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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54505303 No.54505303 [Reply] [Original]

it's over

>> No.54505321

a cnbc explainer

>> No.54505351

Wait, aren't democrats saying we need more immigrants to fill up jobs

>> No.54506034

Give me a few million dollars and I won't need a job ever.

>> No.54507795
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You're not going to win a single commie over by pointing out the hypocrisy (which they're already aware of and fine with)

>> No.54507974

we just went through 5 zoomers at my job. im a neckbeard neet underachiever and slob. and these kids can't keep it together.

>> No.54508017

Nope, those would be Republicans.


>> No.54508651

your job sucks ass and you are a taking it up the ass, congrats

>> No.54508716

If democrats were commie there'd be full employment retard

>> No.54509223

based, this thread is now a stateless workers' paradise

>> No.54509436


Correct. Mass immigration is about lowering wages and destroying race and culture. They don't care how they have to lie about it as long as normies believe it.

>> No.54509484

>Mass immigration is about lowering wages and destroying race and culture.
AKA capitalism

>> No.54509507

why only white men have to work
and why that's a good thing.
t. shlomo goldbergstein-shrkelblatt

>> No.54509563

He thinks those lgbt sodomites really care about the economy.. They hate you because you made them feel like a freak and bullied them. Now they want revenge because you didnt kill them off. Same goes for niggers who think you enslaved their great grandparents. Same goes for those muslims who think you personally drone striked his family members in Iraq because its fun and you want oil. Same goes for jews who think you gassed their great grandparents.

Fucking jewmericans

>> No.54509606

>we need laborers to fill roles
>but you're just going to have to be poor because we don't have enough jobs
>Trump's economy was an anomaly

Democrats are the party of retards and failures who think they're smart and then chop their cock off. They are proof democrats is a psyop. The problem with republicans and libertarians is that they keep people trapped in the constitution matrix, when instead we should have a dictatorship run by iraq war combat vets (not the ptsd ones).


>> No.54509618


AKA jewish supremacy

>> No.54509620

If you don't work, you don't eat.
Even a parasite has to put in work to be able to live off his host. You guys are worse then parasites.

The problem is real simple.
The Bible tells to kill witches (Feminists) and sodomites (LGBT trannies). You gave them voting rights and power lol.

>> No.54509624

This is a board about business, retard. Go the fuck back to trannyland. You are quite literally OFF TOPIC with your shilling for communism.

>> No.54509627

Gommies wouldn't be bad if they wanted actual gommunism, but it's telling that bernouts are always against reshoring industry.

>> No.54509658

Lol, you must be new here.

>> No.54509665

>If you don't work, you don't eat.
Exactly. Kill all capitalists.

>> No.54509702

>bernouts are always against reshoring industry
You wish, schizo.

>> No.54509714
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This is some new age movement.
Stalin would've Gulag'ed most of these trannie r*dditors for destroying and subverting the family unit.

What we now have, I see it more as promoters of biological leninism and not communism. Nothing new under the sun.
It has nothing to do with economics whatsoever.

>> No.54509740

Lets first start with killing the bankers that are involved with usury.
>noo thats racist they are jews
>attack the white men that have no power or control

>> No.54509744

IdPol is a capitalist psyop.

>> No.54509798

Back to /trannypol/

>> No.54509801


>> No.54509849

>his mother was a filthy whore
>gave her pussy to lots of men for some shekels
>now has a son that cant stop posting about muh capitalism bad
Yeah, if degenerates like you are the result of this capitalist psyop, you might be right.

>> No.54509853

Sounds a bit autobiographical, no?

>> No.54509863

You will be raped with a grill brush

>> No.54509869

I refuse to reenact your conception.

>> No.54509900
File: 52 KB, 1080x1080, 1680832475830450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course if you're genetically bastard idpol must be a psyop.

>> No.54509926

Yes, you are right.
Now lets kill the bankers and money lenders first.
After that we go for the lawyers, judges, politcian, the porn directors and the people that control the media.
>nooo those are jews
>you must only kill white men who have no social status
>white men bad
>toxic masculinity
Guess you don't really care about muh capitalism bad huh

>> No.54509937

>can't stop projecting IdPol onto others
Weird disorder.