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File: 78 KB, 2938x295, Orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54310816 No.54310816 [Reply] [Original]

I needed to finish out this trade so I ended up just using market and getting a worse price.

>> No.54310838

Looks like it completed to me.
enjoy your 4.6k

>> No.54310852

Because you're a stupid bitch.

>> No.54310881

Yeah finally when I was forced to use market because it cancelled my order 4 times in a row.
>Making fun of someone for selling at a certain price
Thanks for the +2.18%. This is not my main bag it's my having fun swinging bag.

>> No.54310927
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Literally sniped the picobottom

>> No.54311370

what did you do to earn that much ARB?

>> No.54311383

I'm just swinging my airdrop

>> No.54311386

Namefaggot, you absolute deserved it.
now buy back in

>> No.54311398

it's 4.5k not like it's a massive amount are you reading that as 4.5m?
No sir.

>> No.54311452
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Deserved what? My profits? More likely to short rn btw, not rebuy.

>> No.54311487

>My profits
Every jeet got 10k yesterday now thinks they are fucking Leonardo Dicaprio, your "profits" will be dwindled down to nothing within a week
Now buy back in you stupid faggot.

>> No.54311512

nope i'm just dumb and didn't see all the canceled orders so i added them up

>> No.54311622

I am routinely buying and selling while watching the 1m and 5m charts. I will probably do this for another day or so and go back to doing it with bitcoin instead.

>> No.54311642

You should buy now retard it's about to bounce up.
Don't EVER trade off 1-5m candles should be 15m candles only it's what the whales do.

>> No.54311717

That timeframe is too long for a coin that came out yesterday. 1m is getting to the point where it's too short now, yes, but 5m is very useful still for a bit longer.

>> No.54311746

1 minute is understandable but shit gives me a panic attack. No wonder why everyone wants to wait 2 weeks.

>> No.54311764

Listen I'm giving you solid advice here.
Use bolnigger bands and RSI to have an idea of where the 15 min candle will move
99% of the time it follows this direct, if it's at the bottom of the band just buy, if it's at the top and breaking the band it will have 3 solid 15m candles then dump back to meet the RSI.
This is how you trade like the big boys.

>> No.54311801

BTC is at the bottom of its band likely will pump to meet the RSI like the bots always do.
Arb is about to touch it's RSI so if BTC pumps expect 1.44 again easily.
If it doesn't arbs gonna crab at 1.30

>> No.54311811

Cool thanks for the playbook. Idk how I am supposed to know you're one of the "big boys" though. For a mid-long term position it's at a good price and I have a separate bag for that. I am trying to take 1-2% trades within a 5-10 minute time period with this little amount I'm using.

>> No.54311832
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Breaking too, good call.

>> No.54311861

Do you have a telegram/discord/some way to chat? I need a crypto dad to guide me on trades. I can toss you a portion of profits on successful trades.

>> No.54312030

It's pretty simple when you realize how the games played unfortunatly it took some hard lessons to get there, I don't have a tg/discord but I made a protonmail just so we can keep in touch

I'd do it for profit mostly to see how well it could work, i've considered it but never given advice to people I didn't personally know, but I have been a TA oracle for some millionaires.

>> No.54312051

It's still a safe buy right here, BTC is going back up likely will slowly escalate till it breaks its next band, if arb rides the pump and the slower the pump the higher it goes.
unironically could easily hit 1.60 tonight with btc pumping.

>> No.54312081

Pajeets still on /biz/ I see

>> No.54312112

Was I wrong?
I'm white you idiot, I didn't speak to millionaires because I had shit skin, they tend to only listen to their own race because we can actually communicate.
He asked me for it, I wasn't even offering anything just talking in a thread and literally made the email after what he said.
Takes 5 seconds to make one.
Anyway I was going to say watch whales will try to push the candles in the direction they want right at the end of the 15 minute candle, so if it's going up rapidly then suddenly at 14 minutes it dumps hard know they are trying to push it down because they are accumulating, just hold tight 9 times out of 10 the next candle reverses because they are pricing people out to push it higher.

>> No.54312142

Hold tight whales pushing this candle down before it takes back off.

