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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1202x240, colla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54474358 No.54474358 [Reply] [Original]

China's economy is 60% smaller than official CCP figures...

>> No.54474370

twitter screenshot threads have now degenerated into youtube preview screenshot threads. how much worse can it get?

>> No.54474372

I personally do not believe that, I believe China economy 1000% bigger than estimated.
Egg roll.
Crab Rangoon.
Happy family chef special.
You do the math.

>> No.54474377

Is anyone actually surprised by this or disputing it? Lol fucking chinks lie about everything its their nature. Look strong when you are weak etc.

>> No.54474426

Yes the numbers about everything coming out of chinkistan are fake. In the US though our entire economy is fake and gay. Some jew just says a company is worth a billion dollars and that company takes out loans against that evaluation to have money. They don't actually produce a profit. They have no real income. It's all just debt. They have negative money and just keep getting deeper and deeper into debt until they get bailed out by the fed or bought up by some other zombie company.

>> No.54474445

a succulent chinese meal

>> No.54474463

Wonder how much smaller the US economy is.

>> No.54474472

facebook screenshots

>> No.54474476
File: 97 KB, 1015x676, fgtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cracks everywhere https://youtu.be/4W916LZ_2fI?t=489

>> No.54474726

The Chinese are not milk drinkers.

>> No.54475011

Cope with the reality. It's actually easy to see economic output based on lights from space. There aren't enough lights to measure up to their stated GDP. Watch the China Hustle. It's all bullshit. All of it.

>> No.54475045

It's GDP per capita is #79 in the world (2017), bellow countries like Iraq, Thailand and Belarus.
This seems too low, and a reduction of 60% from that would make it Africa-tier and the poorest nation in Asia on a per capita basis.

I find this hard to believe, they seem to important in the global economy, all these Ceo's in the west that speak mandarin and name their first born child Mao or Xi.. like that wouldn't be a thing if it's economy was dwarfed by the Indian economy.

>> No.54475069

Except most of chinas population is stuffed into futuristic mega-cities while they dont have lightbulbs in the countryside.

>> No.54475070

This is actually true.
>Wife is Chinese
>Filing for her green card years ago
>All of her documents from China are forged in one way or another
>Trying to get a document required for the immigration office
>Family lost the original
>Put together the family registry (forged) some affidavits (forged) and other supporting documents (you guessed it)
>Go to the local police station with a couple hundred RMB
>stamped as official documents of the People's Republic of China
Nothing out of that country is real unless you can see it. And even then it's probably still fake.

>> No.54475084
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>Bu, but America
Every time. What does bug cum taste like?

>> No.54475106

The lights are on the factories, not just the homes. And the factories don't add up. Also being packed into mega cities applies to just about every developed nation. You could run the same test on Japan. Even though most of their population lives in Tokyo you can still see economic activity.

>> No.54475144

If you own 10% in a fake Chinese paper company that you convinced Western goys is worth a billion dollars and grows 100% yoy, you can get a loan for 100 million real USD that you can then go on to invest in things that aren't fake bullshit. Or you can buy another fake Chinese company and become a billionaire. I'd probably name my China Mao too if they gave me a chance like that.

>> No.54475201

Of course it is. You can't trust any numbers or data that comes out of china

>> No.54475217

Anytime any economic stat ranking comes out China is at the top of the list. Must be nice to contrive your own numbers, kek.

>> No.54475326

>cracks everywhere
>video doesn't show evidence of cracks "everywhere"
>also using machine voice for narration instead of own voice
Not gonna waste my time watching this dumb ass video. It's faker than the US infrastructure and is obviously just made to milk money out of anti-Chinese people or simply people who are just jealous of China's success.

>> No.54475395

25% of belt and road projects have defaulted and that number is growing. That's a hell of a crack.

>> No.54476750
File: 71 KB, 500x500, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol fucking ch---s lie about everything its their nature
My Chinese boss always told me to subtract a zero when Chinese brag, due to the inherent corruption and bureaucratic need to look good to superiors in China.

