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54527416 No.54527416 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of this? Is that how the USD will be dethroned?

>> No.54527423


>> No.54527455

>a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot thread
nuke all post 2018 tourist retards

>> No.54527462

They're not, the Chinese education system is completely fucked up due to relying on after-school tutoring for years which massively impacted the normal schooling as teachers just stopped teaching the curriculum forcing parents to pay them extra to tutor which then got banned and the majority of the teachers fucked off because the pay is garbage.

>> No.54527465

checked and screenshotted

>> No.54527521

You need few competent people to run a functional country and you actually need majority to be hopeless cattle goys. Politicians understand this.

>> No.54527532

doesn't really matter seeing as how the majority of Chinese live in poverty and there is almost no importance on creativity in their society. their whole country is exactly the blackpill YNGMI reality people on here think they live in when they don't.

>> No.54527539
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>thread about a screenshot of a twitter screenshot

>> No.54527540

>chinese 3rd graders learning multi-variable calculus


>> No.54527568

Once you understand Newton's basic idea for the fundamental thm of calculus, multivariable calculus is just memorizing rules. I guarantee you those third graders are just copying what some CCP matron writes on the board and praying she doesn't put them in a cage for copying a symbol wrong.

Linear algebra or even high school geometry are much more conceptual than university calculus.

There was actually a push at one point in like the 1970s in America to introduce elementary school kids to set theory, which was a brilliant idea as set theory is all about logical thinking and problem solving, but the movement got labeled as "New Math" and retarded stay at home moms freaked out over it, thinking their kids wouldnt be able to do 1+1 just cuz they were introduced to set theory. Sad!

>> No.54527582
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>a 4chan thread about a snapchat story capturing a facebook post showing a Twitter screenshot

>> No.54527599

why are you giving some serious analysis to concern trolling using fake info lol

>> No.54527604

>the cringe frogniggers are somehow more cringe than the OP

>> No.54527623
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>> No.54527649

lol teachers are actually respected in china and thus make a lot of money but yeah keep thinking muh china is gonna implode... meanwhile niggers tackle and beat up underpaid teachers here

>> No.54527665


It's how you can tell the newniggers and zoomers from the oldfags.

>> No.54527683
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>> No.54527724
File: 703 KB, 1502x1378, kike vs kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay children, welcome to politics 101 today our lesson is zionist jews and communist jews dont like eachother.

>> No.54527738

Ah I couldnt be bothered to read past the first couple stories about China being antagonistic. It could be shown the other way too, and Russia doesnt like Israel but that doesnt = based tldr. Bernie Sanders hates Israel.

>> No.54527749

Thats actually useful for the next time I run into Eric Striker, saved. My mistake. Thats what Whites do when they make an error, say sorry.

>> No.54527752

both of them can't stop molesting their inbred children and any other infant that crawls past them

>> No.54527756
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>> No.54527768

>America's brown person education standards are because of the trannies
t. Pedro the trad cath

>> No.54527772

Teachers in America aren’t underpaid, they barely work compared to every other profession since they have three months off and only act as glorified babysitters.

>> No.54527792

Respect is a non monetary value. Their salary is like 600 to 1100 rmb per month on average. It's absolutely pathetic.

>> No.54527801

My niece actually went to school in china. She did learn multiplication and division in 1st grade, whereas I learned it in 3rd. the chinese generally have a harder school schedule, but there's only so much you can teach a child.
This guy gets it. Set Theory would have put our nation a standard deviation above in terms of intelligence.

>> No.54527804

>jews want to destroy America
>Therefore you must the suck the cock of everyone who hates jews
>Even if those people literally threaten the existence of america (russia, china, iran)
>Also let's conveniently ignore that my hatred of jews is rooted in my sexual frustration and low/non-existent income
>Also you're a jew if you don't mindlessly obey everyone I just said
>No I will not stay in my containment board

welcome to 4chan

>> No.54527836
File: 229 KB, 537x512, 8B016D78-4834-4D2B-81C3-7C6044EA8B97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deesu I'm in favor of this transsexual madness.

Teaching third graders that men can have babies is unironically the only way we solve the woman question (the WQ). Women aren't the same as men. We don't need women's powerlifting. Or women's boxing. Or women's basketball. Or women lawyers. etc.
But women aren't capable of understanding that we don't need inferior versions of men running around without a crystal clear demonstration of why.

So the transsexual madness should continue until the female madness stops.

>> No.54527842
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>> No.54527847

Good take. Saved

>> No.54527881

Based chinks doing this to train kids against pedos?