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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.27 MB, 3292x3292, https___s3.amazonaws.com_appforest_uf_f1676852267411x507886864310474800_dfFrame%20179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54347483 No.54347483 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>54293703

>Buy at:

>Gemini CEO collab

>Developer of BTC and DBI:


>Kraken & Jesse Powell

>Tyler Winklevoss

But there are other powerful crypto influencers/personalities behind The Dev & DBI

>Dan Held
659k twitter followers, including: CZ, Winklevoss twins, Jesse, Boxmining, Michael Saylor and multiple more.


>Altcoin Daily
1.3M twitter followers, 1.29 youtube followers

ft @IncomeSharks (382k followers) https://twitter.com/IncomeSharks/status/1617889078309183489

1M twitter followers

ALL of the above follow The Dev

>Jerry Brito
60k twitter followers, Executive director of @coincenter. Followed by Brian Amstrong, Jesse Powell, Tyler Winklevoss, Roger Ver, Michael Saylor...



fuck the whales, fuck the cftc, all we can do now is mint, hold, and crack a coors. wagmi.

>> No.54347522

Can't wait to get my dev. Hope I get a cool one.

>> No.54347581
File: 150 KB, 440x448, 1679933741575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has don't buy in the name
>the face of it is a meth head
>couldn't get on a crypto tv show even after meeting the manlet asian showrunner
>is about to be labeled an unregistered security by the jews in the SEC
>has already done an 8x
>a single whale has 15% of the supply and has been dumping nonstop for over a week



>> No.54347628
File: 70 KB, 512x512, 987567855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54347656

If this coin fails CZ needs to go to jail for this. He's not even responding to the devs tweets anymore. No one is. Why the fuck did they do this to us???

>> No.54347661

Bought more at 0.0109. We’re gonna need all the luck we can get. Is a dump this bad on mint day common? I don’t fuck with NFT’s… looks like all the pump we had last month was 4chan money.

>> No.54347720

It's literally one or two whales crashing the price on purpose. I think one of them is asshurt about their 100+ white listed nfts not being given to them on launch day. We are going sub 1 cent. Possibly .005.

/biz/ WILL get shaken out.

>> No.54347811
File: 16 KB, 636x778, pepe12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat whales dumping on us is pissing me off more than the rest, specially the one making vids and poromoting $DBI, just to dump his bag the same day.

>> No.54347836

>Big attack on crypto right now from America. They’re scared of us. I will always stand up for what I believe in. I will never cower in fear. I’ll keep doing my part to make a positive impact on this corrupt financial system.

>I’m gonna keep devving. Forever and always. Hope you guys too.

>Back to devving.
t. The Dev's latest message

AHHHHH he's schizo posting about Gary Gensler choosing today to attack crypto because he wants to stop DBI and the Devs nft mint since it's a threat to the entire global financial system. WHAT HAVE WE GOTTEN OURSELVES INTO???

>> No.54347860

Where does he state that the attack is aimed towards dbi or the nft mint you smelly shitskin esl roach?

>> No.54348039

ACTUALLY never going to make it. I'm serious. Theres a reason for the term diamond hands and paper hands. You sir, are what it looks like when someone is shaken out

>> No.54348170

i'm not sure whether this is based or retarded. probably the latter. but in crypto both are synonymous. whatever, it's funny money at this point

>> No.54348243

it's either i think of it as funny money or i jump off a skyscraper lol

>> No.54348319
File: 113 KB, 750x852, AF0D927B-E83E-4C37-A1A1-A995AE112FD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo wtf

>> No.54348387

the giganigga beat us all to the punch baka my head

>> No.54348597

You trust metadrop?

Will we get our wallets rugged?

Would be a epic ending to this shitshow.

>Devs last vid with a keffiyeh on his head just laughing and pointing at us

>> No.54348598

FML. This is the DBI support group huh? Definitely not the TG. Here’s hoping they announce some amazing thing and it pumps way the fuck up in the coming weeks, but right now it looks fucking bleak.

>> No.54348651

man, I promise to sell if we ever hit 2 cents again

>> No.54348738

these threads are lowkey the comfiest on biz. nice oasis from jeets and doomer bobos.

>> No.54348833


>> No.54348929

I’ve thought about this and decided to open another wallet just in case.

>> No.54349349

oh no... defi apes just rugged! fuck guys! I'm minting a real faggot tonight who's wtih me!!!

>> No.54349440

Fuck this absolute pos project.

>did all quests
>reached rank 88
>didn't get a wl spot
and it still dumps like hell.
Glad I at least dumped the garbage token when it lastly recovered but mad af i told my friends about this scam trashmeme coin. Enjoy your heavy bags, baggies, unironically the new link muhreens.

>> No.54349464

Link got to 50 dollars, will we even see 50c ? :(

>> No.54349499
File: 304 KB, 600x700, honorhonorhonor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just like the Link Marines, most people here are still in profit.

>> No.54349511
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mint day

>> No.54349514


>> No.54349534
File: 195 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20230327_112239_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54349572
File: 170 KB, 2560x860, DBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not in profit, your retarded

>> No.54349720

ngl, all this sudden influx of fud got me feeling pretty bullish

>> No.54349727

>new link
Based, just remember to sell at $50

>> No.54350301

been dumping for 2 weeks straight
>sudden influx

>> No.54350431

Post recent buy swap

>> No.54350468

Actually fuck it. You nigger scammers have been saying ACCUMULATE ever since .02 has been resistance. I want one of you faggots to post a recent buy swap valued at $500 or more. I bet none of you faggots will do this

>> No.54350573

30 minutes until the great clusterfuck starts. This nft mint is absolutely CRITICAL to the future of the dbi project.

