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File: 239 KB, 1200x1197, toronto-skyline-at-sunset-canada-royalty-free-image-1674745346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54470591 No.54470591 [Reply] [Original]

How much do I need to retire here?

>> No.54470604

Mid 8 figures minimum

>> No.54470617

Probably around $4m

>> No.54470640

50 million
Poojeets stink up the city so you'll need a penthouse suite

>> No.54470650

7.345 billion zillion and growing

>> No.54470710

Depends in whether youre comfortable with a stab proof vest or not.

>> No.54470721

Why the fuck would you want to retire in New Delhi of all places?

>> No.54471619

I may get a good job offer but have to move here (from Germany), is it really that bad?

>> No.54471633

So you want to change the Obogno Mbutu and Ahmed Tariq smell for Poojeeta Patel and Chingdong Kong smell?

>> No.54471696

Well I've never heard that Pajeets and Chinks are communities that bring crimes compared to Ahmed or Mbugu

>> No.54471705

Why would you want to retire in a shithole like Toronto?

>> No.54471712

don't worry, you'll get your fair share of Ahmeds and Ngumas in every big city these days. But you are probably triple vaxxed so you'll be safe.

>> No.54471728

Honestly, whites are the big issue in Toronto, not the pajeets or changs

They're mostly homeless and will stab you on the TTC or smoke crack in broad daylight on dundas

>> No.54471749

Why the fuck would you ever want to? The entirety of southern Ontario is an overpriced shitdump now.

>> No.54471789

Really?! I thought Canada was somewhat selective in their immigration unlike EU with border wide open

>> No.54471796

>I can't google
dear lord, zoomers really are the dumbest generation ever

>> No.54471848

go back to your ttc home faggot

>> No.54471864
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>> No.54471881
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This is Google results

>> No.54471899

Nobody is going to stab you

>> No.54471903

we are. our immigration vetting is pretty conservative, especially compared to the states and eu. my barber is a mechanical engineer from lebanon and i can’t tell you how many uber drivers are doctors from the middle east lol. bonus is that we get ridiculous shawarma over here
t. ottawa fag

>> No.54471925

i should clarify that they bring in folks from all around the globe, but generally favour the educated and skilled, except for the recent wave of Ukrainian honeys

>> No.54471958

There's really no reason to live in Toronto. The city is full of pajeets and pakis (and the few whites you meet will be pozzed or passive aggressive cunts), 90% of white women are fat and ugly, the winters are shit, public transportation almost always has delays, traffic on the 401 is horrible, Pearson is ranked 2nd under worst international airports, both propery and income tax are shit as is the Canadian dollar. Northern Ontario is nice, so is BC if you're rich.

>> No.54471970


>> No.54472053

Do you think it would be easy for a fit 5'8 7/10 white guy to get a Pajeeta in Toronto?

>> No.54472070

i plan to retire inside the warm snatch of a 19 year old philipino girl and it will cost me precisely $1400 (April 2023 nominal PP value) US dollars per month

>> No.54472101

Yes, it's easy. Indian girls love fit guys. Make sure to only do hookups though. They'll want to get family involved and marry you, not even kidding. I had a girl invite me to this religiously prearranged family dinner two dates in.

>> No.54472231
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>some time to spare
>use those 10k to buy VINU
>let that money stay still for a year or two
>soon you will have 100k
>you can retire now or repeat

>> No.54472845
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Arriving at Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard was a poojeeta who greeted me. The immigration officer was a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride was a... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier was a poojeeta. Her brown feces-coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. I wonder if the poo I had stepped on came from a poojeet's anus. This country is a sea of brown people. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just take the TTC to downtown Toronto.

The poojeets are everywhere. White people hide their kids from them.

>> No.54472852
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100 million poojeets and Changs by 2100:




>> No.54472857
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Dining in Toronto is a stressful and unpleasant experience.

The 45 year old white bartender with the permanent scowl on his face DOES NOT want to be there. The white Karen waitress gives you a fake bullshit smile and interrupts your meal with "is everything okay?".

She stares into your soul as you pay the bill. You tipped 10%. She gives you a passive aggressive "Thank you very much!" in her shrilly voice.