>> No.54312171

Your name is ranjesh
you live in Kolkata
your hands are brown
you shit on the streets
your breath smells like curry

>> No.54312192

You gotta switch ID's every post mobilefaggot?
I was born in the midwest, raised in a church ran by a south african pastor who owned a diamond mine.

You know nothing about me but my name translates to To be born, the protector of man, and hearthland ruler.

You can figure it out detective.

>> No.54312214

Tx man. Will reach out. He probably thinks we're the same guy. For some reason I run into that accusation often.

I usually over trade and lose everything but I've made grips of cash over and over through riding in others wake. Had pretty good luck randomly stumbling on a few people in the past. Got that vibe here.

>> No.54312216

I really hope you like the scientology newsletters i just signed you up to ;)

>> No.54312232

If I'm being focused I can give you autistic accurate decisions, I've made a lot and lost a lot, but only lost when making emotional decisions, you can easily trade alts and make big money if you're swinging especially the more BTC tumbles down.
Personally I'd have a substantial amount in reserve not for BTC but when BTC cracks again the percentage gains on alts will be 60-70% daily on some of them.

>> No.54312247

kek I was wondering why the fuck I got scientology emails on proton, I was about to post that I think proton might be owned by scientologists now.
that made me smile

>> No.54312262

Touching the 15 min RSI doesn't help BTC is going down, but if you haven't entered ARB this would be your chance.

>> No.54312292

I just got the hope and heart emails kek.
Sign away baby you're helping those companies pad their numbers.

>> No.54312295

He’s in a tiny crowded office with 15 other people that look exactly like him and one old fan for all of them to cool off with

>> No.54312322
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Please don't dox me ser.

>> No.54312357
File: 23 KB, 827x282, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC likely will hit it's bolnigger band, it's low currently every green candle up will push alts up slowly, the slower the better.
BTC goes up too quickly the dominance will go up and means alts will lag behind which typically means they crab.
next post picrel for arb

>> No.54312382
File: 18 KB, 561x324, 4185451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now ARB has hit it's RSI and stabilized out you can see the band, as BTC rises and arb continues to get buy pressure it's going to shoot up.
now when it shoots up past its bolnigger band it will likely get 3 solid green 15 min candles breaking out, this is when you sell, because the whales/bots will sell immediately to reach it's correct RSI but you can buy as soon as it touches and almost guarantee gains as it slowly works its way back up.
You can predict or get it close to where the RSI will land

>> No.54312414

Now BTC will likely be a green candle here, a thicker one likely which will push arb to 1.30

>> No.54312489

And here we go.

>> No.54312518

Does ARB have any chance to go to $2? Don’t understand how it went from $1.50 to $1.17 so quickly

>> No.54312533

If BTC rises slowly to 28.3k again it will be past 1.80

>> No.54312752

Opened a tiny 5x long here with $300. Worst case scenario I lose it and have to beat my wife until exhaustion.

>> No.54312853
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>> No.54312950

By wife I ment an empty salt and vinegar Pringles can with a sponge and inverted dish washing glove stuffed down it. You really think I'd waste money on a woman?

>> No.54312975

Smart man

>> No.54313113

here comes 3 15 min solid green candles

>> No.54313378


>> No.54313496

There once was a man from Mumbai
Whose shit would run right down his thigh
He came to 4chan
By evading a ban
And some tokens he wants you to buy

>> No.54313571
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Invalidation point?

>> No.54313666

Just whales pushing it down it's true values 1.30 so next breakout will push it past 1.40 give it 10 minutes.

>> No.54313973

Told ya.

>> No.54314042
File: 56 KB, 955x477, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told me? Where's 1.40? You made a pretty good pick but to know 1.40 is gonna happen tonight would be insane. I'm gambling on ur call rn, figured why not I wanted to buy anyway. Alr up 1k thank you for your service my friend.

>> No.54314054

Told you 1.30 is it's price give it some time fren, the 15 min chart doesn't lie to me.
The whales pushed it down but its going right up once it breaks the band it will rocket past 1.40 easily.

>> No.54314055

There's a chink in his undies smoking a cigarette in S.Korea. That is your counter party on all of your trades.

>> No.54314075

I'm a mutt chainsmoking cigarettes watching his plays.

