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54356566 No.54356566 [Reply] [Original]

My dad has a networth of 30+ million. He owns multiple businesses and has everything he needs. This is great, i was born into a rich family and grew up in luxury and in a huge house and it was fantastic growing up.

So i am a plumber and i live paycheck to paycheck making 60k a yr with 2 kids and a wife while my dad continues buying homes he doesn't need and luxury vehicles and everything else i can’t afford.

He told me he will never give me any money, he said i have to earn my own way just as he did and that i’d never be a true man if he just handed me money and that i would be spoiled and never know the value of hard work.

Now he is telling me that when he dies his entire wealth will be going to charity due to his decision and doing of his will.

Why the fuck is my dad doing me like this? I’ve always had a good relationship, always been the loyal son. Why the fuck would he want to be wealthy but not keep his wealth in the family?

I thought the purpose of building wealth was to build generational wealth and pass it down through your generations of family members that follow you?

Why the fuck is my dad such a god dang dickhead?

Am i in the wrong for expecting at least some sort of financial assistance from my literal multi millionaire father or is he in the wrong for deciding to rather give his wealth away to a fucking jew owned charity instead of me and my brother?

This really bothers me because i can’t understand his concept for wanting me and my brother to be poor?

>> No.54356574
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THe spacing is niggerlicious on this spam thread.

>> No.54356602

just cut him out of your life, he's clearly sociopathic and only likes making you unhappy

>> No.54356605

Don’t ask him for financial assistance ask him for help with learning the game and networking

>> No.54356618

Seems clear to me that you must find a way to steal your dad's wealth. You can install a keylogger to your dad's computer. Gl.

>> No.54356650

This. Why should he expect to see his grandkids if he's willing to make $0 worth of investment into them

>> No.54356652


You don't deserve to be rich that's why. You took the easy normie way of life and became a plumber. Your dad worked hard. Just ask him for advice on good properties to buy and shit instead.

>> No.54356653

Your dad works for masonic jews and it’s not actually his money. The charities he’s leaving his money to are owned by the masonic jews who gave him the opportunities. The very least he could do is teach you what he’s learned but white people hate passing their knowledge to their children, so every generation has to start from scratch. Sorry fren.

>> No.54356655

He is definitely a fucking dick, but we’ve always had a good relationship and I’ve never done him wrong. He just has the mindset of

>i built this wealth on my own from nothing
>you must do the same if you want to be successful

But he doesn’t realize he started his businesses in the fucking 90s during a great economy compared to me trying to make it in Americas 2023 economy.

It makes me so mad but idk what i can even do, he seems pretty stuck in his ways.

>> No.54356660

You might also want to add a remote access virus. The keylogger will give you his credentials the rat will let you use the original computer without having to spoof anything remotely. You can buy some monero with it and transfer it to your account.

>> No.54356681

I’m in the exact same boat anon. A little less wealth but basically the exact same story.

I’m actually glad because I learned to be an entrepreneur. My last company made $160k a year and I sold it for $250k. I started a new business last year and it’s going well.

If your dad will give you time and energy and advice then he’s still a good Dad

>> No.54356686

you don't share values or common economic interests, you're already an independent grown man with his own family, ergo you have no obligation to interact with him at all and why would you want to when those interactions are plainly negative
leave him behind and keep on your own path, at the very least he will die before you

>> No.54356690

>Am i in the wrong for expecting at least some sort of financial assistance from my literal multi millionaire father

I don't think so, but ultimately it's his decision.

>> No.54356691

He literally has financial advisors that handle all his money and investments for him. I have no way to access anything of his. I don’t want to steal anyways, and if he caught me he would definitely press charges and put me in jail even though i’m his son.

Funny he has different girlfriends all the time and blows tons of money on extravagant gifts for his whores while his sons and grandkids struggle.

>> No.54356695

First of all, nice digits. Second of all, terrible LARP. Your test is hard indeed, OP. Money and wealth are irresistible temptations, even moreso with your own dad teasing you like that. The best you can do is work hard in the detachment department. Meditate, connect with your true self, and realize that neither you nor your family or even your dad needs any of that money, giving it away is actually a good choice, regardless of the credibility of the organization that's receiving it.

>> No.54356699
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This board is full of niggers I swear to christ.

>> No.54356738

In order to spend it it has to reach his bank account. You can use a monero mixer if you want to be extra careful. If you do it right you won't get caught.