Later that night she complains and whinges to her friends on social media that you only tipped her $20 (10% of the bill) for carrying a plate of food.

What the fuck is wrong with white Canadians, seriously.

>> No.54472865
File: 1.28 MB, 1462x730, toronto1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Causes leading up to communist Canada:

1980s time line

- Anglo boomers and liberal whites in the 80s voted pro-immigration policies so they can benefit from cheap labour

1990s time line

- Poojeets slowly trickling into Canada and breed like crazy
- Poojeets and Changs start accumulating wealth, whatever means necessary

2000s timeline:

- Nouveau rich Changs do money laundry. They buy up homes around Canada and wash their money in Vancouver's casinos
- Canadian economy is unproductive, they get money from Changs and poojeets by investment visas

2010s timeline:

- Canadian govs import more Changs and poojeets to prop up the housing bubble, since all immigrants need a place to live
- Whites becoming increasingly homeless


- By late 2020s, Poojeets become a visible MAJORITY
- Poojeets vote for more pro-proojet migration policy


- Canada's first poojeet Prime Mininster, Jagmeet
- His long term plan is 100 million poojeets into Canada by 2100


- Canadian economy collapses into 3rd world
- Whites demand more socialism and free gibs
- Blacks and poojeets happy to get free gibs


- Canada population reaches 70 million, majority poojeets and Changs. Whites become a visible minority.
- Poojeets creampie all the white women
- Poojeet man and white woman dating is now trendy

The root cause of the problem: greedy Anglo boomers and white liberals.

>> No.54472920

our official immigration policy is called "gender diversity plus" not "education and skills plus". we have a lot of land but everyone lives in the same place, 20% of us live in the golden horseshoe, we bring a million immigrants into canada each year not including the many refugees and migrants doing illegal border crossings that also settle here and its not an insignificant number. we're bringing in too many people from all over into an area without even the housing infrastructure to house them all as evidenced by the skyrocketing house prices. it really only makes sense if you're trying to displace the native population, the white people, who once did the same to the actual native population. its not all ukrainian honeys but by all means bring some more of them over thats fine.

>> No.54472932
File: 634 KB, 1122x617, CANADIAN-WOMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an unbelievable amount of poojeets living in Canada - I would guess the country is at LEAST 25% poojeet at this point. You have no idea - there are towns of a million people that are 90%+ poojeet and they are in every small town. Go to Timiskaming Shores in Northern Ontario - town of 12,000, 300 miles away from ANYTHING - you will find families of poojeets. You can go to Golden, BC, a mountain town a days drive from anywhere - poojeets own all the hotels and franchises. It is simply unbelievable just how many there are, and at least a half million more arrive every year. It's o v e r for the white man, and this is coming from a man as white as anyone.

Having said that, poojeets are ok, they're just stupider dirtier whites but very kind and friendly, I honestly prefer them over the passive aggressive/beta/lazy/degenerate/liberal whites (which comprise the majority of them sadly)

>> No.54472935

sorry, half a million. not a million. but in context 20% of that is 100,000 and the second biggest city in the region where 20% of canada lives is only half a million people. just a few years ago people thought immigration was too high and it was around half what it is now

>> No.54472941

this is the truth. Toronto is full of hardworking asians and browns, as well as various dusty white people.

>> No.54473133

no it is actually a million if u include everyone ie foreign students, work visa

>> No.54473135

It's probably a dumb mutt that's jelly of his neighbors. Canada is absolutely fine compared to the nigger infested mutt cities, and almost as safe as Europe.
In fact, there are cities in Mexico like the capital or Monterrey that are safer and comfier than Chicago, New York or LA.
Best Canada is french Canada though, you should try Montréal instead.

>> No.54474222

Thanks for the clarification. I can well imagine that there are lot of seething mutts in this thread
Quebec I heard it's kinda hard living there without speaking English since they want to save frog language?

>> No.54474234

without speaking french*

>> No.54474261

Trash LOL

>> No.54474525

>northern Ontario is nice

Haha hick detected, so tired of losers from the sticks besmirching one of the only habitable places in canada

>> No.54474565

>retiring in fucking Toronto of all places


>> No.54474884

I never said I lived up north. I go camping in Algonquin and surrounding areas 3-4 times a year.

