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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54309454 No.54309454 [Reply] [Original]

is this the future of crypto?

xrp is poised to take over the monetary system as well as mass adoption of tokenized stock
and flare is poised to take over the dapp and smart contract space

>> No.54309461

what other cryptos even come close to being able to compete with the low fees and fast settlement time both with the best wallets in all of crypto?

>> No.54309523

Yep, I've heard that every bank will go offline in about two more weeks and then Ethereum will be destroyed in a solar FLARE in two more two weeks. Trust the plan.

>> No.54309524

Shib and DOGE.

>> No.54309546

>100 billion supply with 5% inflation every year


>> No.54309552

Bunch of troons will say it’s outdated but don’t understand connections are more important than anything in this world. There were electric cars a century ago but it got suppressed and it wasn’t until a century later than a man with connections was allowed to spread the tech globally, same shit goes for so many products and platforms.
Even implying XRP is outdated is a retarded statement, the real description would be “simple.” XRP is so simple and perfect at what it does it makes retards seethe because they don’t understand why their redundant ERC20 proof of shit tokens aren’t worth what XRP is.

>> No.54309583

5% inflation from the current circulating supply you retard
That’s 5% of 12B

>> No.54309659

flare has lower TVL than most ghostchains
xrpee has a fee revenue of less than 300 bucks on average
2 dead projects

>> No.54309684

dead tech, dead alts
your one saving grace was a delusion that the "insiders" were going to adopt this obsolete pile of nigger shit, yet they're the ones tying it up with years of court cases.
nobody wants any of their tech, and they absolutely want nothing to do with their worthless coins.

>> No.54309702

if flare is not a scam I will eat my hat

>> No.54309816

this was just changed in a governance proposal
it's deflationary now

>> No.54309831

You got my 100 shares of #RIPPLE

>> No.54309895
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>> No.54309921

Flare will be absolutely useless for five more years while XRP does its thing.

>> No.54310314

do you think it fucking matters come the next bullrun?

>> No.54310323


>> No.54311740


>> No.54312773

>he thinks fees are good

>> No.54312911

no I am positive people will make money with it and many other things
I still don't think there will ever be a (fully) working product

>> No.54312944

add Chainlink and Everest and you've got it

>> No.54313688

What the fuck is flare?

>> No.54313835

flare connects every single blockchain together, it's the only one that has interoperability with all chains and EVMs
like eth if it was good with low fees

>> No.54313848

2 more weeks ripplesisters

>> No.54314220
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Too bad the clusterfuck of an airdrop they couldn't even handle destroyed their last bits of credibility after validators got fresh bags to dump on people

Tokenomics are shit and overall momentum is zero, no one is building there besides a few validators trying to keep the train going to avoid going back to wagecucking.

Even the Ripple execs were dissing them during the airdrop and couldn't be bothered to be associated with them lol. Never trust a french faggot holed up in dubai to "deliver" on a crypto project, he's there to dump on you with zero repercussions.

XRP on the other hand is solid, but fuck Flare.

>> No.54314315
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Crypto’s most disgusting kike. Of course /biz/ is shilling Xrp and it’s kike shitcoins because israel controls 4chan

>> No.54314329

Entire crypto is just kikes kiking because they all turned their backs to the real Satosh (creg)

>> No.54314529
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Nah, in fact, the future of crypto is HAMI, one of the best sushi DeFi on the market, you can't tell me that's not true since they had a 4x a few days ago, give it a try and then ping me

>> No.54314680

they're shilling because they're third world browns who think a coin with a sub dollar valuation can simply "go up more", despite xrp being almost entirely tapped out for potential new suckers as we saw in this bull market. everyone wants fresh new smart contract alts and "platforms", yield generating shitcoins, etc. ripple and xrp are a product of a time that brought us litecoin, a copy and paste of bitcoin, and the world is supposed to care about it. everyone's moved on.

>> No.54315900

>he doesn't know

>> No.54315932

>what other cryptos even come close to being able to compete with the low fees and fast settlement time both with the best wallets in all of crypto?
>Shib and DOGE

Read above two comments. If you want to make it, you buy a nice bag of ShiMask RIGHT NOW. I AM NOT KIDDING. ShiMask is Shibarium's wallet and is being developed by ETH devs in stealth.

>> No.54316703
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I bought this nft with doge on songbird the other day. Trustless crosschain transactions. Figure it out.

>> No.54316758

What can i say? I like his haircut

>> No.54317775

>A lot
Including sylo with partners with diff merchants spread across the glove to enable it's holders make non-contact payments using their crypto assets.

>> No.54317791

>Bunch of troons will say it’s outdated but don’t understand connections are more important than anything in this world.
Yep, not to mention the outdated meme is way exaggerated, XRP moves in like a second or something? Literally who would give a shit if another coin transfers like a half a second faster? XRP is more than fast enough for anyone to care.

>> No.54317983

i read this in timthetatmans voice

>> No.54318106

The only thing that makes flare *maybe* have a use is f-assets which the dev literally rugpulled the day the chain started but not before rugpulling the iou market and then changing the airdrop terms to enrichen themselves.

>> No.54318298

The thing with kikes is that when they pop out a genius, they really go all the way. DS is one of the smartest men to have ever lived. He will be remembered like Einstein. And make a trillion bucks along the way. You can hate the shekelgrubbers all you want, but you need to retain the ability to recognize greatness when it presents itself.
>Plus, jews switch identities all the time as it serves their needs. Just like the rest of humanity. Look at all off the 'gay' churches now. Its fucking ridiculous to even call them churches.... but here we are. Leave DS alone.

>> No.54319029

That tom t faggot literally admitted that the teams not shipping anything and you should be greatful for layercake and ftso both worthless. No f assets flr is a shitcoin with its tokenomics

>> No.54319304

If XRP gets clarity FLR will probably stay within 5-10% of XRP's price, on spec without f-assets. My guess.

>> No.54319357
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Yes fren
dont forget to grab an ape
the #1 blue chip nft on the XRPL
Devs are baysed

>> No.54319395
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Flare is a scam
Everyone on the FLR team runs a FTSO with millions of Votingpower. Literally unable to compete with them. While they dump on retail.

>> No.54319447

Low iq power faggot identified, nigga choke yourself asap. We can’t have literal retarded gay faggots in here

>> No.54319542

ICP but it's helping solve another problem of crypto