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54335925 No.54335925 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get in the HALF club?

>> No.54335936

Poor people can't eat Amazon stock

>> No.54335977


>> No.54335982

4 figure out less gang lets fucking GOOOOOO

>> No.54336004

fuck off, its my pie! i risked my capital for it

>> No.54336008
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This is you, Chud

>> No.54336037

if only I could go back in time...

>> No.54336038
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Get a job, buck.

>> No.54336050

do something useful

>> No.54336065

It's simple. We eat, uh, the pie!

>> No.54337824
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six figure hell reporting in
picrel, how six figure hell *actually* feels

>> No.54337864

white people are amazing that they earn over half of the entire pie

>> No.54337911

Get a loan out, buy stock. Get another loan with the stock as collateral. Start a business and pour money into it while playing pass the parcel with loans.

Eventually the interest and sales accumulate into a big pile of wealth. You have just as much debt as you have money but that's just part of the ponzi scheme. You made it.

>> No.54337928

This is why if there is a bank run, money gets redistributed. Because rich people actually have nothing. They're the ones with loans out on your money.

>> No.54337961

>How do i get to 7 figures?
It's a boring fucking answer but most millionaires get a white collar job and put 25% into retirement accounts for 30-40 years to get there.
I know, I know, that's too slow. If you want to get there faster just invest more money in the things you think will do the best or start a business and grow it.
If you live in burgerland and make a median or better salary you probably do have the tools to get there someday, it does take a lot of time if you're starting small though.

>> No.54337991

Someone give me an actual answer and plan on how to fix income inequality that doesn't break down into full blown gulag communism.

Hard mode
>No mass murder
>No dictatorship
>Corporations and government don't become a single entity
>No obvious lies, buzzwords or phrases like "pay their fair share"
>Not entirely focused on trannies, niggers, illegals, and people that don't and will never contribute to society.
>No unlimited gibs or "dem programs"
>No more taxes on the middle class

>> No.54338038

Someone give an actual answer on why income inequality is bad. Most people in the world are braindead, why do they deserve to make as much as someone who is smart?

>> No.54338089

You too, kike. You too.

>> No.54338096

Liberal politics are based on a victim/oppressor viewpoint. You have to have an oppressor to create laws and a system that is always trying to stop the oppressor. Sometimes the oppressor is just someone trying to stop you from making him lick your boot. Many times the oppressor doesn't even exist. The fastest way to install a communist dictator is when you're desperate to stop the non existent oppressor.

Living organisms just naturally create ordered caste systems. You see it in humans, lions, chickens pecking order, and insects. Someone is always going to be at the top and the majority are going to be peons.

>> No.54338099


>> No.54338117

National Capitalism.

>> No.54338121

Jews are based, seethe more

>> No.54338149

Pro capitalist retards look at this chart and think "yeah seems fair, that one guy prob earned half the wealth" lmao

>> No.54338151

> How do I get in the 1%
You need to either be at the top in a lucrative field (medicine, law, etc) or be an executive at a successful company. For the average person, the latter is the safer bet but it typically takes decades to reach that position. Without any context for your personal situation, I'd say: go to school, get your bachelor's in [whatever], get your MBA, then grind it out until your 40s. By that point you should at least be a Director at some megacorp. If you haven't reached that point by then, give up and just coast until retirement.

>> No.54338174

I have no answer because I really don't think you can without changing human nature. A few outliers always drive most of the innovation and this even holds true down to an office job environment. In any case you won't tax yourself into prosperity which is what american "liberals" think is the answer. Tax just limits the impacts of the money we print to do deficit spending.
The best you can do is to try to promote open competition and minimize anticompetitive behavior in the markets. True 'leftists' just design a system where their cronies plan the economy and entrench themselves and their friends, it's pretty obvious that this doesn't really distribute any wealth.
I don't know if it would work, but in the 20th century it seemed like things were less bad for the little guy that saved his paychecks. Things started shifting drastically after Nixon severed the dollar's link to gold. Runaway inflation didn't really hurt those with assets but it killed the traditional saver.
To me, limiting governments' ability to print unlimited money and inflate away the common man's savings would be a good step. Inflation is like a cancer when it's happening due to the money printer and not due to any sort of growth.

>> No.54338196

>americans cannot comprehend anything that isn't visualized as food and memes

>> No.54338372

it's not about merit, it's that poorfags couldn't maintain wealth in their places. True wealth is dynastic anyways.

