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5447207 No.5447207 [Reply] [Original]

BUY IT ...

>> No.5447328


>> No.5447361


You can always buy this cuz it will always give you gains over the next year

This is your last chance for $0.20 though

>> No.5447424

there are literaly only 2-3 real ppl trading this worldwide
rest are nasa/us govnt/largest banks accumulating.
im gonna be millionair with this

>> No.5447623

I bought 1k of XLM at 20c and for three days it literally went 20-24-21-16-20-23-24-20-21-22.

Just a sideways coin. I sold it all and bought ICX with it. +500 bucks in 2 days.

This isn't your last chance to get it at 20c. It only goes sideways.

>> No.5447650

Coinbase is adopting this on Christmas day so expect to land on Mars.

>> No.5447667
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it is christmas

>> No.5447686
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>> No.5447696


>> No.5447698

next years christmas xD
25 cents 2020 confirmed haha
Im holding 12k btw FeelsBadMan

>> No.5447706
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Dat trajectory

>> No.5447717
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>all in XLM
>missed all the recent moon missions
It's #OurTurn soon fampai

>> No.5447772
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>Coinbase is adopting this on Christmas day

>> No.5447777

oh is that how it works? Everyone just takes turns mooning? I get it now.

>> No.5447810



>> No.5447876

truly a blessing from kek

>> No.5447893

Sounds like XRP

>> No.5447899
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>> No.5447921

I wouldn’t usually argue with quads but yeah they do take turns mooning

>> No.5447932


>> No.5447951

quads confirm

>> No.5447952

No. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. I sold it at 26 cents.

>> No.5448034

i fucked up and bought at like .26 but i know this will go up long term. I dont see a mooning but it will go up steady and safe. but i could be wrong... the icon is a rocket ship

>> No.5448912

Better than 0, which are probably your gains with XLM. You should be invested in SALT.

>> No.5448946

Nibba I bought in at .21
If it goes nowhere ill just hold

>> No.5449090

This will be $1-1.20 EOY 2018. Solid investment to make rn.

>> No.5449168


>This isn't your last chance to get it at 20c.

Ok senpai see you in a week

>> No.5449228


Sell all left my bags, thanks.

>> No.5449236

Yeah honestly thats not good enough for my 2k stack. If this doesn't go parabolic pretty soon I'm out. If it can only go to around $1 (which I assume it can given the supply) then it needs to happens soon or I'm gonna go chase some pumps. Also this coin doesn't even have an anime mascot.

>> No.5449265

pajeet detected
I agree with anon, sideways coin. Up down up down . Shitcoin to trade OR sit on

>> No.5449376

So I'm going to leave this here as now it's Christmas on the west coast and I honestly hope we all make it. I've made money from some of these posts, lost on others but overall I love this place. I've been watching the previous days leading up to a mcafee pump and after todays retarded pump and dump due to bots I've taken a new strategy when it comes to taking profit from what he posts. Putting in a grand into coins I think he'll shill next, more if I feel like it has a really decent shot, and setting sell orders for double what it is the night before. I get to sleep in, hopefully wake to gains. I pick coins that have been going mostly sideways a day or so leading up to the pump, but with a visible big buy which I can only assume is him and his friends getting in position. There's several coins I think might be coming up soon, and xlm is one of them. I'll give you two more, FUN, and ADA. Take this info and use it well, screencap in case I'm actually right. Don't play with money you can't lose, good luck guys.

>> No.5449452

my entire stack is in fun and xlm. That would be cool.

>> No.5449476


Set sell orders for double what they are nightly friend. If it goes up, itll come back down, you buy back in and increase your stack, and then sell off again on the second pump of the day which there always is.

>> No.5449510

>says it goes sideways
>measures in USD

Fuckin' plebs

>> No.5449539

Im waiting for TRX to moon soon so I can put that play money back into FUN. Idk why but that coin is comfy for me.

>> No.5449567

Even AC's premium signals recommended it just now
For more: discord.gg/CmteP8j

>> No.5449575

TRX isn't mooning. It was a scam pajeetcoin.

>> No.5449586

in the past month i've seen so many XLM posts, moon this moon that, last chance etc.

never clicked on them because i don't like the name and the logo of the coin.

looks like i haven't missed out on anything with this one lol.

>> No.5449631

They literally say this every single night. It's a meme at this point.

>> No.5449650


>> No.5449715


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a shill or pajeet and xlm is something I hold but doesn't make up the majority of my portfolio. Having said that, have you two not looked at the charts? It's gone from 776 sats to 1592 sats since the 11th of this month. Theres been dips and pumps the whole way, clearly there are people accumulating. I don't claim to know how high this will go or by when, but clearly there's something here. And that's not even getting into the tech behind this coin and people involved.

>> No.5449749

It's literally a scam coin but it gets pumped pretty regularly. EZ GAINZ

>> No.5449813

>scam coin
>partnered with Stripe

>> No.5449833

>doesn't read what post is being replied to

>> No.5450480


>> No.5450516

XLM by far worst investment ever. Save yourself.

>> No.5450736
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Quads confirm we're all gonna make it

>> No.5450746

will I make it with 50k

>> No.5450794

Sure bro, I made x7 with XLM. Worst investment ever

>> No.5450847 [DELETED] 

Quads means snek is finally going for the apple. Mark my words.

>> No.5450967

All this ADHD kids in here, chasing shitty pumps. XLM Is a fuckin sleeping giant. Just hodl a few months and bei rich

>> No.5451145

I sold almost 20% of my stack expecting a market-wide crash. Now I'm not sure. A crash is sure to come, but will it bring XLM even to sub-2$ prices anymore? What think, should I FOMO back at a small loss?

>> No.5451232

>5x after a whole year
This shitcoin should change the logo to a monocycle

>> No.5451249

It's not for trading as much as safe holding

>> No.5451259
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you said that last week!

>> No.5451262

this is based on the XRP-algorithm, I have zero XRP. is it too late to invest in XRP atm?

>> No.5451281

>I have zero XRP. is it too late to invest in XRP atm?
XRP already mooned

>> No.5451302

Actually it's not based on XRP. It was a code fork, but now they have their own thing going (bit faster and cheaper than XRP, static fees). It also supports tokens a la ERC20, unlike XRP

>> No.5451370

lol you idiots

this is like the most legitimate coin we've been given the chance to buy

And it hasnt been mooning with everything else in last couple days

what do you think happens next?

Either BTC crashes to 8k and fucks everything, or XLM is next to moon.

>> No.5451418

What's your strategy friendo, keeping it all in or having some fiat in the sidelines waiting for a crash?