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54441034 No.54441034 [Reply] [Original]

Regulatory uncertainty, cybersecurity risk, market volatility, and other issues are problems that crypto is facing.

.It is difficult to forecast with precision when they will be resolved given that these are complicated problems that call for time, effort, and dedication. I'm tired anon. Are you not worried??

>> No.54441101

Nothing to worry

>> No.54441110

this is why it's hard to hold through and why normalfags are so wrong when they say shit like 'you got lucky' when you make it.
yes it's risky and could go to complete shit any day now, but the upside is incredibly high.
everything though has been going to plan for another bull run in late 2024, just grit your teeth and try and make it through. also things usually tick up prior to the halving (early 2024).

>> No.54441148

Be positive jeet

>> No.54441150

This. The bond market is already pricing in a 1% rate cut in 18 months

>> No.54441226

Why should I? Fiat is already shown to fail. Give everything time to mature. I'm optimistic that crypto still has room for growth, that being said, I'm here to stay, with great community members on QAN and Ore

>> No.54441256

Like the internet, it will take time for people to assimilate and grow, also crypto needs time and chance to evolve and grow.

>> No.54441262

>It is difficult to forecast with precision when they will be resolved given that these are complicated problems that call for time, effort, and dedication. I'm tired anon. Are you not worried??
You're a normie. The pump incoming (after next dump) is obvious

>> No.54441269

Crypto is volatile, because most baggies are 3rd world shitskins so first world whales giga rugpull the entire market. Stocks are healthier because only rich boomers trade

>> No.54441277

stocks is not how you make money

>> No.54441302

My sentiment too, great strides by genuine projects to offer real-world utility, like AVAX and Ore Protocol, it will all come together. It great year so far tho.

>> No.54441308

How do you deal with it?

>> No.54441320

Let's see!

>> No.54441368

>You just don't know what you're saying anon

>> No.54441690

No idea

>> No.54442102


>> No.54442130

Buy low sell high.

For me it's largely been a waiting game, most people lose because they end up needing the money invested for something else.

You'll find the most successful traders in crypto can hold for years and years.

>> No.54442248

I'm guilty sometimes

>> No.54442334

Rollercoasters are more fun when you stop worrying, throw your hands in the air, and remember you start and end at the same elevation.

>> No.54442555

Good advice

>> No.54442696
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>normalfags are so wrong when they say shit like 'you got lucky
There's no luck in this market. You gotta grind and hold the right coins like everyone else. No spoon-feeding and no favoritism.

>> No.54442706
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>Stocks are healthier because only rich boomers trade

I don't know many retards who believe the only way boomers can benefit is by trading. There are a slew of low-risk passive incomes one could generate in crypto. The world is evolving, and the crypto industry is emerging with a lot of solutions that could be part of the global economy. Many schizophrenias won't understand because they have little brain cells that babble.

>> No.54442707

Kek. Avax is dead shit. Speaking of real world value, I wouldn't look further than MNICorp. That plus defi is based.

>> No.54442729

Old fags who make me rich are spotted. You're among the old creakers, anon, and I dumped most of my bags on to Hodl. Don't be deluded by those Jewish dev. Sell when you need to and buy when it's appropriate to.


>> No.54442758

There’s also a mutually agreed upon gentlemen’s agreement for stockholders that they won’t all rug each other. Crypto is anonymous so there’s no empathy and it’s every man for himself

>> No.54442787

Just 1?

>> No.54442958

Spoon-feeding is your baby like you

>> No.54442985

What solutions? Many have been dead on arrival. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

>> No.54442993

Pleb. The only appropriate coin to buy now is BTC. That's the only thing bringing value. Everything else is vaporware.

>> No.54443159

You got no point schizo fag, crypto is ahead now. Make cool bucks when the anxiety is high with Polygon defi projects gaining increasing momentum

>> No.54443166

There's luck, you fag. Sometimes you just walk into the right project at the right time. But of course there are ways to stack up the odds in your favor. Polygon is the way to go.

>> No.54443188

Are you sure?

>> No.54443214

Because you're not early anymore. It was easy before because everything new pumped to insanity. Now the space is full of every type of bad actor looking for a quick buck. You either learn to play with your fellow street shitters in the piss and mud that is crypto now or you lose.

>> No.54443224
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Listen up, kiddo! BTC is your trusty old long-term investment, like that ugly sweater your grandma knitted. But if you're looking to make some quick cash and have a laugh while you're at it, then grab some altcoins and maybe even toss in a meme-coin

>> No.54443225

What's the catch when you talk about bank runs and over-collateralization? This is the major problem faced in DeFi, and most Jabroni still feel this can't be fixed through RWA. I think you should take your time to understand what this means and how revenue can be generated from sustainable real-world businesses into DeFi.