>> No.54338419

just take half of the pie, dumbass

>> No.54338418

Why did you cum onto a children's placemat for a pizza joint?

>> No.54338424

Tell jews to take a hike, nationalize important industries and the media, outlaw usury... basically all the things duh ebil nazees tried to do before international zionism put a stop to it.

>> No.54338470

Easy, you close the financial markets. Income inequality is not bad in itself, income inequality is a problem because the system that we have mandates that the investment of money is in the hands of the consumer class, and income inequality dictates who is in that class. The greater the concentration of wealth, the more the monetization of the economy is controlled by a relatively small contingent that just sits there and tries not to draw attention.

>> No.54338507

The HALF club shouldn't exist. Global estate tax for total wealth beyond $5,000,000. Income inequality can't be solved, but generational wealth centralization (ie dynastic inheritance) can.

>> No.54338535

>World population
Maybe remake this chart without third world shitholes.

>> No.54338568


Communist propaganda. Most telling is the refusal to point out that the 1 person with half the pie is a jew.

So it's just meaningless.

>> No.54338735

Why not just bake more pie

>> No.54338776

There's no way this is correct. There are millions of homes worth more than 1 million dollars.

>> No.54338784

Half club is overrated. 35% club is comfy

>> No.54338788

80% taxes on net worth surpassing $5MM, some handwaving for company owners

>> No.54338819

What size is the pie?

>> No.54338864

seize private property to be used for the public good, shoot those that stand in the way. EZ PZ

>> No.54339032

Income inequality is generally a good thing. It's wealth inequality that's the problem, though there it's still fairly conditional.

>> No.54339450
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>Sometimes the oppressor is just someone trying to stop you from making him lick your boot
Skinhead psychosis.

America was invented by pushing the british out, kicking oppressor ass is more american than any national socialist/commie shit ur trying to push, now back in your containment!

>> No.54340629

America was invented by freemasons who then immediately levied taxes and oppressed the people rebelling against them.

>> No.54340717

We need to force prisoners to build a supermax prison on the ocean floor.
Then we need to make them be fully responsible for the prison.
They will eventually become a self-sufficient colony as if their lives depended on it, similar to how Australia developed.
Next any NEETS / homeless will be sent to the prison to work the labor camps, build skills, or become prison fertilizer.

>> No.54340776

>world population
Into the trash it goes. I don't care if some guy in the Kongo doesn't have drinkable water

>> No.54340808

Noooo we must give all our money to the govt so they can correctly distribute our wealth earned by providing value to those who suck value, such a great economic idea if only there were countries that implemented this exact thing before so we could see how it works out. Clearly the whole idea of being able to create and sell things freely is a broken system, even though those who earn more pay disproportionately higher tax

>> No.54340814
File: 292 KB, 683x999, 4513de8c6f8c5c20477d1b28fda0e5a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakeholder Capitalism
>Every business larger than 20 employees is legally now a private corporation.
>After a 6 month trial period, employees are issued shares of their corporation and are permitted to buy more using their wages
>Public stock offering is fairly limited but still possible
>upon termination of employment they must sell their shares at fair market value
>founding owner is permitted to individually retain up to 51% of the shares
>now every employee has a stake in the company's profitability and long term success because they are part owners
>Employees can prevent severe exploitation without the need of a union
>Marx is satiated because the workers literally control the means of production
>Smith is satiated because the invisible hand will determine where people want to work and whose shares are most valuable
Workers of the world, buy the dip.

>> No.54340872
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The best you could do is return to the gold standard with one USD equaling 1/1000th a oz. of gold. That would force the U.S. government to limit its size from top to bottom and allow societal energic resources to return to the private markets. If you combine this with a conversion to Islamic style banking you would get an economy that grows under deflationary conditions. Lastly you'd need to break the buck of feminism but nothing short of a Fourth Great Awakening could do that at this point. The American family has to be reformed but that starts with getting women out of the workforce and taking care of their kids again.

>> No.54340912

This would just discourage me from scaling a business past 20 employees, desu.
t. small business owner

>> No.54340925

Not every business needs to be a big business.

>> No.54340988

Disincentizing people from creating medium sized businesses isn't a proper retort though. All you'll end up doing is reducing social mobility due to the difficulty or perceived difficulty of passing and dealing with the regulatory hurdles at 20 persons. If anything this would just lead to more offshoring/automation when possible because robots/foreign slaves wouldn't be included. Or just a mess of shell companies to dodge such a regulation. It also disincentives business since the damn proles will just get the benefit of it if it becomes too large.

