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54387543 No.54387543 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong
You literally get the worst of both worlds. Rent cuck and you never truly own the house despite buying it.
Like the fuck?

>> No.54387583

it depends. in an expensive neighborhood, they can be good at filtering out undesirables. otherwise it is just a waste of money. the truth is that you never really own the house anyways since property taxes are a thing

>> No.54387623

>the truth is that you never really own the house anyways
Yes, but it's a trillion times worse with an HOA. You so much as grow a tree, grow flowers, have a different colored home, etc. they can fine you/kick you out

>> No.54387699

Nice cope hoa cuck.
Aint no suit wearin pansies telling me when and where i can shoot beer cans on MY FUCKING LAND

>> No.54387703

I like rules like no paving your whole yard, no parking in the front yard. No cutting all your fucking trees so your yard is a wasteland. I could give a shit about color or something.

>> No.54387723

>you never really own the house anyways since property taxes are a thing
Just don't pay them.

>> No.54387741

If I want to have trees and flowers, I'm gonna grow it. If I wanted to be told how to live my life and have my freedom stolen, I'd have moved to North Korea

>> No.54387765

If you don't want trees move to Nevada or Arizona desert or some shit.

>> No.54387782
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Lol. Nice try. You must seriously love or you actually *are* diversity. Next door neighbor decides to pick up extra cash by fixing trailers in his driveway on weekends and maybe one or two days in the week? No HOA? No problem! Hey buddy- you don’t mind that I park this in front of your house for just a couples of days, right? We’re cool, right? Cool.
Other neighbor wants his house bright lavender and his sister across the street wants to paint her brick house an eye-bending shade of aquamarine because those were the colors of their shanties back in the favela? No HOA? No problem! Nobody cuts their grass? Homeboy three houses down has seedlings growing out of the gutter? Unlicensed RV with a hole in the roof and no windshield sitting in the driveway you have to pass by in and out of the neighborhood? It’s cool, right? Right?
Well, it’s totally cool for you because you are not from this neighborhood, city, state, country or continent. You got the ninja loan and aren’t going to make many payments anyway, but that damned HOA bill that you continually ignore really sticks in your craw, doesn’t it?

>> No.54387799

No you fuck if he should have every right to detree his property, disregarding the aesthetic preferences of his shitbox neighbors.

>> No.54387857

Faggot, this is about the shittiest bait that I’ve ever seen. YOU READ THE HOA RULES BEFORE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOUSE. But actually, you didn’t. You live in a trailer or in Sec 8 housing. If this weren’t bait, anyone nodding along is doing so in impotent rage about something that never has and never will affect him.

>> No.54387909
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>What??? He parked his car on the lawn????? My heckin home values!!!!!!!

>> No.54387969
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>You can't paint your house that color! because! because you just can't ok! and Clean your gutters buddy!

>> No.54388415

Holy shit, this is giga cope

>> No.54388630

Lol. Not an argument.
You have never lived inside Houston or outside of San Antonio. I suspect that you have also never had Sec 8 go in near you. You really have nothing that resembles an argument. The best part of the HOA and why I liked living in a neighborhood with one before I moved to to the homestead is because I didn’t have to have fags like you around.
But another thought crossed my mind while typing this out on my phone: What is it that you’re complaining about? You want to do with your property what you want? Isn’t that what a HOA does? People get together and decide what they want while the neighborhood is still a green pasture and then keep out the fags. What’s to complain about except that you are not invited (and you know why.)

>> No.54390231

It is an argument. Here -> >>54387623

>> No.54390247

With an HOA, the ones that run are basically like a manager in a job. You have NO freedom to customize your home. NONE. You buy the fucking home yet still have to rent with HOA fees too. This shit also attracts Karens as neighbors. You literally have to be an NPC to enjoy this shit. You show any kind of individualism with customization and they find you and can kick you out. Shit is beyond retarded. It's literally like if you're in a toxic job environment without being paid for it.

>> No.54390636
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I don't have to care about rent cuz my parents are paying my bills while I'm still studying, they don't know I have a job too so all my wage goes to booze, gold and XOR, gold cuz I like saving money, XOR cuz it doubles my money every 3 months, and booze cuz booze

>> No.54391149
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I grew up living in an HOA for years and never ran into any Karens. But it could have been just luck.

