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54505085 No.54505085 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine trusting a department generally ran by women. GG Bud, GGWP

>> No.54505100

>being a faggot is """"woke""""

>> No.54505124

literal fake news

>> No.54505126

giving them validation is, and normal people are disgusted by that rhetoric

>> No.54505143

>marketing department went off on its own
>plz keep buying our pisswater
fake and gay

>> No.54505165

Kek, imagine being this fucking blind to who their main audience is. Marketing Bud Light is stupid easy.
>lake activities/fishing
Show people doing these things also enjoying your product. Oh my god, how hard was that? I have zero sympathy

>> No.54505196

>He thinks this is real
You have literal brainworms

>> No.54505215

This post is both false and sexually suspect.

>> No.54505219

OP pls fuck off with your retarded wordpress blog post.

>> No.54505244

don't forget
>broke wagie
I quite like bud light but will be pbr exclusive here on

>> No.54505249

it's fake R E T A R D
stop shitting up my board

>> No.54505269

we love our piss drinking homo + trans marketing department and will gladly sink the whole company to ensure sodomy visibility

>> No.54505312

When will conservatives accept that hating trannies is a losing political platform? Nobody cares outside of the echo chamber, most people never see or meet trannies, there are only like 1000 minors in the entire country starting puberty blockers every year, it simply does not matter

>> No.54505332

>please please buy a case we fired them
too late

>> No.54505338

Be afraid of the right of the future, pinko. I support racism, xenophobia, AND fucking cute twink pussy and I'm straight.

>> No.54505354

Sorry I mean bussy but you get the idea. I support trans rights because I hate real women and I want less competition from men, being pro LGBT is literally extremely logical for chudcels such as myself.

>> No.54505372

Why do they demand all of the airtime then

>> No.54505382

Yeah never really understood all the hate myself. Why side with man-hating dykes over a Femboy who will suck and let you fuck for buying her taco bell. Even if you don't want to hit it clearly helps with the incel problem

>> No.54505398
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but aside from my snide meme arrow we are essentially in agreement.

>> No.54505476

beers are for queers

prove me wrong

>> No.54505480


yeah its super revealing when a bunch of rednecks cause an uproar over a few specialty cans being printed for a tranny on a one-off collaboration. They can't resist being baited and making a fool out of themselves i guess

>> No.54505485

Not sure what you mean anon but the vast majority of energy spent talking about trannies comes from the right. Besides Biden I don't think I could name a single prominent democrat who expends energy talking about this issue

>> No.54505489

I drink wine like a real man

>> No.54505554
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>all the discord trannies deboonking

>> No.54505565

ok groomer

>> No.54505600
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here's the can, do you like it?

>> No.54505611

it says "cheers to 365 days of being a woman" to celebrate this random tranny who is known for being "famous" on tiktok. this is america now

>> No.54505629

it doesn't help the incel problem because they're not gay incels and those aren't women.

>> No.54505658
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2 more weeks

>> No.54505677

Okay Bidentard, is it also fake news that oil drilling restarted again and the wall is being built?

>> No.54505679

>m-m-muh democrats
>muh republicans
nobody cares about fake american politics
here's a video of kid rock shooting a case of bud light and saying fucking "fuck bud light"

>> No.54505688


>zionist jews

>> No.54505719

Yes, Jews are some of the loudest voices in both sides of the trans issue. Almost like it's astroturfed nonsense that doesn't matter and is intended to distract people from issues that do

>> No.54505746
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>> No.54505761

i don't see the problem, only faggots drank bud light anyways

>> No.54505769

which is why they've made sure we can't ignore it by targeting children in the schools for mass gender conversions. if it was just some dumb clownish shit on the side that could be ignored that'd be great, but its an attack on our very humanity. but yes, it's also an issue to distract from other issues and to keep the people at each others throats over these fucking trannies who should just shut the fuck up and make themselves scarce because they're fucking hideous monstrous freaks and predators and we don't want to even look at them

>> No.54505789

80%, fucking ooft

>> No.54505817

>Mass gender conversions
Again, there are only 1,000 minors starting tranny meds every year in a country of 330,000,000 people. When you additionally consider that some chunk of those were going to troon at some point anyway it's looking like a big nothingburger

>> No.54505832

Should have said 15% to try to make it believable.

>> No.54505834

assuming your unsourced statistic is even accurate that's just the beginning. they want that number up. and "only" a thousand child victims isn't a nothingburger its a thousand child victims, every year.

>> No.54505850


>> No.54505865

Bruh republicans can't even find a detransitioner who started as minor to shill their political platform. Nothingburger with a side order of nothing

>> No.54505873

naw, they can break down more credibility simply by feeding into peoples desire for it to be true with a big juicy 80%. and 80% is more exciting and spreads faster. fake news doesn't need to be believable to spread just look at almost anything the msm has said over the last decade its all easily falsifiable bullshit, they're not sloppy, they're just catching more flies with honey, telling some people what they want to hear, then accuracy.

>> No.54505882

i stopped reading as soon as i saw the word republican, buddy i don't care about fake american politics.

