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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54479506 No.54479506 [Reply] [Original]

Back to back edition
Yes yes I posted this yesterday but that’s not the point
How could I not make a thread about my bagels? Yesterday and today are an exception since I own this
Though we had good discussion yesterday on the downfalls of tipping and society
I suggest you all follow suit as well to not tip the subhumans and to save as much money as you can
Bait them and save is what I say
>inb4 wagie seethe
Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.54479549

And yes I am keeping check of my weight as I eat in case some of you are still wondering
I pretty much only eat once a day anyway so this is ok

>> No.54479755

Colon cancer

>> No.54479780
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And it arrived
Rather early too
Good job wagie :)

>> No.54479832

Yes anon, own the wagies by shoveling pounds of goyslop into your body.

>> No.54479891
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I will and shall
I’m doing all of you a favor you know

>> No.54479946

Thank you for your service as always op

>> No.54479997

have fun with your heart disease and clogged arteries. This spite will be your early grave amerilard

>> No.54480029

Tell me anon, why are you mad? Do you wish to have this slop too? You can’t right since you’re sadly waging Away for pennies right?
Get back to the cage subhuman :)

>> No.54480080
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Estimated earnings allow me to bypass non tippers

Which is why in the last 2 days of delivering only 1 person didn't tip

As a nontipper you're basically rolling the dice that someone is about to log out and you are directly on their route home, or they already have a tipper order and it's 0 added miles to do yours for maybe 4 dollars

Have a good one

>> No.54480082

havent tipped, never will
i worked in the tipping industry and tipping is bullshit. its like "please give me extra money for no reason" and im like "ehhhhh nahhhhh" lol

>> No.54480171

Nice cope wagie
It should be outlawed at all costs

>> No.54480187

Literal facts

Good luck though

>> No.54480228

You’re telling me every time I tipped, 9/10 orders on time, it’s someone heading “home” or already got a tip? You’re telling me I got the lucky roll every single time I order and not tip? You’re reaching

>> No.54480234

OP is doing God's work, as always.

>> No.54480395

I'm sure the restaurant owner appreciates you spending $43 on $2.35 worth of food. How do those boots taste? Better get off 4chan and go spend some more money. Cope and seethe, consumer.

>> No.54480532

Yes, because they already have a tipper order and it's 0 added miles most of the time

Depending on the area the base pay without tips might be high enough to justify it

In more extreme circumstances if I just took a big tipper order that put me like 10 miles outside the city I might take your order if it's in city center and I'm already heading there, but it has to be over 3 dollars

I delivered 1 order yesterday that was nontip and it was 4.25 4.8 miles

>> No.54480565

Actually it was 4.10 for 2 miles

>> No.54480596

I tip and have it rolled back after it's delivered by contacting support.

You will deliver my food and you will never get a tip wagie :)

>> No.54480618

I'm afraid they will fart or spit in my food if I don't tip

>> No.54480637

Good luck with that strategy, even if that was true, I'm still making money and your 1 order out of 20 per day is meaningless

>> No.54480739

I only tip white people because they were the only ones that tipped me when I was young and worked in food service

>> No.54481333
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not tipping

>> No.54481357

Wagies seething

>> No.54481416

in other news mcchickens are $3 now

>> No.54481454

I only tip if I'm service by a visible big butt /fit/ girl with thigh pants that makes my pp hard as a rock, is the only condition in which I choose to tip 10%

>> No.54481463

It’s absurd how prices have been going up since 2010
Once a Wendy’s meal for two could be less than $10, now you’re paying a kidney and five installments for a burger
She can have my tip if you catch my drift ;)

>> No.54482372


>> No.54482513

I just tipped $2 for a $5 coffee and I’m not a nigger like you faggots

>> No.54482557

Did you at least get your dick sucked?

>> No.54484732

Jesus Christ how many times are you gonnan post this stupid shit? I'm not a wagie and haven't been for a long time but I don't get why you're so proud of saving 3 or 4 dollars? Wowww man that's so cool about your 4 dollars. Let's make multiple threads to tell everyone about it! Maybe you can buy another large fry with it next time you lazy fat dipshit.

