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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54360029 No.54360029 [Reply] [Original]

you should shoot yourself in the fucking mouth

>> No.54360045

I'll shoot you in the fucking mouth with my semen gun

>> No.54360046


>> No.54360049
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>> No.54360070

why in god's good gracious green earth would the Jan Janny give this posta pinny pin pin sticky sticky on my chinny chin chinny?

>> No.54360074

Give me a gun.

>> No.54360802

Why in heavens have jannies done pin sticky stickied this breaded threaded??

>> No.54360813

I'd unironically kms if I had 400 so I can go buy a gun.

>> No.54360856

If government debt is paid through the housing market then so long as you are alive you are being used as a slave. Whether that be forcing you to be a wagie or pressuring your family to keep you alive. Either way, the system will do what it can to keep you alive.

I regularly leave the tap on because those motherfuckers can go thirsty.

>> No.54360883

All water evaporates back into the atmosphere, you're just giving them free money for free resources.

>> No.54360918

Human attempts to control water do more harm than good, there isn't enough getting distributed in the right locations and we can't admit that it's because our dams fight against nature.

I see a bigger pitcure and if your right then nobody should have a problem with me wasting water. Nice try, but I'm not stopping.

>> No.54360930

What does your spastic ranting have anything to do with me wanting to kms?
You got 400 nigger?
If not keep your water retention posts to your own thread.