>> No.54350588

Agreed fellow DBI navy seel, surely you have accumulated before this epic growth day. Post one screenshot?

>> No.54350676

Any mad lads going to attempt minting right at 4? I'm waiting till 5 or 6 before even trying. Hopefully the site doesn't go down.

>> No.54350735

Why wait ? This is my first time minting...

>> No.54350821

Gas might expensive

>> No.54350847

I am a smaltime baggie.
Bought in November.
This is classic sell the news action.
The project is as slick as you'll find.
The Panic is bullish
Still comfy.

>> No.54350857

>no screenshot

>> No.54350869

Take note that EVERY DBI GENERAL has anons saying "I'm so fucking bullish" without ever posting current holdings

>> No.54350871

I'm gonna mint this the second I can, I'm jacked to the TITS

>> No.54350894
File: 280 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230327-204642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not bought recently but feeling this is a good time to.

>> No.54350903

I imagine some will actually sell quite a few of the NFTs and then rebuy DBI with the profits. Will it hit 0.008? If it does, then I rebuy. If not, then as it goes up I’ll fomo in. Either way, I still want to have some of this shit. But currently, sitting on the sidelines.

>> No.54350905
File: 151 KB, 690x863, fucking nancies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought biz-bros were based enough to hold on to a real gem.You faggots can't even hold a sub 20 mil shitcoin for more than week without losing your shit after every dip.

I guess us DBI chads will not only dump on redditors but on /biz/ too. So go ahead and sell then buy our bags at $1+.

You don't deserve to make it faggots. KYS

>> No.54350946

I don't consider people dumping as fud. You'd have to be clinically retarded to think that people who owned millions of this at .004 and under would not sell.

Sorry, got in before the initial spike up

>> No.54350967

I created a new wallet and drained my WL wallet as a precaution. The fees were only around $4 about an hour ago

>> No.54350971
File: 21 KB, 350x535, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm bullish and ruined at the same time.

>> No.54350975

ngl i am worry that no one is replying to The Dev anymore

>> No.54350986

30 seconds lads
let's fucking RUG this NFT

>> No.54351005

I'll rebuy sub 1 cent, either classic sell the news, are you a newfag?

>> No.54351006

Minted. It was $8

>> No.54351042

my hsit's nbeen sittin g on "transaction sent" wtf

>> No.54351053

yeah same... fuck

>> No.54351054

I am stuck at "transaction was sent"

>> No.54351073

I mean, there's over 2000 people who just minted. Give it a few minutes

>> No.54351085

resubmitted with higher gas, kicking myself for sitting there like a chump. so what, now we're "max minted", what's the next step

>> No.54351086


>> No.54351090

Mm says i can speed up for 20$

>> No.54351107

yeah idk what the dev has to do with vitalik's shitty network, anon.

>> No.54351113

fuck, they're running out!!! they said it wasn't oversold!!! we're getting ruuuugged

>7 minutes pending
the power of the ethereum virtual machine

>> No.54351129

ok how do I see my little NFT guy
I'm max minted

>> No.54351136

Ok "max minted" what does that mean ?

>> No.54351141

i'm convinced everyone on this board is either an actual teenager or indian

>> No.54351158

Thanks anons. This is all I wanted
But hey look at that
>nov 17th
>16k for $196
>mar 20th
>8k for $96
What's half of 16k guys? What's half of 196?

>> No.54351179

Did price return to November levels in relation to ethereum price? I'm confused haha did anons hold for 4 months just to break even?

>> No.54351180

haha this is pretty embarrassing, the whitelist isn't even getting bottomed out.
fuck me man, imagine if nobody wants it on the public minting either, we're gonna be stuck with fuckin jpegs by ACCLAIMED EMMY AWARD WINNING ARTIST [no credentials or portfolio available]

>> No.54351197

If you have seen that after Cz or Jesse videos there were just micropumps and nothing more it was a sign to stay away. It's not the time to pour your wage money into shitcoins.

>> No.54351210

anybody else getting a cloudflare timeout error trying to reach metadrop?
their shitty site can't even handle 6000 users?
>the power of nodejs

>> No.54351212

And what happened to hasbulla? He tweeted something to Dev, right?

>> No.54351221

Oh sweet child, reddit hates the coin and dev gets like 200 comments on tweet videos

>> No.54351223

. 01 eth floor on opensea. It's ogre

>> No.54351233

>say to me you use PHP in 2023 without saying it.

>> No.54351265

Nvm I'm a retard and don't understand how opensea and nfts work

>> No.54351263

fuck, that's less than minting cost...

>> No.54351283

Highest bid is 0.16 eth

>> No.54351313

so when does the generic dev smoking gif change to the actual dev i got?

>> No.54351324

Samefag, and nfts are gay, I want a pump on token.