>> No.54356741

I know money isn’t the only path to happiness, but it just makes me angry knowing how wealthy my father is and how poor i am. He has never given me a single thing my whole life since i moved out at 19. I mean, i’m not saying hes wrong or i’m right but i just couldn’t see myself being as wealthy as my father and then watching my own kids live paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make it especially when my kids have been good to me my entire life. Especially when i see all these other wealthy families who pass their wealth down and their businesses down to their kids to maintain the wealth.

But i guess it is what it is, i was destined to be poor and have a narcissist father.

>> No.54356773

The worst part is most charities and nonprofit organizations abuse donations anyways, your father's wealth will most likely go to pay someone in said organization's surprisingly high salary

>> No.54356787

Oh yeah i know this, and its bullshit. Idk why he would even do this? His excuse is something along the lines of
“I earned my wealth, you have to earn your own to be a real man.”

Fuck boomers dude they are the biggest and greediest douchebags in existence

>> No.54356788

Im sorry that your dad is a dickhead. The revenge youll get is when his genes go extinct

I like this. Find and destroy his will.

>> No.54356791

He might as well be dead Jim. Just move on and spite the fuck out of him. Complete cold turkey.

>> No.54356792

I am litteraly up seething and pacing because of this. I am married with two children driving trucks for my dad making 96k a year. . I recently found out my younger brother was given a large investment account by my mother. He is autistic and lives alone and does not work my father pays him the same salary. I have over 14,000 in credit card debt because I was stupid and married a woman. My father is worth about 45,000,000 dollars. All he does is complain about how expensive everything is and how he can't believe how much things cost. I am down to my last 25,000 dollars of cash savings and it's going to cost me 16,000 dollars a year to put my 2 year old in school. I litteraly am under water. My bitch wife wants to buy a house and even donates money to charity (?????). I'm pretty sure my father plans on giving everything to my brother. I would leave and cut contact but I have 2 very young children. They would be in poverty if I left idk wha tod do. Are you me?

>> No.54356811

You can also buy accounts on the dark web for buying the monero. Remember to also use a burner computer that you'll throw away afterwards and to use public wifi. The computer should also come from the dark web and the computer should be sent to a random drop address. Leave no paper trail and the computer should only be used while using the public wifi. Make sure while using the public wifi that no camera records you. I think that should cover all bases.

>> No.54356829

Seriously considering this. I see no reason to continue our relationship. All he does is call me and brag about his life and his latest purchases or whatever and rubs it in my face unintentionally or intentionally either way its fucked up and makes me angry as shit.

He hasn’t even visited my kids (his grandkids) in 6 or 7 months and i only live 15 minutes away from him but then accuses me of “never bringing my kids to come see him” and i don’t like leaving my kids with him because he doesn’t even keep an eye on them and lets them run around his pool and shit playing (my 3yr old daughter)

>> No.54356923

Seems like he made being rich into his only personality trait.

>> No.54356936

Your father's attitude is not how the elite families stayed in power. Generational wealth is supposed to be passed down and used correctly to ensure the family never loses said wealth and that said wealth should (in theory) only grow across generations. Besides no matter how you look at it every self-made millionaire had at least some degree of luck along with hard work to "make it".

>> No.54356946

>2 kids and a wife

Nice job dumbass. I’m never getting married or having kids. On 40k as a single guy I can max my Roth and put some in my brokerage every year. I can’t imagine having to feed 3 other fucking parasites LOL

>> No.54356954

Please do this let him die alone for this shit. He’s the reason Jews are running circles around the races

>> No.54356965

I just gave you a play book on how to take some of his money. Some people are just not meant to make it.

>> No.54356970

What's funny is that boomers think they are rich. They can't even comprehend tech money. I have peers whom make 600-800k a year wfh doing almost nothing. My boomer father tells me "your so much ahead of your peer group" and when I laughed and told him about how hard it to so keep up w my peer group and how I'm in debt just trying to maintain a middle class lifestyle he had some like, boomer cognitive dissonance. Like it couldn't possibly be real. The worst thing my father ever did was tell me we are rich when I was young. He never fought me to save money, or anything. He made me think that 200.00 was nothing. Sent me to schools with children of multi billionaires and that was in the 90s. So my peer group is like, beyond me. Literal Saudi royalty were my class mates. It has only
Been now, sitting in debt and being unable to qualify for a mortage that I relize how broke I am. My wife also need to keep up with our peer group so she probably spends 10-20k a year in just usless shit like eating out and random shit. She is slowly realizing we are poor and is getting angrier and angrier with me. It's really hard to because it's like my whole life is a facade.
Company car, grandmothers house, cash poor do litteraly manual labor for a living. But my wife want diamonds, international luxe travel multiple times a year, private school. I can't possible afford it I have 3 credit cards. Her parents think I'm rich and she makes me take them out to this crazy dinners.

