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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5445694 No.5445694 [Reply] [Original]

How do you plan to preserve your legacy when you pass? Here's my plan.
>have 7+ White children
>have some developer soyboys write artificial intelligence based Smart Contract
>deposit all wealth into Smart Contract will before I pass
>Smart Contract issues shares that get distributed to my descendents, acts as a trust that deposits dividends to the share bearers on a regular schedule
>smart contract has an Artificial Intelligence constantly scanning the internet and government public record
>if the contract detects that a shareholder has had a child or even had sex out of wedlock their shares are immediately voided
>if the contract detects that a shareholder has adopted leftist views their shares are immediately voided
>if the contrqct detects that a shareholder has consumed alcohol or drugs their shares are immediately voided
>if the contract detects that they have married, the contract requests DNA sequences from both partners before it continues to pay dividends. Sequences of different racial makeups = shares immediately voided.
The goal here is to make enough money that my descendents rely on the income of the trust, leveraging Game Theory to keep my lineage pure and on the right path for generations to come.

>> No.5445777

Yeah, i would just piss on your grave and call it a day.

>> No.5445819

Not if it meant losing six figures of yearly income, lmao. To think otherwise is simply deluding yourself.

>> No.5445833

what is a smart contract?
its mentioned in some coins i buy.
i unironicaly dont know, can someone give me a quick rundown in a few words pls

>> No.5445867

You are the one who is delusional. Just because you are a virgin fag with a few shitty coins that aint worth shit in a few years who never gut drunk doesn't mean everyone wants to follow your shitty plan... and now fuck off and merry christmas, i'm drunk

>> No.5445888

>guy eats a rum-cake
>suddenly gets written out of the trust fund
>angry & bitter
>goes to his siblings and puts alcohol in their food secretly
>all descendends doesn't get anything
>descendinds is poor
>your hard-earned money is now lost forever
Congratulations, u played urself

>> No.5445930

It's basically a program that gets compiled on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It can execute any instructions you want as it's Turing Complete and it can maintain a balance like any regular wallet. Once it's compiled nobody can stop or modify its execution provided it can afford to execute instructions, nor can anyone steal its balance provided it's been programmed properly. You can use this to control your wealth from the grave potentially for centuries to come and the government won't be able to do a thing about it. It's possible with Artificial Intelligence advancements you could even program the contract to continually invest and trade to grow it's balance indefinitely.

>> No.5445943
File: 325 KB, 1880x509, 2017-12-25-000522_1880x509_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically one of the funniest posts I've ever read on /biz/

sitting here laughing my ass off.

>> No.5445955

Just shut up, please, shut the fuck up. you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.5445988

you sound triggered

>> No.5445990
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And just what oracle are you planning on using for this "smart contract" of yours to work properly.


>> No.5445995

Why are you mad at him and his ideas? Stop being such a sour prick. I find it hilarious as shit. Think of all the possibilities in racial purity.

>> No.5446020

Chainlink, of course. Sergey's work will secure my dreams of a pure White linage.

>> No.5446049

He doesn't like the idea that grandpa might be able to write him out of the will from beyond the grave for being a degenerate disappointment.

>> No.5446062


>> No.5446073

Clearly. He definitely is a slimeball who does Ketamine on the weekends.

>> No.5446226

>developer soyboys

they have their uses. tried to look up a basic python scraping tut earlier tonight, and the random vid i clicked was some soyboy from Ashville making a NYTimes scraper that "scraped all the president's lies" so fkn edgy i turned off the video immediately.

>> No.5446311

I would pay for a service that easily set up a fund like this. I would have it follow rules similar to yours, as well as rules about never owning a cat or dating someone with cats. Don't want my kids getting toxoplasmosis.

>> No.5446582

How do you get the dark theme?

>> No.5446596

Go to the bottom right and click on the theme browser.. You should see "Tomorrow"

>> No.5446643

I understand the immense value of the tech sector but I'm glad I'm not a part of it. Men with sedentary employment have far lower T on average.

>> No.5447510

Uh, cool I guess. Im doing hookers, coke, techno and mdma

>> No.5447856

/pol/ meets /biz/

>> No.5447857

that's fine, but if you were a descendent of mine I hope you love those things enough to give up guaranteed NEETbux for it.

>> No.5447946

He's mad he can't understand it, be nice guys.

>> No.5447967
File: 33 KB, 575x556, CMAOk-AWwAEjxbH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ in charge of understanding how smart contracts actually work

>> No.5448015

Absolutely amazing I think you have solved the race mixing problem.

>> No.5448023

>Ethereum forks
>Contract gone a few months after you die
>"Grandpas a fucking dumbass"

>> No.5448341

Eh, Universal income would probably kick in by then. I also question the amount that would survive the dilution of a branching family. And also the extremely vague notion of "leftist views". It all sounds very easy for the descendants to be written out.
I try not to judge, but Jesus anon, this is autistic.
I'll never get you descendant obsessed, purity deranged poltards.

>> No.5448805

You sicken me bro. The only reason you live in a first world country is because your ancestors cared.

>> No.5448951

Great plan OP, except for a couple of flaws

1) If you’re too retarded to be able to spell the word descendAnts correctly, you’re too retarded to become wealthy off crypto

2) In order to have descendAnts, you have to actually be able to attract women, which in turn generally involves not being an autistic, neurotic racist /pol/tard neckbeard

Too bad!

>> No.5449339


>we’re an inclusive, open, and respectful community that’s focused on solving this problem well.

Can't use ChainLink, dickhead, it's a left wing coin. Gonna have to bust out some toothless, inbred "master race" using your own racially pure shitcoin.