I can't spoon-feed you, tod.


Playing it safe is not safe, son.
Living without risk is riskier.
>>Stay poor with a conservative mindset.

There is no doubt that Bitcoin is the safest haven, but there are other safe havens to benefit from with low risk.

>> No.54443262

Hey, anon! It's true, but finding a decent Polygon Defi project can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack, especially if you're not up-to-date

>> No.54443275

On a long enough timeline, it’s practically nothing. I will say though that the big guys like Buffet might have pussied out if they were youthful and investing today. The times are creating constantly better more schizoid men

>> No.54443339

If sustainable real-world businesses can help generate revenue for DeFi, then that's music to my ears! Thanks for the insight, tod.

Only anon waits for luck dyor and be up to date. One thing I feel is that defi solutions might scale as bitcoin becomes widly accepted.

>> No.54443480

Things happens to those who are ready. That's called preparation, not luck jeet

>> No.54443496
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We don't need to worry about the liquidity market issue if it is sustainable. I mean, that's one of the issues the crypto industry is facing, and it's damn horrible anon.

>> No.54443511

>I think you should take your time to understand what this means and how revenue can be generated from sustainable real-world businesses into DeFi.
RWA as collateral. That's something but I don't see how the problem is solved here. It's still cefi mechanics at play in defi.

>> No.54443516
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You say this because you're cowardly neet who cannot take chad-maxxed risks and make a ton of profits while at it. There are so many innovative projects and blockchains beyond btc. Polygon is on fire. I bet you have never heard of non-fungible equities. Snooze and lose sucker!

>> No.54443532

Too lazy to sit your arse down and get some research done? Ngmi

>> No.54443573

Some projects are still vaporware

>> No.54443582

You must be new if you don't already know that Non Fungible Equity solves that problem. Go read about subdivision of NFTs then come back for a conversation.

>> No.54443607

Some projects are still vaporware

>> No.54443612

Not every project is cursed with the problem of liquidity. Some have it figured out. Like a loan project that has its loans backed by land, and even mining collaterals and a host of other solid collaterals that make it impossible for them to lose liquidity at any point.

>> No.54443659

>There are so many innovative projects and blockchains beyond btc
How much is too much? We all know that many don't deliver on their promises. It all comes to down to how much you can grab. Money over innovations.

>> No.54443669

Loans in defi. Who lied to you anon? Seems you haven't learned. Will be here when they take all you have.

>> No.54443702
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Is only a matter of time and that's why I don't invest in shit and trash coin. But I think those that emphasize real-world projects across multiple sectors, set themself apart in the DeFi space

>> No.54443706

>If sustainable real-world businesses can help generate revenue for DeFi, then that's music to my ears! Thanks for the insight, tod

It should be exciting to everyone since sustainability is involved and the risk and possibility of a crash are insignificant since it's backed by fiat or land.

>> No.54443756
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Is that what you see? Well, everyone should have their perception, but the most important and consequential consideration should be its sustenance, which is way better than a full-stack decentralized DeFi system that might lead to insolvency.

Secondly, if Dao is incorporated and proper mechanics and sanctions against manipulation are utilized, that shouldn't be a problem to worry about.

The world is changing, and with the unwaning level of regulation, I think DeFi needs to find a proper way to fit in while maintaining decentralization.

>> No.54443768

Yo, anon! research remains the best overall anon. But I'd trade for those that support and create a decentralized financial system is way cooler than spending hours poring over dry academic papers

>> No.54443828

If that's the game, then it will surely have potential, but in today's world, I can't just blindly believe everything. Don't get me wrong, but words aren't as effective as acts. If it has, you shouldn't be concerned kek.

>> No.54443936

>There are so many innovative projects and blockchains beyond btc.
I completely agree with this we have amazing Web3 products in the space especially in the payment sector.

>> No.54443966

There are a couple of gamechangers in that niche, some projects which standout in my opinion are AlchemyPay, COTI. Bitpesa.

>> No.54443992

Considering CryptMi solution in the loyalty reward niche I do think it deserves to be mentioned as well.

>> No.54444021
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Real-world problems require real-world solutions. If power can harness the power of the DAO community to finance businesses across the globe, we might just have a shot at making DeFi less of a head-scratcher for the average Joe

>> No.54444043

That's still lame

>> No.54444051


>> No.54444123

Fiat and land cool that makes it cool. Normies have an instinctual reaction when they see prospect also such ecosystem contribute to market liquidity and sustainability of the market while also benefiting individual token holders.

