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54331214 No.54331214 [Reply] [Original]

But still I am being bullied by my mind.
I don't have any bills to pay.
Went on holidays for 18 months
Met new gf. she is qt and virgen.
Have 21 bitcoins
I should have no worries.
But still I am not happy everyday.
I waged for 5 years and put everything in crypto.
My dad didn't ever ask me rent so I was able to put loads into it.
I made it. but I still not happy everyday.
Thought I would be happy after getting the gf.
It was good for a month.
Then it was like. meh.
The fuck is wrong with me?
Pls help /biz/bros.
I even took the belief in God cause that is hope.
But still I am not happy everyday.

>> No.54331231

You need a hobby

>> No.54331240

Your religion is profit. You are unhappy because your goals are completed. You need to re-learn how to enjoy the journey. Find something you suck at and be awesome at it.

>> No.54331266

You have nothing, just money and gay shit that comes with money to placate the people who quantify the sum total of their life in arbitrarily and hyper inflated numbers. You feel like shit because you're a meat computer and know it. Humans crave war and conflict, none of which is allowed or afforded in the wagie life you've pursued. Summary: you're unhappy because you suck and you're a money and image obsessed fag.

>> No.54331315

You need dopamine detox

>> No.54331332

"Go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

>> No.54331336

but i already did a 6 month no touch penis, no sugar, no carbs. I did everything. I even quit drugs. I don't even smoke anymore. I became "le pure" and "le godly" and I AM STILL NOT HAPPY EVERYDAY. I kinda feel like smoking a fat joint right now so I can just go to sleep and not think for a day or two. that' be nice. relax.

fren I even DRANK MY OWN PEE for a few months it was that bad. I DID LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

ITS OVER FOR ME. I might have to give everything to the poor like Jesus said and become a hobo. the only thing i haven't done yet. be poor hobo traveler. already did rich luxury neet traveler.

>> No.54331338

Psyop demoralization thread. Don’t fall for it.

>> No.54331344

tfw synched up. /biz/hive.

>> No.54331346


>> No.54331351
File: 547 KB, 524x682, slurpindor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREH i was banned from /biz/ for a week for "advertising" i need to vent now my 7 days ban is over. thanks for listening fren. starting tomorrow I will post slurpindor again. pic related

>> No.54331352

start taking about 10 grams of collagen peptides with every meal so 30 grams per day. now foods is a good brand

in regards to jesus, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MkpMxUR7hI

>> No.54331355

You didn't really made it. 21btc is nothing

>> No.54331367

its enough for me. I don't have to wage anymore.

>> No.54331414
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No one is happy every day

Just solved your problem.

That will be one buttcorn

>> No.54331421


what makes incels larp like this

>> No.54331427
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We call them surrogate activities here anon

>> No.54331465

this. all you see on social media is fake people arent always happy

>> No.54331821

Eat more animal fat, particularly beef with the fat.

Is the only thing that will make you feel satisfied in life.

When I was poor and fatless, I was a wreck.

Now I have a job, don't pay rent, I'm less poor than before and it doesn't matter: all that matters is when the barbecue starts so I can feast on ribeyes, lamb chops and porkbelly.

The feeling of danger makes my day: duck diving then surfing a 6ft outlier on a sparse lineout, or mountain bike my way to work, or run and evade obstacles pumps some primitive part me that no material possesion or intellectual endeavor can activate.

>> No.54331895

i already did pure carnivore diet for many years. I am very healthy and good looking. a girl actually asked my number the other day.

>> No.54331936

I don't really know how to phrase it, but the kingdom of god is within you. Per definition, you're not going to find it outside by buying e.g. a lambo, but even your own mind is a kind of "outside" to your self, i.e. a physical object obeying the laws of physics. Its activity produces your experience and that, your behavior. You can force a certain behavior, but you do not thereby necessarily change the mechanism which produces your behavior in the expected way. For instance, someone who wants to do good to others does good, and someone else wants to do good because he wants to get out of Hell. Both do good (the action), but one of them is a guy who wants to do good to do good, and one is a guy who wants to get out of Hell and does good (mechanism plus action). Given that the action is at least similar in both cases, the person will look similar, and if the behavior is similar enough, even you will believe it about yourself, but the underlying neural process is a different one.

>> No.54331953

buy a small plot of rural land in the woods and build yourself an offgrid cabin homestead there and find some meaning beyond MUH FEELIN GOOD

>> No.54331965

Interesting fellow carnivore.

Do you have frens?

Opening a company and having children will keep you busy.

But as other anon points, there is really no way to be happy every day.