>> No.54474964

Lmao, this gave me a good laugh.

>> No.54475003

It's true though. I work in Toronto and this city is in the throes of spiritual decay from decades of foreign immigration. Almost all of the whites here are cucks. Emasculated slaves. Like I mean that literally and without exaggeration. It's sad.

>> No.54475012

Love the hustle and bustle!

>> No.54475061
File: 125 KB, 702x1024, 1663766207992965m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that's what makes it great. French or German are better languages. If you raise your kids in english they turn up dumb because english is unable to allow for imaginative or smart thoughts. It wasn't always like this but it has been dumbed down to shit.

>> No.54475091

The Jew Moses Znaimer and his Semitic colleagues in the media industry made a huge push back in the 1980's to make Canadian television programming multicultural, with the express intent of softening up and demoralizing the impressionable minds of white children, so that they would grow up to become good slaves, amenable to their gradual replacement by foreigners. Fast-forward to today, white Canadians account for less than 50% of Toronto's population, and experience moral affirmation from deconstructing themselves.

>> No.54475160

>I thought Canada was somewhat selective in their immigration

Lol no

Is completely full of shit

>> No.54475720

>20 BTC
>20mil CYMI
See you at the other side anon.

>> No.54476040

Who cares about white proportion. Singapore is multicultural 2% white and first world.
I don't see how educated pajeets and chinks are an issue. If it would be Ngubus living on social aids that would be more of a problem.

>> No.54476349

Dont ride the TTC then.

>> No.54478368

Over 9000

>> No.54478569

I had to move to Grande Prairie Alberta to get away from the Poojeets.
And I'm already seeing some of these fuckers here.
Next Bitcoin bullrun I'm withdrawing all of my money, selling the property and moving to Poland.

>> No.54478602

Around 1000 ETH for next bullrun.

>> No.54478833

the process is extremely selective desu. they don’t just take anyone in. like i said, canada is much more measured in who they take in compared to the us and eu. for example, to be given priority in the application process you must have two bachelors/masters degrees and a few years of skilled work experience.
canada is very safe compared to the us. i don’t know enough about about eu stats to comment.
i like temiskaming shores but i grew up in the north (sudbury). even if you’re white or franco-ontarien, it’s different culturally than canada’s larger urban centres. new liskeard is alright despite not having anything, and north bay and timmins (the closest actual cities) are barely any better. cobalt is a total shithole. hailebury is nice.

if i had to give any advice to krautfag OP, i’d say come visit for a while to get a feel. montreal would be a better fit for a euro i think

>> No.54479191

even blacks are good citizens when they are from africa and educated. not americans blacks.

>> No.54479336

If you want to retire there, I would highly recommend in investing in USDOGE

>> No.54479366

it used to be like that but anecdotally I feel like its a lot more laxed, ive met a lot of jamaicans indians and other groups that definitely don't have master degrees. maybe they are doing marriage fraud or overstaying their visas

>> No.54479443

Leaf here. I'm out, gentlemen. Just finished my reconaissance trip to South America. I'm beginning the immigration process immediately. Guys, check out a few countries down there before you hang yourselves in this frigid feminist hellhole. You'll never look back, I promise.

>> No.54480131

Feminism is a temporary problem since they will not reproduce
And Pajeets and Chinks that you love to criticize so much tend to be more right-wing than white cucks so it can only be good that you import more of them

>> No.54481042
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i live in toronto and i make $178k. my rent is $3800 (downtown 2 bedroom 900sqft shitbox)

government takes almost half of my income through taxes. i still feel poor

>> No.54481268

Pajeet men are basically women, wtf are you on about ?

>> No.54482551


>> No.54483474

According to top G, around 32M, IMO the only way to make thatmuch apart from politics, trafficking, and drugsis through crypto, I have experience in coding and aim to design the greatest top securit payment platform on chain, I hope I make it

>> No.54483926

Then travel the world

>> No.54484060

you pay for my transgender roomie's disability allowance and hormones thanx :3
(not even lying jej)

>> No.54484078

$3m to $5m at least excluding primary residence

>> No.54484098

I'll take winter and chinkjeets 100% of the time over feral american niggers and spics

>> No.54484154

I know people are roasting Toronto but serious question how do I get a work visa here or just move in general like a citizenship? I’m 21 and In university but hate living in australia I can’t fucking take it. Even as a white male, the country is boring asf, no good nature, tax you more than any developed country I’ve seen, rent and housing market is horrible here, and don’t get me started on the stupid accent fucking hell.