>> No.54391255

I usually just say to city slickers "haha spendin all that money just to have extra rules, shew, couldnt imagine being so silly" and then they usually look at me with eyes like they just saw a sabertooth tiger, the city folk are fragile.

>> No.54391285

Freedom is the most sacred quality that life possesses, you sick fuck.

>> No.54391413

What in the literal fuck are you talking about? Post the HOA rules that say you can’t grow flowers ON A PROPERTY YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT. Oh wait- you can’t. This is the same as posting about how men are all beating women because your sister’s third grade teacher’s cousin’s plumber’s mom knew someone who saw a report that said so.
Holy shit. I just figured out what you glowniggers are up to. Of course! This is the same shit as school choice and school vouchers. You and your whole department are seething about how there are places where white people can go and be away from blacks. Obviously, whites set the rules. Someone (You) is going to have to push a propaganda campaign to dissolve HOA rules by legislation and this is what we’re all seeing here.
Holy shit.
If there’s an HOA, we can’t set up Sec 8 in the neighborhood. Someone has to fud this.
You fucking niggers.
Fuck you.

>> No.54391446

>Post the HOA rules that say you can’t grow flowers ON A PROPERTY YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT
Nigger, do you even know what an HOA is?
Go look up youtube videos of people talking about this shit.
Here are some examples:



You STUPID uneducated bitch

>> No.54391453


>> No.54391454

It’s a gay solution to the nigger menace. Instead of solving the problem (removing niggers and Jews), after de-segregation was forced on whites they found HOAs and other workarounds as a means to lessen the impact of niggers on their communities. This is also why mixed-use development is banned in many areas and why public transportation isn’t developed (it brings criminals to the suburbs).

>> No.54391481





etc. Way more vids of retarded fines and more can be found on online forums too. You can't have SHIT with an HOA

>> No.54391541
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Yes, and in return for this incredible service, on top of their fee, they take 25% of the profits should you ever decide to sell your home. What a deal!

>> No.54391573

This is exactly what it is. Same with “walkable cities” and the public transportation/anti-car rhetoric. Some retarded shill farm has been paid to send their bots to 4chan to build support for ending all the legal coping mechanisms that whites developed for dealing with niggers after the civil rights act was rammed down their throats. I don’t like HOAs and I enjoy good public transportation (in Japan, because of no niggers), but this is dishonest shilling and if people want to get together and form a community with rules somehow that is now “anti-freedom” and bad or something.

>> No.54391593

Are you an actual fucking retard? LMAOOOOO
watch these vids, you stupid redneck:
Also just noting this is a small list. Very small. I just don't feel like digging up more.

>> No.54391606

You absolute nigger.
You are about 63 iq, aren’t you? I, as well as a few hundred others whose iq is over 100, have the freedom to VOLUNTARILY AGREE to have rules that keep black people like you, who can’t read the rules BEFORE BUYING, out of the neighborhood.
I will translate all of those videos for people who can’t handle listening to retarded niggers and faggots:
“WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I agreed to a standard before I bought, but I had no fucking clue that I would be held to that standard! Can one of you totally not corrupt politicians do something to keep me from having to live with the consequences of my actions?”
As I said, you can’t post your HOA rules because this never actually happened to you.

>> No.54391645

i like the idea of HOAs because they punish mentally retarded poor people who instinctively live in a constant state of offensive squalor (niggers, white trash) but i hate how they cost money. legally enforceable community bylaws with no HOA fee permitted per the bylaws are a good solution but never seem to appear in real life.
>sheeeeeit takin yo trash cans off da curb unless it be trash day is raycis *smacks lips*

>> No.54391649

Dude, they can always just sell the house and move into one without an HOA if they don’t like the rules.