While my brother, he gets to just beer and accumulate wealth. I'm so jealous. He probably has hundreds of thousands of dollars. He bought himself a wrx sti cash. My mom told ne that he bought a "simple car" and I have so much in my life wife kids etc. I don't have anything. I live like a slave competely at the largess of my father.

>> No.54356976

But of course, every self-made millionaire I've ever met would never in a million years admit to luck having anything to do with it at all even in the slightest. A fool's ego gets in the way, almost every self-made millionaire I've ever met was out of they're minds and you gotta ask yourself how the fuck did this guy "make it"

>> No.54356975

Oh yeah he definitely got lucky. He started his first business in the right economy at the right place during the right time when there was zero competition in our area.

But in his narcissistic head, he is just that smart and nobody else could ever achieve what he has done.

He literally told me “not anofher man in the entire world could do what i do.”

>> No.54356989

Boomers are like this

>> No.54356992

Just let go. It's not hard once you connect with your most inner feelings. Start a journey within yourself to learn about why he makes you so mad. It can take you some years, but once you let go, you're never going back. Free yourself, your father and your family from that burden.

>> No.54356996

I’m sorry anon it seems divorce is in your future

>> No.54357029

Approach your father and be honest.
Tell him you are struggling and then emphasize that his selfishness is hurting HIS grandchildren.
Tell him it is a false equivalence to assume that you can easily start a successful business as the macro environment in the 1980s was different from the present day.
Tell him that the only point of wealth is to help succeeding generations.
Tell ask him why he wastes money on his girlfriends but isnt willing to support his grandchildren.
Just be honest with him OP
If he persists, then cut him out of your life completely for being selfish and unnecessarily undermining the potential upbringing for his grandchildren.

>> No.54357033

I understand completely, i’m OP.
On top of my dad refusing to ever help me financially, he also never taught me the skills or business techniques to be successful.

He even refused to invest in a business with me so i can build it and grow my own wealth and eventually buy it back from him. This would literally be nothing for him to invest a couple hundred thousand in his son to start his own business when he has a fucking net worth of 30 million.

>> No.54357048

Even if he wants to teach you a lesson, he could at least structure funds for your grandchildren in a trust for when they turn 30 yo + as a safety net for when they have children.
The trust could even if conditional eg when you x amount and have x amount of children then you have access to it.
Just be honest with your father OP.

>> No.54357050

>Approach your father and be honest.
Wrong, OP has already well established that his dad is a narcissist. there is no cure for that, no reasoning to be done and no amends to be made. he has correctly come to the conclusion to cut off contact with him and whats left is for him to follow through

>> No.54357067

If you're a tradesman you should start your own company even if you keep it small you'll make more than 60k a year, especially as a plumber, and believe me nothing beats being your own boss. I own a small painting business and believe me both me and my business partner make plenty and we pay our guys decent. You should be able to make more than we do as a plumber. We're waiting for the weather to change to start the exterior painting but we have 30k in work just to start the busy season that we should have it all done in about a month and a half if that. and I know that we'll be getting even more work come April, May, and June. And for the rest of this summer.

>> No.54357084

Go into business with your dad. Develop a business plan around a unique plumbing niche business and tell him you need capital to make it happen. He'll loan the money to the business and be a partner with you. You'll pay him back over time. If things work out well, he might just tell you not to pay him back and let you keep the business. That might also allow him to see that you have entrepreneur spirt and can appreciate you in a new light. Eventually, he might decide to shove other assets your way, while he is alive and when he passes.

Up to this point, he might have the mindset of leaving you nothing because he think you'd waste it. Become a business owner like he is, get some success, and he won't think you'd waste inheritance.

>> No.54357089
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Sounds like a clueless boomer that got rich when getting rich was easy.

Now we're all living pay to pay check, worse than any serf in the medieval ages. If it's true that he's not handing down any wealth to you, I'd cut him out of your life.