>> No.54351352

lmao I think somebody is trying to scam people with a fake TheDevs list on OpenSea, using the-devs-1 instead of the-devs-nft

oh my... where do I see my nft man... I ain't never done this before... hope I won't get rugged... sure is scary using the web 3

>> No.54351396

my nft is already up ~300% compared to the 10k dbi that I burned

im literally printing money right now its insane

>> No.54351413

The price is always updating to reflect current price. I'd not spent more than $400 since Nov

>> No.54351415

Seethe and cope nigger

>> No.54351454


>> No.54351475

I sent the 10k DBI for the NFT..
Where or how can i minth it?

Help a brainlet. I know shit about NFT's...

How much gas $$ do i need?
Please help me sers to do the needful

>> No.54351495
File: 45 KB, 417x473, gass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine was $20 in gas. https://metadrop.com/drops/the-devs

>> No.54351511
File: 58 KB, 974x823, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54351512

Thanks fren.

>> No.54351550
File: 2.11 MB, 2537x2537, 1679543645627192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have the full picture of the sheik?

>> No.54351564

just go to metadrop.com, connect the wallet you burned with, and hit mint. that simple

>> No.54351640

Holy fuck I should've burnt some dbi for an NFT spot
I wasn't home when the burns were happening and didn't bother

>> No.54351668

You can always buy some now, its still cheap, good rr imo. I bought a few.

>> No.54351672

how do I sell this piece of shit before it becomes visible, I'll take 0.2 eth for it easily, good deal?

>> No.54351772

Mumbai has arrived.

>> No.54351788

must feed village ser

>> No.54351870

Man I should have minted right at 4 to try and get a low # I didn't know that was a thing that shows on the nft. Oh well. Gas was cheap the whole time too, hell, it was cheaper right at 4 for some people. One guy in thread said he only paid 8 dollars. Both mine were around 10-15 each.

>> No.54351895

do you have actual add lol
can your zoomer brain not handle waiting longer than 20 minutes for a better reward

>> No.54351908
File: 27 KB, 640x480, AA264C84-1004-4078-8051-B091B635E2A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude who hurt you

>> No.54351963

Anyone know what you have to do to see your nft in trust wallet?

>> No.54351988

Will it have the same rr as selling dbi now for it though
I am literally all in on dbi it's not even funny

>> No.54351999 [DELETED] 

nft bros, what is this meme bag that showed up in my profile? It appeared at the same time as my dev nft

>> No.54352009

It's a scam don't interact with it. Unless you want your wallet drained.

>> No.54352033
File: 1.38 MB, 1560x924, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this? Anyone else get one?

>> No.54352041

See >>54352009 kek. Thanks for the heads up

>> No.54352054

How to see your dev? Mine is a white screen with a number in metamask.

What meme bag?

>> No.54352061

Lol! Based bagholder. Looks neat, maybe you got something awesome.

>> No.54352062

Idk, if its the next bayc I would want to hold one.

>> No.54352063 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 1262x264, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54352064

To those of you who know about NFTs , does it look like a successful mint ? I mean did they fuck up, or is it well handled ?

>> No.54352069

Damn anon you wouldn’t accept free 0.75 eth from CZ?

>> No.54352083

It went smooth

>> No.54352109

Looks like a big nose Gargamel is gonna pop out of there and steal all your smurfs.

>> No.54352153

Already got offers for $300 for mine
3x woohoo lmao what about you anons?

>> No.54352198

Reveal happens when they're all minted which I don't think is going to be until tomorrow because they have some spots in reserve to help people who burned but are having trouble minting due to wl wallet issues. Thats what that Tanaka or whatever guy who's handling issues said in the tg anyway. He said he'd try to have everything worked out by this time tomorrow and not to panic if you burned but can't mint. Sooo we won't know what we have for 24 hours, kinda sucks.

>> No.54352210

69% unique owners

>> No.54352227

whats the best way to get one in the public mint'? is there any trick to get ahead of other?

>> No.54352243
File: 224 KB, 690x715, HONOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main concern was gas fees, and if you waited 'till now, gas fees are reasonable

>> No.54352258

Thanks to the anons who wrote the link to mint.

Now what? Where do i see my NFT or where is it stored? I don't see anything on my metamask.


>> No.54352286

Check etherscan, opensea or any other NFT site. It's not a token, metamask won't show it

>> No.54352294

Settings > security and privacy > enable opensea API and auto detect nfts

>> No.54352300

metamask for android does but not metamask on my PC

>> No.54352305 [DELETED] 

Price keeps dumping non stop
It's over

>> No.54352306

I bought 10 more, gotta be early on these kind of things.

>> No.54352394
File: 977 KB, 2420x912, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got another one, same guy who's dropping his scam sacks

>> No.54352552

Gonna be honest these dumps are killing me give me some copium DB(I)ROs

>> No.54352553

Price keeps dumping non stop
It's over

>> No.54352565

alright that was fun
now back to it being over

>> No.54352588

Lol whale just dumped another 950k
t-the whales will run out of coins eventually... then buy them all back at .005 and repeat the process... help dev...

>> No.54352589

At this point. I’m gonna dca at 0.008. If it goes lower than that, etc. But I think it should stop there.

>> No.54352597
File: 106 KB, 1386x574, 1112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking 14mil to go. When this fucking scam is out we can start again to go up.

>> No.54352655

you stole my childhood...

