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File: 629 KB, 731x498, 1669900875588329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54344282 No.54344282 [Reply] [Original]

>shoes disintegrate over time forcing you to consoom more
Why did we allow (them:1.4) to do this to us?

>> No.54344294

>he bought the shoe-jew's lies
take the barefoot pill anon

>> No.54344297

take the fuzzy slipper pill shoeheads

>> No.54344339

lifehack, buy some clay court tennis shoes, made for duration

>> No.54344368
File: 429 KB, 700x800, shoez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tennis shoes are a meme if you actually use your feet over long distances. You want work boots with a thick bottom and steel toe caps. Makes me an inch and a half taller too

>> No.54344385

Walk on your hands duh.

>> No.54344400

shoerepairfag here, i worked in fixing these at a cobblers place for 2 years, i learnt the trade enough i could start on my own so i can answer this.

Its fucking simple, the faggots switched from natural rubber (Petroleum rubber) over to 2 new types (EVA Foam aka ethylene vinyl acetate and TPU aka thermoplastic polyurethane)
The most common one used nowdays is EVA and holy shit that shit degrades like paper. If you went to a old fashioned cobbler who still uses petroleum based rubber, that shit is hard and doesn't bend so much but it lasts for a long time.
If you ever go to get your soles fixed, ask to see what material they use, if the rubber looks foamy or such and you can squishy it with your fingers and it compresses, tell them to get fucked and give real rubber or go out of business.

To answer the second part of this tho, EVA is super cheap to manufacture so they make this for most modern shoes now so they break easier while production costs are lower, but prices can be kept the same if not risen to scam the consumer.

TL;DR Buy older shoes/boots or have them hand made for a pricey cost, the business is a fucking scam now

>> No.54344444

Why don't we use the stuff tires are made out of? I want 50,000km of tread on my shoes

>> No.54344466

Checking myself

>> No.54344468

Absolute waste of quints, you fucking mong. Recycling is for Boomers and Zoomers

>> No.54344470


>> No.54344494

It's the jews probably

>> No.54344505

once the market is saturated you have to quicken the planned obsolescence to maintain "growth". 15 years from now you will rent shoes or get daily disposable shoes.

>> No.54344512

Thanks for the in-depth explanation.

>> No.54344539

> Daily disposable shoes
Lol the absolute state of future cucks

>> No.54344547

>t. 5’7” big boy

>> No.54344580

thanks for explaining why shoes are now a subscription based service

>> No.54344583

the same thing has happened with jeans.
most mutts are fat so jeans now include stretchy fibres, these wear through way faster.

>> No.54344595

Lucky for most of u incels here, u will never have that problem

>> No.54344610

Might as well make wooden clogs for yourself.

>> No.54344635

My work from home footwear are plush slippers with Monster toes. Cozy.

>> No.54344656

My handmade leather military issue boots don't have this problem.

>> No.54344675

Nice explanation shoechad, also checked

>> No.54344720

sorry those lead to global warming.

>> No.54344721

They will.

>> No.54346400

i'm just glad there's always someone who isn't afraid to say what's on all our minds

>> No.54346451

leather outsoles used to last a lot longer and looked better but it was also more expensive and isn't as comfortable.

>> No.54347299

quality leather boots, good year welt, leather sole, vibram sole protector. total $500. used 6 years. still pulling hoes and compliments, toes wide big happy spread. $250 nike that last 6 months zoomers seething and go out to buy next another random color combination -$250 again. Resale on used nikes -80% depreciating asset. Old made in Italy horse leather boots, just replaced vibram sole protecters every 3 years msrp price +20% appreciated inflation despite used boots even another + 20% patina worn in aesthetic upsell. can post them on grailed for $700.

>> No.54347322

how would I go about researching places to buy these?

>> No.54347329

They're all made in China now that's why.

>> No.54347342
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>You want work boots with a thick bottom and steel toe caps. Makes me an inch and a half taller too

>> No.54347348

what did entropy mean by this, bros?

>> No.54347400
File: 46 KB, 742x940, 1618482380333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty shoeanon

>> No.54347425

buy two or three of the same good quality shoe and rotate wearing them

>> No.54347441

the Crash Bandicoot 3 boss?

>> No.54347471

You do know these unironically telegraph that you're literally autistic right?

>> No.54347481

Just don't walk outside much.

Wear slippers indoors.