>> No.54357093

already been established that his dad will not do a single percent of what you're describing

>> No.54357095

The trust thing is a scam.
I have a "trust"
I have never received a distribution. I even hired a layer to find out and it turns out my "trust" has my mother as the sole beneficiary so she has total management and control. So essentially, it was a tax free gift from my father to his wife.
I'm not even complaining about it like "daddy waaahh" but I am pacing around my house super stressed because I have to wake up at 530 am tommorow to go drive trucks and work in a factory all day to pay my bills while my wife looks at 1,000,000+ houses on Zillow asking me when we will move out of our small apartment which is my grandmothers house. She has yet to put two and two together that if I COULD buy here some house I would have gotten a realtor. Luckily she is a dumb bimbo who just picked the wrong guy. My father always fought me to dress well and I present myself as very upper class because of my upbringing. I had to go go a wedding of one of my college friends it was at his family's CASTLE in EUROPE. I had to buy an 8000.00 custom tuxedo called a waist coat(?) just to attended. I am still paying it off. My life is like some bizzare fantasy movie.

I have 400 dollars in my bank account. I look at my children and want to cry. I don't even know what they are going to think of me.

>> No.54357097

Don't listen to this.

>> No.54357109

Sadly this is correct. I made the mistake of telling my boomer rich father who I work as a slave for this and he had some laundry list of grievances against me.

>> No.54357146


If you have $400 and can’t take care of your kids, then why in the hell did you spend $8000 on a tuxedo??? You are a god damn moron.

>> No.54357179

There is no way an asshole like this would gove to charity. He wants to see if you'll suddenly resent him for making that decision before he puts you in his will.

It's a long gamble but you know I'm right.

>> No.54357190

that doesnt mean they are a scam. that just means you had a poor arrangement.
Your entire reason as to why OP shouldnt do that is because 'it might not work'.
But what happens if it does work and if he can tlak since into his father? If hes going to cut out his father from his life he may as well try one last thing to solve the issue by attempting to talk some sense into father.

>> No.54357204

I feel like you don't grasp the reality of working within the confines of a very wealthy old money family. If I hadn't bought the tuxedo and gone to the wedding, the social implications would tarnish my father and mothers reputation. Hence, getting the tuxedo and saving face.

I know you are ACTUALLY poor but this is how cucked being born into social register families are. Do you know who Little Edith Beale is?

>> No.54357213

I suspect his father is cash poor. And that is why he runs though girlfriends and doesn't see his children. He is mentally ill.a true narcissist.

>> No.54357215

My parents dont even have a NW of 1 million and theyve been giving me and my sibling money all the time, they even gave us their inheritances from their parents.

>> No.54357241

It's good to vent your frustrations sometimes but it isn't helpful to just keep spinning your wheels like that. 60k is nothing to sneeze at in the interm, but is there any way you can learn from or emulate your father? You spent your entire life with the guy. Did you pick anything up from him?

>> No.54357246


Again, you are fucking retarded. You have already established that you don’t benefit in any way from your father’s wealth, and yet you spent $8000 you obviously CANNOT afford on a tuxedo for a wedding. And you now claim you did it to save face for the father who is such a huge disappointment to you. I imagine the truth is you spent that money and attended that wedding to make YOURSELF look good like an absolute nigger. Grow up OP. This is why your father isn’t leaving you any money.

>> No.54357253

Inheritance is soon gonna be a thing of the past anon… I hang around UHNW people regularly, they’re all expecting to be living forever. With the advances in AI and Life extension, itself soon gonna be a reality.

>> No.54357265

You deserve everything that’s happening to you after reading this shit just normie nigger cattle playing the status game

>> No.54357288

You may be correct, but it's half and half. Because when he and my mother croak I'll inherit around 20,000,000$ of real estate that produces good income. I am complaining that RIGHT NOW I am cash poor. I thought this was a thread for people like me to have a pity party, not to have some middle class Protestantism shoved down my throat. Im complaining because my expenses take 99 percent of my avialable liquid capitol. I gross around 5500 a month in an allowance. My wife draws a similar salary from my families business. I am simply complaining bitterely that I drive an Audi 2021 q5 and my daddy didn't buy me an rs7. Get with the program faggot. This is a daddy issue thread who the fuck are you, my cpa?

>> No.54357298


>> No.54357318

It would be UNBECOMING to work anywhere but my Family's company. God damn it I hate the Nuevo riche.

