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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 461 KB, 3000x1680, andrewtateshocked (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54312824 No.54312824 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54312834

I don't think about him at all.

>> No.54312841

I like him solely because the globohomo media hates him. Asides from that I think he's a half rate Chris Deodes from Good Looking Loser.

>> No.54312855

He is a Jew like you. Undermined white men and encouraged degeneracy amoungst them. His parents are glowniggers. And he is half a nigger.

>> No.54312860

Cookie cutter with a weak jaw, and bald head

>> No.54312872
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Beta male that thinks he's an alpha.
Weak ass body and the only "based" thing he did was get rich off of retards that bought his MLM bullshit.

>> No.54312876
File: 419 KB, 2533x1230, Screenshot 2022-09-13 224507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds like him and he has no chin so I don't like him simple as.

>> No.54312880

reddit keeps bringing him up and telling me what to think about him.

>> No.54312893

The thing I never understood is that his fans are the kind of people to emphasize the importance of things like having a strong chin and jaw and Andrew Tate himself has a very weak chin and jaw.

>> No.54312902

needs invisalign

>> No.54312909

>randomly posts a /pol/ screenshot
You need to go back

>> No.54312928

Was making 5 million a month at his peak by scamming pajeets and incels into paying him $49.99/month for a bunch of resources he sourced for free online based off a viral tiktok marketing campaign which cost him very little money
Also he managed to convince millions he was the definition of an alpha male despite being balding, swarthy and having that chin
/biz/ness and marketing genius but I wouldnt trust him if he told me the sky was blue

>> No.54312938

If your response is anything other than fpbp's, you need to get off the internet.

>> No.54312965

This is fair, but he actually pulled it off so.... i mean there has to be something there.

>> No.54312967

A product of his time

So it's just bad literature

>> No.54312976
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I miss her, guys

>> No.54312994

The 3rd coming of God after Jesus and Hitler.
He has already outlived Jesus, so God bless him.

>> No.54312999

this is what I think too

just 2023's version of the roaming essential oils dealers, selling a vision, a belief system, and not a real product

>> No.54313009
File: 39 KB, 947x232, Screenshot 2023-01-09 105918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/pol/ everyone who uses /pol/ is a chud or tranny aka a loser.

>> No.54313017

But at least he speaks against woke bullshit

>> No.54313047


It cannot be summed up better.

>> No.54313125

>sky was blue
Goy, the sky is blue, Israel is your greatest ally and Tate is in jail for charging $49.99/month for a bunch of resources he sourced for free online

>jewish hands type this

>> No.54313163

when someone is lying about small things, means he is lying about everything. not trustworthy at all:

>> No.54313203

>cia nigger detected
When someone is telling the truth about BIG AND REAL things they end up in romanian jails with no charges

>> No.54313223
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>> No.54313230

when was the first time you had a man's penis in your mouth?

>> No.54313259


>> No.54313274

He is literally a muslim

>> No.54313280

only people that would honestly be against him are beta/basedboy haters or feds

you're a destiny or you're running a psyop, either way the world is better if you take a few more boosters

>> No.54313302

No, retard. Anyone who idolizes any man is a so'y boy. Be your own man and grow up, pussy. Submissive bitches are pathetic. That's the role of a woman. Are you a femboy?

>> No.54313330

i dont think about bald spics

>> No.54313385

>dumb af, beta af or psyop af - pick the one that hurts the least, youre probably running all 3

Men of value, respect men of value. All day everyday.

>> No.54313434

No. Men of value are high t and don't worship another man like some pussy.

>> No.54313528

Respect =/= worship. You won't get very far at all in life unless you show men respect kid. Even men that are beneath you should be shown respect, let alone ones that are obviously far exceeding you. You wont last long otherwise, either socially or even worse so physically.

>> No.54313555
File: 544 KB, 2048x2048, 1679529605128582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is literally a psyop, his parents are glowniggers, he isnt based or trad.
He encourages isalmic bullshit and has an ISREALI PASSPORT, hes an ugly mutt, and promotes degeneracy like webcams.
I could care less for him

>> No.54313562

>when someone is lying about small things, means he is lying about everything. not trustworthy at all:

anon, let me tell you a secret: frequent blunt honesty is a great way to build credibility before telling huge fucking lies. having spoken to other fellow highly effective liars on this very topic, they do much the same.

trust honest people no more than you trust liars, but never trust an addict.