>> No.54505928

>One of the most well-funded political organizations in the world, in one of the most pro-tranny countries in the world, cannot find a single minor who transitioned and regrets it and is willing to advocate for banning it
>This is irrelevant because I'm a triggered europoor/brown

>> No.54505952
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I won’t be buying bud light

>> No.54505961

it's irrelevant because american politics is a scripted performance

>> No.54505976

implying its about selling their products and not about demoralizing you
new marketing lead is a kike hole
also op pics is fake

>> No.54506018

obviously fake

>> No.54506264

Probably a fake screenshot but women don't drink beer, so I don't understand why a beer company would pull that sort of woman brained stunt

>> No.54506407
File: 33 KB, 720x568, 1679399103614721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 56 AD, you are a young Roman legionaire posted to the exotic frontier. On your way back from a camel stabbing operation, you encounter a strangely dressed man wearing pomegranate juice on his face. "Make way for Caesar's honour" your centurion barks as you approach him(?). The creature grabs his drinking horn and scuttles to the side. As your column passes by, you hear "Bvddvs Litaevm is guaranteed to make real men love you". You shudder and keep on marching. Such horrors are why the frontier needs Roman laws after all.
>With a clap of thunder and blinding flash of lightning, you are caught up in a time portal.
The year is 2023 AD. The world has changed. You come to your senses in an urban park on top of a strange bush. Immediately you reach for your gladius and find it gone. Stumbling upright you see two greeks in coitus prohibitus. Disgusting. With a few well placed kicks you drive them from your path. The smell is overwhelming. This slave class must keep rotting meat in their pockets. Once again you feel in control of your destiny. If the gods brought you to this strange land, they must have a plan for you. In the distance you see a young gaulish free woman waling towards you. They are the only females who wear trousers in Rome. Standing upright, you push your chest out, throw your arm up in the air and bellow "Ave Caesar". She screams and takes some magical trinket from her pocket and holds it before her as a protective amulet. It flashes. Behind her you see the greeks returning with a mob. They too are holding local amulets. This world is unknown to you and you search desperately for something legible for a clue as to where you are. Suddenly you spot some androgynous witch doctor marching with the mob. In his(?) hands he is carrying two blue cylinders with "Bud Light" in roman characters. Your mind races back to the desert. It all makes sense. You are under the spell of a powerful greek witch. Your anus spasms in fear. All goes dark.

>> No.54506439

>lying on the internet

>> No.54506450
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Faggots are loading up on Bud Light and the company wants to offload you chuds anyhow.

>> No.54506601

>sales dropped 80% in 30 seconds we have round the clock data every can is microchipped
You mongoloids will believe anything lmao

>> No.54506660

I have a business with 15 employees, 12 of them are women.
They all were having a conversation about how their husbands are never drinking bud light again and virtue signaling about how they don't care and will still drink bud light.
Spoiler, they don't drink bud light anyway so it doesn't matter.
Next spoiler, their husbands actually did.

I don't care about this story at all, but this happened. Bud Light is piss water of course but they fucked up.
There are many options for piss water.

>> No.54506683
File: 472 KB, 1046x1400, Screenshot_20230407-184124_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your star witness detransitioner bro

>> No.54506691
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hehe, you just got fact checked and keked chud

nothing personell.. maybe verify you're sources more?

>> No.54506736

Giving faggots validation is woke, retard

>> No.54506739

They don't. Trans people barely exist for most people. What bubble have you gotten yourself into where you think about them so often?

>> No.54506805

This should be a major warning to anyone with an index fund in a 401k plan. The companies you're invested in are consistently choosing to harm children at the expense of their own profits. And don't expect that your gains are safe just because the government prints money to bail these people out. Don't bet on a failing business. Move your money out of LGBT Inc and put it into Bitcoin. Otherwise, don't complain when kids get taken from their parents to be put in reeducation camps to be sexually abused, because the funding relies on your holdings in USD and large cap stocks. Don't think that because you see white guys trading stocks that you're not siding with a Marxist agenda by buying Microsoft.

>> No.54506855

There's a big difference between acknowledging a child can have negative feelings about their birth sex, and actively encouraging prepubescent surgery as the solution. Not sure what this Marxist is trying to imply based on a 48 second clip, but Chloe Cole obviously doesn't support child abuse.

>> No.54506884

Fake, gay, and trans.

>> No.54506925

Queer run down?

>> No.54506954

She will probably retransition. Detransitioners retransition at a 50% rate, and Chloe is still dysphoric. So not only do detransitioners barely exist, but most of them are just coping with the fact that TWNBAM/TWNBAW in the eyes of anybody else and will return to HRT's warm embrace once they realize that it is the best available option for treating dysphoria

>> No.54506987
File: 348 KB, 1080x819, Screenshot_20230407-191719_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for example this "detransitioner" who was the star witness in a UK court case. No longer identifies as a detransitioner, grows "her" beard intentionally

>> No.54507020

they should ban you for no link. I wish there was a way to electric shock people through the internet for wasting my time.

>> No.54507035

your grand victory here is a tweet of a man who says he's recovering from being a troon instead of using the word detransitioning. whatever feebleminded point you're trying to make here is lost on us, go groom somewhere else. you'll find more young victims for your agenda over on tiktok or something.

>> No.54507050

>Recovering from being a troon
>Happily grows their beard which was only possible due to HRT and presents as a man in every way other than in name

>> No.54507068

To the people crying it's fake. Don't you see? All news is fake. You react to all news. It is there to form your perceptions. And in doing so the news can make things into reality. Much like fake news can form perceptions, and make these perceptions become reality.
At the end of the day, trannies caused bud light to 41%

>> No.54507069
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blah blah blah

>> No.54507095

Leave the children alone. This wouldn't be up for debate with any sane person.

>> No.54507097
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the comic presents it as a joke but for any parent in america it's a genuine fear.

>> No.54507116
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>testosterone important for brain development
>trannies are retarded
hmmm. i know correlation doesn't always equal causation but come on.

>> No.54507124

>Trans people barely exist for most people.
Almost everyone now has to take workplace sensitivity HR bullshit classes about humoring trannies' pronoun preferences etc.

>> No.54507204
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in canada it's actually illegal not to use preferred pronouns. you can get arrested and charged. going through toronto the one time most of the bus stops and billboards downtown had advertisements for trannnies paid for by the city. in what sane world would the city use taxpayer dollars to put trannies on billboards.