>> No.54352748
File: 610 KB, 676x936, (((((.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to capitulate on DBI, lost 10k usd so far... will the NFT be worth that? I don't think so johnny

>> No.54352825

How do I know if I got an nft I burned 10k dbi early on and also did the entry on that site where you had to do a twitter follow or some shit

>> No.54352868

hurry up nigger you only have 2 hours left

>> No.54352882

Good riddance.

I might buy when it hits 0.005

>> No.54352912

Thanks for the info. It sucks but I hope they caught the scamming jeets who tried to game the launch

>> No.54352918

Damn thank god I checked the general before going to be bed not checked up on dbi in like 2 weeks kek

>> No.54352964

This reeks of gaywhale behind the scenes drama. And timed retribution. Fucks sake I hate high school bullshit and that's exactly the profile this fits. Marketing doesn't mean shit when you have retributive faggots trying to tank the coin on every marketing milestone. Maybe the team should deal with that mess like buying them the fuck out before trying any actual marketing this is horseshit

>> No.54352965

Your ID also says you get no pussy. Sad
zero box uhmmmmm

>> No.54352969

Thanks I got it how do I know what the image is I never touched nfts before kek

>> No.54353018

Your post reeks of poorfag. Why don't you buy all of the whales' bags? My current average entry is less than $0. Meaning I've locked in enough profits that if this all goes to zero I'll still have profited. If it dips back to my target entry I'll buy huge bags again

>> No.54353031

the image is revealed after the mint is finished to prevent jeets from instaselling them just for being on the WL. but they are already selling them at open sea for 0.17 ETH and people are still buying them without even seeing the image yet. i think the first ones started selling for around 0.33 eth. so if you have no honor you could sell it now and still be up like 400% depending on when you bought ur WL spot

>> No.54353057

same here nigger, the dev is corrupting us

you can link your metamask on opensea, or enable opensea integration somewhere in metamask settings.

I've got a number in the low 2000's
I just really hope it's not going to be an arab style one or a bald one...

>> No.54353062

I think the reveal might be after the public mint after all. So soon after 8pm. That's the consensus on the tg anyway.

>> No.54353064

also can anyone give it to me straight? should i slurp this dip? i just went into negative territory. was up 200% before..

>> No.54353134

Okay I'll probably not sell it's for a long while anyway I am thinking bigger, also I noticed on the site it said there's a public mint tomorrow how many more are being minted?
Does the number matter? I assume mine is high because I got it late

>> No.54353154

Yeah but people are pissed. Rightfully so. This isn’t fud. And this isnt the tg. People here can smell bullshit. This is bullshit. I lost money and so did others here, we’re not fudding, we’re pissed. So fuck you and your buy in. Shame, this could’ve been amazing, but some faggot nigger had to fuck everything up. And fuck the gayass NFTs too.

>> No.54353182

Gaywhale added a 0 between that guys holier than thou rant and just now. Yeah we're pissed

>> No.54353255

no one gives a fuck about you and your retarded life story clinically narcissistic npc

>> No.54353264

LOOOOOOOL whale is going nuclear holy shit

>> No.54353278

17 Eth whale sell. What a piece of shit. I don’t know if I’m buying back in now. What are they gonna do rebrand???

>> No.54353286

Blacklist his wallet and the wallets on his heatmap. People still don't understand that the biggest threat in crypto projects isn't bad white papers it's psychopaths with early whale bags

>> No.54353292

is this the big rug?

>> No.54353303


>> No.54353306

why? he's trading and making profits? I also don't like it by the way, I could have bought a Toyota with my (unrealized) loss

>> No.54353322

why? because he's making money?

I don't like it either btw, could have bought a Toyota with my (unrealized) losses. Thats the game though, he was early, and he is selling.

>> No.54353325


>> No.54353332
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 1673867043405126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just minted my NFT and got a shitty common it's unironically over for me

>> No.54353344

he's under investigation, he needs to get rid of his DBI bags or be associated with a methhead

>> No.54353375

How many more does that faggot have? Someone link the wallet

>> No.54353389

How could Jesse do this to us, he's my favorite guy in crypto, and i really liked the idea of kraken being involved in it.

>> No.54353419

No I'm putting 2 and 2 together. I've played MMOs since 2002 and I see how backroom drama tends to operate. This is probably a guy that bought multiple white list spots after being told not to do that. Had his shit put in escrow and is now spite tanking the coin. Every community has these people there's no integrating them. If he had benign intentions he wouldn't have spite tanked this on NFT launch day he would have slowly exited the coin. At higher prices too.

>> No.54353421

I wanna buy more but I think this guy is going to keep doing what he's been doing all day, wait till the dip gets eaten and then DOOOOMP another mili and set another low lmao. I'm holding this long term so I'm definitely buying sometime today but if he's going to crash it with no survivors down to .005 I might as well buy there if I can.

>> No.54353422
File: 155 KB, 1306x1095, MINUS_70_PERCENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, I feel the same way, did we misjudge ? did we see what we wanted to see?

>wanna move in with me?
>I'll think about it


pic related: it's also dumping on opensea now

our future:
- a hunt for 13k (sorry now it's 9k)
- a 'conference'
- a gameshow...?
- a vodka collab with 3000 followers?


>> No.54353448
File: 9 KB, 217x201, 1678194671897360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's jOeVER
Butthurt whale scammer rage dumped on us.
My 6k are now worth $3.7k
If i sell now, in two minutes i'll be priced out and if i hold, i'm going to $1k worth..

such is life.

