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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1080x802, D4BB48A4-5A9D-4E92-A2A5-2F71ECB33DAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54380381 No.54380381 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the guy who recently made $50 MILLION dollars this bullrun after making ~$2m in 2017. I gave a lot of the money away to charity so far and I wish I could give some struggling anons some money, but unfortunately I have no idea if any of you are actually good people who deserve it. You see, I believe in paying it forward to good human beings, since life doesn't usually work out for anyone who isn't selfish and ruthless and looks down on others. However, this seems to be a den of evil, hatred, bigotry and racism, so perhaps I should take my services to twitter and reddit instead.

>> No.54380399

Yeah, fuck off and never come back.

>> No.54380400

Hey dumb fuck mods just got woken up to the board, perfect time to start your epic catalog spamming.

>> No.54380424

Sure kid then why is this still up? >>54377542
You want my money or what?

>> No.54380511

hi fren

>> No.54380522
File: 523 KB, 828x831, A36FE1C1-9A9A-4FDF-BED4-06FE518118BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can help by investing in my AI startup. Seeing good investor interest so far and we have a strong chance of meeting our funding goals. I’d be happy to introduce myself and pitch you if you want to drop an email.

I posted a similar call for investors the other day and I was surprised at the amount of quality leads I got that actually converted into real conversations.

So far the major benefit I’ve seen from pulling investor interest from /biz/ is that the people here fundamentally “get” what we’re trying to do better than the boomers I’ve been talking to IRL. It would be nice to get funding from /biz/ people rather than random VC firms. We’re not looking for free money - we’re actually doing something real here.

Pic related.

>> No.54380552
File: 90 KB, 680x680, 1599883673785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds generic

>> No.54380555
File: 48 KB, 720x691, 1663225472226434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to reddit, normal nigger.

>> No.54380580


>> No.54380581
File: 785 KB, 720x691, 1678898593692961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods do your fucking job and range this retarded pajeet already he's spammed the board nonstop for 7 months now and ddosed /biz/ 5 times.
How retarded are you faggots.

>> No.54380608

That’s a big accusation there chief

>> No.54380666 [DELETED] 

Hey OP my wife and I just had a baby boy, 12 days old so I could use any help we can get.
I don't mind if I get temporarily banned for this it's worth it, shoot me an email if you want

>> No.54380668

Yeah, don't give money to strangers on the internet, bud.
You're better off (karma-wise) going to GoFundMe and finding some cancer kids to rain on.
No one that lives on the internet is a "good" person. I don't think most are bad either. We're just animals out here, friend.

>> No.54380683

congrats on the babe

>> No.54380705

It is generic. But it hasn’t been done yet. The key opportunity is doing something basic and setting up shop early to become the default option for people who want to create and publish specialized AI systems. The actual technology is pretty basic and a no-brainer for me/my team to put together. We are on track to finish work and release I’m about 2 ish months. The core opportunity is being first.

>> No.54380711

is that considered a lot of money in your village ragjeet?

>> No.54380720
File: 153 KB, 1290x830, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's 100% accurate you're the no tipper wagie spammer, chud spammer, bagelkike currynigger beggar who I btfo'd 9 months ago when you were trying to beg for money, and I caught you like the nigger you are, also the cat spamming faggot.
You've spammed /biz/ so many times it's caused 5 cloudflare lockouts.
Mods seriously this guy is basically ruining your website and you're doing nothing about it.

>> No.54380743
File: 161 KB, 1353x896, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54380775

Good for you anon, don't waste it all and grow it slowly. When you have a family install financial education and make it clear to pass down the family line so your family will never be poor again. All the best for you. Bye.

>> No.54380782

my village...

>> No.54380795

The fuck is this? Ants are supposed to read this?
Try harder

>> No.54380819
File: 39 KB, 1080x782, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck thank you so much anon

>> No.54380832
File: 1.73 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230329_142645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a good person and make seashell crafts to sell to fund animal shelters. I can show you my crafts bc1qh4hdwavlpje0tx83kssz2n7talxl58hhdfslr9

>> No.54380831

wait what?!