>> No.54332034

> do you have frens.
I dumped all my friends. I just have acquaintances now. friends is something for children in my opinion. Everyone is my friend. its all temporary. I do stuff on my own and meet people there who are then temporary my friend. then i never see them again. its perfect that way. I used to have a big friend circle when i was a teenager but it was always drama and b.s anyway. I just have me and the woman I'm seeing / (my gf) I don't need anyone or anything else.

Yeah i'll probably have to make my gf pregnant.

I'm so tired of everything bro. I did literally everything. I was on the spiritual path for many years. I read the Bible(KJV), parts of Quran, I read the vedas,, I ventured on the non dualistic path. I explored many philosophies. I discovered so many things. I'm so tired of everything bro. So tired. maybe its time to kms


>> No.54332087

you ignored my post faggot
>but i read le books!
ok faggot that doesnt mean shit. Did you act as a muslim and fast during ramadan? Did you practice asceticism in any way? You havent actually done anything if you just read the books to absorb the heckin philosophy. Do something that fucking sucks, do something that makes you miserable, go run a marathon or fucking literally anything. You sound like someone who has never really suffered in their life and ironically youre suffering because of it

>> No.54332114

>ok faggot that doesnt mean shit. Did you act as a muslim and fast during ramadan? Did you practice asceticism in any way?
yes dude i just told you i did everything. I even didn't wank for 6 months. i was that "le pure" you didn't even read MY posts. feg. I can even communicate telepathically and visit others in dreams. , I am aware. and I am bored. It's time for me to leave this place. I do not want to reincarnate again.

>> ramadan
a fucking joke compared to the fasting i have done. One time I fasted for 7 days.

>> No.54332124

or if you take the white path, anon, not the destruction route
(harkening Shin megami tensei path feeling here)

Original poster, (maybe) you crave doing something greater than having material things now that you have it. Deep inside, you want to do something greater than you but you are unsure what to do, how to do it or even if you think it's possible for you.

>> No.54332134

It's funny how people find different things interesting. I think spirituality is about the most boring and uninteresting thing I can think of.

>> No.54332157

>wahh im just too heckin enlightened
No, youre just oversocialized and frankly whiny and childish.
> I can even communicate telepathically and visit others in dreams
oh i guess youre a literal schizo

>> No.54332166
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i think its literally over for me. its OVER.
trying to understand reality and higher levels is interesting. but eventually it gets boring too. idk. everything gets boring. I have to stop coming here. its time for my soul to depart from this scam world. SCAM!

>> No.54332183

don't assume things. i never mentioned the word enlightened. But thanks if you think that of me. I guess?

> oh i guess youre a literal schizo
you are highly unaware if you haven't noticed telepathy and dream walking yet. You never had a girlfriend or any strong bond. else you would easily notice. even normies know this

>> No.54332216

It's not for me to say what you've how useful any of those texts were for you, but there is a strange phenomenon in the human mind which causes you to be able to read the plain truth, in English, in sentences like these, and walk past right it. It's not that you don't see the words; you might even agree with them. And they mean nothing to you. Yes, we really are like those robots in Westworld that say "doesn't look like anything to me".
I guess it's due to some mechanism in the human mind that causes certain information to only appear true in certain contexts, e.g. we have "religious truth" and "scientific truth" and "social truth", with one not transferring to the other, e.g. the "religious truth" is not related by our brain to "scientific truth" (I'd even venture that those connections neurologically don't exist, creating this blindness). That is not to say that any particular religious claim is true, just that, even if you think one is true, it's true "in the religious way" (which corresponds to this vague "religious" feeling we have, if you know it), not in the "fact"-way. We are making these categories quite clearly up; there is only one truth, and everything that's true is true in the same way. However, we have these errors in our world-model (to be scientific) or delusions (to use a more Eastern-sounding term) ghosting around in our brains, and they can cause the phenomenon where you can read over a text as many times as you want and go "doesn't look like anything to me".

>> No.54332232

you schizos always have the same smug condescending attitude as if youve seen it all and done it all despite the fact that youve done basically nothing and can only parrot insane /x/ bullshit

>> No.54332246

Here is a few suggestions
Ham radio enthusiasts arrl
American bladesmith society
The twelve tribes christian cult
The American Culinary Federation
Boat owners association

>> No.54332268

>i was that "le pure"
What did you expect to come from this "purity"? (Not to be snide; you just put it in quotes too.)

>> No.54332350
File: 120 KB, 820x820, pepeboatfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it to come closer to God and feel the unity of all. and it did actually work in a way. But with every rise comes a fall. I did end up a bit higher every time but I have realized there is no end point. the mountain grows higher as you climb it and you can never reach the top. I've been on a mega down swing for a few months now. IDK what was to expect. I understand one thing. ITS OVER for me.

