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54517478 No.54517478 [Reply] [Original]

>Study for a masters degree in econ
>Realize all the world’s economic problems could be solved with open borders
Anyone else?

>> No.54517491

How is freshman year going for you Kyle?

>> No.54517498

1st year poli sci thoughts.

>> No.54517502

I had the same thoughts anon. Here's the thing you learn later in life. The optimal efficiency you receive from a perfectly competitive markets (globalized and unrestricted), actually makes people really miserable, despite all the bullshit you get fed you about life expectancy and better health etc.

>> No.54517544

It’s not that simple retard. You’d have to deal with the negative externalities of 3 Billion niggers, spics, indians, and chinks moving in OVERNIGHT. We have a housing shortage as it is. You’d have to preplan for something like that similar to how China is doing with building tens of millions of empty apartment buildings and houses, but that’s only step 1. NYC is currently the only place in the US capable of living without a car. The infrastructure and Public transportation everywhere else is not equipped to handle something like that. You’d also have to deal with the massive increase in crime from the third world niggers and spics

TLDR; OP is a retard and something like this would end up causing a race war and impoverishing everybody

>> No.54517610

OP you can also look at places like Dubai and Canada as similar case studies. It’s incredibly easy to immigrate to each country and they’re not nearly capable of building up the infrastructure and housing quick enough to accommodate. It ends up making everybody poorer and worse off than places with a properly regulated border and immigration system

>> No.54517621

When everyone is remote there isn't a point for open borders. Sanjesh can work for my company in India. He can also stay there, so we don't have to suffer his smell in the office

>> No.54517632

Only if you abolish welfare, pensions and all that stupid bullshit first

>> No.54517818

Not true. It gives people what they want and then they get upset because their lives are quite literally TOO good, but they’re too lazy to leave society and do their own thing. Like a spoiled kid who needs a beating.
Can be used as a lower workforce. Just regulate the housing market as well to allow anyone to live wherever and however they want to solve house problem. Have a problem with “>muh chinks”? Just move somewhere else. It’ll be easier when you have access to literally every resource in the world. This all will work hand and hand with online worldwide schooling. It will be a small adjustment, but I’ll work out once the concept of culture is finally destroyed.
Those places don’t do it properly. They aren’t open borders
You don’t have to give immigrants immediately welfare. Try again.

>> No.54517824

A.) No it can't and you're just baiting and
B.) I don't care about the world's economic problems. I only care about my economic situation and the prosperity of my country. In fact, the poorer everyone else is outside the USA, the better for us. Wealth disparity is what allows me to buy a new car for a month's wages.

>> No.54517826

George soros, that you? Gd it, die already!

>> No.54517869

Internet literally lets you work with software engineers anywhere in the world and it's still one of the most disproportionately paid positions

>> No.54517926

You’re terribly mistaken. You can bet your ass every nigger on Earth would try to come to the US as quickly as possible. The average IQ in Africa is only 70, meaning half the population is less intelligent than that (mental retardation). Billions of illiterate retarded niggers is NOT going to benefit anybody in the US. These people are not intelligent enough to properly work a cash register.

Also, Dubai is about as open borders as you can possibly get. There are shitloads of construction workers building skyscrapers and other apartments daily and yet they still can’t build enough housing fast enough to accommodate all the immigrants.

Sorry OP but your professor is a commie shilling moron. Open borders is just not feasible.

>> No.54517971

Well said

>> No.54517997
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Imagine thinking economic growth supersedes every other aspect of quality of life. I'd rather have a lower GDP if that means not being inundated by shitskins and globohomo faggotry that encourages children to become trannies.

>> No.54518000

So you've paid for an education and become a fool. Good use of funds and time there anon

>> No.54518009

before you form a solid conclusion, anon, have a look at how the schengen area is doing for the EU.

>> No.54518028

>naive bullshit progressive professors have you believing
Oh you sweet summer child, just dont let them chop off your dick okay?

>> No.54518048

Open-borders is not as much of a romantic utopia as you think when 7.4 billion people in the world are either chinks, pajeets, or niggers.

Open borders melting pot with members from various functioning and high-achieving societies might work and that's essentially what the USA is, being comprised of Europeans from widely different regions. Not saying all niggers, chinks, and pajeets are low-IQ retards but a good portion of them are and it doesn't seem like anybody is interested in coming up with an intensive vetting procedure.

>> No.54518063
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>What are economic constraints
>What are human capital constraints
This nigger only heard “le ebin open borders good” and discarded the fact of constraints and specialization for countries.

Not to mention the fact that capital is extremely hard to move in the short term and cost of capital.

>t. Econ Student aswell

>> No.54518066
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Oh you poor, naive retard...

>> No.54518086

>This all will work hand and hand with online worldwide schooling.
Nice, you solved the school shooting problem. If they cant have guns at school then at least the parents can have guns in their homes where their child is learning.

>> No.54518218

You’re actually retarded. You think the planet needs everyone to be 600 IQ gigabrains, but in reality it works out over time because those immigrants will be doing lower jobs until they can actually make it. Not to mention it works out because there is overall more resources at a cheaper cost in an open border system as it’s both people AND resources that would traveling frequently. Also also if you have a problem, you can move yourself much easier.

Keep coping tho. My professors are based neolibs and centrists.
Why are you so obsessed with race? You literally go insane whenever your not around people who are exactly like you. You’re enslaved to your own country and have been indoctrinated by its own propaganda. Stop missing out on the wonderful world because of your hatred towards people and start leaning how to work with them for mutual benefits

>> No.54518223

>actually makes people really miserable
>It gives people what they want and then they get upset because their lives are quite literally TOO good, but they’re too lazy to leave society and do their own thing. Like a spoiled kid who needs a beating.

we are saying the same thing you flaming retard

>> No.54518235

>ID: kKK

seriously tho, what are you... 19? ... 20?