But If this shit goes lower, i might blow $8k

TL:DR i don't know if trying to swing and buying $13k worth later or holding my position

>> No.54353460

Yeah this. I’d they want to save this, they have to take drastic measures. Personally, I’m out. I think it’ll hit 0.005 now. Fuck, maybe lower.

>> No.54353559

Should I ask dad for money to buy 100k dbi?

>> No.54353584

>dip gets eaten
>dumps another 780k
Lmao. Anyone know how much he has left?

>> No.54353588

Fuck this faggot whale. I dare him to dump it all, market sell this shit.

>> No.54353605

are all you "fuck the whale" comments just ruggers? trying to get everybody to stay on board while you guys dump?

>> No.54353616

I’m actually expecting and waiting for that to happen. Probably dumps another 10 million at around 16 mill mcap. Kek.

>> No.54353619
File: 34 KB, 500x601, I_need_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dump is for the little guys

>> No.54353621

Anyone know which whale this is? Is it the wallets that own 15% of the supply or a different group of wallets? And is it the black guy that made dbi vids or someone else? Whoever it is it's definitely someone butthurt about their nfts being given to them later instead of on mint day. The team should just keep them honestly lmao.

>> No.54353624

Someone ask in tg chat how much that faggot whale still has left

>> No.54353640

Hell no. I lost 4K on this piece of shit. The whale has my money. But how can you tell? I guess you can’t. I wouldn’t stay in, if you’re in right now. Maybe, maybe buy back at 0.008- it’ll be there for a few days I think. Might touch 0.005.

>> No.54353654

What do you think, retard? Do you see us little guys selling?

>> No.54353678

it is indeed LA CREATURA
just imagine him right now, cackling a thunderous nigra laugh

>> No.54353694

I bet he’s in this thread posting right now

>> No.54353715 [DELETED] 

This coin has multiple gigantic whales already. The project is doomed from the start because of it

>> No.54353732
File: 417 KB, 1459x900, rabbi_rav_touitou_islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The team should just keep them honestly lmao.
Kek this. The poorfag naggerfiggit tears in this thread are so delicious. Top buying shit skinned jeets are fucking pathetic.

>> No.54353733

The coin has multiple gigantic whales. The project is doomed from the start because of it

>> No.54353738

fucking creatura, i gonna fly to jamaica to kick his ass

>> No.54353740

If so, I dare him to sell it all now.
Hear me faggot? Do it, sell your whale bags.

>> No.54353750

whatever the fuck they're spending on marketing budget instead needs to be spent buying out this shitstain. All at once. Take his bullshit out of circulation and send it to the burn address money better spent than any marketing video at the moment. With permanent blacklists on minting NFTs for his wallet map. He can buy them off opensea if he wants them.

>> No.54353772

i should've sold at 2 cents

>> No.54353788

I kinda doubt it's him but it might be. Anyone remember his twitter? Maybe he's tweeting something about it. Someone said his tg handle was Accumulator God but I haven't ever seen him post.

It's gotta be whoever was working for the team and selling wl spots. Although the black guy is probably dumping too just for fun and profits like he's been doing all month.

We are being fucked in every direction! Help dev!

>> No.54353809

It's not bad news. It means the project is currently undervalued because there's nuclear sell pressure from a psychopath suppressing the value. He can't maintain the pressure forever. The only question is how much damage can he do or will they let him do before the pressure from him pushing down is finally relieved.

>> No.54353849
File: 20 KB, 300x300, p08n8ynoy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54353893

Every shitcoin is like that

>> No.54353945

You guys are talking about the 14% cluster right ?

>> No.54353948

Is none of you niggers on telegram to get info about giganigga

>> No.54353969

How do we know it's not people from the team ?

>> No.54354017

This thread gets most umbased ids

>> No.54354025

"The team"

You mean the actual devs that live in Kenya that hired "The Dev" to be their mascot?

>> No.54354052


>> No.54354064

They live in Rwanda

>> No.54354163
File: 381 KB, 761x623, 1647324224061307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z-z-zoom out

>> No.54354236

Man I should have slurped when it dropped into the 8s. I'm expecting a big dump when the nft reveal happens though.

>> No.54354289

If the NFT is liked by peeps, it should make dbi appreciate.

>> No.54354302

Because of the butthurt whale dumping millions to intentionally crash the price that the thread has been talking about for like 3 hours.

>> No.54354343

lmao botted the fuck out, literally in less than half a sec.

Expect dbi to do a -x100 from here, kek.

>> No.54354345

Literally sold out in a second

>> No.54354367

If anything it’s bullish retard

>> No.54354369

Skimped on gas, took it up the ass

>> No.54354432
File: 503 KB, 514x518, Screenshot 2023-03-11 115028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold
>line goes up
>didn't get an NFT

Guess I'm drinking tonight

>> No.54354445

Good news, the whale just dumped another million!

>> No.54354455

For a project to succeed it need at least a fairer token distribution from the start. If you look at DBI's holder list you'll see that whales control this coin supply, meaning that any sell from them is enough to dump the coin to oblivion

>> No.54354472

Shit you're right and I just outed my self as a retard

>> No.54354497

Yeah I tried with $15 of gas. Still stuck right now. Then it said you get 0 NFTs. Like it was ashamed of me. Kek. Oh well.

