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File: 2.07 MB, 3024x4032, not-pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54437507 No.54437507 [Reply] [Original]

Within 48 hours I will deploy a token. It will be proof of work, fair launched.
picrel: not pajeet

>> No.54437518


>> No.54437528

This already rugged.

>> No.54437542

wow a token? real gap in the market you're filling

>> No.54437560


>> No.54437566

Don't bother we already did it
》》 babyngatiger.com

>> No.54437573
File: 101 KB, 327x316, 1680468376797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pajeet
>monkey arm
Anon, I...

>> No.54437577

Will post discord and github, but im still finalizing it. It will be cross-chain available on both ethereum and arbitrum

>> No.54437591

wow, europeans have hairy arms, how unusual

>> No.54438087

on what chain? when rug?

>> No.54438112
File: 52 KB, 405x549, cwc you are already raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I immediately and whole-heartedly trust you.

>> No.54438683

bump for interest

>> No.54439069
File: 231 KB, 1179x843, IMG_1818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l4g chuds this one for sure will let me win over my girlfriend from jamal

>> No.54439833

bit late to the game
might be able to scam some anons though

good luck!

>> No.54439842

If you’re coding on a Mac that old I don’t want it

>> No.54439845 [DELETED] 

get this jewish shit off my board it's sunday for god sake

>> No.54439896

>white people never scam
Only a pajeet would fall for this

>> No.54440249


>> No.54440318

a certain torvalds codes on a mac you freetard

>> No.54440351

How many other proof of work coins are there? & Surely they're a waste of electricity?

>> No.54440394

>decentralisation is a waste of energy
security is anti-semitic

>> No.54440401

Came here to say this

Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.54440439

if it's pow are we supposed to just download your totally safe and legit mining software

>> No.54440489

Pretending BTC or any of this is decentralized is the real waste of energy.

>> No.54440516

ok Harry when can i buy

>> No.54440518
File: 96 KB, 588x592, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it have NFTs?

>> No.54440544

jew detected
instead of solving the trilemma eth decided one pillar wasn't important anymore
shalom my fellow chosen one

>> No.54440598

Jews run both retard.
Try using cash and barter instead of fully traceable literal nothings you send thru internet tubes.

>> No.54440635

>white apple user
just about as trustworthy as a guy giving away free drugs on the street

>> No.54440670

That's not proof of work faggot

>> No.54440764

>he doesnt run his entire networth through a string of monero sidebars increasing the hasherrors into an absolutely untracable string of stringnets
jews dont know a damn thing about what i do and theres nothing, no retarded dilution of argument or strawman that can change you being a kike glowie

>> No.54440848

You are posting about monero on 4ch you absolute faggot.
They know who you are and you'll be allowed to do exactly as much as they allow you to.

There is no such thing as untraceable online.
All your devices are made by them.
You are in fact eschewing the one actually untraceable thing so you can use internet money.
Soon you'll be help eliminate cash altogether just because you think you'll get a few extra shekels.

>> No.54440883

>theres nothing, no retarded dilution of argument or strawman that can change you being a kike glowie
kikenigger cant trace my stringnets
theres no need to be upset

>> No.54443103

it will be open source

>> No.54443119

POW coins will not be securities, I just want to see Gayry seethe over my coin

>> No.54443261

Now this is a hand I can trust.

>> No.54443305

It's 2022 MB Air with M1 chip, faster then 99% of linuxoid pcs

>> No.54443327

I know a guy who does extremely important work at a FAGMAN company and his daily driver is a fucking Eee Pc from like 2010.

>> No.54443359

Sounds like a based guy

>> No.54443397

Supply? Block reward rate etc? Details motherfucker

>> No.54443443

Let me clarify: POW will be used to create supply, not to secure the system, as this will be a token on ethereum, not a completely new blockchain. (Initially wanted to create a blockchain, but that's overkill, since I am a solo dev)
Initial supply will be zero. People get tokens for submitting a solution to the smart contract. The problem needed to be solved will get harder over time, so early adopters will get tokens easier.
There is a hard cap on the supply, but the actual supply will depend on how many people mine.

>> No.54443490

Why tho. Why should I do work for your token over the countless others I could be mining, what makes your stand out?

>> No.54443508

Let me ask otherwise: why would you want to mine a cooin that 200k other people and companies with asic farms are mining when you can start mining a fresh token with a consumer grade pc?

>> No.54443547

Is this the purpose for which you want create this coin? Like, a technical “fuck you” to the SEC? No other reason?

>> No.54444462

He doesn't have to.
He waits until you cash out.
He knows you are in.

>> No.54446407

You’re supposed to airdrop it, dummy

>> No.54446522

NFTs are based anon, but he might need an ICO or VC funding to pull that off. But utilities would be necessary though, like being used as nodes on a decentralized platform like Seekers or royalties like sidus

>> No.54447310
File: 4 KB, 64x64, Hamtaro_comiendo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hand is whiter than yours and I say this as a nigger

>> No.54447966

Apple is superior in every way to windows (windows 11 is the worst shit ever made), and linux is an abomination with compatibility issues with almost everything.

>> No.54449107

24 hours and not a link

>> No.54449684

I am planning NFTs as well (not monkey jepgs) but need more time for that. I want to come out with the token first.

>> No.54449711

airdrop => security
pow fair launch => commodity
there will be no premine (zero tokens will exist at contract depoyment)

>> No.54450207

>airdrop a PoW coin
holy fuck never reproduce

>> No.54450583

Can't even play most good games on your garbage of overpriced machine.

>> No.54451328

drop something or i'm calling the jannies

>> No.54451431

clean this shit up

>> No.54451491

Follow this twitter account: https://twitter.com/0xhashdev

>> No.54451820

This thread fucking blows

>> No.54451955

if you're techie, also install git & docker and follow this github: https://github.com/0xhashdev

>> No.54452067

>will never dm you
why do all crypto scammers do this? do they think it makes them more legitimate?

>> No.54452295

Torvalds doesn't code, and he uses the newest fagbook with Linux on it.

>> No.54453112


>> No.54453138


>> No.54453373

i'm going to sleep now, see ya tomorrow

>> No.54453718

Fair enough, but Win 7 is the king gigachad of PCs

>> No.54454196

>Can't even play most good games on your garbage of overpriced machine.
Who cares? i just want some reliable machine to work with, and windows 11 isn't a reliable SO, neither is ANY linux distro.

>> No.54454243

smokey is that you?