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54340904 No.54340904 [Reply] [Original]

Things have been booming the last couple of days, sticker capsules that were on sale a short time ago have 4x'd etc. Lots of hype around CS2 which won't be out until summer. Sell and hold?

>> No.54340954

This is the time to be buying. Valve confirmed that the 10 year bull run will continue for another 10 more years. The beta barely came out and the few people that have access to it have been enjoying it. Valve will never fuck the CS economy and CS2 looks pretty good so far, minus some bugs but that's why it's a beta and they have a few more months to work out some of the smaller details. If valve spent some money advertising (which hopefully they do more of to build hype for the game) like the way valorant does, CS can easily reach 2 mil concurrent players. Also how are we feeling about the pris major? Unironically might spend a few grand on stickers + capsules because it'll be the last CS:GO major AND the last major until like next year if I'm remembering correctly

>> No.54340993

Consider the following. Would you prefer holding an altcoin that, by the time the next halving occurs, will be worth a quarter of a fraction it was valued by the time Bitcoin decided to break ATHs again? Or an item that stopped being printed and literally only goes up as more people keep buying the case and open them, effectively disappearing the already dwindling supply there is on the market?

>> No.54340994

>buys the top of the peak of the speculative hype pump
good one retard nigger HAHAH

>> No.54340996

I have 4 accounts loaded with old cases capsules and skins that was worth around $2000 about 3 years ago. What am i looking at now? 5x average? Don’t have access to them for another couple weeks because I’m out of the country

>> No.54341003

Depends on the cases/capsules, but I want to believe you're certainly sitting on at least 10k total.

>> No.54341046

Sheeeeit I’m cashing out
Also have a day one 5 digit steam account(I’m old). Is there a market for them?

>> No.54341062

Eh, if you're into that sure.
Mind you, you'll be disappointed in comparison to csgo investing.

>> No.54341204

Sell half and let the rest ride out. As far as your account is concerned, you can sell that for a $100+ probably. Idk about the market for 5 digits but I know 3 and 4s are very desirable

>> No.54341239

I have 2000 bravo cases, 1000 huntsman cases, 800 op breakthrough cases and a bunch of dlore tradeups.
I'm going to sell it all during the final month leading to CS2. Reason being that they will most certainly introduce a new operation and a sideseries with the release.
And usually when that happens, prices tank and crab for a while.

>> No.54341975

got a weapon case 1 and a sticker capsule 2 from in game drops.
Hold or sell?
feel like holding as cases seem to be the most safe bet in going up over time.
Besides the already super expensive items

>> No.54342018

Anyone still remembers how expensive were pets for WoW from early blizzcons? There was a lot of money to be made.

>> No.54342132

I think it's time to lock in profits slowly. I mainly hold antwerp, Stockholm and rmr (fucking toxic I know) and I think these may be the closest to Kato tier capsules compared to how shit the previous cases have been. Regarding the update, keep in mind that zoomers likely won't be flocking to play csgo, because the new thing I.e. fortnite, valorant etc. are their generation's games, so cashing out a 10-50% is completely fair, because we may be in a speculative bubble right now.

>> No.54342216

Hold the weapon case 1, ak case hardened is one of the most desirable skins in the game
>Regarding the update, keep in mind that zoomers likely won't be flocking to play csgo, because the new thing I.e. fortnite, valorant etc. are their generation's games
I'm on the fence about this. You have to keep in mind that these games don't allow trading your items and if you're someone who comes to these games because you like the skins, CS has them beat 100 times over. As far as the game is concerned, I think valve is trying to make it more accessible ie "nerfing" smoke grnades, which have been a topic in tac fps for a while and this seems to be the solution to the problem. The upgrading of the tick rate on valve servers will help bring back players and maybe bring in more new players, as the tick rate issue is part of the reason why people went to valorant. CS is also well established and there are plenty of new people playing the game. It's kinda like when CS:GO first came out and it was mainly just oldfag 1.6 and source players but then around 2015 is when it began reaching a wider audience and the game has consistently grown since. You also have to understand that people are becoming more interested in the CS economy alone, aside from the core game, which as time goes on will bring in many more players. I'm extremely bullish on CS as a game and it's economy