>> No.54347512

ASKCTUALLY, what you really want are knee high rainboots with steel toes

>> No.54347520
File: 201 KB, 491x487, 1668495090984461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing barefoot shoes
All your bunions, knee and back issues come from wearing the hard-soles narrow shoes and walking by hitting your heels hitting the floor first

>> No.54347535

I hope to god you wear these as casualwear with graphic tees and bootleg denim
PLEASE tell me you do

>> No.54347543

i bet ur feet smells horrible from having ur feet in those all day, your foot needs to breathe otherwise it breeds bacteria between your toes. look up athletes foot you probably have it

>> No.54347562
File: 31 KB, 364x565, 1631207863372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business is a fucking scam now
always has been

>> No.54347575

do you retards realize this makes sense, right?.

>> No.54347589
File: 12 KB, 241x209, C4711FE8-78CC-4810-B0D8-9137F1603383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54347603

This is the actual answer to OP's problem. Invest in shoes that can be repaired/ last for years and remain reasonably fashionable. Buy disposable, expect disposable.
There is a reason shoe prices have remained relatively low vs inflation in the past 30 years.

>> No.54347667

Are bunions more common in America where people often wear shoes in the house?

>> No.54347676

My brown high school gfs tumblr name?

>> No.54347736

Sneakers like Nike and oxford dress shoes for wagecucks are the culprits. WFH made me start walking barefoot and now all my feet and knee pains are gone. I'm trying to fix my bunions but that takes a lot of time

>> No.54347803

Some shoes are comfortable though. Sneakers not so much but new balance shoes always felt very wide and comfortable. On the other hand, I never managed to get a nike shoe on my feet that didn't hurt and had to get dress shoes made by a cobbler because none fit me. Guess it's because being barefoot all the time gave me wide feet.

>> No.54347806
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Checked doubles and triples. Very based. Thank you for your contribution it was a good read and I learned something.

>> No.54347813
File: 653 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20170802_150905[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers fren
I too am a vivobarefoot 'tism chad
last summer however I became performance sandal-pilled and only wear actual shoes when it's less than 10-15 celsius

>> No.54347851

those are girl shoes

>> No.54347876
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1449112-wizepic_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wasted quintuples and doubles. You're a bad person.

>> No.54347897

Buy better shoes

>> No.54347943

I changed the way I walk after seeing these videos and most of the commercial shoes feel uncomfortable because the soles are too padded or too hard

>> No.54347979

what's your opinion on TPU, particularly when it comes to hydrolysis? I have a TPU sole pair of boots for one year and it seems to be holding alright.

>> No.54347982

I look at shoes as a monthly subscription. Each pair lasts about 6 months. It's 10 dollars a month per pair of shoes.

>> No.54348007

most Americans have foot problems because they're sedentary and fat, not because of shoe choices

>> No.54348317

Should have bought some crocs

>> No.54348346

i wonder if there's any company doing this already

>> No.54348548

Petroleum rubber was basically that. My old rangers from my time in the army are very resilient, but they're far from being as comfortable, light and agile as modern hiking boots like the Salomon Quest. But they can last forever and you can replace the soles. So it's a matter of choice.

>> No.54348844
File: 22 KB, 575x303, 71VCyKWtd5L._AC_UX575_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradie here. I stopped wearing heeled work boots and found some work shoes with nearly 0 heel drop. My feet and knees feel fantastic now.

>> No.54348864

>Tennis shoes are a meme if you actually use your feet over long distances

that's true, i go on a walk every day and i wear out a pair in 3 months.

>> No.54348884

>Its fucking simple, the faggots switched from natural rubber (Petroleum rubber) over to 2 new types (EVA Foam aka ethylene vinyl acetate and TPU aka thermoplastic polyurethane)

the soles really are a piece of shit nowadays

>> No.54348905

>Why don't we use the stuff tires are made out of? I want 50,000km of tread on my shoes

you used to be able to buy Viet Cong style sandals made out of tyres

>> No.54348927

But some red wings or something faggot. Sole replacement for life and the soles will last a decade. Keep the leather in good condition and you’ll literally never need another pair of shoes

>> No.54349062

Do Americans sleep with their shoes on?

>> No.54349130

I'll be damned, so there is a shoe jew.