Even things like manifestation don't interest me anymore. I guess there's literally nothing that I truly want. I was so fascinated when I could make things apear in my reality by using the power of mind. But even those things got old. (check Neville Goddard). so what then. what is left? there is nothing left. its OVER. I don't even want to become rich.

>> No.54332366

>there is no end point. the mountain grows higher as you climb it and you can never reach the top.
True, but why do you want to climb the mountain?

>> No.54332375

Try charity, the effect of promoting the welfare of another human to succeed is overwhelming, and all good willing, you ultimately become a father yourself. Here's a eth address 0xc09d1856D9fAcd1c362650451D53816213A4A962 I'm hoping to start up a small studio by next year to exhibit to the local kids about sewing, tailoring, diy clothes and thrift. especially with how the economy is burning and dumping good old boomer clothes made of natural fibers like wool and cotton as they die off from vax. at the same time china and shein pump billions of polyester plastic.

>> No.54332411

There's nothing wrong with you. What you have in life doesn't make you happy. Being really poor does make you unhappy though. You are either naturally unhappy or you need a more satisfying tribal life or something.

>> No.54332458

man, how can you have read all that philosophy and religious stuff and not learnt to just chill. feelings go up and down, everything changes, it's as simple as that. you feel shit now, soon enough you won't. don't need to fix it, it's not broken. no reason for it, except that we're not simple machines. just be good to yourself so that you don't spend the good times recovering from bad coping mechanisms

>> No.54332483


>> No.54332485

i guess im just attention whoring. sorry fren. I know I just need to relax. thanks for reading my blog. I just needed to post ITS OVER a few times. I feel better already. thanks frens! and don't forget... ITS OVER!

>> No.54332498

He didnt read them to learn what they meant, he read them to conquer another thing.
>finished conquering the bible, time to go conquer quran!
>My superior intellect allows me to see beyond these shallow global religions ,':^)
OP is a nonce

>> No.54332507

You have beaten the world, now transcend it. Study the works of Dr David Hawkins- the fastest route to enlightenment imo.
You can sit in total bliss all day and desire nothing when you surrender the ego to the Lord. Gloria in excelsis Deo!



>> No.54332855

you need to find a way to give back, help others. It should be a bit of a struggle, a bit of work. Having a gf completes a part of you, but it's not fulfilling in the life sense. Go volunteer, could be a children's hospital, anything. Find what speaks to you. Again it should feel a bit like work

>> No.54332883

>in this episode, OP learns that money isn't the solution to all of his life's problems
>stay tuned next week when he realizes the limits of other human's attention spans and memory limits how many people are capable of loving him in a meaningful fashion by a considerably large extent

>> No.54333518 [DELETED] 
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he hasnt beaten the world. OP hasnt even got power and influence. He has a little bit of money and is scared to fully transcend. He's off the treadmill has been milling around the cage trying to occupy his mind. He needs to escape the cage, and become the scientist. Become the master, come over to the dark side. Create something massive to manipulate people as thats the only thing thats entertaining in this world, making others dance like puppets.
>yfw someone reads this and runs with it

>> No.54333534

wrong image dont ban me jannies, its just a little nip...this kind of power OP

>> No.54333717

buy a ram 1500 rebel nigger

>> No.54333737

>Met new gf. she is qt and virgen.
maybe you should fuck her.

>> No.54333754

>I'm enlightened
>posts spam unfunny forced memes and spams threads
No you're just a schizophrenic nigger.
God this board is a fucking shell of it's former self.

>> No.54333777

Yeah give everything to the poor so they can buy fentanyl and you can wageslave for 40 years to survive

>> No.54333817

You can start by being grateful every time you think I made it what now. People work their entire life just to see a fraction of that.

>> No.54335567
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You absolutely need to get in touch with a psychiatrist, the sooner you do the less chance of killing yourself and actually managing to become happy.
If you'd like to look up some common medications, some decent ones are:
>Trintellix (vortioxetine)
Pro: Basically eliminates depression.
Con: May give you some of the worst nightmares of your life. Doesn't for most people, but I guess I wasn't most people.
>Effexor (venlafaxine)
Pro: Cuts the intensity of depressive thoughts and anxiety, reduces intensity of suicidal impulses, helps you last longer during sex (a lot longer).
Con: A lot, but they fade once you've been on it for a few months. Disrupted sleep, cold sweats at night, vertigo, elevated blood pressure, elevated ocular pressure, halos around bright lights and white-on-black text, and brain zaps. Do not do what I did and try to quit it cold turkey, you will feel as if you're having brain epilepsy for a month. Your emotions may become blunted. You will feel an indescribable 'emptiness' that only others on venlafaxine will understand. Orgasms become challenging, reduced sex-drive. Dry mouth and sleepiness (I never got these 2).
>Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Pros: Massively increase sex-drive, pairs well with venlafaxine but will worsen sleep further. Will help you keep your emotions while on venlafaxine. Reduces feelings of emptiness, further reduces depression.
Cons: You will know very quickly when you miss a dose, your brain-zaps will inform you.
>Buspar (buspirone)
Pros: Heightened mental sharpness, lifts brain fog, improves emotional responses, spot-treatment of extremely acute anxiety. If taken with a small amount of melatonin, promotes neuron growth in a mechanism not fully understood yet.
Cons: Must avoid eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice ;_;
* If you have THC on it, you may be able to view your current life, mood, thoughts, and situations more objectively from a removed perspective (like looking at yourself from outside of yourself)