>> No.54357321

just cut all ties with him. you’ll feel better and your life won’t change. I don’t speak to my multimillionaire father. apparently I’m ungrateful for not worshiping the ground he walks on after he made sure I was clothed and usually but not always fed.

>> No.54357328


“Now he is telling me that when he dies his entire wealth will be going to charity due to his decision and doing of his will”

You are the dumbest retarded gorilla nigger I have ever encounter on this board and I’m not gonna waste anymore time on this thread.

>> No.54357334

*plus flights to Europe, plus hotel penthouse for a week plus travel agent fee plus car and driver (lol no Uber for mummies (2nd) best boy)

>> No.54357343

That's op. I'm not op. Ops father is a narcissist who probably is broke.

I am

>> No.54357349

This guy

>> No.54357358

His net worth might be high, but I bet he spends just about as much cash as he brings in and is broke at the end of every month.

>> No.54357388

>Oh yeah i know this, and its bullshit. Idk why he would even do this? His excuse is something along the lines of
>“I earned my wealth, you have to earn your own to be a real man.”
>Fuck boomers dude they are the biggest and greediest douchebags in existence

If nothing else did your dad at least pay for you to go to private school and university? If not, your dad just sounds like a dumb boomer who got lucky.

Do you have any siblings? What do they think?

>> No.54357415

your dad is totally fucking based and a true capitalist. youre right about the generational wealth building, but if you cant even come close to matching his wealth level you'd squander the inheritance anyways.
>dad owns multiple businesses and makes profitable investments
>you are a skilled laborer struggling financially
idk i guess you didnt take notes from him on the path to wealth. why a plumber? if you love pipes and water you could've started a business contracting plumbers. could even work there if youre really passionate.

>> No.54357425
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You are a retard op. You are broke but are pretending to be rich to keep up with people that don't give a fuck about you. But I can imagine it is a real mind fuck to have a rich dad who doesn't do shit to help you. My grand dad was rich but blew it all on drugs and a woman and my dad larped as a white 'rasta' for years and went to jail a bunch so I basically never had any taste of wealth in my entire life, only a handful of parties with very distant relatives.

Now we are doing decently, I own a property maintenance business and I run it together with my dad and I live super cheap just investing all my income into crypto, precious metals and equipment.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to own a house. My dad actually helped me start the business after he got lucky at the poker machines. My literal pot head, alcholic, bipolar dad who has never saved more than a few thousand in his entire life has helped me more than your multi millionaire boomer dad.

It sounds like your wife is a piece of work, a women like that is basically death sentence especially since you have 2 kids already. Boomers destroy wealth whilst jews pass it on. I want to be like the rothschilds and teach my kids to manage and grow wealth, not leave them penniless and not raise them spoilt. I want to be like a doug casey to my children and grand children.

Good luck OP, you just gotta grind and knuckle down and save.

>> No.54357505

same story with my boomer dad. Cut him out of your life completely. Fuck him.

>> No.54357725

>boomer makes it big
>decides to reset his bloodline
haha, do goyim really?

>> No.54357763

You and your dad both sound like fags. It must be genetic.

>> No.54357823

you were supposed to network with the elite, you dad is an asshole but he gave you the biggest opportunity of all and you fucked it up.

>> No.54357847
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Guys, even if OP is larping. This probably happened to someone out there. Imagine living the luxurious life and then one day being a depressed mcdonalds employee.

>> No.54357851

You could of said “I’m a fucking plumber you piece of shit I’m not going into debt for this monkey suit to hangout in a castle”.

>> No.54357863

mucho texto

Your dad is a boomer and you fell for the tradewife trap congrats.

>> No.54357918

Boomers are vain selfish morons that hate their own children, for the most part. I had a similar situation but am now cozy living neet life. I had the truth on my side just like you but their arrogance and vanity kept them stubborn. Then my dad got alzheimers and they wanted help and i just asked them why i should do anything to help them? That was the realization for them. When they realized it was better for me to live thousands of miles away and ignore them if they refused to help me, that put it into the kind of language they could understand. Hope you can resolve things but honestly your dad sounds like a loser and a schmuck and if he doesnt see the value in hrlping his own family without help hes probably an irredeemable scumbag you are better off ignoring. All these boomers turn into complete disasters as they age btw, vanity is the ugliest thing in an old person and they get slapped around by niggers in the old folks home because they were too vain to help their own kids

>> No.54357933

KEK thanks for fighting the good fight anon I hope your boomer parents are rotting