>> No.54349132

i do

>> No.54349201

>sandals are gay
seethe, average Roman Hoplite would easily fuck you up in his based military sandals

>> No.54349208
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, shoenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro tell me if this is repairable
I already tried shoe goo but it peels off and I really like these shoes I paid $5 for

>> No.54349213
File: 161 KB, 778x1027, 65FC3800-93F4-4AF5-A02D-46933DD3B21B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.54349226

Based cobbleranon here to set us straight on the matter. Ty
Czeching those digits

>> No.54349230

werent those guys notorious homosexuals

>> No.54349237
File: 44 KB, 1000x563, 1620269851033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we allowed all the companies to disrespect us on a daily basis. We allowed the progress to reach the point where convenience is above all, even use and efficiency and we let them violate all the most sacred parts of our society and replace milenary techniques with cheap knockoffs. I say all of this but even when i have all my savings on crypto right now, my main account is a XOR wallet with the mastercard debit/credit card for easy use, so im just another pig
So remember to take the good with the bad

>> No.54349259

No it was the Greeks but its also a fake meme that your tranny teachers tell you to normalise fucking little boys in schools

>> No.54349307

>werent those guys notorious homosexuals

it wasnt gay in those days if you were on top.

same as today.

>> No.54349320

oh that is true i just looked it up and saw this great video on the subject


>> No.54349350
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, Vagabond Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger

>> No.54349482

>natural rubber (Petroleum rubber)
Petroleum rubber is not natural rubber. Natural rubber is from the sap of the rubber tree. Petroleum rubber is synthetic rubber and btw it's way better than natural rubber which is really flimsy and not nearly as durable as even EVA. Ethylene vinyl acetate and urethane are also derived from petroleum. What you meant to say is that the soles suck now because they switched from quality synthetic rubber to cheap synthetic rubber. BTW, eva is cheap because vinyl is cheap because there is a huge surplus of vinyl produced every year because it is a byproduct of soda ash production.

>> No.54349527

anon you are right, let the urban zoomers waste $100s on low quality trash that falls apart and gives you blisters

>> No.54349602
File: 100 KB, 804x915, 1663277748716970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roman Hoplite
>corinthian helmet
>linothorax breastplate
it says greek right there in your pic

>> No.54349619

>walk long distances in steel toes
Are you retarded?

>> No.54349674

Thank you

>> No.54349693
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way nobleman. I know your feet are sensitive lol. Who else gonna walk long distance? Pull your cart after I'm done lacing boots. Good day for walking up hill. Bet you didn't even know that lmao.
Nobleman SWERVE

>> No.54349784

you can't fix bunions without surgery because it's a growth of bone

>> No.54349813

if you actually want your shoes to last years you should be defungaling, cleaning, polishing, and doing the upkeep necessary

>> No.54349820

>pedo acts were from the elite

>> No.54349867

talichads defeated the western world with flip flops

>> No.54349903

>full plate shin protection
>no protection whatsoever for the femoral artery
I refuse to believe this nonsense was real life. They must have seen people bleed out extremely fast from an upper leg wound. inb4 muh shield armor existed for a reason.

>> No.54349968
File: 245 KB, 1080x942, IMG_20230327_194920_497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has nobody checked those digits yet?
Mama mia

>> No.54350035

good information. whenever natural rubber ever gets brought up i'm always reminded of fordlandia, a town henry ford built in the brazilian amazon to extract rubber. very interesting topic

>> No.54350132

>caring what normalfags think
Just be comfy in your shoes anon. Don't let these nigger worshippers make you uncomfortable.

>> No.54350167

Sounds about on par with every other consumer industry in the world today.

>> No.54350185
File: 720 KB, 1680x950, 1509176371757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and truthpilled

>> No.54350484

how about you get some bitches on you dick

>> No.54351123

It depends on where its used, cobblestone or similar surfaces degrade them so much faster than asphalt or (obviously) dirt paths. if they are made good, the sole will stick and thats already good enough as it is nowdays. I have a TPU sole security boots buts its a higher quality/density so they have been holding for 3 years, its just most TPU soles are legit made in fucking greater Taiwan crap.
Any cobbler worth their salt can fix that, you just grind off the back 1/3 on a slope angle, add a cream/white or brown rubber that fits snug, add yellow adhesive rubber glue and then put it under a compressor or anything to glue it all in place, shave off the remaining excess on the sides and done. Thats an easy fix but the biggest problem is the cost of repairs nowdays for cheap shoes is more than buying a new pair of crap, this is why cobblers is a dying trade and is becoming a specialized one for people with expensive shoes
Yeah, its how we kinda call it in Europe so I just said natural rubber, its still synthetic but the ones that were used back pre 2000 or even pre 2010 was of much higher quality due to the thickness for about 7-10mm thickness for the outer layer and the layer above it was generally TPU since you need shock absorption somehow instead of only hard rubber being the only thing.
While it might be cheaper and they are using it from a surplus, its legit no excuse for this throwaway mindset that is instilled on people due to this. Back in 2011 when i started being a cobbler for 2 years, the cost of repairs was still cheaper than buying new ones, now its the opposite and its a complete waste since most shoes are perfectly good to fix and use.