>> No.54484166

Quantum-resistant blockchain still has the best security, for now, there are only a few, and for now, QAN is still the most relevant.
I hope other chains prepare soon because with US Whitehouse announcing that they have started preparing against it means those fuckers have something in the plan

>> No.54484172

Toronto and most of Canada is just the northern version of Australia as far as the rental/housing markets are concerned, it won't be much different

>> No.54484721

why the fuck would you ever wan to retire here?
- snowing and raining for 90% of the year
- atomized, no culture, no community, godless
- women are horrible people
- crackheads everywhere
- extremely high cost of living
- lots of red tape here, takes forever to get simple things done.

Also taxes are fucking insane in this shithole. As someone who lives here, i'm looking to escape to either the Caribbean, South America, or South Asia.

Your escaping hell by jumping into another hell.

>> No.54485005

Canada is the worst most dehumanizing place on the planet.

>> No.54485024
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>paying millions of dollars to live in a cuckbox surrounded by El Torontrocidads

>> No.54485240
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OP, the jeets are leaving

>> No.54485251
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We need them. Please don't leave and I say this sincerely.

>> No.54485312

Why did nobody tell me the drug problem actually got WORSE as you go up north? I thought I’d seen everything when I saw bums shoot up in broad daylight in downtown Toronto until I saw the shambling crack zombies roaming northern Ontario.

>> No.54485352

Adios!!! Or however you say goodbye in poojeet

>> No.54485379

It's funny because I don't think that all these negative comments about Toronto are hyperbole. The downtown core from Nathan Philip Square to Union Station has become a veritable satellite colony of the Indian subcontinent. All the Gothic Revival architecture has become a sort of tombstone for what was once a bastion of Anglo dominance. Even the smaller municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area further out are being thoroughly colonized by foreigners.

I can't wait to leave this place.

>> No.54485402

I was in Mississauga the other week and good lord it was easily 80% Indians. What the hell happened? Every single retail/minimum wage worker was Indian too.

>> No.54485415

Why would you move to city of Toronto
"Diversity is Our Strength" and where the worst apartment costs 1 million dollar if you want to retire South Florida all the boomers get out of here soon as they can also you will get stab it increases as your from Germany public transit will get you stabbed its getting worse and until the police get a mass boost in hires and funding or diversity disappears don't move here you will regret it t. Planing to move once done school

>> No.54485435

>what happened
They where building a temple they used it to get abunch of work visas used them to smuggling abunch of them in eventually the family would come and they would eventually pool enough people to bring everyone over and they breed like rabbits so it gets worse

>> No.54485455

tons of international students. all indians. pretty sure it's those diploma mills that are popping up left and right. they come here on a student visa then end up getting permanent residency. there's been a massive shift since they opened up the floodgates after the wu flu flight restrictions ended

>> No.54485468
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To be honest, I had no idea how toxic and rude Canadian culture is until I lived in Mexico.

White Canadians are aggressive, passive jerks. Or they insert a phony chirpy personality. Their sense of humor is sarcastic and irritating. They make crude remarks to each other while passing it off as banter.

White Canadians advertise themselves as "friendliest," but they never invite each other to dinner. When they run into you, they may say "sorry," but that's it.

>> No.54485477
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Our politicians sold out to the international capitalism. Take a look at what Canadian political philosopher George Grant wrote in his 1965 work Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism: (picrel)

>> No.54485478
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Don't worry anon, poojeetas are white women.

Canada is where poojeetas come to lose their souls. A poojeeta will become a "Jennifer Miller" or "Martha Smith" despite being 100% poojeet.

She can't speak poojabi anymore, instead she speaks English in an annoying white woman voice.

She has passive aggressve Canadian mannerism. She snaps her finger. She pretends she is a strong and independent woman.

She listens to Nickel Back and Nicki Minaj. And distains anything Indian like Bollywood movies or music.