>> No.54314097

yeah well you don't work for kucoin so you don't get to delay his withdrawal if he get's one over on you.

>> No.54314108

That I don't, all the whale buddies I know always said avoid kucoin it's a scam, but I suppose everythings a scam nowadays.

>> No.54314116

also, thanks you for you service, based mutt chainsmoker. I was a degen once too.

>> No.54314120
File: 94 KB, 1174x1200, 1679541322247184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kucoin tried to stop me from selling the picobottom earlier today, but I was too stubborn to take the hint. What does this mean, bros?

>> No.54314184

He was just busy opening another pack of smokes. Consider it luck.

>> No.54314200

kek I don't even know why I post/give advice anymore I don't even have any investments, I'm just stuck here like a fucking ghost chainsmoking, and give alpha to real posters which is few and far between now it seems.

>> No.54314237
File: 29 KB, 680x534, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit it looks like you got the pump past 1.30
well done, based chainsmoking anon

>> No.54314257

>few and far between
we always have been anon. All the tourists got wiped out by Celsius and FTX.

>> No.54314263

Least some of you faggots listened, I got hired by millionaires for calls, and they never listened just would tell me "damn" after the fact like man I'm not giving bad advice because I like to give bad advice, if I see something I saw something.
I just learned to not make calls using emotions and just simply logic, if I'm not thinking logically I don't make calls.

>> No.54314276

Keik trastara linguihos asampamd

>> No.54314278

There's still some other board spammers ruining this place, why I barely post unless I feel there's some validity to the post.
I came here shitposting OP but realized he wasn't just another one of these spamming niggers.

>> No.54314297

Lol people will always look back and think 'man i should have done x at y'
Like when bitcoin broke in the last cycle i had numerous friends and family like 'man if btc was ever 20k again id grab so many'

We hit 20k (even 17k) and none of them grabbed any

"oh well i want to see it rise a bit first before I get back in; seems a little unstable right now"

People without risk appetities ngmi

>> No.54314298

And ignore the push downs likely a whale trying to short/accumulate and is trying hard to prevent it from breaking out, give it a few hours if btc keeps rising they can't push it down longer.

>> No.54314310

I saved one millionaire from total decimation calling the 18k drop at 45k and he did listen, but could have made some easy easy plays for big money.

>> No.54314362

What are your thoughts on BTC's movements in the short-term?
What sort of indicators at the time lead you to believe btc would fall from 45k to 18k?

Always love when someone knowledgeable is willing to teach; appreciate you greatly chainsmoker-anon

>> No.54314400

Lots of tops signals, lots of euphoria here, lots of BTC and retarded hex maxis calling for 100k at 45k, the buying pressure was low, there was little to no support, I just looked at the charts and could see a staircase going down and never going up.
and it played out precisely as I predicted, I also got burnt in 2021 pretty hard to I learned from my mistakes, when to see instability in coins, when to check the volatility in coins.

BTC short term, doubt it breaks 30k, I called 30k at 22k here a few weeks back because of the bankrunning, problem is whales are sniping it at 29k and will continue to do so until it loses its stability then they will plunge it, maybe below ftx crash levels my gut/eye see's 13k, don't tell lil copo he might copy this post.

>> No.54314405
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More like cuckoin, my man, if you want a good exchange try using DexTools, KuCoin is literally cucking your bags there, a lot of gas and lots of bugs, change that shit for once

>> No.54314422

If BTC reaches 28.4k again and likely will by EOD tomorrow bet on arb hitting 1.80.
I'd sell though like I said whales are gonna keep sniping btc till it dies.

>> No.54314436

I spent 2 years raiding every ftx thread to post that the shit was a scam. I warned everyone that defi only works in a bull market and that Celsius, Bancor, and every other banker involved premine is a massive fucking scam. Maybe a few listened, regardless, my conscience is clear.

>> No.54314448

I wouldn't bother swinging arb right now because it's gonna green candle up 10-14 cents and fuck your profits.
take it from me I was a quick trade gambler who just a day or two of patience would have paid off.

It's gonna retest it's RSI while BTC crab at it's RSI.
Now I don't like this because btc pressure is slowing way down, why I said assume BTC hits its local top then sell arb and chill.