>> No.54351178

>company starts doing it
>shoes last so long sales drop and it goes bankrupt

>> No.54351200

cool ill look into getting suitable rubber and glue and fix it myself

I also have a custom made pair of boots and they have the option of you mailing the boots back for repairs or whatever
probably doesnt work for most cobblers like you said but these boots were $600

>> No.54351266
File: 54 KB, 1000x750, cabecera-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent $1,013.00 on these boots during the last bullrun. They look exactly like the brown ones in this picture just taller. I took them to a cobbler and he just kept going on and on about the leather and how he can tell these are fancy. I swore he wore them when I dropped them off.

Everyone stares directly at my shoes without saying anything and I secretly chuckle to myself knowing no one else has quality taste in high fashion like I do.

>> No.54351297

Look for Polychloroprene rubber adhesive glue, it will be yellow in color, thats the one perfect for shoes repairs when soles are coming off from its glue, just make sure you can press it together with claps or weights on a shoe mold (make it out of wood by hand if you want)

In regards to the boots, if they are custom made id advise a cobbler since custom made boots that are good is as good as gold, unless they are badly damaged that the leather has holes everywhere, nothing cant be repaired, its just a matter of cost

>> No.54351351

they look good by the picture, most common fault can be the zipper breaking so that needs to be replaced with a new one or the sole bottoms getting worn out with excessive walking on cobblestone. Still good one anon, in the militia when i was young i was told that good boots will be your #1 friend and by god they were right, nowdays people dont know what is good or bad anymore. The more complicated it looks to be fancy or unique, the more connecting section it has that can break. Those in the pic look simple to make so as long as you take care of the leather, it should last a while

>> No.54351505

post like these are what make this site great.
trips and double.
TY anon.

>> No.54353108

Laughed hard at that

>> No.54354303


>> No.54354552

Damn it, everything is getting shrinkflated even shoe rubber

>> No.54354664

Those boots look gay af though.

>> No.54354672


>> No.54354687

Every time I see a dude wearing those he's a faggot.

>> No.54354699

why are you posting clown shoes and womans boots?

>> No.54354728


>> No.54354975

You autistic midget bitch. Fuck you. FUCK YOU.

>> No.54354976

youre not a roman, youre just a scrawny faggot sitting in his room daily
you probably cant even bench a single plate

>> No.54355391

ESL detected. Explains everything

>> No.54355844

what make and model of boot? whats a good boot brand?
inb4 redwings

>> No.54356290

red wings

>> No.54356366

Boots disintegrate from the inside rwally quick though, I have 2 seperate pairs of steel toes that basically don't have insoles anymore from being used so much.

>> No.54356453

>he doesn't use 3kg stainless stell boot
My legs are strong, my feet protected and i can have it for a life time

>> No.54356600

..insoles, you mean the part you can replace? Are you retarded or are you referring to something else as the "insole"

>> No.54356810

did you prompt stable diffusion too much nigga

>> No.54357229

Holy fuck I thought I was hardcore that is next level.

>> No.54357433

do you wear the skirt, too?

>> No.54357495


BASED cobblers cant stop winning

>> No.54357604

What should you do if you have flat feet?

>> No.54357637

Wear them till your feet are fixed.

>> No.54357782

just do no fap for 1 month and you can levitate from place to place with your mental powers.

>> No.54357816

Stop buying shitty garbage shoes like crocs. The next person I see wearing crocs is going to have to fight to the death against me in mortal combat

>> No.54358475

Ya this sends off an autism siren detectable 500m away

Cringe af

>> No.54358535

Isn't the squishy rubber more comfortable for like, running away from cops and stuff?

>> No.54358613
File: 289 KB, 595x547, Cityslicker SWERVE Hoboken coming through.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb fucking nigget detected, bet you didn't even know that

>> No.54358785

is this switch in lesser quality materials applied to all shoe brands?

>> No.54359150

There was a start up that made them like that (also a small company back in my home country of Ven*zuela) but they're not very comfortable and burn your feet during hot summer days.

>> No.54359236

Also Saphos from Lesbos became famous not because she was a good poet (her poetry was nothing impressive) but because there were so many rumors that she only fucked girls. She was not respected or well-regarded.