>> No.54485488
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>> No.54485510

True this as well but we use them to make them broke get them hooked into death and they wage slave away

>> No.54485516

Its been awhile but its not great. Taxes will rape you and Canadian gov is shit. Fags rip on US cities but we have many of them that beat any Canadian city and have lower taxes. I'd say go for it, worst case quit and go home. Just travel the world a bit, see where you like. I would recommend going to the US. Ive been to every city and they are fine, even Chicago (but I would watch my back and not go out at night and avoid the south side). I recommend cities in the upper Midwest like Madison, the twin cities, etc. Depends on the city size you are looking for and job too I suppose.

>> No.54485532

It makes me sad. I have fond memories of growing up in uptown Toronto in the 90's where my school was 90% white.

>> No.54485569
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>It makes me sad. I have fond memories of growing up in uptown Toronto in the 90's where my school was 90% white.

Toronto is fucked up, socially, on so many levels. You have goofy white dorks that like to date Asians. You have smelly poojeetas that act like liberal white women. You have poojeets that want to creampie white women. You have male Changs that date black women. Then you have black men dating white women.

Then you have $20 beers and shitty vegan restaurants, only white people go there because they're dumb enough to pay that exorbitant prices. You go to Toronto and visit for 2, 3 days max. You realize there's something really off putting about the population, especially retarded white women.

>> No.54485604

Imagine being white, having white children, and raising them in Toronto/the GTA. Your kids, an alienated minority among foreigners, their young impressionable minds and spirits being living, learning, and developing within the graveyard of their ancestors.

Your daughter turns 15/16, her first boyfriend who she met in class, she asks to bring him over to watch a movie. His name is Manish Sukhwinder. Fast forward 12 years, your first grandkid arrives. Most caucasian babies have blue eyes - but not this one. You can't help but notice the distinctly melanated complexion of Dravidian origin, and suddenly it hits you:

"I am the last white man in my bloodline."

>> No.54485654

All the seething poojeets and changs in this thread think you can remove the canadians from canada and still have a functioning country. Why is it they are leaving India and China to begin with I wonder?
If you're white move to USA instead.

>> No.54485808

Delet this

>> No.54485826

Can't delete the truth.

>> No.54485966
File: 1.32 MB, 1279x682, lisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future of Canada, a poojeeta with the name "Lisa Chang"

Pic rel.

>> No.54485971
File: 233 KB, 682x866, family5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am the last white man in my bloodline."

The kids will turn out like pic rel.

>> No.54485985
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White males went from "I only date Asians" to "I only date poojeetas" within 10 years.

>> No.54485989
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Your future PM breeded with a beaner.

>> No.54485993

When you live in a pojeet filled city and work in tech what choice do you have?

>> No.54485997


>> No.54486032

It's pathetic. At the same time, though, it's kind of a blessing because you can only miscegenate once, and so in a sense these race-traitors are removing themselves from the equation. The more it happens, the less it can happen.

I saw one projection by statistician/demographer (((Eric Kaufmann))) who said that by the year 2100, approximately 20% of Canada's population will be mixed-race. We're in the early stages of the creation of a deracinated underclass. Whites will still be around, but they will be like some legacy remnant of a bygone era, relegated to borderline mythical status.

Ironically, it could be nice in a way. Quality over quantity.

>> No.54486037

this made me laugh really fucking hard for some reason

>> No.54486059

Whites will still be around but with an average age of 80

>> No.54486077

you'll need to win the lottery twice to afford a home here.

>> No.54486091

>When you live in a pojeet filled city and work in tech what choice do you have?

You could work remote in the Baltic. You can fuck beautiful young white women. But you refuse to move and take the leap.

>> No.54486095

Way too close to Muscovy aka white Indians

>> No.54486111

got to be fucking kidding me. Spent three days there and in two of them I witnessed a gang of blacks robbing people and muslims beating each other up in the middle of the street (also got a undeserved parking ticket, which apparently is a common occurrence). City was unremarkable besides that. There are way better cities in Switzerland.

>> No.54486127
File: 243 KB, 1080x1386, welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 million poojeets and Changs by 2100:




>> No.54486129
File: 430 KB, 617x346, LEAVING9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the decline. Even the poojeets are leaving.