>> No.54313580

do you think the arrest was fake?

>> No.54313606

You worship him. You're a pussy

>> No.54313679

>You worship him
Lets assume I do. What's you're problem with him? and lets not be jealous of his success like a real beta

>> No.54313719 [DELETED] 

I think this is probably the best argument against him... that he's a nigger, and hence being pushed from behind by the kikes. Because surely there are whites that could have done what he's done, but have no been pushed. Still his message is on point, im white and around his age and would talk exactly what he says about life... so to me it's lost there. Would be nice if he was white, but he would have never got the reach probably if he was white

>> No.54313743

I assume he's a PUA guy which is based. Other than that I know nothing

>> No.54314004

he's not a PUA lmao he thinks it's the most cucked shit EVER

>> No.54314021


here's tate telling you to fuck a tranny

how can you not think this guy is a psyops lmao

>> No.54314071

>What's you're problem with him? and lets not be jealous of his success like a real beta
Stop cock sucking. It's not manly. Anyways, main issue is he paints himself as an alpha. He's not. Like I said above, bets thing he did was scam his cock sucker audience into buying his MLM bullshit. Unethical, but in the same time his cuck audience deserves it. It's not that hard to be a man. Get money. Train your body. Simple as. You don't need some random ass influencer for that.

>> No.54314575

I wonder what he would do if he got out of jail. Im guessing he would GTFO of Romania. Would he still have an online presence?

>> No.54314591

absolute chad with a 9 inch dick, women obey him and hes rich and can knock out anyone, what a boss, i worship him

>> No.54314628

dysgenic glowfag who could never get laid in America.

>> No.54314704
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>> No.54314732
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>> No.54314774

maybe so but whos saying it some american niggress??? ew!

>> No.54314788

Scum bag who I’m happy is in jail and it’s funny it’s for trumped up charges

>> No.54314790

Bald fraud

>> No.54314798

Muslims/Arabs are cousins of jews. I'd argue they are even more predatory than kikes but are too stupid to get the same level of success as them. For whatever reason they're pretty good at smuggling/selling drugs and murdering people. Guess they are just a different flavor of kike. Anyone who partakes in selling drugs, murder, being predatory, is NOT of God, no matter how much they try to convince themselves that God needs them to do these things for some sort of "grand mission ". I feel like God probably does not like either group very much which is why God will give the antichrist the power to get those idiots to murder each other til the last one is cut down.
If those 2 groups were gone, most of the world's problems would disappear with them.

>> No.54314804

He's a Sagittarius so you can have some fun listening to him but never trust anything he tells you to do

>> No.54314824

Physiognomy is real and I am predisposed against anyone who looks like THAT.
Also he talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

>> No.54314948

Would you beat him in a fight though? Or even a chess money match? Doubt it

>> No.54315000

But can you beat him in a hot dog throating contest?? Probably not! That's because you're not a TOP G like him!!!!

>> No.54315025
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>> No.54315144

I think he's not white.

>> No.54315155

if you have no morals it's easy to make money. what's the real lesson there?

>> No.54316303
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>> No.54316312

All Muslims deserve the rope. Regardless of race caste creed ethnicity gender sex whatever the fuck. They're all zombies and zombies cannot be cured

>> No.54316357


>> No.54316368

>encouraged degeneracy
He encouraged making money and living in luxury exactly what this board preaches. Kill yourself poltard.

>> No.54316374

kek this is what i am now until i saw OP's gay thread.

>> No.54316375

t. Vile Schlomo

>> No.54316394

He made some good points but he wasn’t the right role model for men. He was also a likely MI6 media asset.

>> No.54316405

I have some respect for him given that he has the balls to get in the ring and risk getting knocked out, but other than that, I can't stand this guy. Hate the I'm a big shot alpha male I fuck all the girls and look at all the money I have bullshit.

>> No.54316422

>I could care less for him

Why are dumb people incapable of getting this phrase right?

>> No.54316443
File: 69 KB, 802x560, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing it. its time

>> No.54316507

You don't even need an adjective Abdul

>> No.54316533

Clearly an intelligent guy. Seems to have captured the attention of millions. However his message is ironic because he promotes a traditional lifestyle but leads absoltuely anything but. Hes a 35 year old camgirl manager who is unmarried and lives with his brother.

>> No.54316671
File: 172 KB, 537x463, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got tired of doing it