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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54483148 No.54483148 [Reply] [Original]

'warehouse worker'

No driving mentioned

'what they meant'
30h a week
Do deliveries for $20 and full time

>> No.54483263

Reap what you sowed putrid financier parasite and practice what you preach and go take some "personal responsibility" and "pull your bootstraps".

>> No.54483346

Fuck that lol

I'll job hop till I find something that isn't a scam ig

>> No.54483355

oh wow another lazy zoomer chudcel who can't handle a little extra work to get his $20 an hour

quit being a faggot

>> No.54483401


>> No.54483423

lol wtf does that even mean? you should probably go back immediately, retard

>> No.54483522

Not sure if the perfect job exists
Expand the borders of your comfort zone; you can always contract the borders later.
Don't make it a habit of walking out just because. You'll never develop tenacity that way.
Tenacity is needed for all endeavors you pursue.

>> No.54485803
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>phone posting zoomer

You deserve the shit pay you earn.

>> No.54485846

>bro, just work $20 an hour for 50 years until you can finally pay off your basic suburban shitbox that cost $800k
>even though every sector of society is decaying away into a steaming shitpile, just be grateful, bro!

>> No.54485872

No I don't want to drive around for wage, it's my licence on the line, my potential tickets. Not worth the stress. Too much to lose and not enough to gain. If they want a driver they should hire a driver. $20 isn't enough IMO. It's a scamjob.

Plus the truck is a piece the brakes are metal on metal.

I want an inside, non-driving, clean, labour/assembly job. No bullshit.

>> No.54485884

Post age and hands

>> No.54485888


>> No.54485904

No, but I'm low thirties whitoid poorboy. Started working when I was thirteen. Nothing to show for it. This was probably my 60th job. I've accepted I'm going to die poor, probably soon. If I have to work I don't want to do something I don't want to do. Simple as.

It's more difficult then it sounds.

>> No.54485911

>$20 an hour
>$800k shitbox
no cunt on $20 an hour is ever owning anything.

>> No.54485916

I'm 32 and make 95k a year in a cheap flyover state, have you tried not being a failure?

>> No.54485990

Once, I thought maybe I could make it. My parents weren't very good. Now I want to contribute as little as possible, I suffer.

But every little thing means more to me then it does to you. Sleeping in an actual bed for example. Good food tastes better because I don't get it all the time.

>> No.54486031

Do you have a degree? If not get one anon...in something actually useful. Or you can always get some meme healthcare job like an ultrasound tech and make $90k a year

>> No.54486078

Too dumb, too old. Too weird! I'm probably handicapped to some degree, refuse to see a doctor.

Anyway, thanks for listening y'all.

>Thread closed

>> No.54486099
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>> No.54486128
File: 375 KB, 399x436, cheesin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pull in 30/hr with doordash in a decent suburban metro if it helps you value or devaule that driving job a little better

Since you are young look into trades. If where you live has old folks retirement community/neighborhoods or really any where with home owners associations you can make bank just being available to paint, landscape, and general handyman work because you are white youll soar past pablo and juan. Cover your tattoos and dont curse infront of the old women and its an easy way to bank roll any equipment for trades you actually have a nack for,
spraying paint or digging trenches for/replacing sprinklers or replacing bathroom fixtures is something you can watch a youtube video and master if you arent retarded

easily charge old fuckers 75+hr(per laborer if ever needed)+materials+ job type fee. Painting might require you to make 2-3 friends but everything else is usually a one man job. Takes a little bit more effort than swiping your id card tho

>> No.54486166

Wow you're a real faggot and I bet you can't figure out why people don't like to hang out with you.

>> No.54486295

My dad's a journeyman, my mom's a chef. Had my parents paid for any kind of schooling or gave some kind of guidance I'd be of a different mindset. I wasn't worth the investment.

I have good amounts of experience in different trades and industries, I've had many good decent paying jobs and I always manage to get another. I always quit. It's subconscious self sabotage, I want to fail I want to suffer. I'd quit school, I'd quit any business venture. I don't want to contribute to anything for long because I hate the people, I hate business. I don't like society. And society doesn't like me.

Am stoked for my tax return, got 5 years worth caught up. Should get like 7g and the smart thing to do would be to get into something. Yet all I can think about is getting away, I'm gonna drive through the mountains to the west coast and spend the summer there. Don't think I'll be coming back.

>> No.54487314

>be 25
>make 40k per year
>no state taxes

Am igmi bros?

>> No.54487430

doing a lot better than a lot of people your age i think