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File: 422 KB, 973x849, 1670140322838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54346833 No.54346833 [Reply] [Original]

Let's just ban Americans from crypto with a giant firewall. Problem solved.

>> No.54346855

This, the rest of the world is embracing crypto who gives a fuck about shartmarts

>> No.54346867

>implying the firewall will keep them out when the fat on their bodies will simply melt, allowing them to squeeze past it

>> No.54346989

Bros wtf is up with my computer I can't un-hilight OP's cartoon toad portrait even if I click

>> No.54347036

The rest of the world could barely afford a few eth. We are the only rich people in the world

>> No.54347092

I'm so fucking tired of Americans, why were they ever allowed to enter crypto, bunch of fucking slaves. The price of Bitcoin is completely dependent on their bullshit institutions.

>> No.54347106

America is bleach and the World is a big dirty mess.

>> No.54347112

Why does American existence makes people seethe so much?

>> No.54347123

This is the entire purpose of the SEC.

>> No.54347158

Because the jews than run their institutions.
If Americas refuse to be goyslave cattle, the world must suffer

>> No.54347186

But why doesn't your country become more powerful than america? Why are you so weak?

>> No.54347193

The absolute state of Americucks thinking the world revolves around them.

>> No.54347237

It does but we are not the only rich people in the world. Banning us from crypto is completely asinine however.

>> No.54347249

then why is your own government hell bent on doing just that?

>> No.54347292

They want to keep us as poor and dependent on them as possible. This is democratic strategy 101. Anything good for the American people is terrible for the elite ruling class.

>> No.54347367

an unregistered security was floating above my house and america shot it down

>> No.54347446


>> No.54347460

This thread proves it does. Europoors and 3rdies can’t even go a day without whining about rich Americans

>> No.54347563
File: 60 KB, 367x441, FemaleTerror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are more jews in the US than in israel. i wish no ill will to my mutt friends, but the merchants guild needs to be nuked

>> No.54347580

this, we're all they talk about and yet we never think of them because of how little they matter here.

>> No.54347658

for the same reason you couldn't become more powerful than the chad that bullied you your whole life.

>> No.54347700

Because you're fat gay golems, mostly

>> No.54348260

That’s why we’re so strong

>> No.54348301

The world financial market is based on the USD, it's the world reserve currency (for now).

>> No.54348325

you are speaking english, which is the world standard language, just like the $ is the world standard currency

rent free, stay poor