>> No.54391652
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>have the freedom to VOLUNTARILY AGREE to have rules that keep black people like you, who can’t read the rules BEFORE BUYING, out of the neighborhood.
Monkey. You are back-peddling like a single digit IQ animal. My whole point is these places are for NPC beta LOSERS that want to be told how to live their life.
You can't stylize your home. You can't flowers/trees/long grass/etc. aka you can't have a home that looks different from others. You LITERALLY live the life of a fucking NPC. It's pathetic, you cuck. You are a SLAVE. Pic rel.
I bet you're the women in the marriage, huh? Kek
No man would ever live in an HOA where their freedom is stolen and they are basically commanded on how to live

>> No.54391674

also HOAs should be a democracy (not an elected boomer representative boomerocracy)

>> No.54391680

>sell the house
for you:

there's also been other issues with that too btw ->


oh and one more example of the retarded fines:

>> No.54391687

>whaaaa you're mentally challenged for not wanting fines and restrictions up the ass whaaaaa freedom is for losers!!!

>> No.54391698

good morning, cletus. i invite you to post a picture of your dilapidated single wide trailer surrounded by a pile of crushed old milwaukee cans and grizzly wintergreen tins.

>> No.54391702

Same people that like HOAs are the same people that are into bondage porn (where they are the ones being dominated)

Absolutely BETA

>> No.54391711
File: 829 KB, 1242x926, 79F4B52B-747F-4AE4-9238-5BCE72D48690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, boomer. I want to see your neighborhood. Oh wait. I already did.

>> No.54391715

HOAs are literally a democracy. You vote on the members who run it and they vote on rules the community gets to live by and manage stuff like repairs of community fencing, roads, etc. Why do you want to force your will on others, undemocratically, and then gaslight them into thinking they’re the tyrants for creating rules? Oh, you’re a Jew, that’s why.

>> No.54391727

An HOA is made when people want to make sure their house stays around the same value, thats the whole point of it.

>> No.54391733

HOAs are literally cancer. You get fined up the ass and can't even customize your home.

>> No.54391736

do you really not understand the difference between a democracy and a representative democracy?

>> No.54391739

So don’t live in one, simple as. Go buy a house in the country or in a neighborhood without an HOA.

>> No.54391743

what are you doing to """customize your home""" that is so offensively bad so as to be restricted by reasonable HOA bylaws?

>> No.54391744

>treating a home as an "investment to flip" rather than a permanent place to live forever
If people want a piece of shit that does nothing but crab, they should buy gold

>> No.54391752
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>> No.54391771

I definitely don't LOL
It doesn't have to be "offensively bad". Watch the vids. You literally can't have shit. I honestly should try to dig up a few really good ones I saved from a while ago. If I wanted a pool and it's not allowed? Can't have it. Want bushes that grow flowers? Can't have it. Want to grow out your grass? Can't have it. Etc. You can't have SHIT. There was this one person that was on a wheelchair so the home "owners" hired some dude to construct a place for the guy to be able to go to his home and they got giga fined LOL. Also iirc you can't even hang shit either such as wind chimes. What a gay ass community

>> No.54391789

Ask me how I know you have never worked on a team, cooperated with a group or recognized that you and others have a common goal.

>> No.54391801

The work life and free time should have NOTHING to do with each other LOL. I can be fake at a job, but being fake outside of work? Hell no.

>> No.54391825
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Democracy is shit. Read Plato. You're just upset you can't use niggers and spics to blockbust an area and make immoral profits.

>> No.54391897

Lol. This no-argument-having niggerfaggot thinks that “worked on a team” can only mean employment. I suppose living somewhere other than a tin-roof shanty is as much a fantasy as being employed. Ah, to dream!
Oh well, the rest of us are going to agree voluntarily to have rules that keep people like you out. As for arbitrary and capricious — another thought just hit me — these are probably like the whole “no red m&m” clauses that rock bands had in their contracts. It lets the intelligent people know “Hey — here’s a venue owner (homeowner) who can’t be fucking bothered to read the contract that they signed — huge red flag — make sure that everything else is actually being done.”

>> No.54391916

You're a coper justifying having your freedom taken from you. People like you would LOVE North Korea. Beta male pussy that lives an NPC life

>> No.54391923

It sounds great but if you don't have these rules you're going to have some asshole neighbor parking 6 cars in the front lawn and have an RV on the street plus a trailer in front of your mailbox. Then some other dickhead will paint their house purple and then some other dickhead will rent his house out to a pack of Mexicans who pack 15 people into your home and drink beer listening to fiesta music until 4 AM every night. Welcome to the American nightmare.