>> No.54354506

You paid money to hold a bag it looks like

>> No.54354507

Just in time for the little guys!

>> No.54354515

>Does the number matter?
Came here to ask that

>> No.54354582

Possibly the most obvious scam of all time

>> No.54354583

There were wallets holding tens of millions of dbi before the pump happened. Why are people shocked that those same wallets are dumping their bags for a profit? It’s not like this info is kept hidden

>> No.54354587

>token doing -300% and nts being botted = bullish

>> No.54354614

Memes aside though, how do we recover from this?

>> No.54354642

get a real job

>> No.54354716

don't invest in a botted pajeet methead coin

>> No.54354837
File: 3.94 MB, 2000x2000, 44444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wth my NFT just morphed! he's smoking a fat one!
lmao get rekt paper hands just wait until tomorrow to buy in at 2 cents again haha

>> No.54354839

Another huge dump incoming, watch out

>> No.54354851

Excuses are excuses. There were wallets with mass amounts of Shib early on too. Your ID is shit brown.

>> No.54354884
File: 14 KB, 980x280, LoLmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>surely we'll be able to deal with a 17 millivol dump

>> No.54354892

damn, shit literally lost 50% mcap in one day kek

>> No.54354912

I'm officially in the red now. Me and everyone who bought because of the threads at the beginning of March, is now in the red.

>> No.54354995

Is this real life?

>> No.54355015

The gas was $180 so yeah no

>> No.54355032

>people so determined to get the nfts to use bots and buy as many as possible = bad

>> No.54355059

I got hacked and all my DBI got stolen but now the thief is holding a rugged coin, idk how to feel

>> No.54355061

another fat dump
it's over

>> No.54355101

they banned me from tg for saying floor will be 0.01eth by next week. Who was in the wrong?

>> No.54355228

Can someone please give me a rundown on how to mint. Why is there no information on the dbi/dev twitter? Fuck.

>> No.54355232

i only do nfts, no coins so i was surprised to see the devs on here

my life consists of buying what i know is a literal scam and finding a greater fool
>wouldn't ever touch this shit

>> No.54355249

weren't we all wishing for a lower price to buy in?

wet toilet paper hands in this thread, pathetic. NGMI

>> No.54355260

Seriously, why the fuck is there no information about minting the nft on any of their twitters? Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.54355302

Nigga, this isn't the telegram. You don't have to act like an in denial pajeet who refuses to see the truth. The truth that this coin is fucking dying, and if the DEVs don't do something soon, we're unironically going to zero.
Look at our chart for the last 2 weeks, and then compare it to ANY other coin. Most are up at least 50% from this BTC rally while we've done nothing but dump.
Today was a big day. Our NFTs released. And what happened? We dumped. The we dumper harder. And then we dumped even harder.

>> No.54355303

Exactly. Broke poors. I saw there's a "poors" beer can prop in the nfts too. I keked

>> No.54355311

meant for

>> No.54355332

This methhead is slowly rugging us all. It's gonna be a painful landing for all of us

>> No.54355348

What's the deal with this scam? Keep it short.

>> No.54355368

So I missed the nft drop because I was working? Wasted my dbi for nothing? Fuck this shit.

>> No.54355372

He's not rugging. It's the fucking whales killing all the momentum. What the Dev DOES needs to do is ramp up the marketing. Maybe even get us on a few low tier exchanges so we could pull a hoge and sit around a 50-100 million marketcap.
These halfassed twitter videos aren't doing shit. And it was moronic of him to correct the rumors about DBI appearing on the upcoming crypto show. Yeah, DBI had nothing to do with it. But, the Dev didn't need to say that. It was free marketing and it would've built up hype and momentum for the coin.

>> No.54355435

Is it true that some mullato is dumping the coin? Fucking hell is je friends with the devs, how come no one told me this when I bought the coin.

>> No.54355443

kek, this going to zero isn't

>> No.54355451

DBI is a ponzi scheme shitcoin that stood out because of it's shockingly high quality marketing videos. And also it's alleged connections with several key figures in the crypto scene such as CZ (who shot a video with the dev and gave him numerous shoutouts); Jesse Powell, the founder and ex-ceo of Kraken (who also did a video with the dev); and Tyler Winklevoss, the co-founder of the Gemini exchange (who said he stands with the dev).
We put these breadcrumbs together to assume we'd found an industry backed shitcoin with the potential to be the next Shib. Unfortunately, this probably isn't going to happen, because of early whales who are killing all of the coin's momentum with their massive sell walls

>> No.54355455

yes this is a bad whale problem. Nothing else explains the nonsensical inverse between the price action and all of the hype and momentum. They need to be smoked out and prioritized as the number 1 problem going forward rather than worrying about a roadmap. Triage this shit now and handle the greater problem. This means the clearly bad whales that were waiting to sabotage the NFT drop. Any marketing and money spent trying to achieve liftoff is fucking wasted until these people are shown the door.

>> No.54355466

Think bigger ;)

>> No.54355484


>> No.54355499

but exactly how does one "handle" the whales? are their identities public? maybe do an otc trade with them to relieve them of their bags? i'd rather the team do that then waste money marketing when these retards are going to dump at the first sight of price action anyway

>> No.54355501

jesus dude you sound like a br. People who fucking put kek after everything are like those monkey memes with the popped out eyeballs. Just giving you some self awareness so you don't sound like a fucking dork all the time.