Also, for the vast majority of history "homosexuality" didn't exist. Most cultures understood it as sodomy, that is, an action that was performed. Hence why they were called "sodomites" and the cure was to simply stop doing it. The whole idea of homosexuality being a thing you "are" instead of a thing you "do" (an immutable characteristic of the being rather than an action, thus immoral to stop) began in the XIX century.

>> No.54359279

Correct, gays as are thought of today aka exclusive homosexuals weren't really a thing. It was just bisexuality and asserting dominance over another guy or woman which modern times seem determined to pretend doesn't exist.

>> No.54359308

Yes, EVA is good for shock absorption so its used on running shoes mostly kek
Most. Any large store that shells shoes from low to mid range in prices are running on EVA top of the sole layer with a PVC bottom which is ultra thing like 0.1-0.2mm so the moment that goes, EVA will just rub off like stale crumbly bubble gum found under the school table

>> No.54359998

patrician guidi enjoyer i too got a black backzip ankle pair with a similar chunky build like that pl2 that ones been with me 1.5 years and cobbler showed me a pretty cool vibram0xCadB31C3B629f1485fe3A31465A362d1185934eC

>> No.54360907
File: 1.38 MB, 1770x2869, PXL_20230328_125828439~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my motorcycle boots

>> No.54361648
File: 74 KB, 1080x1342, 1679599919874896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and witnessed cobbler-chad.

I was in Italy for work for a couple weeks 5 years ago and had some custom shoes made by a local leather worker. It took him 5 days from measurement to pick-up and i paid around 130 euros.

No shit the shoes still look practically new and are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. Can't speak to the rubber sole, but it is pretty high quality just like the leather.

I can't go back to Chink slave shop garbage shoes like this. I'm ruined.

>> No.54361714

i bet you could find something acceptable on aliexpress for like $20-40 bucks and you could use them without worrying so much about fading/scuffing/scratching etc and you could replace them a bunch of times before you've reached the spend of a single $100-200 pair of shoes. in general aliexpress has really stepped up its game and you can find quality stuff if you look for it.

>> No.54361748

Gay bottoms wear Chelsea boots. A man should never wear these boots at all. These boots are meant for hipster wannabe 20-35 year old roasties

>> No.54361774

>Gay bottoms wear Chelsea boots. A man should never wear these boots at all.

I wear them and I only rarely have sex with men

>> No.54361803

>leather outsoles used to last a lot longer and looked better but it was also more expensive and isn't as comfortable.

for military boots they used hobnails which were uncomfortable and noisy but made them last

>> No.54361808
File: 282 KB, 458x393, saylormoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHA good luck finding a girl with those shoes.

>> No.54361818

>ASKCTUALLY, what you really want are knee high rainboots with steel toes

we call those 'wellies' and i actually had a pair when i was 11 with steel toes

>> No.54361968
File: 2.65 MB, 250x250, my nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great post, also checking those digits.

>> No.54361995
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x3024, CBDB373C-9AC4-4627-9923-A6E4B1ACB1B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go have your foot measured with a Brannock device. Buy two pairs of well taken care of Allen Edmonds seconds - one black Oxford and one burgundy/chili loafer. Get shell cordovan leather if you can afford it. Put cedar shoe trees in them when you’re not wearing them, treat the shoes with leather conditioner once every 2 weeks or so, polish as frequently as you like. Have shoe resoled and repaired by cobbler as frequently as needed. Congratulations, now you never need to think about footwear again for the rest of your gay life nigger.

>> No.54362028

the jewish way of thinking

>> No.54362144

Came to say something like this. There are still many high quality shoemakers in the west (especially Spain, Italy and Britain). Their shoes will last decades if you take some basic care of the leather (they only might need a resole every few years).

An adult men shouldn't be wearing running shoes except when he is doing sports anyway. And especially not garbage with obvious brand logos on it

>> No.54363509

Based anon, that is a smart decision for msot people to do. If more people would get good pairs that need cobblers to fix them up instead of throwing them away, the trade would come back and the china tier crap would go away but in all honesty, a person learning that spending 100-200$ for a good pair instead of 200$ yearly for multiple pairs is a better investment is a first step for most normies.

>> No.54364801

because most shoes are literally rubber tires, for the feet.
even wooden shoes wear down but the quality and density of the wood is crucial.
you could technically make wooden shoes and put in your own custom padding to make sure its comfortable.
you could easily take out the padding and wash it when needed.

>> No.54364944
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, E4F3536E-C2D1-47FF-885A-3BF0F027D0F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make your own stuff. Just made some temp sandals, plan on making full shoes later.
Clogs are heavy as hell. Just strap literal tires to your feet, Ho Chi Minh sandals.