>> No.54391948

This actually makes sense.

>> No.54391949

Yes because pools require CONSTANT maintenance and have you seen what a pool looks like without maintenance? It's disgusting. Better to just say fuck off no pools. Don't like it? Run for HOA president or fuck off to your another neighborhood.

>> No.54391964

You're not wrong but at least it seems to be working for the time being.

>> No.54391979

ever notice how it's the people who have the least in life who cling the hardest to their so-called freedums? really makes you think.

>> No.54392018

>parking 6 cars in the front lawn and have an RV on the street plus a trailer in front of your mailbox.
Nothing burger
>pools are BAD
If you were rich, you'd have freedom, LMAO. It's literally the most valuable thing in this world.

>> No.54392052

you missed the point, cletus. choosing to litter your 1 acre plot with rusted out lawn mowers and .22 LR shell casings isn't a meaningful exercise in freedom, it's an exercise in being a petulant and self-harming retard who offends common sensibilities.

>> No.54392055

You're a fucking idiot thinking everything outside an HOA is a wasteland

>> No.54392112

HOA’s are ass. I don’t want to do lawn maintenance, I don’t want to pay someone to do it, no I don’t want to move my old car, no I don’t want to take the trash can up.

The worst part is it’s always boomers who want to sell their house(s) in the neighborhood that try to convince everyone to join. They don’t actually have to keep living there past the year that their house rises and they sell it and leave.

>> No.54392254

You are unhinged HOA nigger. We get it. You like your HOA faggy bou. Now shut up

>> No.54392359
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That's just best case
worst case is
>HOA covers up major structural damage with new siding and you end up with "special assessments" bankrupting you
>fines you for changing out your curtains or leaving your car parked out on the driveway for too long (if you even have a driveway) or leaving your garage door open (if you even have a garage)
>makes you responsible for the lawn maintenance and then bitches at you for the grass being a half inch too tall

>> No.54392365


Bot farm shill confirmed. Imagine coming onto 4chan and using Consetvatism, Inc’s talking points and language. Admit it - you’re Charlie Kirk, aren’t you? Trying to flood white neighborhoods with blacks - just admit it. You’ll feel better about yourself.

>> No.54392411

It’s me again. I’m back with a different IP address.
>shut up
Lol. Make me. HOA’s give me the freedom not to live around you and other blacks. Try again, bot farm shill. Keep trying to push legislation abridging my rights to contracts and association.

>> No.54392484

You are a fag

>> No.54392542

Lol. Like I said — you guys have nothing. No argument. No point. No clue. Fortunately, we have bestowed upon you a right that you wouldn’t allow anyone else to have. If you don’t like an HOA - don’t live in one. It’s quite telling that you are shilling for legislation that wouldn’t allow for the reverse.
Come on - tell us what group is paying you to shill this shit. Just whisper it. We won’t tell anyone.

>> No.54392570

To live somewhere forever you need a way to get rid of mentally ill assholes.

>> No.54392679

HOAs are gay and so are you for liking them. That's not a shill post. You are a delusional paranoid person who thinks anyone who thinks differently is a paid shill. All because you love HOA. So here's what you should do, hangout in your house that's not yours and accept that not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill. Enjoy your ever increasing payments to the HOA. Not a single nigger lives in my non HOA neighborhood. Hell we don't even have spics or jews. It's truly a great neighborhood. Now I'll await your next angry response but I'm probably not gonna respond anymore cause I gotta take a shit

>> No.54392779
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I think we've covered all the major points.
>HOA dues on top of your mortgage and property tax
>HOA can foreclose on you for arbitrary reasons
>HOA takes a massive percentage of the profits should you decide to sell your home
>HOA won't let you diverge from an extremely strict set of rules on how you can model and decorate your home
>HOA is run by Boomer Karens with tons of free time who get sexual gratification from nannying and administrative ball busting
>HOA limits who you can sell your home to should you ever decide to sell. Did I mention they take 25% of the sale?
>All the other "services" they provide could literally be done by a town board.
You're a queer. Case dismissed.