>> No.54355502
File: 88 KB, 640x621, 1664917542204065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54355516

yes buy them out. buy the dumps and eat the loss using the marketing budget. Send the buys to the burn address after the whales are finished dumping so they don't benefit from the burn. Then blacklist their wallets from being able to mint NFTs.

>> No.54355522

You lack honour, my dude.

>> No.54355552

they're in here reading this. Just got a dump into the 8 range. They know we're onto their shit now.

>> No.54355672

That’s the only solution. Otherwise this is fucked.

>> No.54355723

Nice short window whitelist mint at the busiest time of day for normal people in NA. Fucking chink scammers

>> No.54355735

It will work as a solution. They're inhibiting this thing from going up. Once it goes up the marketing team can slowly pull from the profits and refuel the budget. Refill whatever was spent buying these fuckheads out right now. Whatever is spent buying them out now can be put back in once we're at 2400 again, the problem is solved and the marketing budget is back where it was.

>> No.54355746


>> No.54355792

>rank 2620
Holy fuck lmao
>were below 200 inu clone coins

>> No.54355795

yes and he is extremely gay. Since he's reading this I have a question: why are you gay?

>> No.54355796

This. Total crock of shit.

>> No.54355839
File: 35 KB, 369x747, Screenshot_20230327_191245_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like chainlink except chainlink took 3 years to do this

>> No.54355865



>> No.54355888

you must be new to crypto, shit always dumbs when something releases. gtfo newfag

>> No.54355897

They had the balls to tell me that 99.9% of whitelisters minted when I scrolled through the addresses that burned and half of the ones I clicked on didn't mint. Then they banned me from tg

>> No.54355898

>you must be new to crypto,

>> No.54356003

Soon we will reach the ta predicted bottom of .007 where we will crab, possibly for months, as /biz/ is shaken out before the 10x to 7 cents. Screen cap this.

>> No.54356049

So it was a scam all along with nft quick sales being the goal?

>> No.54356093

insider traded nfts also
and botted public mint

>> No.54356095

No, there’s whales that are selling and deliberately dropping the price.

>> No.54356108

Wow. So wtf was all those celebs and vids and shit?

>> No.54356115 [DELETED] 

Holy shit 19 eth sale

>> No.54356123

Holy shit 19eth sell

>> No.54356183

Weeks of gains wiped out in mere hours. Wow. Is it even possible to fucking recover from something this bad?

>> No.54356194

room temperature iq

>> No.54356217

yes. d0b0 did it. not the best example NOW, but at the time its recovery was unheard of. dbi has marketing minds and money behind it that d0b0 definitely did not have. hope's not dead yet anon.

>> No.54356346 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 443x455, 4884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coingecko terminal isn't show me in real time buys/sells. Everything is from "1 hour/hours " ago.
And dextools sucks.

anyone knows how to fix this?

Also fuck you nigger whale/scammers.

>> No.54356365
File: 86 KB, 443x455, 4884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coingecko terminal isn't showing me in real time buys/sells. Everything is from "1 hour/hours " ago.
And dextools sucks.

anyone knows how to fix this?

There's no way to make another x2 from here in less than 1 month with that fag dumping with rage becaus his scam failed

Also fuck nigger whale/scammer(s).

>> No.54356378

>relying on "hope" in fucking crypto
what "celebs" lol
i don't remember any
only some ceos shooting the shit (and btw they're not replying to "the dev" anymore kek)

>> No.54356389

I boughted 50k on this dip but will probably wait until the drama blows over to buy anymore. The FUD and actual whalefaggotry is intense at the moment.

>> No.54356400

any asset that isn't bitcoin or eth rests largely on hope. and even the big two are at the whims of this garbage economy. this is gambling and we all know it.

>> No.54356561

Pretty much went all in on this, of course it had to implode. All the signs were there of the next big memecoin but it appears it was all fake and bought, the connections were paid for with marketing no doubt. Someone give me some copium or hopium I'm losing my mind.

>> No.54356568

2 more _ _ _ _ _

>> No.54356569

Anyone get anything good like a top 1000 or 500?

>> No.54356588

This lmao, I'm noticing the only person who posted an NFT was this guy >>54354837 but that's just a stock image that The Dev used in marketing
I expected this place to have 6 gorillion faggots posting old men images. Embarrassing

>> No.54356759

every token has its pullbacks dude. this is what the people who ACTUALLY make it understand. WTF do you think DIAMOND HANDS means? it means NOT selling when shit gets dismal. thats what seperates WAGMI from NGMI. WAGMI holds. and holds. and holds. until moon. If you thought this was gonna be WAGMI status in two weeks or 2 weeks, you are failing already. This isn't going to peak until 2024. Just like the rest of the crypto market. Have some fucking patience, or leave crypto forever. You arent gonna hack it if you cant hang on through the hard times

>> No.54356770

I also went all in with what I had (7 figures). I’m not worried tho, this is just classic fud with no real basis. Nothing has changed, the connections still stand, the team is smart and has been making the right moves all along. Once the stupid whale is finished we are back to pump town

>> No.54356777

You seem really angry that anons are selling as it continues to drop. Can you explain?

