doesn't hurt a corporation's bottom line, it only hurts its customers because they will raise their prices to adjust for lost product. Also, it leads to a breakdown of social cohesion since it instills a certain mentality in people who do it, and that mentality spreads.

>> No.54534671

>be me, uni student
Stopped reading there.

>> No.54535044

>i have thousands in my bank account simply

I would only stop if it's preventing you from getting good grades or interfering with getting a better job. "Thousands" is great, but if it's not sustainable or getting in the way of your ability to earn it's a moot point. Having 10K saved up early is great, but you need to invest it and be able to not touch it for decades for it to really make a difference.

If you killed you sacrificed a lot of enjoyment or missing out on experiences when you are younger just to stick it under a mattress and have no way to continue to earn more, you just wasted your effort.

>> No.54536461

If OP's dorm hall doesn't have a kitchen, he would be better off getting a rice cooker or instantpot like others suggest provided there's no restrictions on appliances. Ramen and canned soup are high in sodium and overconsumption in sodium leads to high blood pressure which contributes to a lot of health problems.
He's also shortsighted and doesn't realize that some grocery stores keep tabs on suspected thieves across multiple visits and pull the trigger once the dollar threshold is met. He should look into student or regular food banks or get a food services job that offers free meals. Way better than an arrest record haunting him.

>> No.54536579

stealing groceries isnt frugal behavior, its subhuman behavior

>> No.54536600

>steal groceries
just go to the food bank they give free food. since your a broke college student with 0 income you qualify

>> No.54536939

You need to ask yourself the following question: What is your goal with all that frugal saving? Like, what is your intended outcome? Are you trying to save up for a specific, logical, quantifiable goal, for example a downpayment on a property, a car, an investment, etc? If you have a specific goal with a specific plan that you are saving for and its a rational decission then its a good thing. But if you dont really have any plans and you are just saving because you cant stop yourself, then its a sign tht you are making emotional, irrational decissions which are indicating certain psychological imbalances the same way like people who overspend and cant stop.

Its very important to know your goal. Because let me tell you this, saving just for the sake of saving is mostly pointless. You will NEVER make it anyways by living frugally.

It would take you literally 40-50 years to save 1 million dollar if you save 2k every month and by the time you have it inflation will make it worthless.

So you might as well start enjoying life more and learning how to spend

>> No.54536969

Women cost way too much fucking money and time. Don’t trust these snake oil salesmen OP, use your hand.
T. Actually believed the memes and got gf (mistake)

>> No.54537041

>Women cost way too much fucking money and time
That's not what billion dollar corporations who hire these women are saying. The reason feminism took off is because capitalists saw an opportunity to pay less in wages and squeeze out more profit.