>> No.54486139

Wow sorry guys

>> No.54486156
File: 249 KB, 565x599, 1674458049937898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poojeet. The most powerful race on earth. They have sex with all the white Canadian women.

>> No.54486163
File: 383 KB, 617x346, toronto-poojeet-justin-marc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poojeets in Toronto have sex with all the white women. They are too powerful.

>> No.54486167
File: 1.35 MB, 1462x822, CBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be laughing when you turn on the local news station and see this. You can smell the stinking coming through the TV screen.

>> No.54486199

Good that war scared away a lot of westoids with their degenerate life values

>> No.54486263

Retire here if you like a city with 90% poojeets 4% woke white women that date the other 4% ugly black men and the other 2% are gay fem boys or trannys.

>> No.54486288

So many fucking interracial couples it’s insane. So many fucking retarded blond bitches dating literal thug monkeys

>> No.54486298

If you have any dignity whatsoever, don't fucking think about it. Your income will be going down the drain to cover rent.

>> No.54486340
File: 425 KB, 2560x1707, justin_poojeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many fucking retarded blond bitches dating literal thug monkeys

Blond bitches date poojeet thugs. What a world that we're living in! :)

The current PM is a poojeet in spirit.

>> No.54486355
File: 626 KB, 1307x686, poojeet7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retire here if you like a city with 90% poojeets

Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal will be 90% poojeet. A modest 7% of poojeet migrating from Indian (population, 1 billion) to Canada means 70 million additional poojeets to this wonderful country :)

>> No.54486366
File: 564 KB, 1245x682, poojeet_police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a poojeet RCMP. Now here's a poojeet detective in toronto. Everyone in Canada will be a poojeet. That is a good thing. Poojeets are hard working, humble, kind people.

>> No.54486383
File: 637 KB, 1298x640, chang4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chang RCMP and his partner, a poojeet. Important position of power will be Changs and poojeets. They're competent and doing a great job. Otherwise why would they be promoted?

>> No.54486388
File: 898 KB, 1462x822, white_chad_kissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many fucking interracial couples it’s insane.

That's a great thing. Genetic diversity = better genes.

>> No.54486405

Spotted the Israeli intelligence community subcontractor.

>> No.54486427

There's more genetic variation within races than between them, meaning that there is no biological incentive to miscegenate unless you want your kids to have a higher chance of mental illness and be less likely to find a match for bone marrow and organ donors.

Nice try though, Mordecai.

>> No.54486432
File: 933 KB, 1146x797, poojeet-pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spotted the Israeli intelligence community subcontractor.

I am not.

Canada is a beautiful country where all races and culture live peacefully with each other.

The crime in Toronto is low.

>> No.54486444

What's the actual issue with Pajeets?
I see 100 posts here "MuH pOoJeeTs" but no good reason why they are bad.
Nigs and sandnigs don't work and mug people, what about jeets?

>> No.54486466
File: 112 KB, 1180x664, 1010101010A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see 100 posts here "MuH pOoJeeTs" but no good reason why they are bad.

Poojeets are NOT bad people. They pay tax, work jobs, don't go on welfare. They buy up homes.

Poojeets are good humble people.

People complain about poojeets because they own so many houses, franchises (Tim Horton, Pizza Pizza, Mcdonalds), motels.

Poojeets are the most powerful race in Canada.

>> No.54486474
File: 353 KB, 1080x1350, 1676285607379789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add ... poojeets have sex with all the white Canadian women.

>> No.54486478

Is it that bad with 200k CAD?
I can hardly get half of this in Europe

>> No.54486488
File: 127 KB, 500x496, 141021ED-E43F-47C4-8872-B65D181C1665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, and i’d definitely want to avoid having an immigrant as a family doc, but all the beggars on rideau street in ottawa are white - even on somerset (chinatown) they’re all white. in sudbury it’s white and native. most cultures tend to keep to their own communities out here and seem to be doing pretty good

>> No.54486491

Lmao, the sight of such a thing is more scarce than the chance that you have had (or ever will) have sex with a beautiful white woman.