>> No.54342292
File: 48 KB, 360x360, 360fx360f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime i take a look at this sticker collection i want to kill myself... jump down the window head first right fucking now
i was literally top holder of this collection because i knew it was the play and for some reason i decided i was done with video games i sold all my skins early

if i had hold onto this like i intended my 2k investment would have been 200k if i had held it for fucking 1 YEAR LONGER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.54342487
File: 59 KB, 833x783, EuNNxftXcAE1CyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How large is your portfolio?
Last time I checked (after CS2 announcement) mine is only worth 4.5k

>> No.54342514
File: 92 KB, 1125x870, 1679906099279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With rising inflation cash is a major liability. However the global depression will probably reduce the available market for dumb shit like csgo skins. I would sell everything and then invest some into TIPS and Ibonds, Rolex's (for the gold value if I somehow had tens or hundreds of thousands in csgo skins) and GME. Not financial advice just a thought experiment for entertainment value.

>> No.54342771

Small fish, only 1.5k here. I never took game investing seriously, just thought of it as a fun game on steam after quitting vidiya.
I disagree, I think holding csgo items (finite luxury item) is great in an (inter)national inflationary environment, because from what I've witnessed over the past 5 years is that the price increases reliably with the inflation. It's like holding a shitty centralized crypto, except it has a use case, namely gambling and in-game accessories.

>> No.54342845
File: 253 KB, 512x512, 1679611408792804.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see actual high IQ people browse here, I remember going on a long autistic rant with my teammates in mumble on how katowice 2014 stickers and the howl's (right after they become contraband) will go up in price like crazy. They said I was stupid as shit.

Read these next words carefully, whoever comes across them. Stockholm 2021 holos will be worth hundreds each, Mouz will hit over 1k USD in the next few years. These stickers are it. I'm buying more even now. I have over 150 grand in stockholm holos now. GL to people who miss out on this unironic generational wealth.

>> No.54342863
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1121, green forg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy all the poison frogs from the market they are the only frog sticker

>> No.54342878

Its a dumb idea cause u gotta buy fuckikg skins and then hope it goes up in value

Also its a dogshit game

>> No.54342923

Buying skins is a pretty bad idea, it's like stock picking but worse. You're better off buying the index (container/capsule). In pretty sure weapon skins and knives haven't appreciated as much as depleting items (containers/capsules/stickers).

>> No.54343056

Could be decent. I randomly made $30 last year off some cases I had and held by chance.. don't really play the game but sold and bought some cs20 for 15c and danger zone cases for 7c in feb. and those alone have done 4 x and 10 x since then. was just a little piggy bank to buy any new games I might have wanted but have stopped gaming anyway.

>> No.54343093

>you gotta buy shit and hope it goes up
Well, do I have news for you about your whereabouts...

>> No.54343740

I started with an initial $350 investment last week and I'm already up to $500 trading cases. I diversified pretty good so some have done better than others, but all are in profit.

>> No.54343746

You're so sure they wont release more borderless stickers?

>> No.54343780

>iTs A dOgShIt GaMe
>hasn't even played CS2 yet

I can tell you firsthand the hitreg in CS2 makes it a vastly superior game to CSGO. You don't know fucking shit and/or you're a broke, salty Silver. Notice this is the only fud in the thread and it's shitty bait.

>> No.54343857

I'd keep both. Sticker Capsule 2 still has potential so long as the Crown is in demand. It's the sole reason case openers buy it.

>> No.54344017
File: 90 KB, 1493x842, Euphoric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5k in January, the only bad thing is that all the skins are double price now so its a pain if you want something to play with

>> No.54344240

Literally every case is up

>> No.54345012

What is this tool my guy? Looks like it keeps track of your cs inventory?

>> No.54345409

Casemove on Github

I'm at 9k now WTF, it pumped that much?

>> No.54345669
File: 59 KB, 1042x696, days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fucking legend capsules are going through the roof(pic rel 1 day apart), I was gonna buy a few skins with that butterfly on buff but the 7 day hold fucked me over, might buy a few fanatic holos from rmr they looks quite nice and are cheap,

>> No.54348101

Buying gold autographs today