>> No.54380851

thanks anon

>> No.54380927

My boy just turned 1 years old. Ask me any questions you may have
Hope you didn't circumcise

>> No.54380968

kek what a faggot

>> No.54380977

Figgit nkka stfu

>> No.54380989
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230329_113452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the prowl for scallop shells to make wind chimes today

>> No.54380995

its my birthday today i wish i had 50k usd :(

>> No.54380997

Faggotry does not require even a moderate resolution to be seen

>> No.54381013
File: 3.25 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230329_113526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad the ladies at Joanne Fabrics don't know you by name, seethe you uncrafty bastard

>> No.54381014

>lives on the beach in a beach house
>begs for money
you all should be ashamed of yourself one this nigger is just baiting you two you faggots have money and beg anyway.

>> No.54381027

Bro I’m very good person and I’m struggling right now very much. I want to quit my job and go live in Bangkok and fuck shemales all day every day, I want to eat shemale cum for breakfast and lunch. Please send me 4000000 dollars please. I want to fuck shemales. Pls contact me shemales4life@gmail.com

>> No.54381040

I live about an hour from the beach in a converted hunting cabin lol, I travel here and slum on the beach for a few days and make the local Richie's seethe with my body odor and Walmart clothes

>> No.54381042

I love these beggar honey-pot threads, clean 'em up mods

>> No.54381062

Yeah you sound like a nigger alright.
Mods time to strap on your boots and nuke your hotpockets, you got some work to do.

>> No.54381069

i am not a good person and i wish i had enough money where my parents dont have to work anymore , i just want them to retire but im not a successful enough of a son to help them that way , i dont think youll help me op because i dont think id help random people if i were in your position idk why you would

>> No.54381072

i would rather be broke than beg for money, luckily for me neither is the case.

>> No.54381086

Send 1 btc i dare you


>> No.54381090

I'm not struggling that much personally but I'm hoping to pay off my parents mortgage who have mismanaged their finances. I work in accounting and it sucks but at least I have a steady income. Making 55k a year.

>> No.54381094

They do it for free, like me, sea for free

>> No.54381159

this is a btc address. thanks fren.


>> No.54381180

Hey OP I'm trying to get my life back on track and any kind of money you could spare would go a long way. My email is torrent6763@proton.me

>> No.54381199
File: 198 KB, 1200x1051, 1679098132144983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with people with disabilities and special needs and I'm basically the only one who takes.care of them. My other coworkers are terrible and don't even shower them and I have so much to do the 4 days straight I am here. It's a relatively comfy job but sometimes my people freak out and destroy stuff. I am literally here 80 hours straight per week due to the nature of the job and I sleep maybe 3 or 4 hours a night while here. 1 btc would be life changing even though I know it is unlikely I don't care.

I am being completely honest and hope you see this


>> No.54381224
File: 2.36 MB, 400x225, 1632259016862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54381242

pls send anything sir, broke college student here

>> No.54381245

0xf8f3f856c4d4B92E07fd82de2343Eb7D5EfB800e check this wallet out its the only one you can see how old it is and all of the trades, its really struggling badly right now and its trying to move North to help take care of its Mom. If you really have that much, then know that any amount sent to this wallet would be lifechanging in terms of hope, outlook, and peace of mind. This wallet has been looking for a job for months in a town that doesn't speak the same language it does after it's construction job closed up and it couldn't line up another one.

>> No.54381258

Btc address is this thanks for considering


>> No.54381312
File: 682 KB, 1000x800, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism bad
>You want my money or what?
Are you Larry Fink?

>> No.54381328

Be a nice gent and send some eth to a struggling irish man. An bhuil tu go maith bro? Thanks from a Kerry man


>> No.54381349

Fuck off cow dung. I will keep using my CryptMI app to buy anything I want.

>> No.54381352

don't know if you're serious or not but got laid off from shitty tech wagecuck job recently and have a bunch of bills


>> No.54381366

I'm surprised this thread is still going. If the op does sent crypto that would be amazing and a nice story to tell.


I'm happy with anything really!

>> No.54381391

All of you are fucking idiots he's sent this exact same screenshot for months and the amount never changes have fun getting banned retards you all deserve it.

>> No.54381397

holy shit op just sent everyone 2 btc check your wallets

>> No.54381417

I got digits too

I would he happy with anything tho