>> No.54486504
File: 1.48 MB, 1462x822, poojeeta_citynews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ... 95% of the homeless population in Canada is white. 5% native Indians. Poojeets and Changs own all the biz and homes, they rent it out to white people. A poojeet prime minister will bring good change to Canada.

>> No.54486566
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>The crime in Toronto is low.


>> No.54486746

why would you want to retire in toronto?

vancouver is superior

the place where there are only two best races interbreeding: whites and asians

>> No.54486980

No poos in Vancouver?

>> No.54487025

not in the rich parts where you should be

>> No.54487081

You have mental issues, fuck off kike.

>> No.54487093
File: 175 KB, 528x418, poojeeta3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have mental issues, fuck off kike.

Rude. You need to learn how to be more kind and humble like a Indian.

>> No.54487108
File: 752 KB, 1095x718, poojeet678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have mental issues, fuck off kike.

Let me guess, you're a white Canadian. You need to learn how to be nice and accommodating to other Canadians, especially Indian-Canadians.

>> No.54487279

there we have it, this is why Germany and all of the west along with it is in the deep shitter. people like you.

>> No.54487411

My point is that whites are cucked at the core and any society that is led by white people will fall into degeneracy sooner or later.
The best societies are like ones led by a non-cucked race but that still benefit from a white population with their creativity and intelligence. Dubai with Arabs or Singapore with chinks.
Seems like Canada could become the same, would be a great thing that the country has a jeet or chink PM

>> No.54487707
File: 929 KB, 880x2960, 1625503918910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point is that whites are cucked at the core and any society that is led by white people will fall into degeneracy sooner or later.
>The best societies are like ones led by a non-cucked race but that still benefit from a white population with their creativity and intelligence. Dubai with Arabs or Singapore with chinks.
>Seems like Canada could become the same, would be a great thing that the country has a jeet or chink PM

>> No.54487760

fuck off. They are known for tax scams and especially mortgage scams, how about "the brampton morgage" ?
they are lazy FUCKS in all walks of their shit life.

>> No.54487766
File: 2 KB, 125x103, 1639573491003s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 10 million dollars. And you can only achieve that with minimal work if you're in crypto, and can sniff a good investment from a mile away. I think I have a good nose, and the Polygon network smells so good atm. I already have my eyes on MNI and Opacity

>> No.54488503

Yeah yeah they're sooo hard working. They come over here and inhabit a civilization more advanced than they could ever create while doing brainless monkey work that no one needs. Meanwhile when my ancestors arrived there was nothing but a couple of port towns with a whole country that needed building. These poojeets never built anything in their life, it's still whites building the the infrastructure trying to keep up with the influx.

Given birth rates, there should be houses practically for free that I could be living in. Instead wages are down and house prices are up and the only way to get a house is to sign up to permanent debt slavery. I'm better off saving the $1M cash so I can eventually buy a ticket to Mars and get away from the unrelenting hoards of human refuse.

The changs and pajeets are the parasites feeding off what whites built and crowding the place making it unbearable. They ARE the big issue. Wretched, homeless whites are just a consequence of a dying nation.

>> No.54488890
File: 629 KB, 942x529, jeet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon. Your post sounds angry. Where did the Indian man touch you? Indians are success people. You rent your THEIR basement. You drink coffee at Tim Hortons from the poojeet's feces coated hands. Indians are not bad people. They contribute to the economy and pay taxes. Indians are the most powerful race on this earth.

>> No.54488901

>The changs and pajeets are the parasites feeding off what whites built

Changs and poojeets came to the Canada, fair and square. They bought up all the homes and businesses, fair and square. It sounds like you're whinning because you're losing. Poojeets and chinks are kind people.

>> No.54488933

>you rent your their basement
God fucking damnit Harpreet

>> No.54488949

50 rupees

>> No.54489024
File: 562 KB, 847x484, reporting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice to brahmin Indian. He will give you coffee at Tim Hortons, no problem brother.

>> No.54491521

Kek, finding a 10x gem would be a gold mine anon. Although my picks are AR and SYLO which I see doing good numbers as web3 adoption increases.

>> No.54491628

It is getting worse and worse. 10 years ago Toronto was an overall good city...since COVID, it has deteriorated, and there are no signs that it's going to ever recover. Downward spiral from here on out - as with all big cities, to be honest.