>> No.54314464

I put about 25k into blockfi then when they gave away "gave away" like 800 btc on accident I said fuck you I'm out, they tried to fight me on taking it out, didn't matter in the end I lost it all but not to one of those shitty companies, I avoided linkpool, bancor, celsius, gemini, nexo etc all screamed rugpull and FTX HA I knew alameda was here the whole time, fuck if I would have ever put a dime into that jews hands.

>> No.54314493

Well to be fair, I have jewish lawyer who is fantastic. But yeah, avoiding the obvious warning signals is always prudent in crypto.

>> No.54314504

Only lawyer to get is jewish, I had a italian lawyer absolute fucking nightmare.

>> No.54314513

what are your thoughts on the big difference in 15m / 1hr's SRSIs on ARB's chart? 15m has been topping 90+ for a bit now + the 1hr is starting to rise and currently sits at about 30

>> No.54314539

I don't really follow anything besides BB and RSI I find the rest can get too noisy for me to interpret with my autism correct, but lemme see the 1h chart, 1h looking like 1.50 is easily possibly today which if it hits like I said 1.80 is on the table.
Just heavily dependent on BTC right now.

If BTC goes all bets are off the table people will likely dump arb quick since it's new.

>> No.54314544
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>> No.54314559

>came into thread and posted

>> No.54314580

Jeets tend to rage whenever I post in threads, it distracts from there attention whoring because I tend to type pretty rapidly to people.

>> No.54314589

Tapping RSI just a fakeout will return to 1.30 quickly.

>> No.54314708

that scamwick to 1.25 whales are trying to shake people out just hold, they know the same shit I do expect probably more so since they can control the directions.

>> No.54314800

check the 4h
I think we'll see a reversal at midnight EST here

btc's looking primed too

seems like folks are finally realizing how little cash the FDIC has in it's fund

>> No.54314821
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The whales are in this thread with us they're reading your posts and inversing you - specifically you.

>> No.54314838

kek very possible this place is definitely overran with bad actors, I stopped posting my portfolio years ago because I swear FTX was counter trading people here on purpose.
Very likely each day more banks fail the more people realize there isn't any gold in fort knox.

>> No.54314891
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based schizoposter OP; tell me, what song do the whales sing when they get outmaneuvered by chainsmoker-anon?
The real question is are they keeping people from getting into fort knox; or keeping something from getting out? :thinking:

>> No.54314911
File: 1.45 MB, 608x1080, shit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometime i can not hold myself

>> No.54314942

Now that's what I call shitposting.
Probably nothing down there, likely sold the gold off ages ago.
Or they just keep radioactive/alien tech down there.

>> No.54314954

1.32 incoming, probably gonna be this slow boil up while these whales are swinging.
They know if it breaks out it will gain 10% within seconds.

>> No.54314988

Baby girl didn't even take her shorts or panties off. What a woman!

>> No.54315103

should I go long anon

>> No.54315160

delusional, I have a short at 1.28, this shit is going to continue to grind down slowly until around 30 cents.

>> No.54315164

Now would be the time.
go long hard if you can and hold strong to your caucus.

>> No.54315212
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>> No.54315229

Oof sorry buddy you opened a short when the rsi is literally 1.2795
Close it for your sake.

>> No.54315282

are you sure its not VWAP you're looking at and not RSI?

my RSI says 42.5 right now

Using TradingView on Binance atm

>> No.54315293
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Guess it could be the BB in the left corner, I'm a bit retarded but that orange line basically.

>> No.54315369

longed lets goo

>> No.54315395

Ygmi king.

>> No.54315488

what happens when we hit $1.32 anon

>> No.54315523

Likely a 10% pump, because btcs slowly going up alts will start gaining a lot more, and as it breaks the bollinger band it usually gains a quick jump up so 1.40 is my expectation by morning.

>> No.54315525

cup and handle forming nicely on the 15m

>> No.54315592

once your expectations are met, do you leave the long or close for profits?

>> No.54315658

FTX was scamwicking the fuck out of this board. SBF was such a fucking retard that taking his money was very easy.

>> No.54316211

you are the dumbset cunt. dont ever give financial advice again
no it isnt you fucking moron fuck all of you faggots