>> No.54335591

You need a son and purpose

>> No.54335607


>> No.54335612

>just take a combo of drugs and jesus bro

>> No.54335665

based, me too anon
what helped for me was stop trying to obsess over dark things I cannot control

life becomes a lot more exciting if you fix the doomthinking

>> No.54335708

>satan speaks

>> No.54335713

Read crysis of the modern world or some books like that the short run is modernity is a disease because it makes life easyer embrace struggle

>> No.54335727

>Went on holidays for 18 months
wtf, sounds boring and like you need a purpose

>> No.54335761
File: 167 KB, 1125x1131, 0x9C65AB2765a1dE2c04a29e35819FF4A1443fB545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put all your money in shitcoins. the rush of adrenaline will make you feel alive

>> No.54335796


>> No.54335868
File: 736 KB, 744x1008, monkey hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find purpose in your life as compost in training, become the best compost a bug could ever ask for

>> No.54335909

have you tried kys ?

>> No.54336033

Schizophrenia is treatable and I recommend you obtain a psychiatric evaluation as well; I do not mean this as some sort of insult, please don't construe it as one. It runs in my family too and is a reality I may have to face one day. Running away from treatment and hiding in one's delusions is cowardice. Organs can suffer illnesses and congenital problems; medications do not change you, the brain is an organ and psychiatric medications are an attempt to restore your brain's wellbeing and balance.
Do not be afraid.

>> No.54336076

Give me 1 bitcoin and I will tell you the secret of life. You will never know why you exist. You will waste your life looking for answers. You will remember this post later on.

>> No.54336084

You need some struggle. Download liferpg on your smartphone unironically

>> No.54336088

>take these pill that cause massive adiction after 1 use, and dont ask question

>> No.54336157

You're more than welcome to ask questions, direct them to a health professional — it's their field of expertise after all, and they've spent a great deal of time working towards becoming competent enough to advise you and others in health matters.
You can strawman all you like, but you're only cheating yourself.

>> No.54336215

read some book about self deception boyo, the only one lying to yourself is you and your little doctors. there is no such a thing as chemical imbalances that require medication. you are just a drug adicted person avoiding his problem using pills.

>> No.54336237

>Satan continues to speak

>> No.54336275

I'm sure it's logical and sane to trust your own internal ramblings, paranoia, and pulp pseudoscience instead of regulated professions.
This is the anti-intellectual bent that will continue to undermine your life as you cling to peasant habits

>> No.54336363

I don't need any pills. you can fuck off satan. I did not take the vaxxeen jew and I will not take the pill jew

>> No.54336438

>as you cling to peasant habits
like eating healthy, doing exercise, and not taking OTC meth ?

>> No.54336891

im also bored by life and purposeless
i never really enjoy anything much I just kill timeA8PWHX

>> No.54337177

>animal protein is a drug

>> No.54337358

you need to own nothing my guy

>> No.54337940
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>she is qt and virgen.

some bad news...

>> No.54338379

i know its impossible to meet a virgen girl in america or western europe. but i didn't meet her in this area. I went abroad. also it was obvious she was inexperienced. from the kiss to the hug to how she acted. when we first started talking she said she had 3 prior boyfriends. But then I started noticing that she's very inexperienced and acted like ... a virgin 17 year old who was my gf when i was 23. and i confronted her and asked her if she ever had sex and about her 3 boyfriends and thats when she admitted she never even kissed with these other guys. and it was clear. i already knew before though. you can easily notice when a girl is virgin.

>> No.54338393

you need purpose.

>> No.54338451

You are a retard, but whatever I'll chime in.
Maybe try psylocybin. DYOR on this

>> No.54338539

have you tried attentionposting on the internet?

>> No.54338862

You could invest in my AI startup if you want. We have a team full of cool and talented people who are building cool shit.