He also told me add 2 zeros to the official Chinese statistics when something bad happens, ie COVID., due to the inherent corruption and bureaucratic need to look good to superiors in China.

>> No.54476841
File: 1.14 MB, 1400x5552, xjlaw50vzsu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sums it up nicely

>> No.54476851
File: 408 KB, 1200x1200, corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-Chinese people or simply people who are just jealous of China's success
Sure they are. I think at this point we can guess what will happen with big China projects. See accompanying picture for future impacts on the world.

>> No.54476867

>asian wife

>> No.54476900

This has been known for like 10 years now.

>> No.54476920
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1680702557692132.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It going to collapse we know.

>> No.54477028

Tu quoque is a logical fallacy.

>> No.54477065

They make almost every damn thing on the planet, I'm sure they're doing just fine.

>> No.54477149

How do your know thats not just anti china propaganda?

>> No.54477271

You can see it from space.

>> No.54477359

Production of consoomer crap is not fixed in the same way as oil or food. Other countries can and already are taking shares from China.

>> No.54477384

That "saving face" culture isn't that great in the long run bugs.

>> No.54477766

Haha China economic pp so smol

>> No.54477780

saw another video from china news. cant remember the exact percent but it was something like 90% of uni students cant get jobs.

>> No.54477893

Doesnt change the fact that china is the manufacturing powerhouse of the entire world.
Not to mention their large supply of natural resources from their african colonies.
China is a meritocracy while america is an idiocracy, chinese century is inevitable imo

>> No.54477930

>China is a meritocracy
Kek. Imagine believing this.

>> No.54477970

you let this happen by laughing at the 4chan screencaps

>> No.54478421

The population density of China on the coast, where the cities and people are, is identical to the east coast of the US and it is about the same size. The light pollution is also about the same as the east coast of the US.

Most of China is desert. You can also see the highest density on earth with west on the other side of the mountains.

There's no way China has the population that they claim. 600m tops.

>> No.54478454

>wife is chinknese
Failure man, opinion disregarded

>> No.54478457

Their 1990s population was over estimated by 100 million at a minimum. That's 100 million millennials that don't exist to have children and work. That's 200 million children that will never be born.

>> No.54478471

Enjoy your fat Western whore that will leave you for Tyrone.

>> No.54478912

So very very smol

>> No.54480062

They are focused on results, if officials dont perform they replace them.
Chinas success is due to this philosophy, when they found that "pure" communism wasnt working they fired all of those commies and brought economists with different ideas and they opened up the economy. Thats why they were able to become and industrial superpower instead of another failed xommunist utopia like the soviet union, venenzuela and cuba

>> No.54480119

Cope you pathetic faggot, only betas and soys go for asian women.
Have fun having your kids look nothing like you and have fun with their mother being phsycotic and abusive (have known loads of asian parents, every single one of them has been fucked in the head to a major degree)

>> No.54480188

Have fun never having children

>> No.54480211

Imagine believing this. China is run by nepotism.

>> No.54480284

seething stacelitas

>> No.54480339

600 million chinese live on less then 1000$ a year.

>> No.54480343

It's over

>> No.54480372

Cus they get free shit too. Retard.

>> No.54480394

>Free shit
There's no communism in China.

>> No.54480582

Nothing to worry then. US becoming a copy of the USSR by propagating the collapse of capitalism for decades. Kinda karmic.

>> No.54481101
File: 35 KB, 640x360, 1680673382792205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do the opposite what glownigger shills say.

>> No.54481114



>> No.54481173

>American cope thread

>> No.54481826

Way better than white

>> No.54481871

Someone's just mad they got rejected by a Chinese girl?

>> No.54482116
File: 19 KB, 298x272, 1613241597012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/5 China FUD threads currently in the catalogue
Shit getting riled up at the Indian border??