>> No.54444208

What do you mean? Don't you like a project that adds value? Don't be a meme Lord who wants nothing more than an instant x1000. Understand what you're looking for.

>> No.54444285

I want profit not that shitty tech

>> No.54444546

DAO is a strong tool in DeFi that can act as a synergy and also balance the input and perspectives of the governance structure with the overall strategic direction of any project. This makes it an inclusive decision-making process in most cases, which is fair.

But most often DAO is manipulated.

>> No.54444557

threats are because (((they))) want to buy in first

>> No.54444607

The current perception of fiat by most fags will go contrary to your opinion, but who cares? I fucking do, but since its essence is better than the contra case, it makes it a fair judgment to say it's better that it's backed for obvious reasons.

>> No.54444617

Who cares about Innovation?

>> No.54444733
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Fact anon. But If you care about DeFi platform that emphasizes real-world projects across multiple sectors, welcome to the hub

>> No.54444770

Seen in light of the fact that it is based on land collateralization, there can never be a loss of liquidity.

>> No.54444789

I cannot vouch for anyone. But here's what I can say: if such projects realize their full potentials, it would be a madness

>> No.54444804

land is not liquid. but I see your point, regardless. they gotta diversify anyways. not every borrower would own land.

>> No.54444862

They won't settle for less, I suppose, since it's designed to be a sustainable and long-term plan. Business integration of the blockchain tech is understandable given its innovative nature. Don't be a fool.

>> No.54445036
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>Regulatory uncertainty

>> No.54445300

Not gonna make it

>> No.54445341

You can't conclude.
Aside liquidity, It's important to take a critical look at the system or approach and consider the potential drawbacks or limitations. While tokenizing real-world assets has many potential benefits, it's also important to consider whether these systems can operate within the legal and regulatory frameworks of the jurisdictions in which they operate.

One of the major questions to consider is whether tokenization platforms have the necessary regulatory compliance measures in place to operate effectively and in compliance with regulatory requirements. This can be a complex and evolving area, as regulatory requirements can vary widely across different jurisdictions and may change over time.

>> No.54445472
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I already made it, I'm just going to make it even more thanks to my position in anticipation of upcoming regulations.

>> No.54445556
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I'm not sure whether you really understand, but projects with several revenue streams will make it. It's important to establish strong network ties, but you must also weigh the risks involved because the entire community depends on you.

>> No.54445656


2015 OG here...you grow number to the ups downs and fud.

You only start to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel each cycle aka the bull cycles.

You become this way through enduring sheer emotional torture and then crazy highs and then back to being hopeless feeling again if you didn't take enough bull cycle profits.

The thing is...you eventually learn not to worry and develop an iron clad sense of confidence and faith each bear cycle. I know it's coming back the only question is when. Right now feels like early 2020 heading into defi summer.

>> No.54445830

So when bullmarket? When x100?

>> No.54445842

Feels like running a ponzi

>> No.54445884

Exactly, it's a roller coaster. And like one, you will realize it was fun and worth it in the end.

>> No.54446238

That's a different tale. Act maturely, not like a child. If you believe that way, you are ignorant about the industry. The main concern here is securing revenues from traditional business to keep the liquidity afloat. That's vital.

>> No.54446584

As long as you have funds to invest

>> No.54446804

Dont believe in sugar coating

>> No.54446865
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Unlike me. Im rich

>> No.54446993

It's simple to read through every detail before investing. I've already had a chance to learn my lessons, so it won't happen. My top goal is to conduct research before starting to invest in a project. I don't invest merely due to a hype and we end up dead and dry.

>> No.54447002

>You're really showing off? Lol

>> No.54447046


>> No.54447057


>> No.54447140

Still early. This aint a race

>> No.54447876

The DeFi model appears to be distinctive and offers additional pillars for expanding its ecosystem through its revenues. Real-world projects are another big revenue source to take into account.

>> No.54447937

People got time and solutions already. Privacy has improved and boosted security.

>> No.54447953

Based. just self custody and chill.

>> No.54447987

Based solutions.

>> No.54448030

ID management solutions are quite good.
>like AVAX

>> No.54448071

Not your keys, not your coins.

>> No.54448856

I think that agreement expired in 1848

>> No.54448935

It's only a matter of time before blockchain tech becomes entrenched into daily life. Defi and tradfi will be unified.

>> No.54448981

The defi model combining with traditional finance presents many possibilities. Especially if the these two actually transmit income to and from each other.

>> No.54449020

The unwritten rule about investment is: is there enough liquidity? Most people make the mistake of providing the exit liquidity for projects which are not well backed