>> No.54341005

>>No obvious lies, buzzwords or phrases like "pay their fair share"
lol this is literally the only way though
>tax revenue at the final destination of goods or services provided
>disincentivize globalization by all means possible
>criminalize tax evasion that barely falls under avoidance as is (muh tax havens, shady royalty deals)
>streamline corporate structures and break up monopolies through hard EV caps
>de-finantialization of economies, remove all performance based incentives from speculative assets of all types
>impose minimum holding periods on all institutional investors for publicly traded securities
>ban securities collateral loans (preferably usury as a whole but that would be "silly")
I think you see where I'm going with this
>never ever
a man can dream though

>> No.54341094
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I guess gulag communism it is then. Sorry you couldn't be arsed to find a reasonable middle ground. Now, get up against the wall. Here's your last cigarette. Oh, you don't smoke? Shame.

>> No.54341253

Chart is fake. The only way to own half of the wealth is to own 10.5 million bitcoins. Anything else is a short term scam. There's about 10 trillion US dollars in existence. So conservatively, take the percentage of existing bitcoin that you own, multiply it by 10 trillion, that's your worth in today's dollars. If people think one bitcoin is worth less than $500k, they're just wrong.

>> No.54341315

>He thinks that communism won't just be the same thing that we have now but with different labeling and a different spectacle
midwit, ngmi

>> No.54342424

good luck trying to redistribute wealth by force in the current year
useless eaters like yourself will find that for each year less and less tax is able to be collected from the productive individuals and eventually you will end up with no gibs for the parasites

>> No.54342744
File: 41 KB, 544x669, deficit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less and less tax is able to be collected from the productive individuals and eventually you will end up with no gibs for the parasites
Having no money will not prevent them from spending it

>> No.54342859

Be silent lil vatnick

>> No.54342905

>fix income inequality
It's not meant to be fixed.

>> No.54343040

Automated restaurants, renewable energy, lab growing meat, plant based meat, bug based food, desalination bowls, crop grazing.

There seems to already be a good spread of educated proffesionals that could achieve most of this and the newer generations just need to get their sleeves up and build. But we also need philanthropists who seem to have stopped building physical infastructure due to technology innovation.

It doesn't really matter who pays for it because it leads to a self-sustaining ecosystem for ourselves where we can spend more time being innovative in make believe world. But we are all going to need to take part for it to happen so why don't we put a bit more effort in and speed up the process.

I would like to also point out that government beurucracy prevents us from just gathering up and building a barn like the amish so say what you will, this is all a big waste of time that will never happen anyway.

and I know people seem lazy but I personally would learn to build whatever someone needed me to build if it was for a global movement like this. I would also simply do it for money but there are so many strings attatched.

>> No.54343048
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>the bunkertranny phenotype

>> No.54343050

If you measure wealth in terms of currency, you're fucking stupid.
t. Adam Smith.

>> No.54343107
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Income isn't what matters. CoL is what matters.
Form a Constitutional Monarchy.
Subsidize food, regulate tuition costs, stamp out housing bubbles, and ensure all the necessities of life are easily affordable. Adjust minimum wage laws to ensure workers have discretionary spending ability.
2% inflation without QE or QT, and static bond rates of 3%.
Eliminate FPTP and require lobbyists to explain their decisions (at length) to Congress.

>> No.54343122

just be yourself

>> No.54343155

This chart is bullshit. The national debt did not decrease back in 2001. It increased. Look it up. There was a deficit despite the libs pretending "Bill Clinton balanced the budget."

>> No.54343180

>actually having a pizzabakeren box

>> No.54343788

Debt and deficit are not the same thing.

>> No.54343843


>> No.54343979

What matters is to increase the size of the next pie. It's not that hard to be in the top 35 percent. Even if you're born poor you should be able to be in the top 35 for your age by your 30s. Most people are really stupid and make bad decisions. Just take that to your advantage

>> No.54344023

No shit. I used both terms correctly in my post.

>> No.54344257

You put a profit cap on businesses beyond which the tax rate is 100%.
This incentivises many medium sized companies which make monopolies impossible and lower barriers to entry for other organisations. There is a heightened emphasis on operational efficiency than market dominance, because at most every business can only earn X