>> No.54518247

People aren’t actually “miserable”. They’re just spoiled by objective success.

>> No.54518286

The sewer systems can't handle the load
Poopy in the streets
Black death incoming

Capitalism depends on constant growth ?

The sewer system can't handle the load
Tell your econ text book to jump in a fire.
Poopy in the streets = Black Death

>> No.54518300

More excuses. Just hire some of these “TEN GORILLION NIGGERS” to deal with the sewer problem.

>> No.54518476

I think that open borders would probably make my economic problems worse

>> No.54518500

>it's a 'retard thinks shitskins are fully capable humans' thread
Getting sick of these reruns

>> No.54518513

Jesus Christ post nose now

>> No.54520142

>Ku Klux Klan ID
Uh huh. Yeah. Well I wish you luck infiltrating think tanks, close the borders for your frens on /biz/ please.

>> No.54520169
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How's it feel losing everything you own?

>> No.54520254

Oh yeah? How does it stop your wife or daughter from being raped and beheaded by a pack of north African niggers?
You might be educated, but you are, and always will be a low IQ pleb.

>> No.54520546

>You literally go insane whenever your not around people who are exactly like you. You’re enslaved to your own country and have been indoctrinated by its own propaganda.
You clearly have not been to the third world, otherwise you would realise they are animals and should all be exterminated for the good of humanity and the earth in general.

>> No.54520583

Your theory has the same flaw as ayn rands optimistic objectivism. Niggers and degens will ruin things with drugs and violence.

>> No.54520641
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Redpill time

>> No.54520730
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>> No.54520821

Op discovered socialism. Congrats marxist.

>> No.54520894

Why not just move to Canada?

>> No.54520897

>go to university
>get brainwashed
Congratulation on that seriously

>> No.54520907
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>> No.54520940

It would be ideal but only as a privilege for those who are intellectually capable enough or have the appropriate amount of funds to be able to pay for basic living expenses and start a new life in the desired country. It would create a new class of passport chads who can reside in any country they want and they’d be able to dominate the global markets. It would encourage people to get their shit together to escape their countries too, however of course they’d need the brains and or money to be admitted. As for the intellectual capability remark, I think this could be solved with a third party exam kind of like the SATs but there would have to be various providers of this exam so that this doesn’t get corrupted and they’d have to be extensively monitored and properly assessed. After they move to the desired country if the government is paranoid about certain Individuals they can just track them via their cellphones.

>> No.54520983
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>Study for a hyper-PhD in Quantum Reality Engineering
>Realize all the world’s problems could be solved by mercing every psychopath
Anyone else?

>> No.54520991

look up indoctrination

>> No.54521103

Yet open borders means importing worthless retards from Africa. It never means importing Filipinos or Polish people, people that actually work

>> No.54521232

You must be killed for the sake of the world.
Lolbertarians are fucking retarded.

>> No.54521332

I agree. Put a good method of screening for psychopathy forwards and I'll support it.

>> No.54521723

You could solve all the economic problems by nuking New York and Israel

>> No.54521752

>people that actually work

Pick one

>> No.54522311

>overall more resources
Why do you think that every resource scales with population? Would the amount of water and land increase by importing 5 billion africans?

>> No.54522325

Open borders? Funny way of spelling holocaust

>> No.54522479

Makes sense, thats why all these economists are bumbling retards

>> No.54522548

>globohomo faggotry that encourages children to become trannies.
if children end up becoming tranny because of propaganda, they are weak and inferior to the rest of the population

>> No.54522575

You aren't accounting for

1. competitive wage prices that propel the building market forward at infinite speeds.

2. equality lowers crime.

>> No.54522617

>2. equality lowers crime.
Not when everyone is equally impoverished. Crime is rampant among the homeless. Retard.

>> No.54522624

This ignores the fact that our education system stifles creativity and the result is a lot of complacent looking individuals who were born for something much greater. Their frustration comes from the energy they do not know how to focus.

Even if you disagree with the premise, the concept itself suggests that there are other variables at play rather than just happy, sad, consumerism, etc.

>> No.54522640

Why would they flock to America? people just want to leave their war torn location, they don't care where they end up. You don't actually have anything special to offer and drastically less so when the borders dissolve.

>> No.54522661

you either segregate yourself at the country's border or at your gated community. you would end up with a few mega rich cities surrounded by favelas and poorfags ready to mug and kill you like in brazil

>> No.54522683

Your response lacks a complex understanding of economics. Which homeless? where? in what environment? what are the local resources? what is there to steal?

Lets assume you are talking about pre-medievil times, everyone is suffering. King just died and nobody took over, the gold simply dissapeared. Why wouldn't the "homeless" take shelter wherever and start working as a community to grow food?

Before money was introduced, thats what we did. We collected resources and shared them. There is no reason to believe it would be any different if you dissolved the borders.

There would be some turmoil for sure, but that's how evolution shakes itself off from a period of predators.

>> No.54523207

>Before money was introduced
we lived in small tribes back then when there was enough resources for everybody. wouldn't work today

>> No.54523230

This is such an basic idea to the world. It assumes every country wants to operate at a comparative advantage and reap gains from trade and live in harmony.

But the world is not like that. Country A doesn't want to rely on Country B for food, or worse, defense, if suddenly Country B gets pissed off for no reason.
This is literally guns vs butter. Go back to basic economics Anon

>> No.54523277

>But the world is not like that. Country A doesn't want to rely on Country B for food, or worse, defense
that is exactly the eu model

>> No.54523376

>take shelter wherever and start working as a community to grow food?
and you lack a basic understanding of anthropology. you can't just go wherever you want and expect to be accepted by the locals as their own.