>> No.54356784

being straightforward and blunt is not angry. unless youre a sensitive pussy, then i guess it could be taken as angry lol

>> No.54356795

Any confirmation on the assblasted whale because his WL didn't get approved and is now selling? Or is it the same whale mutt that was selling for weeks now, is that fag friends with the dev, there no way he could've put that much money on this last year.

>> No.54356800
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, Vagabond Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compelling argument, keep holding ape nigger while I continue flexing and telling anons to avoid this trash

>> No.54356813

its confirmed to be both lol

>> No.54356821

sounds kewl dewd

>> No.54356833

wtf, why wasn't this disclosed when i bought the coin. I can hold this shit no problem but if I had known about the whale niggers I could've waited before buying.

>> No.54357066


>Captcha: Ryadh

>> No.54357078
File: 2.43 MB, 498x266, 1679851401518023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx fren

>> No.54357086

Where did my money go?

>> No.54357099

Don't worry just 2 more weeks until it hits $1, ignore that 2 weeks ago people called me retarded for selling at .02

>> No.54357407

Are the dumps over for now I wanna buy a lil

>> No.54357436

>still no NFT posted
What was all the hype for? Lmao

>> No.54357456

I watched the video so you guys don't have too.
tl;dr: The Whale is bullish. He's not gonna dump his entire stack because he believes in the dev and the NFTs. He calls the NFTs art, and he believes they have a lot of potential, so he won't sell until they're worth a shitton.
Finally some good news, I guess.

>> No.54357489

>bro like muh spirits and horoscopes haha, buy DBI

>> No.54357524
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x2048, 21e828e8862ebdac0016b8fad9b62659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one. #5642

>> No.54357727

I haven't been following this coin. You can get some NFTs now? Can anyone point me to the right direction?

>> No.54357754


>> No.54357790
File: 549 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20230327_224641_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The camo shooter Dev is kinda neat...if only there was a way..

>> No.54357804
File: 302 KB, 968x978, YOINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well would you look at that

>> No.54357820

I got a shitty common, feeling pretty ripped off burning the 10k dbi for it

>> No.54357839

Did you get a metal jaw one? Cuz what the fuck is that kek

>> No.54357855

Do i need to collect my metamask wallet to open sea? Or where do I view/sell my NFT?

I think i got some common smoking Dark themed dev

>> No.54357864
File: 55 KB, 925x418, oh my god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54357870
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno fren I'm schizo posting in the woods but even I think its insane to buy Le JPG for $100

>> No.54357873


>> No.54357877

>500 million remaining
>price just keeps going down
How is this supposed to work again kek

>> No.54357883

the mint is over right? i checked metadrop and even though the public mint is still running, all 7770 NFTs were minted

>> No.54357931
File: 235 KB, 978x971, Screenshot_20230327_230745_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Dev is DEVVING
fucking hell kek

>> No.54357953

I'm not at my crypto laptop but it's just a regular picture of dev with no prop and no accessories

>> No.54357962

They were all like that before minting ended, then got revealed afterward, just go to opensea and connect wallet and go to profile

>> No.54358017
File: 193 KB, 1860x878, bagholdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's bagholdin lul

>> No.54358172
File: 755 KB, 1800x788, com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarity 7575 of 7700 may have well just rugged me out of the 10k dbi I burned for it

>> No.54358207

Not even worth a 10x, dumbass. Fake and gay prophecy that isn't even exciting.

>> No.54358258

Asking for at least a 3x at this point is not worth..
I just want to know if y'all think if price is gonna drop even more..

Still don't know if buying now 800k DBI or waiting for a lower entry

>> No.54358355

7200 rarity, fuck sake, how can I get such a low rarity.... should have taken the 0.2 eth when I could and recoup some of my losses

>> No.54358364

would you like to buy my 800k stack?
I can give you a good price

>> No.54358412

got a rarity of #1817 nice

>> No.54358430

Thanks for the tough love. I haven't sold a single token (I have about 400k). I know that we're still in a bear market. I just want one of his connections to make a play that reinvigorates the hype.

>> No.54358456

You beat me in rarity, I'm probably just going to take the $150, I even minted WL and everything

>> No.54358485
File: 695 KB, 1442x1458, thadevv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry. we are still deep in the bear and getting SEC fud weekly.
no coin pumps straight up. look at any succesful coins chart.
Learn to hold and not stare at the price allday

>> No.54358642

Any bakers?

>> No.54358820

Someone make new bread pls

>> No.54358955

There's nothing to do, don't sell at loss like a faggot. This is not a rug token, some retards exit at loss. Eventually It'll pump again. There was almost 0 marketing. When some celebs/CZ/Jesse etc starts buying the nfts or exchanges list it, it'll moon.

>> No.54358982

don't even bother, there's nothing to say

>> No.54359004
File: 20 KB, 474x266, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming into rug aftermath threads triggers my ptsd from the shitcoin casino trenches of '21. watching people lose their livelihoods in real time

>> No.54359046

gas whales

>> No.54359061
File: 41 KB, 198x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nft is basic its over

>> No.54359086

You've got green laser eyes. If you don't want it I'll take it

>> No.54359171

this isn't a rug

>> No.54359178
File: 154 KB, 2000x2000, dsfugynsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54359194

$18 million daily volume. Up from 90k yesterday. Maximum pain. Bottom sellers ngmi.

>> No.54359228

baking a new thread. Please standby.

>> No.54359280
