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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 680x609, FsPRwLhXoAIJ04B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54358880 No.54358880 [Reply] [Original]

80% bitcoin
5% gold
5% monero
5% ICP
5% random shitcoins.

godspeed faggot

>> No.54358896
File: 1.21 MB, 1449x742, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget, BIP300 is here to have butt sex with your L1's. Inb4 Avalanche kebab flippers shit up my thread. C-chain had a node outage, future of finance bro, real subnets bro, steal more ideas from Dfinity bro.

>> No.54358913

The problem with this is the 4chan for some reason has become biased against the Western world (i think its because of trannies) so you guys have started simping for Chinks and Slavs thinking they will help you "take down le west" - so it is hard to take what you retards say seriously.

Imagine being so obsessed with trannies youd rather subhumans chinks and slavs become leaders in the world lmao

>> No.54358917

The Jewish Federal reserve notes define the memory of Washington by using his image.

The fed is a privately owned corporation LARPing as an American gov agency.

>> No.54358950

The west is under Jewish occupation.
There is nothing western about out current system.The idea of classical liberalism and the enlightenment era built the world, the world where men consent to be governed.


So was the way you parasites murdered Americans in a false flag attack to start a war.

Revolution is needed.

>> No.54358958


>> No.54358976

Multicurrency Mercantilism breaking free from the Keynesian Bretton Woods debt trap is somehow blasphemous for the lil goyim, yes?

Or would you rather have hyper inflation and
Austerity? A deliberate super effective strategy for transferring the wealth from the poor to the rich by removing ALL REGULATIONS designed to protect the citizens and public services so they can be privatized by the chosen people.

KYS Kike

>> No.54359001

The entire system is a scam, taxes aren't even needed to fund public infrastructure, it's debt that they print out of thin air.

Taxes exist and progressive taxes specifically exist to keep you poor and you might be that retarded that you spend decades doing it before you realize you have gotten absolutely no where in this system that keep productive slaves working as a slave for money that they print out of thin air.

>> No.54359021
File: 5 KB, 196x293, 51VTjKz0uXL._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There is nothing western about out current system.



Fun Fact
S.E.C tried to take down LBRY, the native currency of the Odysee platform.
Odysee last bastion of ANTISEMITIC FREE SPEECH

>> No.54359054

Taxes exist to remunerate fiat value lost over time. If money was hard and sound, it would incentivize the holder to delay consumption/ delay gratification, and he/she would let his money accrue purchasing power over time.
The hardest money in the world fixes this. #Bitcoin

>> No.54359066

Will start using it more.
Jew tube is trash

>> No.54359123
File: 41 KB, 504x540, 1679955191130501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre either lying or a straight up room temperature IQ nigger, since you just chose to ignore currency debasement, massive taxation, stupid regulations, rampant criminality, political supression and dysgenics, just to name a few.
Trannies are a symptom. It's like looking with someone with terminal cancer and saying "you're just sad because you throw up all the time".

>> No.54359311


>> No.54359745

Yes this system is zogged to all hell since WW2

But its better than what chinks or slavs have to offer

>> No.54359781

this is clearly a chatgpt thread

>> No.54359801
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>this is clearly a chatgpt thread

>> No.54359938
File: 2.11 MB, 220x190, 1678503943379123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be in certain aspects, but if you look at the concers of the average westerner you'll notice that they are invariably retarded.
Say what you will about chinks and slavs, and you could say a lot, the average Russian doesn't ponder about whether he'll be a woman if he just chops his dick off. These concerns are not things that thriving civilisations regard as serious issues. They are something that dying civilisations spend their time pondering.
And that's not even mentioning the "reparations" thing going on or the fact that the UK is now ruled by mud people or the fact that the average man has a very small chance of having a family in the traditional sense of the word and you can see how things tend to compund and drag everything down.