>> No.54484804

Y u mad

>> No.54484972

Because only niggers and jews are that concerned over not giving a tip, especially when it's a trivial amount of money. The fact that you're bragging about getting one over on the delivery guy that brings you your disgusting, overpriced goyslop means you must surely be a nigger. No one cares you fat fuck.

>> No.54485102

Settle down wagie
Deep breathes and get back to work :)

>> No.54485201

I'm not a wagie so I don't have to worry about being a nigger with the tips. This is you:

Stop posting idiot

>> No.54485216

Wagies seething ITT.

>> No.54485237

to the wagie chamber with you

>> No.54485267

The caps was to emphasize the retardation of bragging about fucking over the wagies when you single handedly paid 4 of their wages for an hour. Nigger.

>> No.54485279

You know they get like 10% (?) of every delivery right?
And unlike you, I can afford throwing away money like that
Who cares what I do with it? You want my money? Touch my peepee and I’ll think about it

>> No.54485285

He's a spamming faggot he makes the wagie hate threads, these threads, the shitty art dudeweed spam, the catposting, the "I made 50 million giveaway time" posts etc
All this shit comes from the fact I exposed him as a beggar 9 months ago and he's done this since oh he spams the chud shit as well and has ddosed /biz/ 5x now in 9 months.
He will samefag and mass report if you reply to his threads so expect a ban, and the mods are too retarded to learn to range his networks then contact his isp.

>> No.54485296

Only subhuman here is you

>> No.54485303

I do not make any of those threads you schizo
My bagel threads are the only threads I make with occasional Pepe threads
Then surely you have a picture of me? Post it and I’ll confirm it with my picture
>contact isp
Lmao you’re reaching
Cry more wagie

>> No.54485305

He's unironically jewish.
And a scammer/beggar he never succeeded scamming here so this is what he does now.
I doubt he will stop literally every single day 10-15 hours a day for 9 months or longer.

>> No.54485306

Pizza delivery guy here again, might start posting my tips to mog OP

>> No.54485322

You’re just further proving my point

>> No.54485335

I don't want your money, I want you to stop shitting up the board. If you're so well off then why are you bragging about saving $4? You probably NEET it up on the government kikebux because you're an obese land whale that can't make it to your stove, much less outside of the house to get your own food. And you're bragging. Lol, what a dumbass. I'm so jealous of your life bro. Stop making this thread retard.

>> No.54485337

Dance for me wagie

>> No.54485376

Accusation after accusation with some projection lel
It’s not bragging, it’s about sending a message that we will not tolerate babies demanding for more money for doing minimal work

>> No.54485395

"We"? So you're gonna start a movement now. I'm sure everyone is going to follow you, you sound like a born leader. The savior of the $4!

>> No.54485424
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He isn't going to stop I've got over 40 of these spam thread clips from him just on this subject and he spams other bullshit as well.
Likely 100000 or more posts in 9 months, he's schizophrenic paid opposition because nobody else has spammed this board this much in my 8 years here.

>> No.54485436
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>> No.54485446
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>> No.54485449
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Correct you can follow too wagie
How obsessed are you with me? Granted those are mine but to the point you’re saving and capping these? How much do you want me anon? I’m not gay btw

>> No.54485458
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These are him as well.
and I got more.

>> No.54485472

Jesus Christ what a faggot. He's got to be a paid shill of some type right? But for whom? Who would post this stupid shit so much voluntarily? The levels of retardation are off the charts.

>> No.54485490

I dunno he will also take peoples pictures if they post themself and make threads with them begging etc, I've seen this faggot single handedly ruin this board and run off probably 20-30 people in a short time.
If you really piss him off he will chud spam and post his tiny cock in his bathtub, it's pure schizophrenia.

>> No.54485493

Not tipping is kinda based but order shit food to your door is lazy and gay.

>> No.54485592

Again, not me
Idk why you’re so fixated with me honestly