>> No.54392935
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Lol. None of those are true unless you decide to participate. And even if you colud show that those egregious examples are true for more than .01% of HOA’s (and you can’t), you still wouldn’t have a point.
Don’t like them? Don’t buy there. Read the HOA charter. But this is over your head, isn’t it?

>> No.54392969
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This was the long way of saying what we already knew. You have to leave because you are full of shit.

>> No.54394067

In your own words, "make me" faggot. BTW the shit was glorious. And you still will pay your HOA fees goyim while I will not

>> No.54394420

So you join an HOA where they all congregate? Lmao

>> No.54394453

>none of these are true
They are ALL true, you fucking retard
>choose to participate
Ya, no shit, dumbass. By being a part of an HOA, you choose to get fucked

>> No.54394776

HOAs & gated communities are replacing countries. No city police, HOA hires private security for the neighbourhood instead.

>> No.54395043

All of those things except the neighbor parking in your property are fine and I’m positive there are rights to protect you from having someone park in your property. Fuck HOA you fucking faggot. I also love how people on this site often boast and revere muh traditional colorful European/Scandinavian residential architecture but GOD FORBID someone decides to add some variety to your factory produced McMansion neighborhoods. Go fucking die of aids you faggot

>> No.54395183
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This thread is silly to me. Everyone's like
Meanwhile I just dig a hole and light a fire. Lmao am I free?

>> No.54395242

You are free to the greatest extreme, tyler Durden style. Hard for most to achieve

>> No.54395252

Go live in China you fucking commie faggot. I can’t believe there’s actually
People ITT who hate freedom. You should be publicly hung. That’s my HOA, any freedom hating faggot should be hanging from a tree.

>> No.54395311

That was a clever response but you should still be castrated and crucified you HOA martyr.

>> No.54395395

I used to work for an HOA. It is a scam to steal your money and most importantly all the leaders of the HOA are not only hungry for power but also skim off the top by selecting an allowed list of contractors who are allowed to fix your roof and also your roof must be using the material from the material list they provide. You have no freedom whatsoever and they love being addicted to the power and also they will find any reason to get rid of you. I have witnessed many times where they got rid of someone because they just weren't friendly enough or maybe they got a mean look from them... That is all it takes to have someone with power begin the process to have you removed from the community. Don't move into an HOA. They are power hungry and they want to control your world.

>> No.54395760

So most HOA is run by women I presume

>> No.54396069

are there any serious economic studies on the effects of HOAs on property values?
on the face they're annoying but they also prevent things getting too bad

>> No.54396583

They are run by mostly mentally ill baby boomers

>> No.54396604

so yes. Women

>> No.54396762

Mine pays for water, refuse, and upkeep of the common gated community area. Is it fun to deal with? Absolutely not. Are the leaders a couple of Karens with a god complex? Absolutely. But you know what they aren’t? Niggers. We have a couple of black residents but they have to be able to afford the property and the HOA, and if you play your cards right they’ll be the most anti-nigger residents possible.

>> No.54397014

My HOA is pretty nice. It's in a gated community around a private lake, and we own and run a golf course, beaches, tennis courts, swimming pool, and some restaurants. Total dues are $100/month (most of the services are revenue generating). There's good rules and lame rules, but ultimately everyone is pretty reasonable in respecting everyone else's property rights. Our most contentious issue is whether to allow Airbnb. Currently disallowed, and I'm happy for that. Thanks HOA!

>> No.54397117

I’m against HOA’s by the simple fact that they’re completely useless for actual practical homeowner shit and only exist as yet another ponzi scheme crafted by boomers. Unless you are in some gated blueblood community that does what it can to keep the peons out it is useless at best and actual robbery otherwise.
>of course the best house to have is one on your own land with few if any other people around to ruin it all

>> No.54397205
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total HOA death

>> No.54397486

Literally based beyond belief

If you paid for your stupid ass .25 acre lot you should be able to do whatever you want

Set up a greenhouse in the front yard, live in a shed, start a scrap yard

The way current zoning works is multinational corporations run everything

Fucking cucks

>> No.54397675

I just don’t want to pay more for a house I already bought and get harassed daily for growing corn and potatoes on my front lawn

>> No.54397803

Literally nothing wrong with that